-Caveat Lector- also has Red Cross Finds Detainee Abuse in Guantánamo

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Minister orders new Deepcut review  Mark Oliver 11/30/04 "The armed forces minister, Adam Ingram, today announced an independent review into allegations of ritual humiliation, bullying and sexual abuse at the army's notorious Deepcut training barracks.Mr Ingram stopped short of announcing a full public inquiry, which had been called for by the families of the four young recruits who died from gunshout wounds at the barracks, in Surrey, between 1995 and 2002."  Http://www.guardian.co.uk/military/story/0,11816,1362960,00.html

Police list 100 Deepcut abuse claims  Richard Norton-Taylor 11/30/04 "Detailed allegations of ritual humiliation and sexual abuse of women soldiers at the army's most notorious training camp, the Deepcut barracks, are disclosed in confidential documents leaked yesterday. The documents describe how one female private recalled "how she was made to run around the parade ground naked whilst wearing a belt with mess tins attached to it".  Another soldier said she was forced to get out of the shower "naked and wet" and made to go on parade with other soldiers in mid-January.  More than 100 allegations, which also include rape, indecent assault and degrading treatment, are listed in a report drawn up by Surrey police during their investigation into the deaths of four recruits at the training camp."  http://www.guardian.co.uk/military/story/0,11816,1362600,00.html

Lawyer Alleges Abuse in N.J. School's Past  11/29/04 By Angela Delli Santi, Trenton, N.J.  "Child sex abuse was once so pervasive at a prestigious Princeton music school that administrators who raped and sodomized male boarding students thought the molestation was part of producing a world-class choir, a lawyer for one former student told the state Supreme Court Monday. American Boychoir School should be liable for the flagrant and unchecked abuse of boys entrusted to its care, attorney Lawrence Lessig said." http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=519&ncid=720&e=10&u=/ap/20041130/ap_on_re_us/choir_school

article has graphic descriptions of crimes. Babysitting way to recruit victims, Montreal dad tells child-porn chat lines 11/30/04 Ross Marowits  - Montreal (CP) - Babysitting can be used as an opportunity to lure young children into sex, a man accused of sexually assaulting his daughter and spreading juvenile pornography on the Internet bragged during chat room conversations....Provincial police arrested the father of four and another Montreal-area man on Dec. 9, 2002, as part of an international investigation launched by Swiss police.  Charges were also laid against nearly 20 people in Norway, France and Belgium." http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/cpress/20041130/ca_pr_on_na/crime_child_porn

Oakland Seminary Housing Sex Offender Priests 11/28/04 "In all the controversy over child abuse by Catholic priests, one issue really has not been explored. What does the church do with priests who've molested children? Where do they go? The ABC7 I-Team has a disturbing answer for people living in an upscale Oakland neighborhood. The I-Team has learned that one order of priests has decided to place its sex offenders at a seminary in Oakland. And, church officials haven't told the neighbors or the schools nearby. If you attend one of the daily services at St. Albert's seminary in the Rockridge neighborhood, you probably wouldn't expect to be sitting next to several sex offenders. But, that's often the case. The Dominican Order of Catholic Priests has decided to send its members who've abused children across the western United States to live at St. Albert's." http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/news/iteam/112804_iteam_seminary.html

and http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/120104X.shtml
Rumsfeld Sued for Alleged War Crimes  
"Alleging responsibility for war crimes and torture at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison, a human rights group has filed a criminal complaint in Germany against US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other top US officials.  The New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and Berlin's Republican Lawyers' Association said they and five Iraqi citizens mistreated by US soldiers were seeking a probe by German federal prosecutors of leading US policymakers. They said they had chosen Germany because of its Code of Crimes Against International Law, introduced in 2002, which grants German courts universal jurisdiction in cases involving war crimes or crimes against humanity. It also makes military or civilian commanders who fail to prevent their subordinates from committing such acts liable..."

Red Cross Finds Detainee Abuse in Guantánamo   By Neil A. Lewis   The New York Times
  Tuesday 30 November 2004
  WASHINGTON - The International Committee of the Red Cross has charged in confidential reports to the United States government that the American military has intentionally used psychological and sometimes physical coercion "tantamount to torture" on prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.   The finding that the handling of prisoners detained and interrogated at Guantánamo amounted to torture came after a visit by a Red Cross inspection team that spent most of last June in Guantánamo.   The team of humanitarian workers, which included experienced medical personnel, also asserted that some doctors and other medical workers at Guantánamo were participating in planning for interrogations, in what the report called "a flagrant violation of medical ethics."

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