-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 14:32:32 -0800
From: Human Events Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Liberal Republicans Try To Hijack Budget Reductions

Dear Friend:

Liberal Republicans in the House blocked legislation to
significantly cut government spending and reduce America?s
dependence on forein oil!

You read that right.

Prior to Thanksgiving -- as many as 25 Liberal REPUBLICANS --
caving to the pressure and unfounded claims of radical Left-wing
environmental groups ? literally hijacked the House Budget bill.

These liberal Republicans are trying to erase the hard-fought
gains we -- you and I ? have made in the Senate these past two

Here?s what is happening:

Republican leaders in the House and Senate were at last ready to
attack the sky-rocketing debt -- the largest in our nation?s

In the same bill, they proposed a long-overdue measure to reduce
America?s dependence on forein oil and help to lower gas prices
by increasing domestic production through responsible,
environmentally-sound oil exploration in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

A group of Leftwing House Republicans thumbed their noses at
America and prevented the bill from coming to the floor.  How?
They told the GOP leadership they would join hard-left Democrats
like Nancy Pelosi and John Conyers and Socialist Bernie Sanders
to vote against the entire bill --? if the ANWR provision wasn?t

Faced with this outrageous alliance of liberal Republicans and
extremist Democrats, the GOP-dominated House Rules Committee
withdrew the ANWR provision.

But hold on to your hats.  It gets worse!

These are many of the same liberal Republicans who are opposed
to cutting wasteful government spending.

I know you agree that we shouldn't take this betrayal lying

These elected leaders NEED to hear from you TODAY!

Use the hyperlink below to send your 48 URGENT BLAST FAX
messages to the Members of the United States House of
Representatives whose vote is crucial if we are to rein in
out-of-control spending and release ANWR from captivity.

Tell them the American people can no longer afford to pay
exorbitant prices at the pump for gasoline. Tell them that
Americans can?t afford to spend thousands more than ever before
to heat their homes. Tell them that run-away federal spending
and high energy prices are undermining our economy and costing
American jobs. And tell them that we will no longer tolerate
their callous inaction.

Tell these liberal Republicans to stop playing games with our
future.  Tell them you want more budget reductions and you want
them to authorize oil exploration in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) immediately.


<a href="http://www.grasstopsusa.com/anwr.html";>AOL Members Use
This Hyperlink</a>

If the above hyperlink does not function, please copy and paste
it into the address bar of your browser.

ANWR?s Potential?

America?s energy consumption has grown at twice the rate of
domestic production since the energy crisis in the 1970s.

Yet more than half of our nation?s oil is currently imported
from forein sources, including nations and regions plagued by
instability and turmoil -- like Venezuela and the Middle East.
In fact, U.S. imports have risen to between 58% - 64% of all oil
consumed in this country, depending on the time of year.

And, as America?s oil consumption increases by more than two
percent each year, thanks to a growing economy, without more
domestic production, imports will continue to skyrocket.

While conservation and other alternative sources of energy need
to be explored, the fact remains that our economy ? our way of
life ? is dependent on affordable sources of oil.  ANWR
represents our nation?s best hope to reduce energy prices, boost
the economy and reduce America?s dependence on forein oil.

Or to put it another way, ANWR would?

Replace the one million barrels of oil PER DAY we lost because
of the devastation caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Replace over 30 years of Saudi oil and 58 years of Iraqi oil and
take a big bite out of the $150 billion -- that's
$150,000,000,000 -- the United States spends each and every year
importing forein oil.

Create over 736,000 new jobs -- that's nearly three quarters of
a million -- in the United States.

Raise over $29 billion in federal tax revenues -- that's
$29,000,000,000 -- and over $31 billion in state tax revenues
over a 15 year period -- without raising taxes.

We need to send a clear message to these liberal Republicans who
are preventing this legislation from passing in the House of

Use the hyperlink below to send your 48 URGENT BLAST FAX
messages to the Members of the United States House of
Representatives whose vote is crucial if we are to rein in
out-of-control spending and release ANWR from captivity.

Tell them the American people can no longer afford to pay
exorbitant prices at the pump for gasoline. Tell them that
Americans can?t afford to spend thousands more than ever before
to heat their homes. Tell them that run-away federal spending
and high energy prices are undermining our economy and costing
American jobs. And tell them that we will no longer tolerate
their callous inaction.

Tell these liberal Republicans to stop playing games with our
future.  Tell them you want more budget reductions and you want
them to authorize oil exploration in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) immediately.


<a href="http://www.grasstopsusa.com/anwr.html";>AOL Members Use
This Hyperlink</a>

If the above hyperlink does not function, please copy and paste
it into the address bar of your browser.

It's Time To Fight Back Against The Radical Myths

For over a generation, the radical environmental movement has
successfully bullied and intimidated Members of Congress into
doing nothing with the American oil in ANWR.

Truth be told, the radical environmental movement has shaped the
debate through a 20-year campaign of lies, while selling the
American people such a pile of doom and gloom that few of our
elected leaders have the political will to go against them.

After all, what politician in his or her right mind would want
to be labeled an enemy of the environment, a killer of pristine
wildlife and a "stooge" for big business?

It's high time to confront the liberals? myths and lies, educate
the public and give our elected leaders the political will to act
in our best interests -- American interests.

MYTH: One of the biggest pieces of disinformation is the subtle
implication that opening ANWR to drilling would ruin large
tracts of pristine wilderness.

FACT: Not so! Under current legislation, drilling in ANWR is
limited to a 2,000-acre area of land.

To give you an idea of the size of this parcel, 2,000 acres is
equal to:

The size of the Pinehurst Golf Club in North Carolina.
1/15th the size of Disney World.
1/4th the size of Chicago's O'Hare Airport.

To make more comparisons:

If ANWR were the size of the floor of the U.S. Senate, the
2,000-acre parcel would be roughly the size of a letter.

If ANWR were the size of a tennis court, the 2,000-acre parcel
would be the size of a magazine.

If ANWR were the size of a football field, the 2,000-acre parcel
would be 2 x 3 feet.

Would drilling in ANWR ruin large areas of pristine wilderness?
Hardly, but don't depend on radical environmentalists to tell
you the truth.

Use the hyperlink below to send your 48 URGENT BLAST FAX
messages to the Members of the United States House of
Representatives whose vote is crucial if we are to rein in
out-of-control spending and release ANWR from captivity.

Tell them the American people can no longer afford to pay
exorbitant prices at the pump for gasoline. Tell them that
Americans can?t afford to spend thousands more than ever before
to heat their homes. Tell them that run-away federal spending
and high energy prices are undermining our economy and costing
American jobs. And tell them that we will no longer tolerate
their callous inaction.

Tell these liberal Republicans to stop playing games with our
future.  Tell them you want more budget reductions and you want
them to authorize oil exploration in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) immediately.


<a href="http://www.grasstopsusa.com/anwr.html";>AOL Members Use
This Hyperlink</a>

If the above hyperlink does not function, please copy and paste
it into the address bar of your browser.

More Radical Myths

Consider the following myths being perpetrated by the World
Wildlife Fund (WWF) on its website:

MYTH: "The relatively small amount of oil likely to be found
within the refuge doesn't justify the damage that would be done
to this special place.

"Drilling in the refuge is not the answer to America?s energy
problems. It would not appreciably reduce U.S. dependence on
forein oil and could not insulate the United States from
short-term volatility in the world oil market."

FACT: According to geological experts, ANWR has the largest
untapped oil potential in the country.  Based on mean estimates
by the United States Geological Survey, ANWR would produce at
least 10.4 billion barrels of new oil, and some experts predict
that ANWR?s production potential could be as high as 27 billion
barrels.  To put 10.4 billion barrels into perspective, 29
states could run on ANWR oil alone for more than a century.  The
District of Columbia, our nation?s Capital, could run on ANWR oil
alone for 1,704 years.  ANWR oil could replace more than 30 years
worth of imports from Saudi Arabia.

MYTH: The Help Save The Arctic National Refuge website claims:

"There are some places that should be off-limits to oil drilling
and industrial development, and the Arctic Refuge is one of them.
Drilling would not reduce gas prices or alleviate our dependence
on forein oil, yet the harm to wildlife habitat for polar bear,
caribou, and millions of migratory birds and to the people of
the Gwich'in Nation would be permanent and irreparable."

FACT: Since the onset of the Prudhoe Bay development in Alaska,
the caribou herds in that area have increased from 5,000 in 1978
to over 32,000 today. Moreover, these herds migrate directly
through the oil fields. Furthermore the Gwich'in tribe is not
even native to ANWR, nor do the 1,000 Alaskan Gwich'in live in

Truth be told, the only places environmentalists don't want us
to drill are places where there is oil.

The myths go on and on?

For so many years the fight over ANWR was almost amusing. It was
almost fun to laugh and poke fun at the irrational statements
coming out of the radical environmental movement.

But the time for fun and games is over. We need jobs. We need
affordable oil. And, as a matter of national security, we must
reduce our dependence on forein oil from countries like Saudi
Arabia and Venezuela.

The time for half measures is over.

Please join me TODAY and tell Congress that enough is enough. We
need action.

High energy prices are now threatening our economy and our way
of life.

Out of control federal spending is killing our economy!

Join the fight. Take action today!

Use the hyperlink below to send your 48 URGENT BLAST FAX
messages to the Members of the United States House of
Representatives whose vote is crucial if we are to rein in
out-of-control spending and release ANWR from captivity.

Tell them the American people can no longer afford to pay
exorbitant prices at the pump for gasoline. Tell them that
Americans can?t afford to spend thousands more than ever before
to heat their homes. Tell them that run-away federal spending
and high energy prices are undermining our economy and costing
American jobs. And tell them that we will no longer tolerate
their callous inaction.

Tell these liberal Republicans to stop playing games with our
future.  Tell them you want more budget reductions and you want
them to authorize oil exploration in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) immediately.


<a href="http://www.grasstopsusa.com/anwr.html";>AOL Members Use
This Hyperlink</a>

If the above hyperlink does not function, please copy and paste
it into the address bar of your browser.

Christopher Carmouche
Executive Director


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