-Caveat Lector-


Several transcripts from the presentations at the 2005 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference are now available on the web :

Carol Rutz is a survivor of SRA and Government Mind Control Experiments. Her book "A Nation Betrayed" http://my.dmci.net/~casey/ tells the chilling true story of secret Cold War experiments performed on innocent children and unsuspecting adults. She continues to work at endeavors which help to provide validation and healing for the survivor community. Her topic is : "Healing from Ritual Abuse Torture and Mind Control: Why Finding Your Voice Can Make a Difference to You and Others."

Wanda Karriker, Ph.D., a retired psychologist, wrote the novel Morning, Come Quickly to share what she has learned both personally and professionally about ritual abuse, secretive organizations, and mind control torture. To try to assure that her message reaches the widest audience possible, she has adapted the story for film. Her topic is: "The World Will Know! Words from a Hopeless Optimist."

Neil Brick is a survivor of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is the editor of S.M.A.R.T. - A Ritual Abuse Newsletter. He has published numerous articles on ritual abuse. His topic is: "How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works."
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