-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

> Sextus H. Shearer Huntington March 4, 1865 Mustered > out as Major with regiment.
>    Major
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > --
> *Edward Rowland Sill*: (S&B -1861) An Early American Poet
> *Edward Rowland Sill* (S&B -1861) was born in Windsor, Connecticut, > in 1841. His mother's side of the family was religious, while his > father's family was scientific. Deeply rooted in New England > heritage, the Sill family could trace their ancestry back to > *Jonathan Edwards*. Sill's background in religion and science led > him to a life-long struggle between faith and doubt. He has been > described as a /"poet of antithesis, torn between intellectual > conviction and spiritual question" /(Ferguson 1). These qualities > strongly shaped his personality as well as his writing style, and > influenced him throughout his life as a poet and teacher.
> As a child, Sill was weak and constantly in poor health, leading to > a chosen life of seclusion. Although he remained active in his > later years both teaching and writing, Sill constantly struggled > with his introspective qualities. He was quiet and shy, despite > a /"talent for friendship"/ (Ferguson 22), which he displayed upon > entering Yale at age sixteen. At Yale, Sill spent two years in > academic rebellion, refusing to conform to general expectations, > and instead choosing to think for himself and follow his thirst for > knowledge. During his last two years at Yale he matured into a deep > thinker, still yearning for ultimate knowledge. The poems Sill > published in the/ Yale Literary Magazine/ signaled the start of his > writing career.
> Despite his university education, Sill remained indecisive about > his future career. His love of knowledge pulled him in all > directions, from writing to medicine. To make his final decision, > he moved to California with his good friend *Sextus Shearer* (S&B - > 1861). Ultimately, Sill spent a majority of his life writing and > teaching, both on the East coast and the West. Constantly traveling > across the country, he was torn between his two homes, and between > his religious faith and scientific knowledge. Sill died on February > 27, 1887, in Cleveland, Ohio. Ferguson concludes that, "To the end > of his life he was, in his own phrase,
>                . . . a clouded spirit; full of doubt
>                And old misgiving, heaviness of heart
>                And loneliness of mind; long wearied out
>                With climbing stairs that lead to nothing sure,
>                With chasing lights that lure,
> In the thick murk that wraps us all about. > (201)
> Edward Rowland Sill's thought and writing were both largely > influenced by the works he read -- namely Charles Dickens and > especially Alfred, Lord Tennyson, whom he idolized as the /"king of > poets"/ (Ferguson 26). However, Sill often took advice from his > close friends at Yale, with whom he shared his work. His friend, > *Henry Holt* (father of *Henry Chandler Holt* - S&B -1903), > arranged for the publication of Sill's first volume of poems. > Sextus Shearer, Sill's closest friend, guided him through years of > indecision about his career and supported him in everything he > attempted.
> Ferguson often compares Sill to both Emerson and Thoreau. Like > Emerson, Sill had deep family roots in the New England church; both > men went through times of turning away from their ancestors' > religion. Like Thoreau at Walden, Sill isolated himself at Yale in > a quest for knowledge. Sill was both an idealist and a realist in > his thinking -- yet another dichotomy in his personality. He > believed that /"the poet's calling was sacred, since the poet > served as interpreter between man and God"/ (Ferguson 43).
> Although Edward Sill wrote beautifully, his isolation from most > literary circles left him forgotten among the more famous poets of > his time. While he published many poems and some works of prose in > literary magazines and reviews, most of his published work has been > posthumous, with only one published volume of collected prose and > one volume of poetry (Cambridge History). Sill's poems do not > reflect the whole of his life. According to /Cambridge History/, > "[Sill's] overmodest mind . . . together with his unresolved > struggle of faith and doubt, encouraged his tendency to rest in the > unrecorded thought - to read widely, to feel and reflect > abundantly, rather than to shape his conception in the concrete poem."
> _
> A Brief Discussion of Works by the Famous Early American Poet > Edward R. Sill
> _
> Edward R. Sill wrote many works, the most famous of which are "The > Fool's Prayer" and "Opportunity" (see below). Often, Sill's works > show signs of his struggle with faith, religion, and knowledge. He > wrote poems that reach readers' hearts, making them look inside > themselves and examine their values. Evidencing a contemplative > nature, Sill did not seek fame with his poems, yet they demonstrate > a keen understanding of human nature and inner conflict---aspects > most people can easily relate to.
> In /The Fool's Prayer/, Sill sets the stage for a common jester to > teach a moral lesson, touching the heart of a wise king. The jester > ends his prayer with the lines:
> "Earth bears no balsam for mistakes;
> Men crown the knave, and scourge the tool
> That did his will; but Thou, O Lord,
> Be merciful to me, a fool!"
> The room was hushed; in silence rose
> The King, and sought his gardens cool,
> And walked apart, and murmured low,
> "Be merciful to me, a fool!"
> Through the fool's sincere prayer, which confronts us with so many > truths, the king's guests are awed to silence. One can imagine a > mood of quiet self-evaluation, as each listener must face the fact > that the fool has uttered words of wisdom and heart-felt > repentance. Separating himself, the king then offers his own > simple, humble prayer, acknowledging that he, like most people, can > justifiably be titled /"fools"/ requiring mercy. The substance at > the core of this poem is that not all rich, honored men are wise, > but those we esteem most highly can be taught a lesson by others, > even a/ "fool."/
> /Opportunity/ is a relatively short poem that succeeds in capturing > the essence of a true hero and warrior in the scene it depicts. > This poem shows how inner strength, determination, and attitude > make a winner, not simply circumstances. When the battle is raging > with little hope of victory, the weaker men will relinquish effort > in the face of opposition, crying that fate has denied them the > advantages of their superiors or foes. The most honorable men, on > the other hand, make themselves aware of their situation, decide > what they can do with what is available, and give all they have -- > to the last breath -- in fighting. Transforming a /"craven"/ > soldier's broken, abandoned sword into a fatal weapon, the king's > son claims victory. But the weapon did not make the man; he gave it > fearful power.
> A similar notion to Sill's /Opportunity/ is reflected in the > opening lines of Thomas Paine's /The Crisis/: "These are the times > that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot > will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but > he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and > woman." How easy it is to give up when the going gets tough. The > true warrior, however, stands strong during hard times, fighting to > the end with conviction, despite negative circumstances that may > seem unbearable. This is the man who embodies the admirable > qualities we should strive for in ourselves and respect in others.
> Exemplifying the important role of religion in his life, Sill often > refers to God, and pleas for help on Earth, in a repentful air for > the mankind's ungodly ways. In the beautiful poem, /"//Send Down > Thy Truth, O God"/ (see below), the speaker implores God to send > His guiding help for mankind. Sill obviously viewed God as an > eminent, higher being who deserves our praise and whom we should > strive to please.
> Although not as widely read as many of the early American poets, > Sill deserves our attention. Demonstrating a reflective, self- > searching, questioning quality, Sill's works are worthy to be > included in the American Literary canon. His perspective can be > uplifting and reproachful, seeing the good in some men while > admonishing the weakness in others.
> * *
>    * *
>        * *
>            * *
>                * *
>                    * *
>                        * *
>                        *The Fool's Prayer*
>                        * *
>                        The royal feast was done; the King
>                        Sought out some new sport to banish care,
>                        And to his jester cried: "Sir Fool,
>                        Kneel now, and make for us a prayer!"
>                        The jester doffed his cap and bells,
>                        And stood the mocking court before;
>                        They could not see the bitter smile
>                        Behind the painted grin he wore.
>                        He bowed his head, and bent his knee
>                        Upon the monarch's silken stool;
>                        His pleading voice arose: "O Lord,
>                        Be merciful to me, a fool!
>                        "No pity, Lord, could change the heart
>                         From red with wrong to white as wool;
>                        The rod must heal the sin: but Lord,
>                        Be merciful to me, a fool!
>                        "'Tis not by guilt the onward sweep
>                        Of truth and right, O Lord, we stay;
>                        'Tis by our follies that so long
>                        We hold the earth from heaven away.
>                        "These clumsy feet, still in the mire,
>                        Go crushing blossoms without end;
>                        These hard, well-meaning hands we thrust
>                        Among the heart-strings of a friend.
>                        "The ill-timed truth we might have kept-
>                        Who knows how sharp it pierced and stung?
>                        The word we had not sense to say-
>                        Who knows how grandly it had rung?
>                        "Our faults no tenderness should ask,
>                        The chastening stripes must cleanse them all;
>                        But for out blunders oh, in shame
>                        Before the eyes of heaven we fall.
>                        "Earth bears no balsam for mistakes;
>                        Men crown the knave, and scourge the tool
>                        That did his will; but Thou, O Lord,
>                        Be merciful to me, a fool!"
>                        The room was hushed; in silence rose
>                        The king, and sought his gardens cool,
>                        And walked apart, and murmured low,
>                        "Be merciful to me, a fool!"
>                        *
>                        Opportunity
>                        *
>                        THIS I beheld, or dreamed it in a dream:-
>                        There spread a cloud of dust along a plain;
>                        And underneath the cloud, or in it, raged
>                        A furious battle, and men yelled, and swords
> Shocked upon swords and shields. A prince's > banner
> Wavered, then staggered backward, hemmed by > foes.
>                        A craven hung along the battle's edge,
>                        And thought, "Had I a sword of keener steel-
> That blue blade that the king's son bears,- > but this
> Blunt thing-!" he snapt and flung it from > his hand,
>                        And lowering crept away and left the field.
> Then came the king's son, wounded, sore > bestead,
>                        And weaponless, and saw the broken sword,
>                        Hilt-buried in the dry and trodden sand,
>                        And ran and snatched it, and with battle-shout
>                        Lifted afresh he hewed his enemy down,
>                        And saved a great cause that heroic day.
>                        *
>                        Send Down Thy Truth, O God
>                        *
>                        Send down Thy truth, O God;
>                        Too long the shadows frown;
>                        Too long the darkened way we've trod:
>                        Thy truth, O Lord, send down.
>                        Send down Thy Spirit free,
>                        Till wilderness and town
>                        One temple for Thy worship be:
>                        Thy Spirit, O send down.
>                        Send down Thy love, Thy life,
>                        Our lesser lives to crown,
>                        And cleanse them of their hate and strife:
>                        Thy living love send down.
>                        Send down Thy peace, O Lord:
>                        Earth's bitter voices drown
>                        In one deep ocean of accord:
>                        Thy peace, O God, send down.
> *Bibliography*
> "Edward Rowland Sill." _The Cambridge History of English and > American Literature in 18_ _Volumes (1907-21)._ XVII.II. 14 Nov. > 2002 http://www.bartleby.com/227/0314.html
> Ferguson, Alfred Riggs. Edward Rowland Sill: The Twilight Poet. The > Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1955.
&gt; Sill, Edward R. "The Fools Prayer." 14 Nov. 2002 http:// &gt; www.eyeontomorrow.com/ embracingthechild/Cfoolspray.html <http:// > www.eyeontomorrow.com/%20embracingthechild/Cfoolspray.html&gt; .
&gt; ---. "Opportunity." 14 Nov. 2002 http://www.geocites.com/ &gt; sscolari0001/Opportunity.html <http://www.geocites.com/sscolari0001/ > Opportunity.hyml&gt;
&gt; ---. "Send Down Thy Truth , O God." 14 Nov. 2002 http:// &gt; www.cyberhymnal.org/ hym/s/d/sdttogod.htm <http:// > www.cyberhymnal.org/%20hym/s/d/sdttogod.htm&gt;
&gt; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- &gt; --
&gt; During the decade of the thirties a person standing in Delaware &gt; Street facing this house, could plainly see on the ridge of ground &gt; to the northwest the mansion built by Pierre A. BARKER, now the &gt; residence of Franklin SIDWAY, and also to the right of it the house &gt; of Israel T. HATCH, where he resided many years, now the home of &gt; John S. NOYES; intermediate were but few objects to obstruct the &gt; view. Looking down /"Delaware" /there were but few scattered houses &gt; to interfere with the overlook to the bay.
&gt; When this place was being constructed, the people of whom the &gt; greater number lived down town, were frequent visitors to it, &gt; inspecting its progress; it was an excursion of a Sunday to walk up &gt; town so far, to view it, and when finished it was as /"Johnson's &gt; Cottage"/ the attractive show place of the town, and of our first &gt; Mayor.
&gt; There is a lady now living on /"Johnson Park," /Mrs. Horace UTLEY - &gt; a daughter of Doctor Ebenezer JOHNSON, who was born in &gt; the /"Cottage"/ when he resided there.
&gt; Nothing to the north of this cottage until you came to the large &gt; old mansion, built in 1835, and in which lived *Sextus SHEARER*. &gt; This was the end of Delaware Street, beyond which was a straggling &gt; country road, but very little used. On the road near the Ferry Road &gt; [now Ferry Street], lived a well known Buffalonian, Henry P. &gt; RUSSELL. The SHEARER house stands on the corner of allen Street; in &gt; the thirties Mr. SHEARER was an enterprising hardware merchant, did &gt; business on Main Street, below the bridge at No. 84 [old number]. &gt; He moved from here to St. Louis and after he was sixty studied law, &gt; was admitted to and practiced at the bar. Since Mr. SHEARER lived &gt; there it has undergone many changes and owners; it was at one time &gt; the Catholic Seminary of the /"Sacred Heart."/ The daughter of &gt; President Fillmore was a student at this school. The place has been &gt; owned at different times by Joseph CHRISTOPHER, Hiram NILES, S.N. &gt; DERRICK, Stephen D. CALDWELL, and more recently by George B. GATES, &gt; where his widow and their daughter now reside.
&gt; http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~redrobyn/The_Thirties.html
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&gt;      <td class="xl25">Sextus H. Shearer</td>
&gt;      <td class="xl25">Huntington</td>
&gt;      <td class="xl25">March 4, 1865</td>
&gt;      <td class="xl25">&nbsp;</td>
&gt;      <td class="xl25">Mustered out as Major with regiment.</td>
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&gt;      <td class="xl25" style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17">&nbsp;</td>
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&gt; <p align="center"><font color="#ff0000"><b>Edward Rowland Sill</b>:
&gt; (S&amp;B -1861)</font> An Early American Poet</p>
&gt; <p><font color="#ff0000"><b>Edward Rowland Sill</b> (S&amp;B -1861) &gt; </font>was
&gt; born in Windsor, Connecticut, in 1841. His mother's
&gt; side of the family was religious, while his father's family was
&gt; scientific.
&gt; Deeply rooted in New England heritage, the Sill family could trace
&gt; their
&gt; ancestry back to <b>Jonathan Edwards</b>. Sill's background in
&gt; religion and science led
&gt; him to a life-long struggle between faith and doubt. He has been
&gt; described as a
&gt; <i>"poet of antithesis, torn between intellectual conviction and
&gt; spiritual
&gt; question" </i>(Ferguson 1). These qualities strongly shaped his
&gt; personality as
&gt; well as his writing style, and influenced him throughout his life as a
&gt; poet and
&gt; teacher.</p>
&gt; <p>As a child, Sill was weak and constantly in poor health, leading to
&gt; a chosen
&gt; life of seclusion. Although he remained active in his later years both
&gt; teaching
&gt; and writing, Sill constantly struggled with his introspective
&gt; qualities. He was
&gt; quiet and shy, despite a <i>"talent for friendship"</i> (Ferguson 22),
&gt; which
&gt; he displayed upon entering Yale at age sixteen. At Yale, Sill spent &gt; two
&gt; years in
&gt; academic rebellion, refusing to conform to general expectations, and
&gt; instead
&gt; choosing to think for himself and follow his thirst for knowledge.
&gt; During his
&gt; last two years at Yale he matured into a deep thinker, still yearning
&gt; for
&gt; ultimate knowledge. The poems Sill published in the<i> Yale Literary
&gt; Magazine</i>
&gt; signaled the start of his writing career.</p>
&gt; <p>Despite his university education, Sill remained indecisive about &gt; his
&gt; future
&gt; career. His love of knowledge pulled him in all directions, from
&gt; writing to
&gt; medicine. To make his final decision, he moved to California with his
&gt; good
&gt; friend <font color="#ff0000"><b>Sextus Shearer</b> (S&amp;B - 1861) &gt; </font>.
&gt; Ultimately, Sill spent a majority of his life writing and
&gt; teaching, both on the East coast and the West. Constantly traveling
&gt; across the
&gt; country, he was torn between his two homes, and between his religious
&gt; faith and
&gt; scientific knowledge. Sill died on February 27, 1887, in Cleveland,
&gt; Ohio.
&gt; Ferguson concludes that, "To the end of his life he was, in his own
&gt; phrase,</p>
&gt; <blockquote>
&gt;  <blockquote>
&gt;    <blockquote>
&gt;      <blockquote>
&gt;        <p>. . . a clouded spirit; full of doubt</p>
&gt;        <p>And old misgiving, heaviness of heart</p>
&gt;        <p>And loneliness of mind; long wearied out</p>
&gt;        <p>With climbing stairs that lead to nothing sure,</p>
&gt;        <p>With chasing lights that lure,</p>
&gt;      </blockquote>
&gt;    </blockquote>
&gt; &gt; <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;& &gt; nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In the thick murk that wraps us all &gt; about. (201)</p>
&gt;  </blockquote>
&gt; </blockquote>
&gt; <p>Edward Rowland Sill's thought and writing were both largely
&gt; influenced by the
&gt; works he read &#8211; namely Charles Dickens and especially Alfred, &gt; Lord
&gt; Tennyson,
&gt; whom he idolized as the <i>"king of poets"</i> (Ferguson 26). However,
&gt; Sill
&gt; often took advice from his close friends at Yale, with whom he shared
&gt; his work.
&gt; His friend, <b>Henry Holt</b> (<font color="#ff0000">father of &gt; <b>Henry &gt; Chandler Holt</b> - S&amp;B -1903)</font>, arranged for the &gt; publication
&gt; of Sill's first volume of
&gt; poems. Sextus Shearer, Sill&#8217;s closest friend, guided him &gt; through years
&gt; of
&gt; indecision about his career and supported him in everything he
&gt; attempted.</p>
&gt; <p>Ferguson often compares Sill to both Emerson and Thoreau. Like
&gt; Emerson, Sill
&gt; had deep family roots in the New England church; both men went through
&gt; times of
&gt; turning away from their ancestors' religion. Like Thoreau at Walden,
&gt; Sill
&gt; isolated himself at Yale in a quest for knowledge. Sill was both an
&gt; idealist and
&gt; a realist in his thinking &#8211; yet another dichotomy in his &gt; personality.
&gt; He
&gt; believed that <i>"the poet's calling was sacred, since the poet served
&gt; as
&gt; interpreter between man and God"</i> (Ferguson 43).</p>
&gt; <p>Although Edward Sill wrote beautifully, his isolation from most
&gt; literary
&gt; circles left him forgotten among the more famous poets of his time.
&gt; While he
&gt; published many poems and some works of prose in literary magazines and
&gt; reviews,
&gt; most of his published work has been posthumous, with only one &gt; published
&gt; volume
&gt; of collected prose and one volume of poetry (Cambridge History). &gt; Sill's
&gt; poems do
&gt; not reflect the whole of his life. According to <i>Cambridge &gt; History</i>,
&gt; "[Sill's] overmodest mind . . . together with his unresolved struggle
&gt; of
&gt; faith and doubt, encouraged his tendency to rest in the unrecorded
&gt; thought - to
&gt; read widely, to feel and reflect abundantly, rather than to shape his
&gt; conception
&gt; in the concrete poem."</p>
&gt; <u>
&gt; <p align="center">A Brief Discussion of Works by the Famous Early
&gt; American Poet
&gt; Edward R. Sill</p>
&gt; </u><font size="2">
&gt; </font>
&gt; <p>Edward R. Sill wrote many works, the most famous of which are &gt; "<font size="2">The
&gt; Fool&#8217;s Prayer"</font> and "<font size="2">Opportunity" (see
&gt; below)</font>. Often, Sill&#8217;s works show signs of his struggle &gt; with
&gt; faith,
&gt; religion, and knowledge. He wrote poems that reach readers&#8217; &gt; hearts,
&gt; making
&gt; them look inside themselves and examine their values. Evidencing a
&gt; contemplative
&gt; nature, Sill did not seek fame with his poems, yet they demonstrate a
&gt; keen
&gt; understanding of human nature and inner conflict&#8212;aspects most &gt; people
&gt; can
&gt; easily relate to.</p>
&gt; <p>In <i>The Fool&#8217;s Prayer</i>, Sill sets the stage for a common
&gt; jester to
&gt; teach a moral lesson, touching the heart of a wise king. The jester
&gt; ends his
&gt; prayer with the lines:</p>
&gt; <p align="center">"Earth bears no balsam for mistakes;</p>
&gt; <div align="center"></div>
&gt; <p align="center">Men crown the knave, and scourge the tool</p>
&gt; <div align="center"></div>
&gt; <p align="center">That did his will; but Thou, O Lord,</p>
&gt; <div align="center"></div>
&gt; <p align="center">Be merciful to me, a fool!"</p>
&gt; <div align="center"></div>
&gt; <p align="center">The room was hushed; in silence rose</p>
&gt; <div align="center"></div>
&gt; <p align="center">The King, and sought his gardens cool,</p>
&gt; <div align="center"></div>
&gt; <p align="center">And walked apart, and murmured low,</p>
&gt; <div align="center"></div>
&gt; <p align="center">"Be merciful to me, a fool!"</p>
&gt; <p>Through the fool&#8217;s sincere prayer, which confronts us with &gt; so many
&gt; truths,
&gt; the king&#8217;s guests are awed to silence. One can imagine a mood &gt; of quiet
&gt; self-evaluation, as each listener must face the fact that the fool has
&gt; uttered
&gt; words of wisdom and heart-felt repentance. Separating himself, the &gt; king
&gt; then
&gt; offers his own simple, humble prayer, acknowledging that he, like most
&gt; people,
&gt; can justifiably be titled <i>"fools"</i> requiring mercy. The
&gt; substance at
&gt; the core of this poem is that not all rich, honored men are wise, but
&gt; those we
&gt; esteem most highly can be taught a lesson by others, even a<i> &gt; "fool."</i></p>
&gt; <p><i>Opportunity</i> is a relatively short poem that succeeds in
&gt; capturing the
&gt; essence of a true hero and warrior in the scene it depicts. This poem
&gt; shows how
&gt; inner strength, determination, and attitude make a winner, not simply
&gt; circumstances. When the battle is raging with little hope of victory,
&gt; the weaker
&gt; men will relinquish effort in the face of opposition, crying that fate
&gt; has
&gt; denied them the advantages of their superiors or foes. The most
&gt; honorable men,
&gt; on the other hand, make themselves aware of their situation, decide
&gt; what they
&gt; can do with what is available, and give all they have &#8211; to &gt; the last
&gt; breath &#8211;
&gt; in fighting. Transforming a <i>"craven"</i> soldier&#8217;s broken,
&gt; abandoned
&gt; sword into a fatal weapon, the king&#8217;s son claims victory. But &gt; the
&gt; weapon did
&gt; not make the man; he gave it fearful power.</p>
&gt; <p>A similar notion to Sill&#8217;s <i>Opportunity</i> is reflected &gt; in the
&gt; opening
&gt; lines of Thomas Paine&#8217;s <i>The Crisis</i>: "These are the &gt; times that
&gt; try
&gt; men&#8217;s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot &gt; will, in this
&gt; crisis,
&gt; shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now,
&gt; deserves
&gt; the love and thanks of man and woman." How easy it is to give up when
&gt; the
&gt; going gets tough. The true warrior, however, stands strong during hard
&gt; times,
&gt; fighting to the end with conviction, despite negative circumstances
&gt; that may
&gt; seem unbearable. This is the man who embodies the admirable qualities
&gt; we should
&gt; strive for in ourselves and respect in others.</p>
&gt; <p>Exemplifying the important role of religion in his life, Sill often
&gt; refers to
&gt; God, and pleas for help on Earth, in a repentful air for the &gt; mankind&#8217;s
&gt; ungodly
&gt; ways. In the beautiful poem, <i><big>"</big></i><font   > 
&gt; Down Thy Truth, O
&gt; God"</i> </big>(see below)</font>, the speaker implores God to send
&gt; His guiding help
&gt; for mankind. Sill obviously viewed God as an eminent, higher being who
&gt; deserves
&gt; our praise and whom we should strive to please.</p>
&gt; <p>Although not as widely read as many of the early American poets,
&gt; Sill
&gt; deserves our attention. Demonstrating a reflective, self-searching,
&gt; questioning
&gt; quality, Sill&#8217;s works are worthy to be included in the American
&gt; Literary
&gt; canon. His perspective can be uplifting and reproachful, seeing the
&gt; good in some
&gt; men while admonishing the weakness in others.</p>
&gt; <b><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT" size="5">
&gt; </font></b>
&gt; <blockquote><b><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"   > size="5"&gt; 
&gt;  <blockquote><b><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"   > 
&gt;    </font></b>
&gt;    <blockquote><b><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"     > size="5"&gt; 
&gt;      <blockquote><b><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"     > size="5"&gt; 
&gt;        <blockquote><b><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface   > BT"   size="5"> 
&gt;          <blockquote><b><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface   > BT"   size="5"> 
&gt;            <p><b><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"   > 
&gt; Fool's Prayer</font></b></p>
&gt;            <b><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"   > size="5"&gt; </font></b><font   
face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface   > BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT">The royal
&gt; feast was done; the King<br>
&gt; Sought out some new sport to banish care,<br>
&gt; And to his jester cried: "Sir Fool,<br>
&gt; Kneel now, and make for us a prayer!"</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT">The jester
&gt; doffed his cap and bells,<br>
&gt; And stood the mocking court before;<br>
&gt; They could not see the bitter smile<br>
&gt; Behind the painted grin he wore.</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT">He bowed
&gt; his head, and bent his knee<br>
&gt; Upon the monarch's silken stool;<br>
&gt; His pleading voice arose: "O Lord,<br>
&gt; Be merciful to me, a fool!</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT">"No pity,
&gt; Lord, could change the heart<br>
&gt; From red with wrong to white as wool;<br>
&gt; The rod must heal the sin: but Lord,<br>
&gt; Be merciful to me, a fool!</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT">"'Tis not
&gt; by guilt the onward sweep<br>
&gt; Of truth and right, O Lord, we stay;<br>
&gt; 'Tis by our follies that so long<br>
&gt; We hold the earth from heaven away.</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT">"These
&gt; clumsy feet, still in the mire,<br>
&gt; Go crushing blossoms without end;<br>
&gt; These hard, well-meaning hands we thrust<br>
&gt; Among the heart-strings of a friend.</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT">"The
&gt; ill-timed truth we might have kept-<br>
&gt; Who knows how sharp it pierced and stung?<br>
&gt; The word we had not sense to say-<br>
&gt; Who knows how grandly it had rung?</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT">"Our
&gt; faults no tenderness should ask,<br>
&gt; The chastening stripes must cleanse them all;<br>
&gt; But for out blunders oh, in shame<br>
&gt; Before the eyes of heaven we fall.</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT">"Earth
&gt; bears no balsam for mistakes;<br>
&gt; Men crown the knave, and scourge the tool<br>
&gt; That did his will; but Thou, O Lord,<br>
&gt; Be merciful to me, a fool!"</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT">The room
&gt; was hushed; in silence rose<br>
&gt; The king, and sought his gardens cool,<br>
&gt; And walked apart, and murmured low,<br>
&gt; "Be merciful to me, a fool!"</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </  > font&gt;<b><font   
face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT" size="5">
&gt;            <p>&nbsp;</p>
&gt;            <p>Opportunity</p>
&gt;            </font></b><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface   > BT"   
size="4"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface BT" 
size="4">T</font><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface BT">HIS I beheld, or dreamed it in
&gt; a dream:-</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">There spread a cloud of dust
&gt; along a plain;</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">And underneath the cloud, or
&gt; in it, raged</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">A furious battle, and men
&gt; yelled, and swords</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">Shocked upon swords and
&gt; shields. A prince's banner</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">Wavered, then staggered
&gt; backward, hemmed by foes.</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">A craven hung along the
&gt; battle's edge,</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">And thought, "Had I a sword of
&gt; keener steel-</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">That blue blade that the
&gt; king's son bears,-but this</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">Blunt thing-!" he snapt and
&gt; flung it from his hand,</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">And lowering crept away and
&gt; left the field.</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">Then came the king's son,
&gt; wounded, sore bestead,</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">And weaponless, and saw the
&gt; broken sword,</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">Hilt-buried in the dry and
&gt; trodden sand,</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">And ran and snatched it, and
&gt; with battle-shout</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">Lifted afresh he hewed his
&gt; enemy down,</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p align="justify"><font   face="Tempus Sans   > ITC,CaslonOpnface 
BT">And saved a great cause that
&gt; heroic day.</font></p>
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font>
&gt;            <p><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT">&nbsp;</  > 
&gt;            <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </  > font&gt;<b><font   
face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT" size="5">
&gt;            <p>Send Down Thy Truth, O God</p>
&gt;            </font></b><font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT">
&gt;            <p>Send down Thy truth, O God;<br>
&gt; Too long the shadows frown;<br>
&gt; Too long the darkened way we&#8217;ve trod:<br>
&gt; Thy truth, O Lord, send down.</p>
&gt;            <p>Send down Thy Spirit free,<br>
&gt; Till wilderness and town<br>
&gt; One temple for Thy worship be:<br>
&gt; Thy Spirit, O send down.</p>
&gt;            <p>Send down Thy love, Thy life,<br>
&gt; Our lesser lives to crown,<br>
&gt; And cleanse them of their hate and strife:<br>
&gt; Thy living love send down.</p>
&gt;            <p>Send down Thy peace, O Lord:<br>
&gt; Earth&#8217;s bitter voices drown<br>
&gt; In one deep ocean of accord:<br>
&gt; Thy peace, O God, send down.</p>
&gt;            </font></blockquote>
&gt;          <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font></  > 
&gt;        <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font></  > 
&gt;      <font face="Tempus Sans ITC,CaslonOpnface BT"> </font></  > 
&gt;  </blockquote>
&gt; </blockquote>
&gt; <p>&nbsp;</p>
&gt; <p align="center"><b>Bibliography</b></p>
&gt; <p>"Edward Rowland Sill." <u>The Cambridge History of English and
&gt; American Literature in 18</u> <u>Volumes (1907-21).</u> XVII.II. 14
&gt; Nov. 2002&nbsp;<font color="#008000"> <a href="http:// > www.bartleby.com/227/0314.html">http://www.bartleby.com/ &gt; 227/0314.html</a></font></p>
&gt; <p>Ferguson, Alfred Riggs. Edward Rowland Sill: The Twilight Poet. The
&gt; Hague:
&gt; Martinus Nijhoff, 1955.</p>
&gt; <p>Sill, Edward R. "The Fools Prayer." 14 Nov. 2002 <a > href="http://www.eyeontomorrow.com/%20embracingthechild/ &gt; Cfoolspray.html"&gt;http://www.eyeontomorrow.com/
&gt; embracingthechild/Cfoolspray.html</a> .</p>
&gt; <p>---. "Opportunity." 14 Nov. 2002 <a href="http:// > www.geocites.com/sscolari0001/Opportunity.hyml">http:// &gt; www.geocites.com/sscolari0001/Opportunity.html</a></p> &gt; <p>---. "Send Down Thy Truth , O God." 14 Nov. 2002 <a > href="http://www.cyberhymnal.org/%20hym/s/d/sdttogod.htm"&gt;http:// &gt; www.cyberhymnal.org/
&gt; hym/s/d/sdttogod.htm</a></p>
&gt; <br>
&gt; <hr size="2" width="100%">
&gt; <p>During the decade of the thirties a person standing in Delaware
&gt; Street facing
&gt; this house, could plainly see on the ridge of ground to the northwest
&gt; the
&gt; mansion built by Pierre A. BARKER, now the residence of Franklin
&gt; SIDWAY,
&gt; and also to the right of it the house of Israel T. HATCH, where he
&gt; resided
&gt; many years, now the home of John S. NOYES; intermediate were but few
&gt; objects
&gt; to obstruct the view. Looking down <i>"Delaware" </i>there were but
&gt; few scattered
&gt; houses to interfere with the overlook to the bay.
&gt; </p>
&gt; <p>When this place was being constructed, the people of whom the
&gt; greater number
&gt; lived down town, were frequent visitors to it, inspecting its &gt; progress;
&gt; it
&gt; was an excursion of a Sunday to walk up town so far, to view it, and
&gt; when
&gt; finished it was as <i>"Johnson's Cottage"</i> the attractive show
&gt; place of the town,
&gt; and of our first Mayor.
&gt; </p>
&gt; <p>There is a lady now living on <i>"Johnson Park," </i>Mrs. Horace
&gt; UTLEY - a daughter
&gt; of Doctor Ebenezer JOHNSON, who was born in the <i>"Cottage"</i> when
&gt; he resided
&gt; there.
&gt; </p>
&gt; <p>Nothing to the north of this cottage until you came to the large &gt; old
&gt; mansion,
&gt; built in 1835, and in which lived <b>Sextus SHEARER</b>. This was the
&gt; end of Delaware
&gt; Street, beyond which was a straggling country road, but very little
&gt; used.
&gt; On the road near the Ferry Road [now Ferry Street], lived a well known
&gt; Buffalonian, Henry P. RUSSELL. The SHEARER house stands on the corner
&gt; of
&gt; allen Street; in the thirties Mr. SHEARER was an enterprising hardware
&gt; merchant,
&gt; did business on Main Street, below the bridge at No. 84 [old number].
&gt; He
&gt; moved from here to St. Louis and after he was sixty studied law, was
&gt; admitted
&gt; to and practiced at the bar. Since Mr. SHEARER lived there it has
&gt; undergone
&gt; many changes and owners; it was at one time the Catholic Seminary of
&gt; the
&gt; <i>"Sacred Heart."</i> The daughter of President Fillmore was a &gt; student
&gt; at this
&gt; school. The place has been owned at different times by Joseph
&gt; Hiram NILES, S.N. DERRICK, Stephen D. CALDWELL, and more recently by
&gt; George
&gt; B. GATES, where his widow and their daughter now reside.<br>
&gt; </p>
&gt; <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http:// > freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~redrobyn/ > The_Thirties.html">http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/ &gt; ~redrobyn/The_Thirties.html</a>
&gt; <hr size="2" width="100%">
&gt; </body>
&gt; </html>
&gt; --------------070908010408080305030001--

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