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-Caveat Lector-

The antiwar movement and the Iraqi resistance
Caneisha Mills, Socialism and Liberation

November 2004

The biggest obstacle to U.S. domination of Iraq and the Middle East has become 
the armed resistance
to the U.S. military occupation of Iraq. Unable to subjugate the resistance, 
U.S. plans to set up a
colonial puppet regime have fallen flat.

This fact has generated a growing discussion within the worldwide antiwar 
movement: What attitude
should opponents of the U.S. war take toward the Iraqi resistance?

I took part in this discussion during the July 31-August 1 Zenko National 
Assembly for Peace and
Democracy Conference in Tokyo, Japan, as a representative of the ANSWER (Act 
Now to Stop War and End
Racism) Coalition. Several hundred people from antiwar organizations from 
around the world took part
in that conference.

All organizations at the conference agreed the occupation should end 
immediately. But a debate broke
out over proposed language in the resolution supporting the "civil resistance" 
in Iraq. The
language-and the debate within the conference-counterposed the "civil 
resistance" of certain Iraqi
groups, like the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq and the Union of 
Unemployed in Iraq, to the
armed opposition. The armed opposition, the OWFI and UUI delegates argued, was 
led by "political
Islam" and should be opposed.

I spoke on behalf of the ANSWER Coalition and made the point that there are two 
sides in Iraq. On
the one side are those who are resisting occupation. On the other side are the 
occupation forces. I made the point that the global antiwar movement opposed 
the occupation of Iraq
and must support those who are resisting the occupation of their country. We 
should not put
conditions on our solidarity with the people of Iraq by insisting that the 
armed resistance must be
condemned. In fact, armed resistance, with all the suffering that goes along 
with it, is the
inevitable response by those who seek to reject the neocolonial takeover of 
their country.

For opponents of the U.S. war in Iraq, our attitude toward the Iraqi resistance 
is nothing less than
our attitude toward imperialism. The question is not about supporting this or 
that group or this or
that political perspective within the resistance forces. The armed resistance 
has been the major
force that has kept the occupiers from setting up a puppet government in Iraq.

Speaking in code

Various groups are traveling around the world claiming to speak on behalf of 
Iraq's working class.
Those who have gained the widest hearing so far, both in the global antiwar 
movement and in the big
business press, are those who in one way or another accept the legitimacy of 
the U.S. occupation.
Counterposed against the armed resistance, "civil resistance" becomes a code 
for acceptance of the
U.S. imperialist project and its puppet regime.

The most extreme example of this position is the one taken by the Iraqi 
Federation of Trade Unions,
another group touted as part of the "civil resistance." In October, IFTU 
delegates urged members of
the British Labor Party to welcome U.S. puppet "Prime Minister" Iyad Allawi and 
lobbied Labor trade
union affiliates to oppose a motion calling on British Prime Minister Tony 
Blair to set a date for
withdrawing British troops from Iraq. (Statement of the Stop the War Coalition, 
Oct. 11, 2004)

The UUI and the OWFI have a more disguised approach. They have gained a hearing 
within the world
antiwar movement based on their position of "two international terrorist camps 
represented by the
U.S.-led coalition and political Islam." (UUI's "Voice of Iraqi Workers," June 
6, 2004) By
portraying themselves as against both the U.S. occupation and the armed 
resistance, these groups
curry favor with the most vacillating elements within the antiwar movement.

While it is interesting and instructive to read these groups' political 
positions and statements,
the most important point for antiwar activists is the attitude these groups 
take in Iraq toward the
occupation forces. The IFTU, closely connected to the Iraqi Communist Party, 
supports the puppet
government, and ICP leaders took part in the U.S. "Provisional Authority." This 
is a far cry from
that party's historic role in the 1958 Iraqi anticolonial revolution.

The UUI's position is less obvious-and more dangerous-because they give lip 
service to opposing the
occupation forces. Their most prominent action was a sit-in staged by several 
hundred unemployed
workers in July 2003 demanding that the U.S.-backed administration provide jobs 
or $100 a month to
unemployed Iraqis.

Following that demonstration, a spokesperson of the Workers Communist Party of 
Iraq-the group to
which many leaders of the UUI and the OWFI belong-told the French News Agency 
"his party had been
given the green light by the United States to re-establish unions in several 
sectors such as
railways, oil and electricity." (AFP, Aug. 4, 2003)

The UUI supports increased reliance on U.S. aid to overcome social problems 
facing Iraqi workers.
"If the Americans can't provide us with jobs or money, it is possible that many 
people will soon
join the terrorist organizations," UUI lea der Qasim Hadi told Knight Ridder, 
Aug. 6, 2003.

A March 8 Washington Post report featured the UUI. That report revealed that 
the UUI seeks to act as
an intermediary for foreign aid organizations and local councils in 
distributing jobs and aid. This
goal is one of the explicitly stated goals on their website, along with the 
goal of being
"officially recognized by the U.S.A. civil administration as the representative 
of the unemployed
workers in Iraq."

In other words, the UUI's program accepts the central role of the U.S. military 
in providing jobs
and resources-resources contingent on the project of stabilizing a puppet Iraqi 
government. The UUI
and its allies are angling for a junior role in distributing these resources.

The Washington Post article also illustrated the UUI's political role in 
maintaining social order in
Iraq. "There's no peaceful solution," one unemployed Iraqi shouted at a UUI 
office, challenging UUI
leader Hadi's insistence on peaceful protests. "We have to use explosives. Only 
if we bomb the
Americans will they understand that we need jobs."

Armed struggle has mass support

That description provides a window into the social basis for armed resistance. 
Far from being the
work of narrow political sectors or "foreign terrorist groups," the Iraqi 
resistance represents wide
hatred for the U.S. occupiers and the determination of the Iraqis to drive out 
the occupation.

The UUI's characterization of the Iraqi resistance as "remnants of the Baath 
regime, nationalist,
and Islamic groups" mirrors the propaganda of the occupation forces. But the 
few glimpses that come
out through the Western big business press suggest that the Iraqi resistance 
has deeps roots within
the whole Iraqi population.

For example, a Sept. 24 New York Times article presents the account of Turkish 
journalist Zeynep
Turgul. Turgul and a Canadian were held captive by Iraqi resistance fighters 
for four days in
September. "Everywhere they were taken, she said, people appeared to help any 
one they thought was
part of the resistance."

Journalist Patrick Graham, writing in the June issue of Harper's Magazine, 
dispelled the notion
promoted by the UUI of an isolated resistance. "It became clear, from the talk 
of the men who
dropped by the house at night, that many in the village [of Fallujah] supported 
the attacks. This is
not what I had been reading in the newspapers outside Iraq, where the 
resistance had been
characterized as an unpopular and isolated gang of criminals, remnants of the 
Baath regime, and
foreign Islamic fighters."

By all accounts, there are a wide variety of forces carrying out armed 
organized resistance,
including both secular nationalist and Islamic elements. But none of these 
groups could gain a
hearing or carry out such bold and wide-ranging attacks without the support of 
a large sector of the

By aiding and abetting the U.S. occupation forces' demonization campaign 
against the Iraqi armed
resistance, the UUI and its allies isolate themselves from the broad masses of 
Iraqis who want to
drive out the imperialist armies. By seeking recognition from the U.S. 
occupiers and their puppets,
the UUI crosses the barricades, regardless of their left-sounding rhetoric.

Communists and national liberation

At the Zenko conference and at antiwar meetings and conferences around the 
world, UUI
representatives and their allies challenge anti-imperialists who refuse to take 
part in the
anti-resistance hysteria. During the Zenko debate, Yanar Mohammed of the OWFI 
asked: "Do you want
the Iraqi people to have a bright future or to live under a theocracy with no 
women's rights?"

This disingenuous argument aims to sow confusion in the progressive movement, 
which of course looks
forward to a "bright future" for Iraqi workers, women and men. It obscures the 
fact that when
"communist" groups like the Iraqi Communist Party or the Workers Communist 
Party of Iraq act as
collaborators, positioning themselves against the massive and growing movement 
to challenge the U.S.
occupation arms in hand, they discredit Marxism in the eyes of millions of 
Iraqis-at a time when
revolutionary Marxism is most urgently needed.

Over and over around the world, communists have shown their ability to lead 
struggles that lead to genuine social transformation in favor of the working 
class. Vietnamese
communists led by Ho Chi Minh led the struggle against French and U.S. 
imperialism in Indochina. Kim
Il Sung in Korea built the Workers Party in the struggle against Japanese 
occupation. Mao Tse-tung
and the Chinese Communist Party were able to lead the Chinese revolution 
because they were the most
resolute opponents of Japanese and then U.S. imperialism.

Iraqi communists have a proud tradition. They played an important role in 
leading the 1958 Iraqi
revolution as the largest political party opposing the U.S. and British-backed 
monarchy. Groups that
act as collaborators with the U.S. occupation, explicitly or implicitly, in the 
name of "communism"
or "workers' rights" do violence to that tradition. They strengthen the hand of 
political forces
that fight against imperialist occupation based on narrow or anti-working class 
Islamic ideologies.

The role of the antiwar movement

It is no surprise that groups like the UUI or the IFTU would be embraced by 
those sectors of the
antiwar movement in the U.S. that try to accommodate to the Democratic Party. 
These groups oppose
the tactics currently used by the U.S. government, but essentially they are 
only for a nicer,
gentler occupation. They wish to accomplish the same objectives only by 
slightly different means.

These are the sectors who waver in the demand for an immediate end to the 
occupation, supposedly in
the interests of the Iraqi people. They are the ones who wring their hands at 
the "chaos" that a
pullout of U.S. troops would cause. Instead of calling for "bringing the troops 
home now," they
promote "setting a date" for pulling out troops-presumably at a time when a 
puppet regime is in
place and stable.

The antiwar movement has a duty to lend its full support to the Iraqi people's 
struggle. Workers and
poor people here in the United States have more in common with the workers and 
poor in Iraq who are
resisting the occupation than with the U.S. government.

There are two sides in Iraq today: those who support the imperialist occupation 
and those who resist
it. We have a duty to stand with all those who resist imperialism.

Courtesy of Socialism and Liberation

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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