-Caveat Lector-

The Christian Science Monitor
World > Terrorism & Security
posted July 25, 2005 at 11:30 a.m.

Can US, Britain 'win' in Iraq?

Expanding insurgency, signs of civil war have some experts asking the 
question out loud.

By Tom Regan | csmonitor.com

As the number of suicide bombings in Iraq has risen dramatically, and as 
insurgents return to areas from which they had been driven by coalition 
forces in previous months, more terrorism and security experts are asking if 
Iraq has become an "unwinnable war" for the US and its coalition partners.

John Burns writes in Sunday's New York Times that "events are pointing ever 
more the the possibility" that Iraq is entering a period of civil war. Mr. 
Burns points out that the number of killings in the past week and a half in 
Iraq has quickened at such a pace that many Iraqis now believe that a civil 
war has already started.

Recent weeks have seen the insurgency reach new heights of sustained 
brutality. The violence is ever more centered on sectarian killings, with 
Sunni insurgents targeting hundreds of Shiite and Kurdish civilians in 
suicide bombings. There are reports of Shiite death squads, some with links 
to the interior ministry, retaliating by abducting and killing Sunni clerics 
and community leaders.

The Times also reported last week that insurgents in Iraq "just keep getting 
stronger." Recent kidnappings of foreign diplomats, the murder of moderate 
Sunni policitians, and events like the bombing in a town near Baghdad last 
week that killed more than 100 people have many Iraqis believing that "the 
democratic process that has been unfolding since the Americans restored 
Iraqi sovereignty in June 2004 has failed to isolate the insurgents and, 
indeed, has become the target itself."

While the number of attacks has remained the same – about 65 a day according 
to US military officials – American commanders say that the attacks are 
increasingly sophisticated, and that the insurgents seem to replenish their 
ranks as fast as they are depleted.

Larry Diamond, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, who advised the 
Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad from January to April 2004 writes 
on Slate.com that, while "the fate of Iraq's transition is yet to be 
determined," and that "it is strongly in the American interest, morally and 
strategically, to help Iraq build a democracy," the Bush administration has 
made it very difficult for these objectives to be decided in the US's favor.
There is another way we could fail in Iraq. That would be for the 
pro-Iranian Islamic fundamentalists (the most militant among the ruling 
Shiite alliance) to conquer power through political force, intimidation, and 
intrigue, like the Leninists of a previous era. That has begun to happen in 
Iraq, with the steadily rising power of SCIRI (the Supreme Council for the 
Islamic Revolution in Iraq—so named for a reason) and its 15,000-man 
militia, the Badr Organization (trained in Iran by the Revolutionary 
Adding to the danger is the growing mobilization of other militant Islamist 
militias. Perhaps that was one reason why the administration tried covertly 
to rescue Allawi's campaign [as reported by Seymour Hersh in the most recent 
New Yorker.]. It is another sign of this administration's incompetence and 
duplicity that the very prospect it has most feared has been advanced by its 
But James Jay Carafano, senior research fellow for defense and homeland 
security at The Heritage Foundation, says the idea that increased terrorist 
attacks on civilians "will inevitably collapse Iraq's fledgling democracy is 
utterly wrongheaded." He writes in The Washington Times that, as a rule, 
terrorism fails in the long run because "as a strategy, it lacks a theory of 
victory, a means to convert the desire to change the political order into 
Lacking a certain means to victory, the terrorists likely will continue 
doing what they're doing: killing innocents and lacing their Web sites with 
the usual propaganda about being in the eternal struggle, with victory bound 
to come eventually. Most Iraqis know better. Eventually, even the terrorist 
supporters will wake up and realize they're wasting money and recruits only 
to incite Muslims to kill Muslims.
Meanwhile, the best thing the Iraqis can do is to continue to nurse their 
fledgling democracy and make it as inclusive as possible, keep on increasing 
the ranks and quality of its security forces, expand the rule of law, and 
grow the economy. Sooner or later, the terrorists will wind up like most of 
their predecessors – dead or defeated.
British journalist and longtime opponent of the war in Iraq Patrick Cockburn 
writes in the Independent, however, that not only is 'winning the war' in 
Iraq a questionable outcome, but the battles there have "inspired a 
worldwide" insurgency. He says that Iraq is now joining the Boer War of 1899 
and the Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 as "ill-considered ventures that have done 
Britain more harm than good."
For future historians Iraq will probably replace Vietnam as the stock 
example of the truth of [the Duke of] Wellington's dictum about small wars 
escalating into big ones. Ironically, the US and Britain pretended in 2003 
that Saddam [Hussein] ruled a powerful state capable of menacing his 
neighbours. Secretly they believed this was untrue and expected an easy 
Now in 2005 they find to their horror that there are people in Iraq more 
truly dangerous than Saddam [Hussein], and they are mired in an un-winnable 
An editorial Sunday in the Louisville [Kentucky] Courier-Journal says that 
for Americans to "even kid themselves" that they can leave Iraq having 
accomplished "something worthwhile," two things must happen: Iraq must have 
a new constitution and a new government that is recognized by all three 
major groups in the country, Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds; and a reliable Iraq 
security force must be in place. But, the editorial argues, the "political 
news is bad and the security news is worse," raising serious questions about 
US involvement.
It would be unconscionable to abandon Iraq before it is capable of averting 
a descent into civil war and of defending innocent civilians from rebel 
violence. But advances are few. What Americans, and Iraqis, need to hear 
from the President is what changes he intends to make to achieve his goals. 
At the moment, he offers little beyond pep talks to stay the course. That 
has a Vietnam-era ring to it, and it is unacceptable leadership.
A Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll released Sunday shows that a majority 
of Americans now believes that the Iraq war has made the US more vulnerable 
to a terrorist attack. The poll found that 49 percent of those surveyed felt 
the US was more vulnerable, 36 percent felt the US was more secure, and nine 
percent were undecided. As well, more than 66 percent felt that Prsident 
Bush has "no clear, well-thought out plan" to get US troops out of Iraq.
And a new poll published today in Britain shows that 85 percent of Britons 
believe that the Iraq war contributed to, or was directly responsible for, 
the July 7th attacks on London. The survey, conducted by the British paper 
The Daily Mirror and GMTV found that 23 percent of Britons believe British 
involvement in Iraq was directly responsible for the attacks, while 62 
percent believe it was a contributing factor.
The Scotsman reports that British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has backed 
off earlier statements that there was no connection between the two, now 
saying that he "cannot rule out a connection." 

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