-Caveat Lector-


Camden Diocese escapes scrutiny By Craig R. McCoy and Nancy Phillips - Inquirer Staff Writers - 10/16/05 "One priest in the Camden Diocese was accused of molesting a 14-year-old boy - but was left in place. He abused more young boys. Other priests passed teenage boys around in a "sex ring" that shuttled victims from South Jersey to Rhode Island. In another case, a priest was called in by his bishop and "did not deny" years of attacks on two brothers. In response, the bishop quietly transferred him to a new parish.  In all, The Inquirer has identified by name 25 priests in the six-county Camden Diocese who have been accused of sexually abusing children and teenagers during the last five decades, most during the tenure of Bishop George H. Guilfoyle in 1970s and 1980s. Some were defrocked and sent to jail. Others escaped punishment because superiors kept the crimes quiet." www.philly.com

fwd from Lynne Moss Sharman - Sexual abuse survivors seek closure "Members of the Ralph Rowe Survivor Network will gather in North Caribou Lake First Nation this November to demolish the old Anglican mission house where Rowe worked as a priest and scoutsmaster....The former Anglican minister and Boy Scout leader faces 38 counts of indecent assaults and 34 counts of sexual assault against a total of 28 victims in nine different settings, most of them northern First Nations. He has already served six years in prison after entering a guilty plea in 1994 to 28 charges of sexual abuse against 16 boys between 1976-1981."  Http://www.wawatay.on.ca/index.php?module=pagesetter&func=viewpub&tid=5&pid=132

Sex with trafficked women is rape, says minister - Mark Townsend 10/16/05 The Observer "Men who have sex with trafficked prostitutes should be charged with rape, ministers believe - a move that could see thousands prosecuted....Prostitution and the trafficking of women have become the third highest 'black market' income earner after drugs and the arms trade. Unofficial estimates suggest 10,000 illegal immigrants are working as prostitutes in Britain, with three-quarters of women in brothels hailing from the Baltic states, Africa and South East Asia." http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,1593227,00.html
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