-Caveat Lector- Check it out. Here are a few shots of intereste:

Dugway Proving Grounds (for a little history on this area click here)

Rachel, Nevada - nearest town to Area 51 (note the area that will not come through - those circles are NOT silos...those circles are thousands of feet across - I have flown over this area and it is exactly as shown - click here for info)

Barstow, California (note the similar visual readouts to Area 51 - there happens to be a bombing range in the region of these circles)

Offut AFB (more stuff blocked out - to the west) - on Offut, or USSTRATCOM)

Snowflake, AZ (home to militias, methamphetamine production, and the location of the story Fire in the Sky)

Similar structures as near Barstow and Rachel (this time near Bend, Oregon)

Region of Spahn Ranch, home of the Manson family (is that a nearby military installation? - note the items resembling those near Area 51)


Somewhere between Death Valley and Area 51 (what the hell is it? If you have the time, the deserts are the best places to look for things)


More of the same

A little further east

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