-Caveat Lector-

I was bothered by a woman a few years ago and wondered if she were Mossad.  
I've been a target for as long as I can remember, even before I found evidence 
that my father had to do with the single bullet theory in the JFK assassination.

The "close friend in another state" mentioned in paragraph 4 has turned out 
also to be Mossad.

I met a man last year and decided to leave my husband.  I learned then that my 
marriage had been arranged by the military.  All us Landsberg kids were targets 
because our parents were involved with the government covertly and we were 
having our lives controlled to varying degrees as a result.

The second section is about the pentagon and the third about Ms. Ross-Robertson.




Subject :       
[ACHES_FORUM] curious about Mossad, brief description of recent experience
Date :          
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 17:28:23 -0000
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Reading various news items related to the recent attack has raised my
curiosity again about the Mossad and possible Mossad connections in
my recent and earlier past.

To borrow Lynn S's phrase, "a full court press," this year's full
court press for me seemed to begin with an odd situation involving a
Jewish couple.  The wife had lived in Israel for ten years.  They
moved here just after we did, and our husbands were colleagues.

We had so much "in common" with this couple it was uncanny.  It
provided a basis for instant bonding, which immediately made me
cautious.  This couple pushed very hard to socialize with us, which
also made me wary.  I eventually agreed to meet the wife once a week
for a "girl's night out" but it didn't go very well.  Since she'd
pushed so hard for my company, I thought maybe she liked me, or
enjoyed our conversations.  But it wasn't true.  I found this to be
triggering and confusing.  I was inundated with mixed messages.

Her mouth would smile and form words of friendship but her eyes told
a different story.  She disliked and disdained me - her facial
expressions and body language were very clear on this.  She also
looked very much like a close friend in another state, and that was a
coincidence that eventually made me think it was no accident.  The
mixed messages were intense.

One night over dinner, we were talking about Israeli-US politics and
how GW's administration might change the relationship between the two
countries.  She wasn't the least bit concerned because "the US needs
Israel."  She went on to say that ALL US military hardware for use in
desert settings was tested in Israel alone.  I found that surprising
and am not sure I believe it, but while she was explaining this, I
had the distinct impression that she knew a lot more about military
things than a regular former Israeli citizen should.  It was a very
strong impression I got - bordering on the psychic - that she was
more involved in Israeli politics/military than her outside life
would indicate.

  I trusted my instincts and decided not to see her any more after
that evening.  She pushed - called and left messages about all the
fun we'd been having, etc.  But I resisted to the point of rudeness. 
Too many mixed feelings, too many signs of a set-up.  She and her
husband moved away after a few months - related or unrelated to my
experience with her I don't know.  I do know that my relationship
with others of my husband's colleagues and their wives changed for
the worse right after this. 

  Women in social siutations would avoid me - very pointedly.  I sat
down at my given seat during an event, and another woman was to be
seated next to me.  She sat down for a brief moment and then made a
distinct point of changing seats with her mate so she wouldn't be
next to me.  She did this so pointedly that even my husband noticed,
and felt badly for me.  This kind of odd behavior has occurred with
two other women since then.  I suspect there are rumors that I am a
lesbian.  Where they originated I do not know, but the oddness of
timing of the events lead me to suspect this curious Israeli/American

  That's how this very odd and intense year began for me.  I would
like to understand my alleged "importance" to these various parties
who have intruded on my life this year, but I'm not having much
luck.  Perhaps I was supposed to be reactivated this year, but for
what I don't know.  If I haven't received this negative attention for
reactivation, then I suspect I've received it in order that I might
be discredited.


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I was told the Pentagon's budget on me was 40-60 billion. I had a healing last 
year and have unusual gifts. I am a threat to the Pentagon because my gifts are 
for healing and communicating concepts which are and would be freeing to others.


Pentagon, saltwater, blood:






"Carla Ross Robertson, Mossad, Nazi, Professional torturer of infants"

"Robertson, Carla Ross" (photo)

If the link above takes you to an "angelfire roadblock" please cut and paste 
the web address below into a new browser window to access the photo.



Please also see:

"Carla Ross Robertson -- handwriting sample 1"


"Carla Ross Robertson -- handwriting sample 2"


"Carla Ross Robertson -- handwriting sample 3"


"Carla Ross Robertson -- handwriting sample 4"


"Carla Ross Robertson -- handwriting sample 5"



"Email to Lights47" re Carla Ross Robertson as a Mossad agent and the email 
recipient as a likely or certain target:



I have been plagued in the astral plane since December 3, 2004.

( My lawyer severed the attorney/client relationship on December 3, 2004, on 
the premise that I would not file a joint bankruptcy 7 with Richard Hanning Jr. 
Before the Family Court Commissioner entered the courtroom, I did turn to my 
lawyer and offer to file. He severed the relationship anyway.   I returned home 
to find that the government had prepared a nasty war for me in the astral 

A former acquaintance was a professional assigned to me.

It has to do with research I'd done regarding my family of origin and their 
ties to mind control/government, the Kennedy Assassination and, likely, UFO's.

The government organized harassment against me.

Carla was an acquaintance of twelve years -- I met her in Staunton, VA.


Richard and I were moving from Miami and we were on a house-hunting trip. We 
took our son to Gypsy Hill Park and met a nice woman with a child. I remember 
thinking I wished she would give me her number. It would be nice to know 
someone before moving.

The next day or so we returned to the park and there was Carla with her son, 
Ryan. By the end of the conversation she offered to give me her number so I'd 
have someone to contact when we moved.

We moved in May and in June, Carla and Ryan met my son and me at a fast food 
restaurant to celebrate my son's 4th birthday. It was okay.

Carla and her husband (another target) were professionals at V.S.D.B. (Virginia 
School for the Deaf and Blind.) They invited us to a party on their farm not 
long after we moved. The drive was beautiful. The party was nice -- we met 
several interesting people.

Carla was weird -- I didn't like her very much, but we stayed in touch anyway. 
She's the one who recommended the daycare center where my son was nearly abused 
(I pulled him out after six weeks.)

Carla talked about her husband and about food. She hated her husband. The 
farmhouse was always dirty and she complained about having to clean it by 
herself -- that he never helped with anything; however he did work the farm and 
have a job and he was building her a rec room in the springhouse, so he was 
pretty busy.

They divorced not long after the springhouse was complete.

Richard was a pro and Carla was a pro, and they were very similar -- flat but 
consistent. I wouldn't have seen these characteristics as dangerous if it 
hadn't been for my Guide. Carla was pro on her husband and me, Richard was pro 
on me.

Richard has boasted of torturing 600,000 infants. Both took the things that I 
had given them and used them in rituals: Richard, sacred things from the home, 
Carla the jewelry and gifts I'd made for her.

She says she tore up a large drawing I'd made for her -- a scene from Dr. 
Suess' "Go Dog Go."

Carla rescued animals -- cats mostly -- but I think she used them to practice 
torture methods -- she has alluded to same. There's some guilt having to do 
with the handicapped children at V.S.D.B. as well -- nothing specific so far.


In 2003, Richard moved to Kentucky, I met a fine man, and on his advice decided 
to leave my husband.

It turns out that my marriage had been organized by the military, so my life 
was in danger once I let the aka husband know it was over.


The Mossad, along with the USG, had 200,000,000 infants ready for torture so 
their professionals could wage a war on spiritually advanced people.

(Over the months I've learned that the infant torture went off-earth. The Dog 
Star, it seems, was like the earth -- a place where mind control and satanism 
were commonplace but hidden. Carla has boasted of torturing 6,000,000 of these 
infants. This number has been confirmed by other sources.)

To hurt me, Carla was given access to, and fucked, clones of this fine man. 
This man was my boss for a time -- very kind and gentle. His name is Paul 

Carla fucked clones of Paul and would (and does) show me and others pictures of 
the fucking.

She speaks of a profound intimacy with Mr. Gieschen's thinking.... "Paul told 
me this, Paul told me that."

"You're not good enough for Paul, you're fat, you're ugly. He doesn't love you, 
etc., etc., etc."

According to Ms. Ross-Robertson:

They bought a home down the street from me and spent a lifetime there (lovely 
brick home with stone accents).

(Sometimes Carla had a government body and sometimes a clone of my body from a 
previous life [black hair, blue eyes, though my eyes were green)].


... They met at Bodas and tortured infants on a plastic sheet on one bed and 
fucked afterwards (Carla only does ass-fucking, I think.) Then they would bury 
the infant(s) in the backyard there.

She says she had to torture and program the clones to fuck her.

Paul gave me important advice and I love and respect him, but he is married. I 
took the advice and plan to stay away from Richard, but I haven't expected 
anything from Paul. So bitching to me about how he doesn't love me is kind of 
irrelevant -- I just want to get on with my life.


Ms. Ross-Robertson is a real danger somehow. She is here with me in the astral 
plane continuously but there is something in her voice -- in her claims -- that 
makes me dread that she has sabotaged or is planning to sabotage Mr. Gieschen 
in real life.


Richard was and is a "Psychic Warrior" as in David Morehouse's book. Ms. 
Ross-Robertson may or may not be one of those.

Carla is self-actualized and confident, she says, from having tortured so many 

I do get confused with her constant belittlement of me and her confidence in 
Paul's affection, simply because I don't think of Paul as a man who would 
appreciate kiddie torture.


To date, I have learned that 800,000,000 infants have been tortured so far -- 
between the earth and the Dog Star.

The Mossad, the USG and some "spiritual helpers" (assigned to protect me and 
stop them) combined to do this.

(The other Mossad agent who is here continuously is Ellen Gail Fine, Ph.D. 
Nancy Webb Bass, MSW, is USG underground. I worked with Ellen and Nancy on the 
University of Florida Department of Anesthesiology's "CPR Study" from 
1981-1984. Ellen has also claimed to be in Fond du Lac, involved a relationship 
with Mr. Gieschen.)


Ms. Ross-Robertson was equipped with spirit-damaging technology --

Please see:


-- and with "blinks" (technology to damage the brain through the eye.)

A man who was a spiritual Ancient -- someone I met once at her home -- was with 
her, damaged. He carried "blinks" to other ancients.


Carla was born at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Miami Beach. She was adopted by the 
Ross family. Raised in Connecticut and educated in Boston, Ms. Ross moved to 
Staunton, Virginia, where she married the male target. (She may have acquired 
her Master's Degree at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. 
Please see: http://www.jmu.edu/alumni/lost/80_89.html for 1986.)



Carla was a teacher of blind children at The Virginia School for the Deaf and 


Most recently, Ms. Ross-Robertson has been an itinerant teacher for the blind 
for the Augusta County School System.


And part-time:

"Z Happy Feet"
562 Calvert St # B
Staunton, VA 24401
Phone: (540) 885-6100

She and the target lived on a farm in Virginia while they were married. When 
they divorced she moved to a home his parents owned.

After the divorce settlement came through, Carla purchased a home in the city 
of Staunton:

45 Woodvale Dr.
Staunton, Virginia
(540) 886-7575

Property info:


Ms. Ross-Robertson's targets were assigned to her. She had access to the man 
she married (probably using drugs) and he was tortured.

She was instrumental in setting him up in a devastating relationship after 
their divorce.


Carla believes I am the Holy Spirit from the Bible. She claims to have read 
Indian novels in preparation for this assignment.


Three of the energies here have been affected to become green matter -- I 
believe the green poison originated with the U.S. government. My mom, Donna 
Jean Volkmer Landsberg, worked for Forrestal, who was submarined by Symington. 
I believe Symington is/was the driving force behind this operation.

The primary green energy was someone who was helping at first. Early on, I had 
a vision of him as a gremlin -- something unsafe for people to approach.

However, he was spying on me and taking money to enter my home when I was gone 
and apparently left himself open to torture and programming as a result.

He taught the three professionals mentioned above how to torture infants in a 
way that their spirits could not be healed, however, it turns out that their 
spirits were removed from their bodies before torture.

He claimed to have been the angel Gabriel at one time -- he may have been. He 
helped once when someone tried to unravel my meridians. It occurred to me that 
it took angelic knowledge to do that.

He seems to have incorporated a monster I am unfamiliar with. A large eye, 
facing right, in a red body, spread out and flat at the bottom.

At one point on my journey I saw a frightening shape in the sky. It was 
familiar in an ancient, spiritual way. I believe this was the dragon mentioned 
in Revelations -- the "ancient dragon" which took a thousand years to fall.

But the former is unfamiliar, and very foul.

Laura Landsberg Hanning

Harry E. Landsberg, Jr. -- resemblance to man in photo with Specter

Study of Evil -- A World Reappraised (with documentation)


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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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