-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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--- Begin Message --- -Caveat Lector-
 Rick Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]...>
Date:  Sat Nov 20, 2004  1:11 am
Subject:  MSNBC reports America under attack (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:01:38 EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: MSNBC reports America under attack

Bay Village - 13,710 registered voters / 18,663 ballots cast
Beachwood - 9,943 registered voters / 13,939 ballots cast
Bedford - 9,942 registered voters / 14,465 ballots cast
Bedford Heights - 8,142 registered voters / 13,512 ballots cast
Brooklyn - 8,016 registered voters / 12,303 ballots cast
Brooklyn Heights - 1,144 registered voters / 1,869 ballots cast
Chagrin Falls Village - 3,557 registered voters / 4,860 ballots cast
Cuyahoga Heights - 570 registered voters / 1,382 ballots cast
Fairview Park - 13,342 registered voters / 18,472 ballots cast
Highland Hills Village - 760 registered voters / 8,822 ballots cast
Independence - 5,735 registered voters / 6,226 ballots cast
Mayfield Village - 2,764 registered voters / 3,145 ballots cast
Middleburg Heights - 12,173 registered voters / 14,854 ballots cast
Moreland Hills Village - 2,990 registered voters / 4,616 ballots cast
North Olmstead - 25,794 registered voters / 25,887 ballots cast
Olmstead Falls - 6,538 registered voters / 7,328 ballots cast
Pepper Pike - 5,131 registered voters / 6,479 ballots cast
Rocky River - 16,600 registered voters / 20,070 ballots cast
Solon (WD6) - 2,292 registered voters / 4,300 ballots cast
South Euclid - 16,902 registered voters / 16,917 ballots cast
Strongsville (WD3) - 7,806 registered voters / 12,108 ballots cast
University Heights - 10,072 registered voters / 11,982 ballots cast
Valley View Village - 1,787 registered voters / 3,409 ballots cast
Warrensville Heights - 10,562 registered voters / 15,039 ballots cast
Woodmere Village - 558 registered voters / 8,854 ballots cast
Bedford (CSD) - 22,777 registered voters / 27,856 ballots cast
Independence (LSD) - 5,735 registered voters / 6,226 ballots cast
Orange (CSD) - 11,640 registered voters / 22,931 ballots cast
Warrensville (CSD) - 12,218 registered voters / 15,822 ballots cast
MSNBC - The best reporting by far in the mainstream media has been by
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann. Both on TV and on his blog, Mr. Olbermann is asking
serious questions. He is even asking why other major media aren't reporting
many of these sensational stories. His most excellent blog gives continual
updates of recent developments in the elections scandals. Here are a few key
quotes from three of the entries there:
Nov. 7, 6:55 p.m. "Officials in Warren County, Ohio, "locked down" its
administration building to prevent anybody from observing the vote
count there....Emergency Services Director Frank Young explained that he had
been advised by the federal government to implement the measures for the sake of
Homeland Security." "The majority of the media has yet to touch the other
stories of Ohio (the amazing Bush Times Ten voting machine in Gahanna) or huge margins for Bush in Florida counties in which registered Democrats outnumber registered
Republicans 2-1."
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6210240 (scroll down to find this date and
time in the blog)
Nov. 9, 12:55 a.m. "....the remarkable results out of Cuyahoga County,

In 29 precincts there, the County's website shows, we had the most
unexpected results in years: more votes than voters. I'll repeat that: more votes
than voters. 93,000 more votes than voters." (more on this below)
November 10, 12:43 p.m. "The computerized balloting in North Carolina
is so thoroughly messed up that all state-wide voting may be thrown out and a
second election day scheduled."
WOWT/NBC (Nebraska) - "Sarpy County election officials are trying to
figure out how they ended up with more votes than voters in the general

Sarpy County borrowed the election equipment from Omaha-based Election
Systems & Software. Its employees operated the machines that are now
double-checking the ballots. No one is sure exactly what went wrong."
Sun Journal - A North Carolina newspaper reports that "a systems
software glitch in Craven County's electronic voting equipment is being blamed
for a vote miscount that ... swelled the number of votes for president here by
11,283 more votes than the total number cast."
Associated Press/USA Today - "There were also several dozen voters in
six states who said the wrong candidates appeared on their touch-screen
machine's checkout screen."
Palm Beach Post (Florida) - "Early Thursday, as Broward County
elections officials wrapped up after a long day of canvassing votes, something
unusual caught their eye. Tallies should go up as more votes are counted.
That's simple math. But in some races, the numbers had gone . . . down. Officials
found the software used in Broward can handle only 32,000 votes per precinct.
After that, the system starts counting backward."
New York Times - In mid-August 2003, Walden W. O'Dell, the chief
executive of Diebold, wrote a letter inviting 100 wealthy friends to a fund-raiser
at his home in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. He wrote, "I am committed to
helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." A longtime
Republican, he is a member of President Bush's "Rangers and Pioneers,''
an elite group of loyalists who have raised at least $100,000 each for the 2004 race.
Through Diebold Election Systems, Mr. O'Dell's company is among the country's
biggest suppliers of paperless, touch-screen voting machines.
http://www.WantToknow.info/031109nytimes (article became pay for view
shortly after elections)
Project Censored (Excellent university website exposing media
cover-ups): "ES&S, Diebold, and Sequoia are the companies primarily involved in
implementing the new, often faulty, technology at voting stations throughout the

All three have strong ties to the Bush Administration along with major
defense contractors in the United States. Some of the most generous
contributors to Republican campaigns are also some of the largest investors in ES&S,
Sequoia, and Diebold. Most notable of these are government defense contractors
Northrup-Grumman, Lockheed-Martin, Electronic Data Systems."
USA Today - The three companies that certify the nation's voting technologies
operate in secrecy, and refuse to discuss flaws in the machines to be used by
nearly one in three voters in November. Federal regulators have virtually no
oversight over testing of the technology. Michael Shamos, a Carnegie Mellon
computer scientist and electronic voting expert, told lawmakers in Washington,
D.C. "I find it grotesque that an organization charged with such a heavy
responsibility feels no obligation to explain to anyone what it is doing." The
system for "testing and certifying voting equipment in this country is not only
broken, but is virtually nonexistent," Shamos added.
Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Board of Elections Website - 29 precincts in
Cuyahoga County, Ohio, reported votes cast above the number of registered voters
- 93,136 extra votes total. And the numbers are on the official Cuyahoga County
Board of Elections website below. To verify the discrepancies, first look at the
number of registered voters for the below precincts, then scroll down to the
number of ballots cast for the precinct. In particular, compare the numbers for
the precincts listed below.
Bay Village - 13,710 registered voters / 18,663 ballots cast
Beachwood - 9,943 registered voters / 13,939 ballots cast
Bedford - 9,942 registered voters / 14,465 ballots cast
Bedford Heights - 8,142 registered voters / 13,512 ballots cast
Brooklyn - 8,016 registered voters / 12,303 ballots cast
Brooklyn Heights - 1,144 registered voters / 1,869 ballots cast
Chagrin Falls Village - 3,557 registered voters / 4,860 ballots cast
Cuyahoga Heights - 570 registered voters / 1,382 ballots cast
Fairview Park - 13,342 registered voters / 18,472 ballots cast
Highland Hills Village - 760 registered voters / 8,822 ballots cast
Independence - 5,735 registered voters / 6,226 ballots cast
Mayfield Village - 2,764 registered voters / 3,145 ballots cast
Middleburg Heights - 12,173 registered voters / 14,854 ballots cast
Moreland Hills Village - 2,990 registered voters / 4,616 ballots cast
North Olmstead - 25,794 registered voters / 25,887 ballots cast
Olmstead Falls - 6,538 registered voters / 7,328 ballots cast
Pepper Pike - 5,131 registered voters / 6,479 ballots cast
Rocky River - 16,600 registered voters / 20,070 ballots cast
Solon (WD6) - 2,292 registered voters / 4,300 ballots cast
South Euclid - 16,902 registered voters / 16,917 ballots cast
Strongsville (WD3) - 7,806 registered voters / 12,108 ballots cast
University Heights - 10,072 registered voters / 11,982 ballots cast
Valley View Village - 1,787 registered voters / 3,409 ballots cast
Warrensville Heights - 10,562 registered voters / 15,039 ballots cast
Woodmere Village - 558 registered voters / 8,854 ballots cast
Bedford (CSD) - 22,777 registered voters / 27,856 ballots cast
Independence (LSD) - 5,735 registered voters / 6,226 ballots cast
Orange (CSD) - 11,640 registered voters / 22,931 ballots cast
Warrensville (CSD) - 12,218 registered voters / 15,822 ballots cast
Michigan City News-Dispatch - In LaPorte County, Indiana, a Democratic
stronghold, electronic voting machines decided that each precinct only
had 300 voters. "At about 7 p.m. Tuesday," according to this report, "it was
noticed that the first two or three printouts from individual precinct reports all
listed an identical number of voters. Each precinct was listed as having 300
registered voters. That means the total number of voters for the county would be
22,200, although there are more than 79,000 registered voters."
http://www.wanttoknow.info/041104newsdispatch (article became pay for
view shortly after elections)
Common Dreams (excellent news website) - In Florida's counties using
results from optically scanned paper ballots - fed into a central tabulator PC
and thus vulnerable to hacking - the results seem to contain substantial

In Baker County, for example, with 12,887 registered voters, 69.3% of
them Democrats and 24.3% of them Republicans, the vote was only 2,180 for
Kerry and 7,738 for Bush, the opposite of what is seen everywhere else in the
country where registered Democrats largely voted for Kerry. In Dixie County, with
4,988 registered voters, 77.5% of them Democrats and a mere 15% registered as
Republicans, only 1,959 people voted for Kerry, but 4,433 voted for Bush. The pattern
repeats over and over again - but only in the counties where optical scanners
were used.
Popular Mechanics - A team of former National Security Agency (NSA)
computer experts conducted a weeklong exercise with six Diebold machines and a
server. According to team leader Michael Wertheimer, the group uncovered
"considerable security risks." They found that the smart cards used to provide
supervisors with access to the machines could be easily hacked; the removable media
containing voting information was protected by flimsy locks that the
team picked in under a minute using bent paper clips. The paper clips weren't even
necessary, since all 32,000 keys supplied by Diebold for the machines are
identical, allowing any key to open all of the machines. On the software side, the
most glaring weakness was in election headquarters servers: Dell PCs ran the
Windows 2000 operating system without Microsoft's security upgrade patches,
which left servers susceptible to viruses and worms, enabling a remote attacker to
tamper with election systems by phone."
 (pg 3 of 4 webpages)
Popular Science - In South Carolina, officials bought machines too late
for adequate testing. And on many of their onscreen ballots, the
presidential contest included names of candidates from local elections. Several
Texas counties are thousands of votes short because a bug in the software failed to
record  Spanish-language ballots. For hundreds of thousands of votes, there
will be no paper record at all. In Colorado, a group of hackers is boasting that
they stole a box of electronic smartcards used to activate e-voting machines and
reprogrammed them to allow multiple votes, just for fun. In virtually
every state, officials failed to invite outside technical experts to participate in
the process of e-voting machine selection. Because none of the major
vendors of e-voting machines release their code for security testing, states and
counties are forced to trust vendors' own assessments of their machines'

(3 web pages)
House of Representatives Website - Representatives John Conyers,
Jerrold Nadler, and Robert Wexler, members of the House Judiciary Committee,
posted a letter on November 5th to David Walker, Comptroller General of the U.S.
The letter reads as follows: "We write with an urgent request that the Government
Accountability Office immediately undertake an investigation of the
efficacy of voting machines and new technologies used in the 2004 election, how
election officials responded to difficulties they encountered and what we can do
in the future to improve our election systems and administration."
What You Can Do. For starters, you can email your support to the above
three members of Congress at
There are also two excellent petitions demanding an investigation which you can sign on the Internet. The first already had 26,000 signatures as of 4:00 p.m. November 11th. The second, posted by MoveOn.org doesn't list numbers who have signed, though their membership numbers nearly 3 million.
In addition to these petitions, visit websites covering the elections mess.

They provide ideas on other actions you can take. Two of the best such websites are:
We also highly recommend the excellent 30-minute documentary available
for free viewing at http://www.votergate.tv/ though they are having
problems because of the extremely high number of people wanting to watch this incredible documentary. And if you haven't seen our first posting on this topic,
take a look at http://www.wanttoknow.info/electronicvoting  It is well worth
For reliable, verifiable information on other major cover-ups which
directly affect our democracy, see www.WantToKnow.info The WantToKnow.info team
is a group of dedicated researchers from around the world who are deeply
committed to revealing critical information being hidden from the public, and to
designing ways that we can work together to build a brighter future for us, for
our children, and for our world. To join our mailing list (one email every
two days on average), send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Together, we can
and will make a difference. Please help to spread this important news by sending
this important information to your friends and colleagues.
With very best wishes, Fred Burks for the WantToKnow.info team
Your donations, however large or small, help greatly to support this
important work.
Explore these empowering websites coordinated by Fred:

www.momentoflove.org - Every person in the world has a heart

www.WantToKnow.info - Revealing major cover-ups & working together for
a better world

www.gcforall.org - Building a Global Community for All

www.weboflove.org - Strengthening the Web of Love that interconnects us
all  Together, we are creating a new paradigm of love and cooperation on

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That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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