-Caveat Lector-

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Date: June 1, 2005 10:10:07 PM PDT
Subject: News Release

Mysteries Magazine Movie Reviews
[Conspiracy Films]

"For conspiracy theory buffs, Government Guinea Pig is a must-see."
                                                 —Richard Mackenzie, issue #7 Mysteries Magazine

Government Guinea Pig: When Uncle Sam Wants You
ISBN: 0-9746672-1-8
$11.95, Guinea Pig, 2002

Thousands of people every year report encounters with seemingly unexplainable phenomena, but many more who experience strange happenings never come forward because of fear of public ridicule. Some encounters may involve supernatural entities or ghosts; others contact with beings from another world. But what if the explanation for many of these events were closer to home and far more sinister that anyone had ever expected? What if the blame for these occurrences lay, not in outer space or the spirit world, but on the shoulders of certain covert branches of the American government? Government Guinea Pig: When Uncle Sam Wants You is a rare and disturbing glimpse into how the government may be using secret technology to profoundly affect and control the lives of its citizens.

  It is a well-documented fact that the U.S. government has, on many occasions, conducted harmful research on its citizens without their knowledge or consent. Especially vulnerable to these abuses were prisoners, the impoverished, and members of ethnic minorities: in other words, those considered least credible and least able to voice objections to these atrocities. From extensive testing in the 1940s and 1950s of the effects of radiation on both soldiers and civilians to experiments in the 1960s involving LSD and other hallucinogens on students, military personnel, and others, to the refusal of medical treatment to African-American men afflicted with syphilis from the 1930s to the 1970s in order “to see the disease’s natural progression” in Tuskegee, AL, the list of these abuses is long and ugly. And if the creators of Government Guinea Pig are right, even more horrifying and sinister experiments are taking place today. Using the story of one family’s bizarre ordeal as a framework, they weave a tale of how ordinary citizens are being used as subjects in experiments ranging from mind control to directed energy weaponry.

  Many of these experiences take the form of an event that seems similar to reports of paranormal or UFO activity, from semi-transparent ghost-like objects that are actually projected holograms intended to confuse and terrify, to the emission of noxious chemicals that, combined with lasers, create floating orbs and moving trails of light, to infrared lights that only appear on film. Directed microwave energy can cause symptoms virtually identical to a panic attack but leave no physical trace, including heart palpitations, dizziness, disorientation, and hyperventilation. In fact, the filmmakers imply that the millions of cases of panic attacks and agoraphobia experienced by people around the country may actually be triggered not by natural or psychosomatic causes but by these experiments.

  Government Guinea Pig also discusses how these technologies have terrifying implications in the private sector as well, involving mind and social control through religious organizations, social groups, video games, and even so-called “self-help” instructional tapes. For instance, they suggest that the audio frequency-based technology used to produce subliminal self-help messages that aid in quitting smoking, losing weight, focus and concentration, and other activities could just as easily be used to trigger certain responses in the brain from violent impulses (or their suppression) to manipulating emotions, implanting memories, or at its most extreme, death.

  The DVD’s production values, although low-budget, are clean and do nothing to detract from the compelling story they have to tell. For conspiracy theory buffs, Government Guinea Pig is a must-see. For anyone who wonders about—or has actually experienced the peculiar phenomena associated with UFOs or the supernatural—this DVD will provide more than a few chilling moments.
—Richard Mackenzie, issue #7 Mysteries Magazine

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