This is a forwarded email (snipped).  No comments are mine.....~J

>We live in a cause and effect universe, things don't "just happen".
>There are enough emotionally twisted people out there that we should
>not be PROVOKING THEM to go over the edge [especially powerful people
>like Saddam Hussain and Slobodon Melosovich, etc.].  Sure, the killers
>at Columbine High School chose the devil's way of responding to abuse
>and to their sense of self-hatred [evidenced by their suicides], however
>it was a response to abuse non-the-less.  The "Jocks" at Columbine
>high school were PARTLY responsible for bringing this upon themselves.
>That's my humble opinion [although I might get a lot of flack for it].
(name deleted)

>>     FROM:
>> 'Trenchcoat' Member Describes 'Pure Hell' And Torment On Columbine
>> Campus
>>     By Susan Greene
>>     Denver Post Staff Writer
>>     4-25-99
>>     Hell.
>>                                            The word has been used so
>> often this week to describe the bloody rampage at Columbine High School.
>>                                            But one member of Columbine's
>> now-notorious Trench Coat Mafia invokes the same image of hell when
>> describing life at the school before the carnage.
>>                                            The 18-year-old, who demanded
>> anonymity, said he was taunted and terrorized by his schoolmates -
>> so-called jocks who called him "faggot,'' bashed him into lockers and
>> threw rocks
>> at him from their cars while he rode his bike home from school.
>>                                            "I can't describe how hard it
>> was to get up in the morning and face that,'' he said.
>>                     "Hell,'' he continued. "Pure hell.''
>>                                            Police repeatedly have
>> questioned the teen about his knowledge of the shootings.
>>                                            He is one of several mafia
>> members who at once are shying away from reporters, but also desperate
>> to have their stories heard.
>>                                            He and his parents know
>> people will perceive their anonymity as a sign that he has something to
>> hide or in some way is responsible for Tuesday's massacre.
>>                                            He's visibly grieving about
>> the tragedy and about what he knows are the ties students are suggesting
>> between him and killers Eric Har ris and Dylan Klebold.
>>                                            He said the two seniors
>> weren't even part of the mafia, but merely friends of one especially
>> charismatic - and, he notes, the only violent - member.
>>                                            They were on the fringe of
>> the group, the school's most outcast, most fringe clique.
>>                                            And so, the teen said, his
>> reluctance to speak out stems not from an association with the shooters,
>> but from the very reason his group of loners banded together in the
>> first place
>>  - out of fear of more ridicule and torment, more shoves, more thrown
>> rocks. Or worse.
>>                                            "I want to stand up and say
>> this is what I went through,'' he said. "But I'm scared, not just for
>> me, but my family.''
>>                                            By now, most of America and
>> much of the world have heard about Columbine's jocks.
>>                                            The student-athletes commonly
>> wear clothes bearing the logos of sports teams. Another indication is
>> baseball caps with visors worn facing forward and carefully rounded.
>>                                            Not all jocks tormented him,
>> the teen noted. But he said a handful of bullies held so much power that
>> most of the school emulated them, or at least were too afraid to voice
>> dissen
>> t.
>>                                            "If you didn't dress like
>> them, if you walked to school or rode your bike, if you didn't get into
>> sports and weren't athletic, then you were an outcast. It's that
>> simple,'' he sai
>> d.
>>                                            Taunting started with the
>> teen's appearance which, without compromising his anonymity, is gawky -
>> the painfully uneasy look of so many male teens teetering between
>> boyhood and man
>> hood. He said jocks ridiculed his clothes and his black trench coat,
>> which his parents bought for him to wear with suits on special
>> occasions.
>>                     The torment often became vicious.
>>                                            While the teen biked home
>> from school, he said, jocks would "speed past at 40, 50 mph'' and toss
>> pop cans or cups full of sticky soda at him. Sometimes they threw rocks
>> or even si
>> deswiped his bike with their cars.
>>                                            He described waking on school
>> days with a knot in his stomach and the dread of having to face the
>> humiliation.
>>                                            He would avoid certain
>> hallways and even make his way to classes outside the school building to
>> escape being ridiculed or being bashed against lockers, he said.
>>                                            In the cafeteria, he
>> continued, jocks threw mashed potatoes at him. He would wear the stains
>> for the rest of the school day.
>>                                            But he wasn't the only kid
>> messed with at Columbine. Other mafia members faced similar troubles.
>> And, he said, he knew Klebold and Harris were tormented as well.
>>                                            The teen speaks about his
>> high school years quietly, but angrily. He's visibly withdrawn and says
>> he's depressed. But he has enough perspective to understand why he
>> joined the maf
>> ia. It was the only place he could find friends.
>>                                            He said the core group of
>> about seven boys - mostly socially awkward kids, loners - started
>> hanging out in 1996. They gradually grew to include more students, boys
>> and girls who c
>> alled themselves "The Anachronists'' because of their interest in the
>> game Dungeons and Dragons and their penchant for Goth, short for Gothic,
>> fashions.
>>                                            In early 1998, he said, a
>> jock branded them with the name Trench Coat Mafia. The group accepted
>> the moniker, hoping the symbolism would scare their tormenters and that
>> the nefario
>> us aura of a darkly dressed mob would finally give them some peace.
>>                                            "And it worked,'' the teen
>> said. "They did start leaving us alone.'' Members apparently found
>> security in numbers. They hung out together listening to music, watching
>> movies and c
>> ommiserating about their difficulties at school. Many, he said, were
>> just grateful for the companionship.
>>                                            Despite widespread news
>> reports about their obsession with the sadist music of Marilyn Manson,
>> he said, only one member really was a fan of the shock-rocker.
>>                                            The teen also makes a point
>> of noting the group wasn't racist or interested in Nazi history or
>> culture.
>>                                            "That's so inaccurate, the
>> image that we were like that,'' he said. "People just want to put labels
>> on us that aren't true.''
>>                                            The teen said Harris and
>> Klebold were less socially active even than other mafia members.
>>                                            From the outside, he said,
>> they must have seemed part of the group because of their black trench
>> coats and their similar Goth style of dress. But, speaking from the
>> inside, he sai
>> d they weren't really members. Although they sometimes hung with the
>> mafia in Columbine's commons and shared sneers at the jocks, he
>> recalled, they ate at a separate lunch table and led very separate
>> lives.
>>                                            Harris and Klebold didn't
>> usually don trench coats, he added, surmising they wore them on Tuesday
>> because they helped hide their guns. Further, he noted, theirs weren't
>> really tre
>> nch coats, but actually Australian dusters - not authentically Goth at
>> all.
>>                                            The teen is clearly rocked by
>> Tuesday's massacre. He swallows hard when talking about it, when seeing
>> the yearbook photos of his dead schoolmates and teacher beamed over
>> national
>> TV.
>>                                            "I'm not saying what they did
>> was OK,'' he said of Harris and Klebold. "But I know what it's like to
>> be cornered, pushed day after day.''
>>                                            "Tell people that we were
>> harassed and that sometimes it was impossible to take,'' he told a
>> reporter. "Tell people that ... eventually, someone was going to snap.''

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