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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Boston Globe
December 3, 2004

Escaping Blame for Abu Ghraib

By Derrick Z. Jackson

Soldiers face jail. Commanders get 15-gun salutes.
Soldiers are pilloried. White House officials are
promoted. The cost of hypocrisy in the billowing prison
abuse scandal has not mattered much up to now. Tomorrow
we might care a lot more. The next victim of the
hypocrisy could be you or me.

This week there was a hearing for Lynndie England, the
soldier who became the face of Abu Ghraib for two
photos, one in which she held a naked Iraqi prisoner by
a leash and a second in which she smiled while pointing
at the genitals of another detainee.

Her lawyers want the photos thrown out as evidence,
saying she was pressured to pose for them by superior
officers. Lawyers for the Army, of course, deny this.
If England is convicted, she could get up to 38 years
in prison. Another hearing was scheduled this week for
three soldiers accused of smothering an Iraqi general
to death in an interrogation. They may get life behind

Superiors dream of adding stars to their bars.
Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, the commander in
Iraq during the abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison,
returned to his base in Germany in October to a 15-gun
salute. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz praised
Sanchez on behalf of President Bush and Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for his "courage, his
perseverance, and his concern for his troops." Sanchez
was passed over for one possible four-star promotion in
the wake of Abu Ghraib. But the Los Angeles Times
reported later in October that Rumsfeld and Richard
Meyers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, still
want to make him a four-star general despite Army
reports indicating that Sanchez approved of
controversial interrogation tactics and did not move
quickly to halt abuse.

While England remains the face of Abu Ghraib, reports
keep coming out that her superiors were warned earlier
than previously thought that widespread abuse existed
beyond Abu Ghraib. The Washington Post reported this
week that a report by retired Colonel Stuart Harrington
found that Special Operations and CIA task force
members abused Iraqi prisoners throughout that nation
in secret facilities. The report found that the US
military sweeps of thousands of people off the streets
were so indiscriminate that they were
"counterproductive to the coalition's efforts to win
the cooperation of the Iraqi citizenry."

This is on top of the New York Times report this week
on Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The Times obtained a
confidential Red Cross report issued in July that cited
extensive physical and psychological abuse. The report
said, "The construction of such a system, whose stated
purpose is the production of intelligence, cannot be
considered other than an intentional system of cruel,
unusual, and degrading treatment and a form of

The White House and the Defense Department, of course
deny this. Meanwhile, Major General Geoffrey Miller,
the head of Guantanamo Bay from October 2002 until
April this year, who advised Abu Ghraib how to treat
prisoners, has been shuffled to a new job in the
Pentagon to help run housing at Army bases. Rumsfeld
and Wolfowitz remain in their jobs. National security
adviser Condoleezza Rice has been nominated by Bush to
be the next secretary of state.

Last and not least, there is Alberto Gonzales, Bush's
pick to replace John Ashcroft as attorney general.
Gonzales is the White House counsel who advised Bush
that alleged Taliban and Al Qaeda prisoners can be held
outside the Geneva Convention on the treatment of
prisoners on war. Gonzales said the war on terror is
such a "new kind of war" that the need to quickly
obtain information renders "obsolete" and "quaint"
Geneva's strict limitations on questioning of enemy
prisoners and providing them commissary privileges.

Gonzales wrote to Bush that by declaring such prisoners
to be outside the reach of the Geneva Conventions, it
would eliminate "any argument regarding the need for
case-by-case determinations of POW status." Such a
declaration, Gonzales wrote, "substantially reduces the
threat of domestic criminal prosecution under the War
Crimes Act."

Translated, Gonzales and Bush used the war on terror to
justify the United States being a law unto itself.
Lynndie England may get nearly four decades in jail.
Alberto Gonzales is about to get four years to rewrite
our laws. If England is the face of abuse, Gonzales is
the hidden hand. If he becomes attorney general, you
should not be shocked if new abuses of civil liberties
occur in your school, your library, perhaps even in
your home.

Derrick Z. Jackson's e-mail address is

(c) Copyright 2004 The New York Times Company



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