-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-
Mystery envelope may hold key to father's doorstep shooting

Key points
• Bank manager Alistair Wilson, 30, was shot after opening door to a stranger
• Police confirm that he was handed mystery envelope shortly before murder
• Northern Constabulary still to establish motive for murder

Key quote
"We have still not established a motive. I don’t know why Alistair was killed. We are scrutinising closely the scenario that presents itself and enlisting the assistance of experts to analyse that type of thing." - PETER MCPHEE, NORTHERN CONSTABULARY

Story in full THE contents of an envelope handed to banker Alistair Wilson before he was gunned down on his doorstep could hold the key to his murder.

Police say they have not yet established a motive for the shooting of the father of two who was killed - hitman-style - by a lone gunman using an automatic handgun.

Special investigators are examining the financial dealings of Mr Wilson, 30, a new-business manager with the Bank of Scotland in Inverness, and say he may have been the victim of a business grudge.

Officers are also looking at the strange sequence of events which led up to Mr Wilson’s death outside his home in Crescent Road on Sunday evening shortly after he and his wife put their sons, aged four and two, to bed.

Detective Chief Inspector Peter MacPhee of Northern Constabulary said the gunman, wearing a dark blouson jacket and dark baseball cap, first spoke to Mr Wilson’s wife, Veronica, and asked for her husband by name. That appears to have ruled out a case of mistaken identity.

When Mr Wilson came to the door he was handed the envelope, blue or green in colour, and returned inside for a short time and spoke to his wife before returning to the door and his uninvited caller. Shortly afterwards he was shot twice in the head and once in the body.

The gunman, described as stocky, clean-shaven and aged 35-40, then made off towards the Links area in the town and the envelope has not been found. It is believed he took it with him.

Mr MacPhee said the envelope was not opened by Mr or Mrs Wilson and its contents were unknown.

However, it could be vital to solving the case, with questions about whether it contained money, or a demand for money, other information or documents relating to Mr Wilson’s professional career.

He was due to finish working for the Bank of Scotland this Friday, before going into business on his own.

Mr MacPhee would say only: "We don’t know why [Mr Wilson] came back into the house with the envelope or why he went back out.

"There was a conversation between Alistair and Veronica when he first came back into the house, details of which I can’t disclose just now.

"But he then took the decision to go back outside and while he was outside Veronica heard three bangs and found him injured on the doorstep."

He said Mrs Wilson did not recognise the gunman and it appeared that her husband did not either.

However, a high priority is being given to his business connections to see if they can throw up any clue to the killing. "It will form a significant part of our investigations," said Mr MacPhee.

He added: "We have still not established a motive. I don’t know why Alistair was killed. We are scrutinising closely the scenario that presents itself and enlisting the assistance of experts to analyse that type of thing."

Detective Superintendent Gordon Urquhart, head of the force’s CID, again appealed for help in solving the killing: "Anything and everything that people can give us might help to solve this terrible crime. Anything that they know about Mr Wilson, any antagonism towards him, whatever.

"We are going to be taking Mr Wilson’s life to bits to be honest and looking into his background and his work."

As the hunt for the gunman went on yesterday police officers continued house-to-house inquiries in Nairn and their search of a large sealed-off area between Mr Wilson’s house and the beach.

Members of the team were also searching gardens and buildings, while the contents of drains in streets near the scene of the shooting were also examined.
Police, pictured combing Nairn beach near Inverness, are searching the area near Mr Wilson’s home in Nairn, in the search for clues to his killing.
Murdered banker's son saw his father dying


THE four-year-old son of murdered banker Alistair Wilson saw his father dying on their doorstep after being gunned down by a killer who has yet to be found.

Andrew Wilson and his younger brother Graham, two, had just been put to bed by their parents on Sunday evening when the gunman came to their door in Crescent Road, Nairn.

Mr Wilson’s wife, Veronica, answered the door to the murderer, who asked for her husband by name. She returned inside but then heard three shots.

She ran out to find Mr Wilson, 30, with wounds to this head and body from which he died soon afterwards.

The couple’s eldest son heard her screams and followed her downstairs to see his father lying on the steps in a pool of blood.

Last night, Northern Constabulary refused to discuss that aspect of the incident.

Detective Chief Inspector Peter MacPhee said: "I will not answer any questions on the children."

But other police sources confirmed the boy had witnessed the horrific scene. One said: "It is true that Andrew saw his father lying in the doorway. It must have been terrible for him."

DCI MacPhee said the public has responded well to appeals for help to catch the killer but urged others to come forward.

"This is a horrific and callous crime, which has left a widow and two young children without a father just a few weeks before Christmas.

"I am confident someone must know the killer or at least have their suspicions.

"They may even know of a dispute between someone and Mr Wilson. These are the types of things we need to know about to help us establish a motive and capture a killer. Wittingly or unwittingly, someone must be harbouring a killer."

Mrs Wilson, 33, and her children are being kept at a secret location with a police liaison officer and, it is believed, armed protection amid fears for her safety while the gunman is still on the loose.

Mrs Wilson, who is not a suspect in the case, continues to give vital information to police.

Her husband was shot after being handed a blue or green coloured envelope by the gunman. The envelope, which was brought into the house by Mr Wilson and shown to his wife before he returned to the mystery caller, was not opened and has now disappeared with the killer, a stocky man aged 35-40 wearing a dark blouson jacket and baseball cap.

He was last seen escaping towards the Links area of the town.

Mrs Wilson’s father, Ronald Macdonald, was also inside the house at the time but police say that he neither saw nor heard anything.

DCI MacPhee said: "[Mrs Wilson] is bearing up remarkably well. Following the trauma of Sunday night there was only limited information we were able to get from her, but as the days go on we are able to get more information which is of great assistance to us.

"As time goes on, more and more will come back to her. That process is working very well but we have to be very sensitive," he said.

He dismissed reports that Mrs Wilson was seen in a hotel opposite her house shortly before the gunman appeared: "As far as I’m aware we have no information whatsoever that Mrs Wilson was outside her house immediately prior to the shooting."

Meanwhile, friends and colleagues of Mr Wilson have been unable to give police any clues as to why the quiet family man should have been targeted by a gunman.

Officers have interviewed more than 100 individuals since the shooting without establishing a clear motive for his apparently cold-blooded killing.

The new business manager with the Bank of Scotland in Inverness has been described as quiet and unassuming and someone who would avoid confrontation at all costs.

However, police have not ruled out the possibility that his killing could have been the result of a business grudge.

DCI MacPhee said a lifestyle survey is being carried out to examine Mr Wilson’s personal and business activities.

He added: "We are very much in the information-gathering stage and at the moment it has not thrown up anything startling.

"We have no exact lines of inquiry which lead us directly to the identity of the killer at this stage. There is no specific motive presenting itself to me, but it’s still early days."


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