-Caveat Lector-

Remember, Lawrence McDonald was it that was aboard that plane?

Pilots have been given this drug benzio......and I forget how to spell
that, but remember pilot who flew into mountain; blue angels like ten
little indians.....these drugs are dangerous especially if not watched
carefully.  They were given to troop in Gulf War, and Pilots for jet
lag, etc....

So flight 007....why not - it was made to look like an act of
neglect....but this drug, a pilot can suddenly lose all reality, not
know where he is....nor remember afterward what happened....

Now the kids in Columbine, used one drug tht cannot be used with the
above drug without dangerous consequestions...these drugs are behavior
modification drugs as well as other side effects which was outlined....a
book entitled "Melatonin" (remembr John Glenn ws supposed to take
that....they wanted for a substitute for the dangerous drug given to
pilots for sure, in Gulf War)....written by Russel J. Reiter, Ph.D., and
Jo Robinson, forward by David E. Blask, M.D., Ph.D.

This book also refers to the cattle pineal glands.....and I think this
stuff is part of an experiment by persons whom they try to say our
aliens.....they are alien alright, alien to everything this country
stands for.

So....for a hint, read the above....people would take the above drug
-jbenzodiazepines, seems one of the problems with this one, is that
"manycan cause a specifid ind of memory loss called anterograde amnesia.
You might not retain any memories of whawt happened hwile you were under
the influence of these drugs.  For example, manhy people take
benzodiazpines to help them sleep duirng a long plane flight...there are
numerous reports of people who have awakened  the next morning in a
sgtrange hotel room with no memory of getting off the plane or finding
their wy to the hotel....this is most likely to occur when other factors
are involved such as slep deprivation, alcohol, and/or jet lag...".

So, further it reads "To help the pilots get their much needed rest
(during Persian Gulf War) flight surgeons had the authority to
prescribetemazepam (Restoril) the only sleep medication currently
approved by the ir force, albeit with reluctance.  Temazeam can cause
memor and performance problems...as a precautionary measure pilots are
grounded for twelve hours aftertaking the drug....with benzodiazepines,
you are basically intoxicated...it is more than just being sleepy...".
So, this is why they wanated John Glen to try out the melatonin.....

Now, all the plane crashes; seemingly disoriented pilots crashing....the
Stealth bomber that went down.....but, the two children who committed
the acts of murder - one was on a drug that had many side effects of the
one stated above; also, the fact remains that they said these kids were
not on drugs - and I simply do not believe that.

At the present time, the tendency is to blame Eric Harris, who's father
had been a pilot.....yet, seemingly are not looking into the other kids
background....why, this kid had grandparents thorugh the mother, who
were multimillionaires....jewish, and they would have you believe this
young man loved Adolph Hitler.

Well - so much for programming killers; I wonder how long the military
has been reluctantly, passing out the drugs......a fried of my son just
died - only 29 years old with the so called Gulf War Syndome; he just
went to bed, and did not wake up...the government, did however, give him
some type of pension at such an early age.

John F. Kennedy before he was gunned down had ordered a complete
investigation into all drugs - even patent - from 1930 on......and here
we go with that same date again - 1930......and aftfer JFK was murdered,
I knew of an individual that made a milliion dollars in the drug
business; he kept the neighborhood with p pills from time to time....

But then look at Viagra; how many men died from that one.....and the
drug companies used payolla to promote this on tv.....it was so obvious
which ones were on the take.....or is this permitted now.

How much money did the drug companies make with the above drugs, that
may have resulted in the deaths of numerous children, pilots, air crash
victims....most of the pilots I knew, all loved to drink...on their days
they did not fly.

So mind control......wish someone would now sue the hell out of some of
the drug companies.....the drug the kids or the kid Eric Harris took,
had not been tested nor was it recommended, for kids...under 18 in


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