-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 9, 2005 2:37:41 PM PDT
Subject: [ Fw: re London Please Read]

no comment - its hard to tell whats real any more
----- Original Message -----
From: "Linda Larkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 12:46 PM
Subject: re London Please Read

>> OK, once again, this is far out stuff. But there are some ideas here
>> worth considering, since I am convinced that 9/11 had, at the very
>> least,  the passive compliance of our government.  Given all the
>> warnings to individuals and the warnings from other governments to
>> ours, the coincidental unavailability of the air force to do what it
>> has done so many times before, the only story I find absolutely
>> unbelievable in the end, is the official story. Also, it is uncanny
>> how timely this terrorist incident was, how distracting from the storm
>> of scandal gathering over DC and London. . . . adrien
> &[distracting from the G8 meeting in Scotland & with the Patriot Act in
> U.S... maybe one for U.K. now too to limit people's freedom]
> Begin forwarded message:
>  From: John Leonard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Date: July 8, 2005 12:08:37 PM GMT+07:00
> False Flag over London
> By John Leonard
>  Today we saw a classic false-flag attack in the London underground,
> organized by western secret services to distract attention from the
> deepening political troubles of Bush and Blair, and perhaps even to
> create the pretext for war on Iran. Of course, Bush and his poll
> ratings have been sinking under the Valerie Plame scandal, with
> rumblings of impeachment. Both Bush and Blair have been badly hurt by
> the Downing Street memo.
>  The G-8 conference was also an ideal, high-profile event to mobilize
> the sympathy of world leaders on their side. The home-team terrorists
> even got their favorite base-eleven numerology working for them with
> the 7/7 date, following on Madrid 3/11 and New York 9/11 (remember
> Flight 11 and Flight 77?)
>  Cui bono. Even the stock market closed on an uptick.
>  How can I be so sure? The war-profiteer clique are not all that
> inventive. In fact, false terror is the only trick they know. If they
> had any idea of governance or statecraft, they wouldn't need to stoop
> to these toxic tactics.
>  One of the classic trademarks of false-flag terror was on display
> today with the "previously unknown" organization posting anonymously on
> a website. Of course, western intelligence, using Echelon and other
> tools, could track any webposting back to its source. If it wanted to.
> "Real" terrorists have known organizations and make concrete demands.
>  Fake terrorists (covert psy-war units of western intelligence) always
> use the name of an "unknown" group. They have to do this, of course. If
> they had claimed that, say, the PLO did it, the PLO would energetically
> deny it. So they use fictitious identities, which can be molded to suit
> the target of convenience.
> Today, the fiction was a "secret" group affiliated oh how wonderfully
> convenient with Al Qaeda and Al Zarqawi. Yet the BBC itself has
> established that Al Qaeda does not even exist, in its documentary "The
> Terror Myth." And just yesterday Dahr Jamail < www.dahrjamailiraq.com>
> wrote of his trip to the town of Zarqa, on the trail of the fabled
> Zarqawi. The man's family believe he died years ago - no recent photos
> exist. Certain is only that the mythical Zarqawi always has his base of
> operations wherever the Americans want to attack. Fallujah, Mosul,
> wherever.
>  Some other dead giveaway signs:
>  - Scotland Yard warned Mr. Netanyahu not to go to the bomb site
> half an hour beforehand, according to an AP wire from Jerusalem (a slip
> that was subsequently denied of course, but it was still up at
> http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/ earlier today).
>  - An MSNBC translator says an error in a quotation from the
> Quran in a statement by the "unknown" group couldn't have been made by
> Al Qaeda, and he thinks it's phony. <
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8496293/>. Blair's proofreaders are falling
> down on their dossiers again...
> - Train bombings like London 7/7 are a speciality of NATO
> psy-war units. The expert on this ever since 1978 has been Webster
> Tarpley, who shows in his latest book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror, how the
> bombing of Bologna Stazione Centrale in 1980 by the so-called Red
> Brigades is of one cloth with the Madrid bombings. The supposed
> "communist terrorist" Red Brigades were fakes, a patsy outfit created
> by Lodge P2, the neofascist shadow government running Italy. Likewise,
> the suspects in the Madrid train bombing were police agents, run by a
> neo-fascist falange: as Tarpley notes, one suspect admitted he was
> working for the old guard of the Guardia Civil Unidad Central
> Operativa.
>  Another possible motive, says Tarpley, is the war party want to push
> Bush into Iran, but America has no stomach for it. They need another
> 9/11 now so they can occupy both the Iraqi and Iranian oil fields, and
> hold the world, all of us, to ransom.
>  The ground has been prepared for war on Iran by incursions into that
> country by under-cover American military units. This aggression aroused
> a storm of anti-American sentiment, which won the elections for Mahmoud
> Ahmadinejad, a radical dark horse candidate, in turn making it easier
> to mobilize a war coalition against Iran. Failing that, he may at least
> keep Iran in the grip of backward fundamentalism. Tarpley has an entire
> chapter entitled "Islamic Fundamentalism: Fostered by U. S. Foreign
> Policy." It's a policy going back to the 19th century British Arab
> Bureau, the divide and conquer specialists, who hit on xenophobic
> fundamentalism as the tool to make the Arabs impossible partners for
> alliances with any of Britain's rivals.
>  "Poster boy" bin Laden is only the latest product of this policy.
> Alternative writers in the West are quick to point out the demagogic
> effect his image has on Western publics. They may not so easily realize
> the deeply cynical obverse of the covert strategy: feeding the Arabs on
> the poison pills of false hopes in a terrorist hero. Yet Arab
> admiration for Osama has remained platonic. Anthropologists long ago
> noted the Arab tendency for venting feelings in words rather than
> acting them out. The BBC Terror Myth documentary points out that while
> the Arabs were eager to go to Afghanistan to fight the Soviet army, Bin
> Laden and Zawahiri utterly failed in attempts to mobilize Arabs to take
> the way of terrorism against innocent citizens. According to Tarpley's
> evidence, Zawahiri is probably bin Laden's handler from MI-6. We enter
> thus the shadowy world of the alphabet agencies and their covert
> clients, the patsies and moles, who live a tunnel life, like the trains
> of London they have fed on this time.
>  O lovers of peace and opponents of war: you can see no end of
> calamities instigated by the war party, until the people see through
> the false flag trick.
> In this vein, we are working on a new book that gives depth of
> historical background about this, entitled The Nazi Hydra in America,
> currently online. It shows how the 1933 Reichstag fire, perhaps the
> most famous false-flag op of the century, which catapulted the
> Bush-Harriman protégé Hitler to power, was followed in 1934 by an
> attempted military putsch by the Morgan interests against FDR, an
> episode that has been expunged from all schoolbooks. Yet if it had
> succeeded, with America and Germany both under fascist control, the New
> World Fascist Order would have come into being 70 years ago.
>  Read, understand, and realize how bitter and lasting is the struggle
> against the corporatist hydra, which now lets show the true features
> behind that leering smiley face, as it reaches once more for absolute
> world power.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------
>  John Leonard is the publisher of Webster Tarpley's 9/11 Synthetic
> Terror. It may be purchased from his website, www.progressivepress.com,
> or on special at Amazon together with Tarpley's groundbreaking classic
> George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, at
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0930852923
> ====================================================
> Slán a Chara,
> adrien rain burke


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