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¡°BONES-eye-tour¡± of American imperialism, 1833-1985, follow 6 key Skull & Bones families

One nation, under bones, with bigotry and injustice by Bones. --- A review of only 6 Bones families is more than enough to cause enough shock: Cheney, Bush, Walker, Lovett, Brown, & Harriman families, only a handful of the multi-generational families in Skull and Bones, picked to demonstrate how different levels of familial integration, sponsorship, and power is exercized SYNARCHICALLY --- Learn about SYNARCHY below. --- Plus, a list of 415 intergenerational Skull and Bones families--first time ever collated as a web reference tool, each family showing their scale of Bones penetration (or, vice versa, Bones penetration of the families...) --- This is a more detailed analysis of Skull and Bones [see original article/book review at: SKULL AND BONES, 1832-1985, the full list of 15, each year revealed, who has the rest?


 http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/08/294253.shtml ]




"Don't worry, we're covering it up as best as we know how."
recommended book, reviewed at the above link
recommended book, reviewed at the above link


Bonesmen: Politicians as Death Worshipping

-- This is drawn from the original information Antony Sutton used for his 'outing' books on Skull and Bones: actually once totally secret membership rosters. Since 1985, such information has only been available secondhand via Sutton's sifting of xeroxed evidence of black-leatherbound books--one for living and one for dead members. However, in 2003, raw data is now finally published in Fleshing Out Skull and Bones (2003). It helps understand developmentally the United States has been turned into a boneyard due to the endless graveyard shift of Skull and Bones. Food for thought.

------ And this is for you historians out there, who read this or have this passed to you. This is a personal challenge to your discipline particularly "American" historians out there. What aspects of American history are left after you deal with the Skull and Bones issue? After you deal with the drug trades? The oil? The eugenics sponsorship? (A Skull and Bonesman was even 'assistant' to eugenicist Supreme Court Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes.). With Hitler & USSR sponsorships? Furthermore, just to pique the historians interest, did you know that your precious American History Association was founded by a Skull and Bones member? So was the American Psychological Association.

One nation, under bones, with bigotry and injustice by Bones: Review of only 6 Bones families and what they do

Take a "Bones-eye-tour" of American imperialism.

This is the story of the Cheney, Bush, Walker, Lovett, Brown and Harriman families, all multi-generational families in Skull and Bones, from data assembled in leaked membership rosters of Skull and Bones, mostly 1833-1985¡ªthough with some other years after this penciled in as well.

First a wider view of Skull and Bones before we get to these 6 and their version of America. There are approximately 415 different intergenerational families in Skull and Bones, over the period 1833-1985. However, the main families are approximately 15:

The 15 families in Skull and Bones with 10+ Members (over 1833-1985, with occasional later years available)

The remaining members over this period are individuals with only one instance of their names. However, they for this rationale would hardly be without concern particularly if they were married to a Skull and Bones family daughter. Another interesting point is that middle names of many Skull and Bones members are surnames of a select few of the other major families in Skull and Bones, almost like a 'sign to those in the know' of their co-lineages. Other future research will categorize these middle names with surname connections, seeing what clusters are there between 'inner' and 'outer' Bones family groups. Above, we have only a record of surnames without middle name connections. The surname/middle name issue I imagine would be highly enlightening to find how many associated 'smaller' families, via their middle name, are sporting a potential blood-Bones connection to the major families of Skull and Bones. So, let's get into the more detailed discussion of the 6 families. These six provide a case example of presumably how other 'inner' and 'outer' Bones families may work together¡ªand work each other.


Oh, Skull and Bones, you say? Sure they are powerful, though come on, how powerful have they been. Surely it is hardly worth mentioning. Some may contend that they simply were making use of their networks for their own private profit, capitalizing on the accidental flow of history as some would interpret it. However, it goes farther than that. They are involved in setting up historical contexts in which they can profit, and designing social situations for protecting and orchestrating their activities. This means mass social manipulation in addition to their private profit in certain developmental directions. And the developmental directions that Bonesmen are associated with are to put it mildly inhumanly manipulative and even vicious.
These developmental directions are all monopolistic and subsidy based, state-managerial, environmentally degradative, and coldly analytical without a regard to human rights¡ªas opposed to private market relations, local communities, health concerns, quality of life issues, and democratic input on priorities. So, to disprove the more benign statement, the following short browse of these families will help people to grasp how America works in practice. We will only look at five of these families because they are germane to present federal politics in the United States as THE MAJOR FAMILIES in U.S. politics. Second, we will be looking at this sample because they are historically important in the 'exaltation' of Skull and Bones over and against the workings of the U.S. Constitution both on the state and federal levels whether in day to day management or long range planning and they build their own institutions that are contrary to democratic and/or Constitutional principles. That it happens to be Skull and Bones throughout on major (almost all) developmental pathways that the U.S. has taken institutionally is hardly to be taken lightly or coincidentally.

You can see how 9-11-01 was "just another boring day at the office" for Bonesman instead of something odd. They have been involved in all artificial wars of America, Inc., for quite some while: as war profiteers, illicit drug traders, psyops, and elite military officers protected from the guns themselves though in charge of directing the processes, aims, and priorities of war. In other words this is going to take you on a "Bones-eye-tour" of America and American imperialism where hard work, meritocracy, and even democracy are abstract concepts laughable to Bonesmen 'patriarchs' (as they call themselves). However, with a nod-and-a-wink, they have been using these more plebian ideas to hide the way they actually have been working on adapting institutions to their benefit to destroy hard work, democracy and meritocracy¡ªto coup all power for their benefit.

See how blithely they have been pulling off stunning war crimes for over a century! The United States requires some serious reforms. A 'deBoning' is in order. A total destruction and total disbanding of the Skull and Bones organization, its buildings, its (somehow incredulously 'non-profit') trust fund, and its little private island would be a major start instead of a minor caveat. We all have been manipulated by Bonesman, for several generations running.

We will look at Cheney, Bush, Walker, Lovett, Brown, and Harriman families in that order.

I. Cheney family

10 Cheney 1892 1892 1896 1898 1900 1901 1901 1904 1922 1958

Before 9-11-01, George W. Bush visited his 'alma mater' (actually his boneyard) Yale University and gave a snotty juvenile speech that was coated with contempt for education than praise for it. There was one part of the speech where Bonesman Bush intoned, and I paraphrase: "Well, I suppose the difference between Cheney and myself is that I went to Yale. I became President (sic). Cheney went somewhere else and only got to be Vice President." Substitute the word 'Yale' for 'Skull and Bones' and it would be closer to the truth.

Just to make his actual subtext known to the world Bush was caught¡ª-in full educational robe and regalia¡ª-making a devil's hand sign into the audience. He had a very cold, sticky smirk on his face, as he knowingly looked down into the audience. Assuredly, other Bonesmen who were making similar signs at him or had attracted his attention. The Cheney family has been one of these Skull and Bones blood brothers.

The Cheney family is hardly one of the foundational occult political families of the United States in the strict sense of the term 'foundation' and even in the limited sense of looking in the Skull and Bones memberships from 1833-1985 (with some scattered later ones) that appear in the book Fleshing out Skull and Bones (2003). However, in a wider sense of the word foundation from almost as soon as the ink on the parchment of the Constitution was dry, the organization of Skull and Bones becomes a coterie of preeminent actual "Founding Fathers" and powershakers of the United States. One caveat about Skull and Bones. If data allowed, it would be important to look into the other Yale secret societies that were founded a generation after Skull and Bones (Wolf's Head, Scroll and Key, Book and Snake) to create a fuller picture. These have the same type of iconography and symbolism as Skull and Bones¡ªand likely very similar rituals. It is likely that these are hardly 'competitive' societies amongst themselves. This is because (in)famous Scroll and Key members for example work equally well with Bones when in power from the few cases known. Until other disgruntled Yale patriots actually expose these other societies, and are interested in dismantling those as well, we only have Skull and Bones memberships to analyze. It's damning enough. It is already clear even with only the Skull and Bones list, it is an astoundingly full roster of major political figures, political directions, institutional administration, and crony families all intertwined just slightly off stage and just slightly above the plebes¡ªsuspended there always involved in governmental contracts throughout the history of the United States. More and more they are coming into the white hot light of the media and television because they have almost done away with any competition. The Bones/Bones '04 'election choice' between Bush and Kerry¡ªwhere they both have a history of covering up for each other, is a perfect example.

Though there are a huge number of Cheney's in Skull and Bones, they are hardly foundational to the organization. They are however foundational to American imperialism. The Cheney family achieved positional power during the run up to the more militant American imperialism of the 1890s. They seemed to have been involved in all wars of the period, from the little attempts to invade Mexico to stealing Cuba from the Spanish in the Spanish-American war. The latter was organized by a similar fake P.R. campaign of yellow journalism very similar to the run up for attacking Afghanistan and Iraq¡ªwhich benefited the Cheneys there as well. In the Spanish-American war, similar to the Afghanistan media spectacle, 'sudden terrorism' destroyed symbols of American power and sovereignty. In this case, it was the USS Maine sitting in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The U.S. claimed the Spanish completely out the blue decided to fire upon it. However, divers later found that there was an internal explosion that was likely set intentionally in the coal bin. This planned explosion of course coincided with Hearst newspaper reporters who had already been sent there waiting for the 'self-hit' state terror action. "You provide the pictures, I'll provide the war," Hearst told his underlings. Iraq and Afghanistan is simply the same manipulative lie as the Spanish-American war. It seems Cheney's family members were physically involved in the "Rough Riders" that ran up San Juan Hill led by Ted Roosevelt, who was taking time off from covering up his family's drug operations in New York City. They protected themselves by sending mostly defenseless Black Americans up San Juan Hill before the white NYC plutocrats that made up Roosevelts "Rough Riders", telling the Black Americans that unless they marched up that hill, they would be killed by Roosevelt instead. The "Americans" (actually the Roosevelt family) won the hill. The Roosevelt family by the way has been involved in Cuban sugar mills since the early 1700s, before there was even a United States.

Anyway, I believe you can see commonalities. It has been over 100 years of the same boring strategy of "they attacked us!" which has been used over and over by these war criminals when it was actually state terror arranged by the U.S. whether we look at the Spanish-American war, the provocation on the Lusitania (which Churchill and FDR¡ªboth either close to or directly administrative heads of their respective countries navies at the time) made sure that this ship carrying Americans was unprotected so the blood could be splashed across newspapers in the United States. These newspapers of course just like the Hearst/Cuba operation had previously been bought up by the Morgan cartel to organize the war propagandizing. Morgan came to own around 25% of print media just before WWI with the aims of more than guiding public opinion¡ªit was the aim to create it in certain directions. Next of course was the we-made-sure-it-happened 'attack' on Pearl Harbor which killed a hell of a lot of people for more blood for the newspaper presses; the next Korean 'conflict' (provoked by Allen Dulles and co-conspirators; Dulles arrives in South Korea the day before the South provoked the North to attack); then the Vietnam 'conflict' (the Gulf of Tonkin lie similar to the USS Maine lie, similar to the Pearl Harbor lie); to the lies of the 1993 WTC bombing, where FBI provided the bombs to the patsy mark; to the 1995 Murrah Building where internal government planted bombs were only partially successful (and so they were quickly removed¡ªsee the amazing footage reproduced in the Alex Jones film 9-11: The Road to Tyranny which is available free on the web); to the lies of Afghanistan in 2001 (the lie that Osama bin Laden had something to do with the state terror internal demolitions of the WTCs, the attempt to ignore a 2 hour NORAD national stand down of automatic responses that were arranged on that day so the rest of the state terror could occur, or the internal cordite bombs and radio controlled missile/jet that struck the Pentagon¡ªonly of course on the single mostly empty and the only single reinforced side of course that was scheduled to be completed and ready by September 2001); to the lies of Iraq in 2003 (without any danger to the U.S. at all, so the court appointed Bush league of operators pre-emptively attacked a mostly defenseless country¡ªsimilar to Poland in 1939, which was the same pre-emptive strategy that Germany was guilty of in WWII.
In short, America's public official history is one long elite lie to its people on exactly how evil and deviantly cruel these elites are and how organized is their mass manipulation machine. None of the 'military actions' the United States has conducted for 100 years have been 'real', they have been staged provocations with the aims of expanding an American empire to where in 2004 the military budget of the federal government takes well over HALF of the total taxes of the country. The Cheney family has been in the thick of these developments from pre-emptive beginnings in 1898 to the pre-emptive present of 2003's attack on Iraq. They have been war profiteers throughout. They have been (or would have all been) Skull and Bones throughout, if the present Dick Cheney would have stayed at Yale.

From the chart above, note that almost all Cheney family picks in the record get into Skull and Bones from the small period of 1892-1922. However, a huge number have laid in the coffin with someone naked during that time. Such a huge number of them quickly catapulted them into the top 15 or so families that have a record of at least 10 or more of their surnames appearing in the roster.

As mentioned above:

The 15 families in Skull and Bones with 10+ Members (over 1833-1985, with occasional later years available)

15 Smith
15 Walker
13 Allen
13 Brown
12 Clark
12 White
11 Day
11 Johnson
11 Jones
11 Miller
11 Stewart
11 Thompson
10 Cheney
10 Taft
11 Williams

And the Cheney family only begins in 1892. So let's give the detailed evidence from the short blurbs available in the book for all the Cheney Skull and Bones dates. Then we will do the same for the other families. All are Skull and Bones as they would appear to other Bones members thumbing through their leatherbound membership books, looking for a useful contact, or looking for edification in the 'accomplishments' of the dead in transforming the United States slowly into a managerial society where power is exercised without regards to human rights. As said above, the developmental directions that Bonesmen are associated with are to put it mildly inhumanly manipulative and even vicious. These developmental directions are all monopolistic and subsidy based, state-managerial, environmentally degradative, and coldly analytical without a regard to human rights¡ª-and totally opposed and interested in destroying private market relations, local communities, health concerns, quality of life issues, and democratic input on priorities.

Cheney Family

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