-Caveat Lector-

We're addicted to more than oil and it's costing us 

By Paul B. Farrell 
Last Updated: 2/13/2006 7:45:00 PM  
ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Addicted to oil? Just oil? You're 
joking? No, we're a "nation of addicts," doing what addicts do best: Denying 

In denial the brain can rationalize anything. The more self-destructive an 
addict's behavior, the stronger their denial, louder their protests, arrogance, 
bravado, even optimism: "I'm fine, everything's under control!"

So when a Texas oilman admits 295 million Americans are addicted to oil, as 
President Bush did in his State of the Union address, that's historic!

I've worked professionally with people in and out of recovery; politicians, 
doctors, celebrities, rock stars, pro athletes and royalty, some in the Middle 
East, many from the Betty Ford Center. Addicts will do anything to get the next 
fix or drink, oblivious of the destruction around them. They create living 
hells, losing health, family, kids, careers, wealth, and most of all, their 

Nations are no different! This is not news. Two decades ago psychologist Anne 
Wilson Schaef wrote "When Society Becomes an Addict." Her opening line: "Our 
society is deteriorating at an alarming rate." The symptoms: Greed, arrogance, 
ethical deterioration, obsessiveness, rationalism, self-centeredness, tunnel 
vision. We're out of touch, living with an illusion of control.

Flash forward. New addictions: credit cards, obesity, massive deficits, iPods, 
plasma HDTV's, McMansions, SUVs, outsourcing to India, buying plastic from 
China. Go deeper: We have a near-religious addiction to rationality, logic, 
data, numbers, stock quotes, productivity, interest rates, GDP, etc. Our brains 
gorge on an endless diet of numbers from cable's talking heads, online breaking 
news, print reports. 

Information is our new mind-numbing drug, worse than cocaine and heroin. Often 
distracted, in a stupor, narrowly focused on immediate gratification, we lose 
perspective, integrity, even our identity; we're addicts in a myopic bubble, in 
denial of the real world. 

Paradoxically, America's addiction to rationality and numbers is a major part 
of our brain's denial mechanism, blinding us to unpredictable risks and 
irrational dangers that do not fit neatly into our conventional wisdom. Please 
notice how we've programmed denial into the thinking behind our economic and 
market forecasting systems: 

First: Economic modeling. Economists use elaborate computer models to simulate 
how America works. Past performance is projected using complex mathematical 
formulas. But they cannot predict wars, pandemics, another 9/11. By screening 
out these high-cost, unpredictable variables, economists build denial into 
their forecasts, coating over increasing dangers, then feeding us forecasts 
that are invariably misleading and wrong.
Second: Market forecasting. Our addiction to rationality and numbers is even 
more dangerous in market-timing and trading systems. Institutions and 
individuals use esoteric theories: Elliot Wave, Gann, Fibonacci, Candlesticks, 
Astro-Harmonics and other systems. They hypnotize "numbers addicts" like drugs, 
creating a false sense of control, even rationalizing losses. One commodity 
trader showed me how his models predicted his day-trading, "but I don't have a 
clue about next week."
We are a nation of addicts, in denial, and our mastery over the economy and 
markets is an illusion, crating a false sense of security. Wall Street, 
Washington and Corporate America are all addicted to computer models that 
minimize or eliminate unpredictable threatening variables: Global wars, 
pandemics, terrorist attacks on American soil, the very things that could do 
the most damage to the economy and markets are not included. Meanwhile, Main 
Street is focused narrowly on getting the next "fix."

Denial blinds us to many dangers. Like the coming Iranian Petro-Euro Bourse 
threatening the American dollar's position as the world's reserve currency, a 
threat potentially more catastrophic than a nuclear arsenal. We deny it.

And recently, we learned of an even bigger threat: about World War III. 
Seriously, a war is being provoked by loose cannons in America as well as 
abroad. Irrational, absurd and unwanted, fanatics on both sides are 
prophesizing an all-out war in the next couple years.

For years America has heard religious fundamentalists predict the "End of 
Days," Armageddon, an Apocalypse, The Rapture, Tribulation, a final battle 
prophesized for the Holy Land. Prominent evangelists believe it's coming soon. 
Many are so convinced their rhetoric may be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Until recently this was outside market and economic thinking. That is, until 
Iranian President Ahmadinejad addressed the United Nations in October. His 
prophecies mirror those of America's evangelists. Ahmadinejad not only hopes 
for but is trying to provoke both the free world and Islam into war.

Iran's "End-of-Days:" Ahmadinejad passionately believes that in the next couple 
years the world will witness the "second coming" of the Mahdi, a messianic 
"hidden 12th imam" of Shiite Islam, prophesized to appear at the "End of Days." 
Ahmadinejad even embraces his "divine mission" to "pave the way" for the second 

Get it! We have ideological fanatics on both sides, like two alcoholics itching 
for a bar fight. Both sides want a global war, provoking enemies and allies 
alike. Both pray for an irrational first blow triggering the "End of Days," a 
WW III nuclear conflict between the world's greatest cultures. Both expect 
fulfillment of ancient prophecies. Both want a war to end all wars, and the end 
of the world as we know it.

Irrational? Probably. But remember, these high-risk variables are not 
programmed into America's economic models and market forecasting systems that 
Washington, Wall Street and Corporate America throw at you every day. Yet in 
the hands of fanatics these variables can trigger events that can easily 
overwhelm entire economies and markets.

Wake up America! Oil's only one minor symptom. We are a nation of addicts, in 
denial of so many threats external to our bubble world. Mentally we are at 
greater risk than with the irrational exuberance of 2000. Except this time the 
threat is global, systemic and potentially catastrophic, far outside the box of 
our mega-rational economic models and market forecasting systems. Soon your 
denial system may no longer work, reality will implode.

So please, be prepared for market losses far greater than the $8 trillion we 
lost between 2000 and 2002. Plan conservatively. See previous Paul B. Farrell.

Remember, when any addict "hits bottom," the big thing they lose is their 
freedom ... the same holds true for an entire nation of addicts. 
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