-Caveat Lector-


The Science of Child Sexual Abuse  Jennifer J. Freyd , Frank W. Putnam, Thomas D. Lyon, Kathryn A. Becker-Blease, Ross E. Cheit, Nancy B. Siegel, Kathy Pezdek "Child sexual abuse (CSA) involving sexual contact between an (usually male) adult and a child has been reported by 20% of women and 5-10% of men worldwide. Surveys likely underestimate prevalence due to underreporting and memory failure. Although official reports have declined somewhat in the U.S. over the past decade, close to 90% of sexual abuse cases are never reported to the authorities." http://dynamic.uoregon.edu/~jjf/articles/science05.htm

Accused priest was frequently reassigned - Critics: Pattern of priest's postings sadly not surprising by Marc Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] 219.662.5330 8/21/05 "Reviewing the work history of a region priest accused of sexual abuse, two former Catholic monks turned victims advocates and one priest turned whistle-blower said they picked up on a familiar set of patterns. A timeline compiled by The Times of the Official Catholic Directories during the Rev. Richard A. Emerson's 26-year career in the priesthood shows nine different moves to various parishes or other diocesan assignments, an average of about one move every three years. Emerson's timeline shows extensive contact with youth during his career, including four years as head administrator of Schererville's Hoosier Boys' Town -- a home for troubled youth now called Campagna Academy -- and six years as the Diocese of Gary liaison for the Boy Scouts." http://nwitimes.com/articles/2005/08/21/news/lake_county/852997b6fdd1f88286257064000831e8.txt
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