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-Caveat Lector-

Halliburton Iraq Contracts Now Worth over $10 Billion
Henry A. Waxman, t r u t h o u t

Rep. Henry A. Waxman Ranking Minority Member
Committee on Government Reform U.S. House of Representatives
December 9, 2004

Fact Sheet
Halliburton's Iraq Contracts Now Worth over $10 Billion

The value of Halliburton's Iraq contracts has crossed the $10 billion 
threshold. Halliburton has now
received $8.3 billion in Iraq work under its LOGCAP troop support contract and 
$2.5 billion under
its no-bid Restore Iraqi Oil (RIO) contract, a total of $10.8 billion.

The mounting value of the contracts has been accompanied by a growing list of 
concerns about
Halliburton's performance. Over the last year, government auditors have issued 
at least nine reports
criticizing Halliburton's Iraq work, and there are multiple criminal 
investigations into
overcharging and kickbacks involving Halliburton's contracts. Former 
Halliburton employees have
testified before Congress about egregious instances of over billing. Despite 
these concerns, the
Bush Administration continues to reject the recommendations of its auditors 
that 15% of
Halliburton's LOGCAP reimbursements be withheld until the company can provide 
better substantiation
for its charges.

Value of the Contracts

Halliburton has several major contracts in Iraq. The largest, called the 
Logistics Civil
Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), is a cost-plus contract to provide support 
services to the troops. As
of December 2, 2004, the value of Halliburton's Iraq task orders under LOGCAP 
was $8.26 billion. (1)

The second largest Halliburton contract is the cost-plus RIO contract to 
restore and operate Iraq's
oil infrastructure, which Halliburton was awarded on a no-bid basis in March 
2003. The value of the
work Halliburton performed under this contract is $2.51 billion. (2)

The combined value of these two contracts is $10.77 billion. This is 
significantly more than any
other contractor has been awarded in Iraq. For example, the maximum value of 
Bechtel's Iraq
infrastructure contracts is $2.8 billion. Halliburton will reap profits of 
between $133 million and
$424 million on its two contracts. (3)

The actual value of Halliburton's Iraq contracts is likely higher than $10.77 
billion. In January
2004, Halliburton received a follow-on oil contract for southern Iraq worth up 
to $1.2 billion. The
Administration has not disclosed the value of the work given to Halliburton 
under this contract.

Investigations and Audits

At the same time that the value of Halliburton's contracts is increasing, 
auditors are finding
extensive problems with Halliburton's billings, and criminal investigations of 
Halliburton and its
employees continue.

Auditors from the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), the Government 
Accountability Office (GAO),
and the Coalition Provisional Authority Inspector General (CPA IG) have 
repeatedly and consistently
criticized multiple aspects of Halliburton's activities in Iraq. In nine 
different reports, these
government auditors have found widespread, systemic problems with almost every 
aspect of
Halliburton's work in Iraq, from cost estimation and billing systems to cost 
control and subcontract

Key findings from these audits include the following:

* In December 2003, a DCAA draft audit reported that Halliburton overcharged 
the Defense Department
by $61 million to import gasoline into Iraq from Kuwait through September 30, 
2003. (4)
* On December 31, 2003, a DCAA "Flash Report" audit found "significant" and 
"systemic" deficiencies
in the way Halliburton estimates and validates costs. According to the DCAA 
audit, Halliburton
repeatedly violated the Federal Acquisition Regulation and submitted a $2.7 
billion proposal that
"did not contain current, accurate, and complete data regarding subcontract 
costs." (5)
* On January 13, 2004, DCAA concluded that Halliburton's deficiencies "bring 
into question
[Halliburton's] ability to consistently produce well-supported proposals that 
are acceptable as a
basis for negotiation of fair and reasonable prices," and it urged the Corps of 
Engineers to
"contact us to ascertain the status of [Halliburton's] estimating system prior 
to entering into
future negotiations." (6)
* In a May 13, 2004, audit, DCAA reported "several deficiencies" in 
Halliburton's billing system
that resulted in billings to the government that "are not prepared in 
accordance with applicable
laws and regulations and contract terms." DCAA also found "system deficiencies 
resulting in material
invoicing misstatements that are not prevented, detected and/ or corrected in a 
timely manner." The
report emphasized Halliburton's inadequate controls over subcontract billings. 
The auditors
"identified inadequate or nonexistent policies and procedures for notifying the 
government of
potential significant subcontract problems that impact delivery, quality, and 
price" and determined
that Halliburton "does not monitor the ongoing physical progress of 
subcontracts or the related
costs and billings." (7)
* On June 25, 2004, the CPA IG found that, as a result of poor oversight, 
Halliburton charged U. S.
taxpayers for unauthorized and unnecessary expenses at the Kuwait Hilton Hotel. 
According to the IG,
the overcharges would have amounted to $3.6 million per year. (8)
* A July 26, 2004, CPA IG audit report found that Halliburton "did not 
effectively manage government
property" and that the company's property records "were not sufficiently 
accurate or available to
properly account for CPA property items." The IG "projected that property 
valued at more than $18.6
million was not accurately accounted for or was missing." (9)
* In July 2004, GAO found ineffective planning, inadequate cost control, and 
insufficient training
of contract management officials under LOGCAP in Iraq. GAO reported that, when 
Halliburton acted as
a middleman for the operation of dining halls, costs were over 40% higher. (10)
* In an August 16, 2004, memorandum, DCAA "identified significant unsupported 
costs" submitted by
KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary, and found "numerous, systemic issues . . . with 
KBR's estimates."
According to DCAA, "while contingency issues may have had an impact during the 
earlier stages of the
procurements, clearly, the contractor should have adequate supporting data by 
now." When DCAA
examined seven LOGCAP task orders with a combined proposed value of $4.33 
billion, auditors
identified unsupported costs totaling $1.82 billion. (11)
* On November 23, 2004, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction 
(formerly the CPA IG)
examined a $569 million LOGCAP task order and found that Halliburton "did not 
provide . . .
sufficiently detailed cost data to evaluate overall project costs or to 
determine whether specific
costs for services performed were reasonable." The IG concluded that the Army 
"did not receive
sufficient or reliable cost information to effectively manage" the task order. 
(12) Multiple
criminal investigations of Halliburton's Iraq contracts are also ongoing. The 
Justice Department is
investigating Halliburton's admission that two of its employees received up to 
$6.3 million in
kickbacks to steer LOGCAP subcontracts to a Kuwaiti contractor. (13) The 
Defense Department
Inspector General, the FBI, and the Justice Department are investigating 
allegations of fraud and
overcharging for gasoline under the RIO contract. (14)

Disclosures by Former Employees and Independent Experts

The concerns expressed by government auditors have been corroborated by the 
testimony of former
Halliburton employees. Over the past year, six former employees came forward 
publicly to provide
Congress with information about egregious overcharges by Halliburton. Others 
have contacted
congressional staff privately to echo these concerns. For example:

* Marie deYoung, a Halliburton logistics specialist, testified about 
subcontracts under which
Halliburton paid $45 per case of soda and $100 per 15-pound bag of laundry. Ms. 
deYoung also
disclosed that Halliburton did not comply with the Army's request to move 
Halliburton employees from
a five-star hotel in Kuwait, where it cost taxpayers approximately $10,000 per 
day to house the
employees, into air-conditioned tent facilities, which would have cost 
taxpayers under $600 per day.
* Henry Bunting, a Halliburton procurement officer, described how he and other 
buyers were
instructed to split large purchase orders into multiple purchase orders below 
$2,500 in order to
avoid the requirement to solicit multiple bids. Supervisors routinely told the 
employees responsible
for purchasing: "Don't worry about price. It's cost-plus." (16)
* David Wilson, a convoy commander for Halliburton, and James Warren, a 
Halliburton truck driver,
testified that brand new $85,000 Halliburton trucks were abandoned or "torched" 
if they got a flat
tire or experienced minor mechanical problems. Mr. Warren brought these and 
other concerns to the
personal attention of Randy Harl, the president and CEO of KBR. He was fired a 
few weeks later. (17)
* Mike West, a Halliburton labor foreman, described how he and other 
Halliburton employees spent
weeks in Iraq with virtually nothing to do, but were instructed to bill 12-hour 
days for 7 days a
week on their timesheets. In addition, his superior directed him to buy 
unnecessary equipment,
telling him: "Don't worry about it. It's a cost-plus-plus contract." (18)

Similarly, independent experts have criticized Halliburton's inflated gasoline 
prices under the RIO
contract. Phil Verleger, a California oil economist and the president of a 
consulting firm, said of
Halliburton's price: "It's as if they put the gasoline on the Queen Mary and 
take it around the
globe before they deliver it." (19) Jeffrey Jones, until recently the Director 
of the Defense Energy
Support Center, stated: "I can't construct a price that high." (20) Another 
expert, who asked that
his identity not be disclosed, characterized Halliburton's prices as "highway 

Failure To Withhold Funds

Reflecting the growing problems with Halliburton's Iraq contracts, government 
auditors have
recommended that the Army begin to withhold partial payment to Halliburton 
under LOGCAP as required
by the Federal Acquisition Regulation. On August 16, 2004, DCAA strongly 
encouraged the Army to
begin withholding 15% of Halliburton's reimbursements, stating, "It is clear to 
us KBR will not
provide an adequate proposal until there is a consequence." (21) On November 
23, the Special
Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction supported this recommendation with 
respect to the $569
million LOGCAP task order it attempted to audit. (22)

Instead of following the advice of these independent auditors, the Army has 
refused to withhold
payments for the last eight months. To the contrary, the Army has given 
Halliburton multiple
extensions to provide the adequate cost estimates and supporting data needed to 
finalize the terms
of the contract.

(1) U. S. Army Field Support Command, Media Spreadsheet for AFSC LOGCAP (Dec. 
2, 2004).
(2) U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Frequently Asked Questions: Engineer Support 
to Operation Iraqi
Freedom (Oct. 7, 2004).
(3) Under Halliburton's cost-plus contracts, the government reimburses the 
company for its actual
costs and then pays an additional fee. For LOGCAP, Halliburton receives a base 
fee of 1% of its
costs and an additional award fee of up to 2%. This yields a profit range of 
$83 million to $248
million. For RIO, Halliburton's base fee is 2% of its costs and its additional 
award fee is up to
5%. This yields a profit range of $50 million to $176 million.
(4) Department of Defense, DOD News Briefing (Dec. 11, 2003). The minority 
staff of the House
Government Reform Committee later determined that the total overpayment to 
Halliburton through April
1, 2004, was $167 million. See Minority Staff, Committee on Government Reform, 
Gasoline Overcharges (July 21, 2004).
(5) Defense Contract Audit Agency, Audit Report No. 3311-2004K24020001 (Dec. 
31, 2003).
(6) Defense Contract Audit Agency, Status of Brown & Root Services (BRS) 
Estimating System Internal
Controls (Jan. 13, 2004).
(7) Defense Contract Audit Agency, Audit Report No. 3311-2002K11010001 (May 13, 
(8) Coalition Provisional Authority Inspector General, Federal Deployment 
Center Forward Operations
at the Kuwait Hilton (June 25, 2004).
(9) Coalition Provisional Authority Inspector General, Audit of the 
Accountability and Control of
Material Assets of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad (July 26, 
(10) Government Accountability Office, DOD's Extensive Use of Logistics Support 
Contracts Requires
Strengthened Oversight (July 2004).
(11) Memorandum from Defense Contract Audit Agency to U. S. Army Field Support 
Command (Aug. 16,
(12) Memorandum from Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, Task 
Order 0044 of the
Logistics Civilian Augmentation Program III Contract (Nov. 23, 2004).
(13) House Committee on Government Reform, Hearings on Unprecedented 
Challenges: Contracting and the
Rebuilding of Iraq (June 15, 2004).
(14) Letter from John R. Crane, Assistant Inspector General, Department of 
Defense, to Rep. Henry A.
Waxman (June 30, 2004); FBI Investigating Contracts with Halliburton, New York 
Times (Oct. 29,
(15) House Committee on Government Reform, Hearings on Contracting and the 
Rebuilding of Iraq: Part
IV, 108th Cong. (July 22, 2004).
(16) Senate Democratic Policy Committee, Hearings on Iraq Contracting Abuses 
(Feb. 13, 2004).
(17) House Committee on Government Reform, supra note 15.
(18) Statement of Mike West (June 6, 2004).
(19) The High Price of Gasoline for Iraq, NBC News (Nov. 5, 2003).
(20) Army Eyes Halliburton Import Role in Iraq, Associated Press (Nov. 5, 2003).
(21) Defense Contract Audit Agency memorandum, supra note 11.
(22) Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction memorandum, supra note 

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