-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----

November 2004 -

USraeli UKRAINE Coup in its Last Phase – HURRAY, HURRAY!

Part II

The Ukraine coup overpasses all imaginable limits!

A horde of USA poodles – puppets – bootlickers from European Union (Solana) and the neighboring countries (Poland, Lithuania) rushed to Kiev spurred on by their Ugly Master!

There are representative of the wide range of servants The Ugly Master works on for years.

Here is Solana – one of the European Killers of Yugoslavia.

Kvashnevski, that Polish spittle, is trotting there too.

And the Lithuanian USA Servant of a president has also clicked most obediently heels.

The administrative buildings are not seized anymore, it seems. The coordinated provocation has reached its aim: the horde of USA poodles – puppets – bootlickers poured into Kiev almost immediately after it happened.

The still acting (?) Ukraine President, Leonid Kuchma, explained on the TV Inter just that – the buildings were blocked and seized to provoke their coming here.

Now “negotiations” are under way at a “round table” (I feel like puking!), Yushchenko and Yanukovic are there plus all the other local and foreign Players – and the cards are delivered!

Q. What are the so-called “elections” about?

If a President of a country can be pointed out and appointed by “negotiations” orchestrated by a pack of poodles from abroad, then –


Allow me some gloating.

For years on a run I have written and talked about the true nature of the USA so-called “democratic” elections, the Globo Democratizers are forcing on all the people round the world to legitimize their killing and pillaging.

Could there be a greater DISCREDITATION of THEIR PLAY AT ELECTIONS than what is going on in Ukraine now?

Could a person right in the head and with all his senses in place take a part in any of their elections after the Ukraine Elections in November 2004 – and the typical for the developments afterwards?

Developments, typical for the era of the New Colonization.

Other news:

The Special Forces appeared briefly in the streets of Kiev, then packed and withdrew. Conflicting orders.

People from all Ukraine demand from the acting (?) government to put a stop of the disorder.

Kuchma is only writhing and doing nothing.

Yanukovic keeps repeating he will follow the law – he will do nothing unlawful – bla, bla, bla.

Yanukovic is still an acting (?) Premier and a part of his responsibilities is the public order and the security of the Ukraine people.

By doing a Big Great Nothing together with Kuchma, the acting (?) President, they both break their vow and engagements to their people!

Yanukovic is behaving UNLAWFULLY for several days already!


He is NOT a leader, NEITHER a fighter. He is totally blocked, incapable to take any decisions, baffled like an old lady in a busy street. US Coup Planners could calmly change from Yushchenko to Yanukovic – the only one better than an easily blocked and manipulated into total inaction president is only a Servant for a president.

They want and insist on the Servant.

Apparently the dislike the idea to spend energy for the regular need of tempering and adjusting the other one.

Eastern and Southern Ukraine where people voted mainly for Yanukovic the Law Lover (which law?) declared they would get out of Ukraine, will create an autonomous region or directly join Russia. Words.

Yushchenko of USA/CIA/NED etc. also talks about law. He repeats like a blocked robot (maybe he is one!) that the government should not use any force against his street army of YOUNG FOOLS, IGNORANTS, SHREWD FELLOWS and STRAITFORWARD H-A-T-E-R-S of their country and people. No violence of any kind on the part of the government.

Violence is his Drugged Street Army prerogative.

Note: The USA robots can break the law, use violence, kill if estimated as necessary – the other, victimized side, has no right to do the same, protecting itself and its encroached territory! If they start resisting – or even simply raise instinctively a hand to their bruised faces, they are called “terrorists” on the instant!

How very damned convenient indeed!

It seems that Kuchma and Yanukovic are more concerned with not to be classified as “terrorists” than with the security of their people and state NOW, and the future of their people and state afterwards.


Poor Ukrainians. No true leaders at this crucial time, only vultures – foreign and local – grinding their knives for the Ukrainian land and riches.

TV Inter entertained us with endless talks between representatives of both sides to prove how very impartial they are.

Yushchenko people (represented by one of the highly paid singers who scream non-stop in front of the Yushchenko Artmy since Sunday – unkempt, slovenly young man) talk about

  • broken “rights” - and hence broken hearts because of the broken rights, la-la;

  • truth: they are Sacred Warriors for the Sacred Truth

  • goodness: Can’t you see the goodness radiating from the young faces under the orange flags?

“Rights” – “Hearts” - “Truth” – “Goodness” – you see the carefully calculated manipulation aimed at the mass listener, don’t you?

If you are an informed person, here is the time for a puking pause.

(A Short Lyrical Derviation:

It is a detail but I am tempted to say a word about the young woman singer representing Yanukovic’ people, Taisia was the name, I think.

She was a remarkable beauty.

Now, don’t say I am biased. She was a natural, real, radiating beauty who demonstrated intelligence, character, sense of humor and integrity. When I come acroos such women, I feel very sorry for men in general.)

From the talk between MP representing the two sides again, it became clear that legally the situation is in a blind alley.

The Central Electorial Commission has officially announced the results and it seems there is no legislature body with a legal right to annul that announcement.

After their long talk on the possible legal opportunities for “crisis solution”, they both came to the conclusion that such opportunity do NOT exist.

When Yanukovic man asked his opponent for any suggestions, he – on the top of his white hair! – had shamelessly started to bleat about

“Rights” – “Hearts” - “Truth” – “Goodness”!

At that point, I confess to you, I had a good, roaring laugh.

Now, there is something curious: why they have stopped short of carrying the coup in the old, well rehearsed way, that has proved so easily successful in

  • Sofia, 1997;

  • Belgrade 2000, and

  • Tbilissi 2003?

You deliver to the drugged crowds and CIA/NED paid thugs around the parliament some trucks full of snowballs thickly armoured with nails plus easy to handle stones – as they did in Sofia in that February of 1997.

Or you find some Idiot of a Mayor from the nearby villages – like that one of the village of Cacak near Belgrade - to climb the village buldozer, crowd it with the village and CIA’s Otpor thugs and roar all the way to the parliament building among fearful screams – as they did in Belgrade.

You set the parliament buildings on fire – as they did in Sofia, Belgrade, Tbilissi.

Then storm the parliament, give a good beating to the MP you find there – and the poewr is yours.

Excuse me – and deliver the power in your country to the USA Globo Killer, Globo Destroyer - Globo Master!

Because some unclear reasons this time they abstain from following that well-trodden path.

Maybe because they are afraid that Eastern and Southern Ukraine will really declare independence from Kiev and join Russia?

It seems the agony of Ukraine will be long and excruciating.

Here come the wise sayings!

A Bulgarian saying: “With their stones – onto their heads!”

Napoleon: “In war and politics the lost moments never return.”

Tolstoi: “The battle is won by the one who had firmly decided to win.”

Chinese: “The powerful General has no weak solders.”

(Tomorrow there will be more for you – an undemocratic (!!!) promise which means that it will be fulfilled!)

It’s time for my slogans!

WAR IS OUR MOTHER! (Alexander Dugin)


Long live the Chinese Government of 1990!

I bow to the ground to all of them!

They risked – and they WON. WE ALL WON. Because now there is - STILL! –

a tiny sparkle of hope for all of us, the victims.

Hope with the name of CHINA!…

Blagovesta Doncheva

The Balkans


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