-Caveat Lector-

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World War Three Set To Start In July - Nostradamus

CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - World War Three will start in July in the
Balkans, last seven months and end in victory for the U.S.-led North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, according to a new analysis of 16th
century French seer Nostradamus.

"He is clear it will start before the end of the century during the
period of Cancer which is between June 22 and July 23, and in a
triangle bordered by Greece, Italy and Turkey, which is the
Balkans," University of Stellenbosch Professor of Political Science
Willie Breytenbach told Reuters Monday.

"I have to emphasize I am a skeptic. I am an academic who was bored
on a Sunday. But what I found was so chilling that I put pen to
paper," he added.

NATO allies have been bombing targets in Serbia for more than a
month in a so-far abortive effort to force Serbian President
Slobodan Milosevic to stop expelling the ethnic Albanian majority in
the Serbian province of Kosovo.

The air campaign has triggered angry responses from Russia, caused a
biblical exodus of refugees from Kosovo and forced the allies to
contemplate sending in ground forces.

Breytenbach said he found references to the conflict in 18 of the
950 quatrains written by Michel de Notre Dame in 1555 which have
been found to refer to the fire of London, Louis Pasteur and Adolf
Hitler among others.

"In one quatrain he mentions the Slav people. He also mentions war
in the mountains which, taken with what we know and the talk of land
forces, all gelled," he added.

One of the quatrains also mentions a "tyrant" whose name begins
with "M," which could refer to Milosevic.

Another notes that the Serbs will "change their prince," which
Breytenbach took to be a reference to the possible overthrow of the
Serb leader.

In another verse there is a reference to three years and seven
months of peace before the war.

"I suddenly noticed that the Dayton peace accord was signed on
November 21, 1995. Adding three years and seven months to that
brings us to the end of June 1999," Breytenbach said.

The Dayton peace accord, to which Milosevic was a signatory, finally
ended the conflict in Bosnia.

Breytenbach said Nostradamus made several references to the fact
that Greece would be involved in the conflict and that there would
be bloodshed in Turkey. There is also mention of the involvement of

There are references to the Alus, which Breytenbach took to refer to
the NATO allies in which the United States is the dominant force,
and the Mabus which he said could refer to Macedonia, Montenegro,
Albania, Bosnia and Serbia.

"He, Nostradamus, is quite clear the war will last seven months and
the ultimate victor will have been born on American soil,"
Breytenbach said.


"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God" - Thomas Jefferson

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