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-Caveat Lector-

Weekend Edition
June 10 / 12, 2005
Some Things Have Changed; Some Remain the Same
A Day in Mississippi

Every time I travel to Mississippi from Georgia I'm confronted with a flood of 
memories. Friends occasionally remind me that Mississippi is no different than 
other state in the "deep" south and, on the whole, I know that's true. Yet, for 
Mississippi invariably rises to the top as the epitome of racial injustice, 
bigotry, economic exploitation and, in spite of all, contradictions. Perhaps 
this is 
because its history of oppression is so conspicuous. Mississippi folks 
about oppression have always challenged it, however. They simply never give up.

After September 11, 2001, George Bush said he was going after terrorists. I 
"Great, maybe, he'll go after some of the real terrorists of American citizens, 
like the 
Ku Klux Klan and other hate groups in Mississippi and throughout the country." 
was a pipe dream, I know.

Mississippi's bleak contemporary and historical record is legendary and 
described in books and film. Witness, for example, the founding of the 
White Citizens Council in 1954 by the Mississippi Delta white elite, partly to 
civil rights achievements, such as the Supreme Court's Brown v Topeka, Kansas 
Board of Education decision in 1954 to integrate public schools. As Martin 
King said in his book "Stride Toward Freedom":

Then there are the white citizens councils. Since they occasionally recruit 
from a higher social and economic level then the Klan, a halo of partial 
hovers over them. But like the Klan they are determined to preserve segregation 
despite the law. Their weapons of threat, intimidation, and boycott are 
directed both 
against Negroes and any whites who stand for justice. They demand absolute 
conformity from whites and abject submission from Negroes.

In 1955, there was the horror of the tragic torture and murder of 14-year-old 
Till in Money, Mississippi and the subsequent acquittal of his murderers. 
Till's death 
is considered one of the catalysts for the launching of the modern civil rights 
movement, such as the Montgomery bus boycott in December 1955. In 1963, 
Mississippi NAACP field director Medgar Evers was assassinated by Byron de la 
Beckwith who was a founding member of the White Citizens Council. In 1994, 
after 3 
trials, Beckwith was finally convicted of this murder. Then there were the 
riots at the 
University of Mississippi when, in 1962, aspiring black student James Meredith 
attempted to integrate the school. Meredith did attend the university, however, 
he did graduate without incident. In 1964 three young civil rights workers - 
Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner - were murdered by the Klan in 
Philadelphia, Mississippi which was depicted in the film "Mississippi Burning". 
were some minor convictions for these murders, but the case is on-going.

In 1987, I organized the Africa Peace Tour that was sponsored by the Maryknoll 
Fathers and Brothers, Quakers, Unitarians, United Church of Christ, Oxfam, and 
others. Mississippi was preeminent in our planning and we started in Biloxi, 
Mississippi at the Methodist retreat center. With thirty speakers from the U.S. 
Africa, our mission was to expose communities in seven states in the South to 
policies in Africa, particularly in southern Africa. We focused largely on the 
of those in Angola and Mozambique whose revolutionary governments had 
successfully wrenched themselves from Portuguese colonialism in 1975. 
Subsequently, these countries were being accosted by brutal guerilla factions 
as UNITA and Renamo, with the support and encouragement of the U.S. right wing 
and U.S. religious fundamentalists. As in Mississippi, the U.S. right wing was 
going to allow those of African origin claim their independence without a 
response. The U.S. support, under Ronald Reagan, of the South African apartheid 
government and against the freedom efforts was also a major focus of our 
discussion. Overall, the parallels of the struggles for justice in the U.S. to 
that of 
other countries are always striking.

After Biloxi, we headed to Holmes County in the Mississippi Delta where the 
community group we visited assisted rural blacks in accessing some of the 
government programs available to them through, for example, the federally 
Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO). These included programs such as Head Start 
children and other educational and leadership development opportunities. This 
was dangerous in the Delta. The windows of their trailer office had been shot 
out on 
numerous occasions and harassment by local whites was commonplace. Some of 
these brave organizers felt compelled to arm themselves for protection.

Toward the end of our tour in Mississippi, the black South African director of 
African National Congress' photography division and I (a white activist) spoke 
to a 
group just outside Jackson, Mississippi. Following this we were to meet the 
rest of 
the tour group in Jackson, but we got lost and were an hour late. This was in 
evening. Other members of the tour were nervous wrecks by the time we arrived. 
People in Mississippi have been known to go missing without a trace and a multi-
racial couple is still not always appreciated in some rural communities in the 

In Jackson, in my recent visit in Mississippi, I opened the USA Today to read 
Emmett Till's body was being exhumed in Chicago at the behest of the Justice 
Department to assess how he was killed and then to perhaps explore if there 
others involved in that tragic murder. Then, on my way out of Jackson, I 
decided to 
head for the Natchez Trace Parkway, which is my refuge in Mississippi. It is a 
protected park, a "non-commercial" trail from Natchez, Mississippi to 
Tennessee that was once used by the Natchez, Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians. 
There are clusters of ancient Indian mounds along the route that are thousands 
years old.

>From the Trace, I saw an older black man fishing by the reservoir. I stopped 
>to talk 
with him briefly as I had questions about the area and hoped he could help. We 
talked for a while. He had left Mississippi for California in 1955. "Emmett 
Till", I said 
immediately. "Yes, that was 1955" he concurred. "But California wasn't much 
different, really," he said. "Racism is everywhere in America." He came back to 
Mississippi in 1998 after his retirement. "It was time to come home," he said. 
father was a cotton farmer in the Delta and he had left earlier than '55. I was 
the last 
one on the family to leave Mississippi. Mississippi's changed a lot since 1955 
but I 
came back also to get away from the crime in California. There's too much of it 
Jackson, though. Too many drug problems here." His wife was from Philadelphia, 

Then, on my way back to Atlanta, I continued up the Natchez Trace to State 
15 toward Philadelphia, Mississippi in Neshoba County. Klan member, Edgar Ray 
"Preacher" Killens, is about to go on trial in Philadelphia for involvement in 
murder of the three civil rights workers in 1964 and I wanted to get the feel 
of the city 
in spite of my limited time. I walked through the clean and spacious courthouse 
was not able to go into any of the courtrooms as they were in session.

Then, I walked across the street for lunch at The Coffee Bean. I talked with 
young "white" server (probably in his mid-20's) about the upcoming Killens 
trial. " Will 
it take place in the courthouse across the street?" I asked. "Yes," he said. 
Then I 
asked if he knew the direction of the dam where the young civil rights workers 
buried. I know this is sensitive and probably not something people want to talk 
but I thought I'd try. He said, with a brush of his hand, "I don't have any 
idea." He 
probably did know, though, and he didn't appreciate me asking as I had 
expected. I 
asked him if he was from Philadelphia. He said, "Yes, just a couple of blocks 
from here. I was born in Jackson, though, but was raised here in Philadelphia." 

Southern rural whites are inclined to close ranks and are almost always 
suspicious of 
outsiders. It takes some time before they'll trust you if ever. Most closed 
societies are 
like this, but in the southern U.S., in particular, white supremacy adds 
impenetrable barrier to sharing ideas and opinions.

Thinking about Mississippi reminds me of W.J. Cash and his seminal 1939 book 
"The Mind of the South". He describes the "savage ideal" in the South as the 
use of 
violence for the maintenance of white supremacy and intimidation generally, by 
white elite, to maintain order. Cash explains further, in detail, how the white 
elite has 
always used the white working class as pawns and also used religion to control 
region and preserve the racial status quo. Some southerners will also say that 
today the Klan will not act if it does not have the approval of white business 
religious leaders.

Ronald Reagan obviously understood these southern politics when he launched his 
presidential campaign at the Neshoba County Fair in Philadelphia, Mississippi. 
Alabama civil rights attorney J.L. Chestnut heard the speech. Below are his 

"One sunny afternoon in late 1978 or early 1979, driving back from a Court 
trial at a Mississippi Air Force Base I heard on the car radio that Reagan 
would kick 
off his presidential bid in Philadelphia, Mississippi later that afternoon. 
That infamous 
little redneck town is where three young civil rights workers were brutally 
by law enforcement people and Klu Kluxers during the 1960s. I had not one 
of a doubt why Reagan had chosen this little racist symbol of a town, but 
wanted to 
hear the actor-politician lie about why he didn't begin his presidential effort 
in his 
native state, Illinois, or in his adopted state, California. I was about 100 
miles from 
the town and decided to head for Philadelphia.

I was more than aware that, Reagan as Governor of California, and District 
Ed Meese, (later Reagan's Attorney General) had treated civil rights 
in California almost as badly as Bull Connor and Jim Clark had treated us in 
Alabama. I also knew that Reagan had stolen almost all of George Wallace's 
and demagogic speech about law and order, limited government and states rights. 
Like Wallace, Reagan never mentioned the word race. They didn't have to say the 
word. The message was clear. After Reagan's speech in Philadelphia, I drove 
both sad and angry. 

The Reagan rally took place in the town square on the unkempt Main Street, and 
would guess that every racist nut in the town was crowded into the square. This 
writer and only one other black person were present, and he was pushing a gray 
haired old white man in a wheelchair who appeared already dead. Reagan 
the most racist speech I had heard since Wallace's "segregation today, tomorrow 
and forever "foolishness. Hiding behind the Reagan smile, he proclaimed that 
a doubt the South will rise again and this time remain master of everybody and 
everything within its dominion." The square came to life, the Klu Kluxers were 
shouting, jeering and in obvious ecstasy. God bless America."

Reagan won all of the deep South states in 1980 with the exception of Georgia, 
supported its native son Jimmy Carter. His Mississippi speech was noted as 
in both his presidential election and Republican victory in the South. Reagan 
to solidify the reunion of whites in America that has been on-going since the 
Compromise of 1877 when the federal government ended reconstruction in the 
South. This gave the southern elite the green light for implementation the 
Jim Crow policies that destabilized the freedom movement in the South for half 
century. The Republican party sold its soul to racist sentiments in the South 
to take 
the region officially into the Republican fold.

Without doubt, the present Bush presidency is a direct beneficiary of Reagan's 
Philadelphia speech. As ever, Mississippi is in the heart of it all...it's 

Many in the South say 'some things have changed and some remain the same.' So 

For 14 years Heather Gray has produced "Just Peace" on WRFG-Atlanta 89.3 FM 
covering local, regional, national and international news In 1985-86 she 
directed the 
nonviolent program at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social 
Change in Atlanta. She lives in Atlanta and can be reached at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Grand Forks, ND, US of A

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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