-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

The Black Commentator
Issue 113 - November 11, 2004

Rule by Theft - Reconstructing the Crime

Massive irregularities in the November 2 presidential
vote count "will probably lead to congressional
hearings in the Committee on the Judiciary," predicts
Rep. John Conyers, the committee's ranking Democrat and
longest sitting member of the Congressional Black
Caucus. If tampering is found, said the Detroit
lawmaker, "there will be prosecutions" under federal

Watergate first surfaced as a short, curious story
about a break-in at Democratic Party headquarters, in
the summer of 1972. A decidedly low-tech crime, the
Watergate conspiracy unraveled slowly as the Republican
malefactors turned on each other, finally leaving their
president naked to the world, disgraced. The Great Vote
Theft of 2004, on the other hand, was in part a series
of high-tech crimes against numbers - felonies designed
to leave no physical trace, but which are evident
through the patterns created by the perpetrators.
Squads of dedicated sleuths are on the case - some of
them at the top of their technical game - assembling
data to reveal tell-tale patterns of massive vote
fraud. There may soon be compelling circumstantial
evidence of how the crimes were committed and, by
deduction, the identity of the conspirators.

But first, Rep. Conyers and five congressional
colleagues have to make sure the evidence doesn't
disappear quicker than John Kerry's projected lead in
the exit polls. On November 8, Conyers wrote his second
letter to the U.S. Comptroller General, requesting that
the non-partisan General Accounting Office "immediately
undertake an investigation of the efficacy of voting
machines and new technologies used in the 2004
election, how election officials responded to
difficulties they encountered and what can we do in the
future to improve our election systems and
administration." Time is of the essence because "[t]
here is substantial concern that much of the primary
evidence needed to evaluate these allegations will not
be preserved without immediate action." Conyers fears
"this evidence can be moved or changed."

Joined by fellow CBC members Robert C. Scott (D-VA) and
Melvin Watt (D-NC), and Representatives Jerrold Nadler
(D-NY), Robert Wexler (D-FL) and Rush Holt (D-NJ),
Conyers pointed to the "more than 30,000 complaints"
registered at the Election Incident Reporting Service
(EIRS) and "265 specific complaints" listed at the
Voters Unite! site. "We continue to receive additional
reports every minute and will transmit additional
information as it becomes available," the legislators

Punk Press

The corporate media, who disavowed their own exit polls
when the numbers came out "wrong" (Kerry leading) on
Election Day, are institutionally invested in the
legitimacy of George Bush's presidency. "I was tipped
off by a person very high up in TV that the news has
been locked down tight, and there will be no TV
coverage of the real problems with voting on Nov. 2,"
wrote Bev Harris, head of Black Box Voting and veteran
mover-and-shaker on the dangers of electronic ballots.
"Even the journalists are pretty horrified. My source
said they've also been forbidden to talk about it even
on their own time, and he was calling from somewhere
else. He was trying to figure out how to get the real
news out on vote fraud. This is a person I've worked
with off and on for nearly two years, and the voice was
so somber it really bothered me."

Harris posted her online warning in the wee hours of
November 8. But later that day, the wall of corporate
media collaboration cracked a bit, when MSNBC Countdown
host Keith Olbermann presented 16 minutes of straight-
up reporting on a range of vote irregularities in Ohio,
Florida and elsewhere, capped by an interview with
Congressman Conyers. The real domestic Story of the
Century had "legs" - finally. If Conyers can expand and
maintain his congressional Coalition of the Unwilling
through to the hearings that he is entitled by rank to
conduct, even the craven corporate media will find it
difficult to dismiss the "conspiracy theorists."
Literally hundreds of reporters are aware in detail of
the real conspiracy - the late night decision to
validate the craziest election numbers in modern times
- and some of them have a conscience.

Conyers is compelled to go through the motions of
requesting help from the General Accounting Office,
which is obligated to assist the Congress in carrying
out its duties. However, the true engines of resistance
to Bush's crime accompli are the grassroots
investigators, technicians and numbers crunchers busily
in search of patterns of anomalies in the corrupted
election returns - numbers that should not be there -
and answers to how the tallies might have been
engineered. These are the people who will craft the
technical indictment against the Bush men. Bev Harris
is at the center of the rebellion. On Monday she
renewed her call for "lawyers, computer people,
statisticians" and "funds to pay for copies of the
evidence." For non-specialists, Harris has other

  "Discrepancies please, and hurry. E-mail them to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Pass the word. Need
  source documents, too. ASAP. Follow your nose, or
  join the Black Box Scavenger Hunt: Pick a county.
  Look at small counties, as we are seeing many
  discrepancies in those. Look in any state. Get the
  official number of registered voters, Dem and
  Republican. Get the number of votes cast on Nov. 2,
  Republican and Dem. Make a grid like this."

Harris is looking forward to putting Republicans in the
dock. "We are working now to compile the proof, based
not on soft evidence - red flags, exit polls - but core
documents obtained by Black Box Voting in the most
massive Freedom of Information action in history," she
wrote. There are "strong indications that both Florida
and Ohio would be flipped if election manipulations are
rolled back. Some indication that fraud may have
occurred in at least 30 states."

Power trumps exit polls

It may be possible to mortally wound the Bush
administration without "flipping" the election - a tall
order. If "at least 30 states" were subjected to GOP
fraud, then hundreds of individual operatives were
involved in the crimes. The more perpetrators, the
better the fishing. Untying one knot could cause the
whole conspiracy to unravel in a chaos of
recriminations and crime-compounding cover-ups.
Remember Watergate.

The networks, the "horse race" impresarios who fed the
public a daily campaign diet of dueling polls rather
than issues and facts, have disgraced themselves in
their eagerness to discredit the Mother of All
Political Surveys, the presidential exit polls. This is
their Electiongate, too. The aborted November 2 exit
poll finally engaged 150,000 real voters, face to face,
about a subject they cared enough about to show up for:
voting. The usual commercial poll involves 800 to 1500
respondents, drawn from the dwindling minority of
people who agree to speak to pollsters on the phone -
sometimes as few as 20 percent of those called.

(Black Commentator calculated that Kerry was penalized up to three
percentage points by flawed commercial polls in the
lead-up to the election, especially the Gallup Poll,
whose electoral model projected that Blacks would make
up only 7.5 percent of the turnout. Black participation
had hovered around 10 percent in the last two
presidential elections, and reached 11 percent in
2004.When the exit polls came in, we felt vindicated.)

Morally challenged but professionally competent former
Bill Clinton advisor Dick Morris got it right before
(like John Kerry) he got it wrong: "That an exit poll
is always right is an axiom of politics. It is easier
to assume that a compass is not pointing north than to
assume that an exit poll is incorrect. It takes a
deliberate act of fraud and bias to get an exit poll
wrong. Since the variables of whether or not a person
will actually vote are eliminated in exit polling, it
is like peeking at the answer before taking the test,"
said Morris, correctly. Then he flipped out. "But these
exit polls were wrong. And the fact that they were so
totally, disastrously wrong is a national scandal.
There should be a national investigation to unearth the
story behind the bias."

Amazing. Like the networks, Morris cannot acknowledge
the truth that is obvious to Black voters everywhere.
Since official returns must be right, he reasons, the
exit polls must have been rigged. Who was the puppeteer
of hundreds of exit pollsters at locations all across
the country? Dick Morris doesn't say. Because there is
nothing to say.

David Swanson, former spokesman for the Dennis Kucinich
presidential campaign and now media coordinator for the
AFL-CIO associated International Labor Communications
Association (ILCA), notes that

  "the exit polls were accurate within their margin
  of error in many states but were surprisingly far
  off in a number of swing states, and always off in
  the same direction, showing more support for Kerry
  than was found in the official counts. Warren
  Mitofsky, co-director of the National Election
  Pool, told the News Hour with Jim Lehrer that
  'Kerry was ahead in a number of states by margins
  that looked unreasonable to us.' Mitofsky
  speculated that perhaps more Kerry voters were
  willing to participate in the exit poll, but did
  not suggest any reason for that speculation other
  than the difference between the exit polls and the
  final counts."

As Swanson says, it's all "circular reasoning" - an
attempt to avoid the obvious, and all the more
maddeningly ironic since, by Dick Morris's reasoning,
Mitofsky is the guy best-placed to "rig" the exit polls
in Kerry's favor. Instead, he ordered them shut down,
for presidential choice purposes. Swanson's article
cites University of Pennsylvania Professor Steven F.
Freeman, whose November 9 study of the exit poll and
official tallies in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania
finds the figures totally incompatible. "The likelihood
of any two of these statistical anomalies occurring
together is in the order of one-in-a-million. The odds
of all three occurring together are 250 million to
one," the MIT Ph.D calculated. "As much as we can say
in social science that something is impossible, it is
impossible that the discrepancies between predicted and
actual vote counts in the three critical battleground
states of the 2004 election could have been due to
chance or random error."

Day-long Hell

Somebody's figures are bogus in all three states, and
for much of the nation at large. The conspirators are
the same people who, as crusading journalist Greg
Palast regularly documents, have made vote theft an
institutional crime - that is, Republicans (and others)
steal Black votes with such regularity through both
legal and informal means that their crime sprees have
grown to seem much like weather. (See "Kerry Won,"
TomPaine.com, November 4.) Count Every Vote 2004
documented hundreds of voting irregularities in seven
southern states, typically involving "faulty equipment
and sub-par facilities in some poor neighborhoods
[that] contributed to possible voter

The digital vote tricksters are the same people who
created a day-long Hell for voters in the mostly Black
Broward County, Florida precinct where Marsha Johnson,
an African American attorney from New York City, was
assigned as a voter protection volunteer:

  "I saw an incompetent poll clerk telling
  approximately 1 in every 5 registered voters (who
  voted at the very same polling place last year and
  who's voter registration cards indicated that they
  were at the correct polling site) that they had
   mysteriously been 'reassigned' to other sites but
  failing to tell them where to go, or worse, giving
  them incorrect information."

And so on, at thousands of locations, thefts of awesome
dimensions and howling arrogance - the humiliation of
African Americans in order to secure George Bush
another chance to destroy the planet.

Yet, in the continental insane asylum that (white)
Manifest Destiny has made of America, this is only
"soft" evidence of crime, as Bev Harris correctly notes
in her summons for a posse to corral the electronic
ballot stuffers and stealers. The "soft" crimes of 2000
were repeated with a vengeance in 2004, and there is no
reason to expect the system to respond any differently
this time around. Exit polls are "soft" too: they only
point us to the methodology of the criminal, who must
be ensnared in the provable act of ballot tampering - a
"hard" crime.

John Maxwell, the esteemed Jamaican activist, educator
and journalist, sees the United States much more
clearly from Kingston than ABC's Peter Jennings does
through his teleprompter. The U.S. corporate media got
whiplash disassociating themselves from their own very
expensive exit polls. Many lost their composure in
trying to acclimate to the new corporate line, that
voters had "swung" from Kerry to Bush in the latter
hours of Election Day - a totally counter-intuitive
proposition when considering that Black and poor folks
vote late. "But there was no swing," wrote Maxwell.
"According to one exit pollster, both candidates
retained 90 per cent of their party's 2000 voters. So
the swing came in the computers. In Florida people
complained that their votes were recorded for Bush
although they had voted for Kerry."

Hard evidence

On January 6, the United States Senate will once again
be called upon to say "Yes" or "No" to the verdict of
the Electoral College. Four years ago, as millions were
reminded in Michael Moore's movie, "Fahrenheit 9/11,"
20 members of the Congressional Black Caucus rose to
ask that at least one Senator raise his or her voice to
object to awarding Florida's stolen electoral votes to
George W. Bush. Not one Senator spoke up. Apparently,
the evidence was too "soft."

This year, the Bush men reached into the voting
machinery to alter the results of the election in a
large number of jurisdictions, apparently adding lots
more votes than they subtracted. The Republican
operatives and their handlers need to do "hard" time,
and be forced to trade in their co-conspirators up and
down the line, like other criminals. The patterns and
sources of the Great Vote Theft of 2004 may well be
discerned in the coming weeks. No hand is truly unseen.

Richard Nixon didn't personally plan the Watergate
break-in - his subordinates did. However, two years of
lying about the crime so thoroughly discredited Tricky
Dick that he found it necessary to resign. We at Black
Commentator doubt that George Bush knew the details of
his henchmen's high- and low-tech election crime wave
- why would anybody tell that fool anything? - and we
would be surprised if the evidence pattern reveals enough
purloined votes to reverse the results of November 2.
But fixing elections is a crime, and covering up a
crime is a bigger felony, as Nixon's crew discovered.
If Conyers and Bev Harris and squadrons of citizens run
their show right, we may at least look forward to four
years of a once-again "illegitimate" Bush presidency.
With luck, we might even send Karl Rove to prison.

At any rate, it will be good to have the hounds yelping
at the "master's" heels, for a change.

Next week: Black relations with the Democratic Party
are at a turning point, but not towards the GOP.




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