-Caveat Lector-

        HENRY LAMB Henry Lamb WND Exclusive Commentary Tony Blair backs
from Kyoto
Posted: September 24, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

The most important news to emerge from Bill Clinton's "Global Initiative,"
was a statement from Tony Blair that the mainstream media completely
ignored. Blair, a long time advocate of the Kyoto Protocol, told the
star-studded gathering that "My thinking has changed in the past three or
four years. No country is going to cut its growth" to accommodate Kyoto,
or any other climate change treaty.

After years of staunch support for the Kyoto Protocol, Blair has realized
that England cannot meet the treaty's requirements, and if it could, the
result would be economic disaster. The emissions targets imposed by Kyoto
upon the developed nations that have ratified it, are supposed to be
achieved by 2012. The Protocol's governing body will meet in Montreal in
December to continue negotiations for the second phase, the period after

Blair says that fast-growing nations such as China and India, which were
excluded from the treaty, are not going to shut down their economies or
constrain future growth, which is the inevitable consequence of the Kyoto
Protocol. Instead, Blair says that nations must work together to advance
science and technology, rather than try to reverse the expansion of
development and the improved living conditions development brings.

Despite this blockbuster announcement by Tony Blair, the major media
concentrated on the stars who attended the event and the donations they
made to Clinton's initiative.

Clinton himself ignored the statement. Appearing on "Meet the Press,"
Clinton failed to mention Blair's remarks. Instead, Clinton continued to
blame human activity for all manner of climate variations. He talked about
the Greenland ice cover thinning, but he failed to mention that a thousand
years ago, there was no ice cover at all in Greenland. Human use of fossil
fuels could not have caused Greenland to be green then. He talked about
the huge chunks of ice that are breaking off sections of the polar caps,
but he failed to mention the expansion of the glaciers in other areas of
the polar regions.

Clinton did say that no one "with a straight face" could blame hurricane
Katrina on global warming. This statement is a slap in the face to Ross
Gelbspan of the Boston Globe, and Robert Kennedy Jr. of the Natural
Resources Defense Council. These are just two of the many environmental
extremists who wasted no time declaring that global warming caused the
disaster on the Gulf Coast.

Clinton, and the mainstream media, can pretend that global warming is
justification for the Kyoto Protocol, but with Tony Blair, and other
developed nations realizing the actual economic cost of compliance, and
the utter impossibility of meeting its requirements, the Protocol appears
to be in deep trouble.

The only fact in the entire global-warming debate that is indisputable, is
the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide over the last century. The only
proven consequence of this increase is the enhanced growth of nearly all
vegetation. Carbon dioxide acts as a fertilizer to almost all known
species of vegetation. Virtually all of the negative consequences
attributed to increased carbon dioxide are the result of computer models,
and speculation.

There is no room for speculation about the continued need for energy
around the world. There is a direct and measurable correlation between
energy use and health, longevity and prosperity. The world should be
working on ways to improve access to, and distribution of, affordable
energy. Every energy source should be utilized, without artificial
governmental restrictions on either access or use.

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Rather than mobilizing the world to reduce the use of energy, the United
Nations and other international institutions should be promoting the
development of more energy sources. Rather than blocking the construction
of nuclear power plants, refineries and pipelines, environmental
organizations should be promoting their growth and development, so the
people in developing nations who live in squalid, unsanitary conditions,
can have the energy desperately needed to treat water supplies and
refrigerate food and medicines. Rather than impose regulatory constraints
on vehicle mileage and fuel blends, government should get out of the way
and let the marketplace sort out what the people want.

Tony Blair, and other early advocates of global command and control of
energy use are beginning to realize that the cost of serious reductions in
energy consumption must result in a serious reduction in living standards,
economic growth and, ultimately, in health and longevity. This is the real
story from Clinton's "Global Initiative," and it won't go away, even if
Clinton and the major media try to ignore it.

Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental
Conservation Organization and chairman of Sovereignty International.

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