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From: Debra Conway and Sherry Gutierrez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: February 28, 2007 3:15:39 PM PST
Subject: JFK Lancer NID Conference Information

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JFK Lancer Production & Publications

Recommended Research Materials
Someone Would Have Talked

No Case to Answer by Ian Griggs

In the Eye of History by William Law

JFK Homicide: Forensic Reconstruction by Sherry Gutierrez

RFK Assassination Research by Lynn Mangan

Memos to the ARRB by Doug Horne

Research of Larry Hancock

NID Conference DVDs - On Sale Now

45 Years Ago Mankind Chose to Hope

FORTY-FIVE years ago this week, John Glenn became the first U.S. astronaut to orbit Earth. I remember it vividly. Glenn was a thoroughly professional test pilot, but he was also an ecstatic human being broadcasting live to the whole world. He was utterly overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of the vibrant earth seen against the blackness of space.

Glenn was in orbit at the behest of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, who had declared to Congress in May 1961, that "this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth." And that, too, was an electrifying moment. Going to the moon! And right now, in this decade! Seven months after Glenn’s jubilant flight, Kennedy spoke again. "We choose to go to the moon in this decade," said Kennedy, "and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills." There it is, the thing that made Kennedy so special. For all his faults and misjudgments — the philandering, the Bay of Pigs, the initiation of the Vietnamese tragedy — Kennedy was an inspiring optimist, an enthusiast about the future, an ardent believer in the endless possibilities of human life.

Read more of the article written by SILVER DONALD CAMERON.

Jackie's Letter to Joan Kennedy

Former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy advised her sister-in-law, Joan, to stop being a doormat for her philandering hubby, Ted Kennedy - and if he didn’t shape up, to move out, according to letters retrieved from the trash at Joan’s Hyannisport home and later abandoned in a storage facility on Cape Cod.

“This is the 20th century - not the 19th - where the little woman stayed home on a pedestal with the kids and her rosary,” Jackie wrote in an undated four-page note to the senator’s wife and miserable mother of three. “Your life matters - as much as him - you love him - but you can’t destroy yourself.”

The first letter, penned on white-lined notebook paper in Jackie’s distinctive hand, advises Joan not stand in the shadows while Ted cheats on her with girls with cutesy nicknames.

“Men under pressure have to let off steam sometimes - that’s why even the Catholic Church has carnival & Mardi Gras,” she wrote. “But having your own little black phone . . . so that you can talk to Mootsie or Pootsie every night - right in the house with his wife & children - and bringing them there when you’re away. What kind of woman, but a sap or a slave, can stand that & still be a loving wife & care about him & work like a dog for him campaigning? It is so old-fashioned - probably got it from his father.”

As it turns out, of course, Joan and Ted Kennedy, who were married in 1958, divorced in 1982. Jackie, apparently seeing the writing on the wall, told Joan to make a life outside the Kennedy circle, to “take vacations with your friends - not the family.”

Read the entire article by Gayle Fee and Laura Raposa

Video Uncovered In East Texas After 43 Years

New video has be uncovered of President John F. Kennedy a little over a minute before he was assassinated. KLTV 7 spoke with the East Texas man who made the home movie and has had it stored away for more than 43 years.

"I worked for an insurance company and the home office was at Ross and Lamar in downtown Dallas. I took my camera down there on purpose that day because I knew the president was coming by," says George Jefferies.

82 year old George Jefferies of Gladewater was hoping he would get some film of President Kennedy.

"Just made the picture as it went by," says George.

After he got the film he went back to work, not realizing President Kennedy was shot just 90 seconds later.

The film has been in his dresser drawer and George says he never thought of it. Until recently, when he was talking with his son-in- law.

"I said I have that Kennedy video and he looked at it and wanted it and I said you can have it. He took it to the museum and gave it them," says George.

George's film is now on display at the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas.

Read all of Karolyn Davis's Article

Operation Zapada: An Overview

On March 17, 1960, President Dwight Eisenhower agreed to start a program to overthrow the Cuban Government. Run by the CIA, this program would train, arm, and recruit Cuban exiles to participate in an invasion of Cuba.

The planning was performed under the direction of Allen W. Dulles, and his deputy, Richard Bissell, with the knowledge and approval of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. John F. Kennedy agreed, for security reasons, that the fewer new faces in the government brought into the discussions, the better kept the secret would be.

The Cuban-exiles later known as Brigade 2506 were first training in JM WAVE, Florida. The CIA decided that it was important to get foreign bases out of sight of the US public opinion. Guatemala where a puppet regime was installed after the 1954 CIA organized coup, popped up on the maps quickly.

For several months the brigade of 1400 anti-Castro Cubans was trained in La Democracia, Huehuetenango, a plantation in Guatemala donated by Roberto Alejos.

The base codenamed JM-TRAX was intended to train 20 radio operators. Later facilities for 1400 trainees were built and a $1.8 million airfield was established for the supplies send from Opa- Locka in Florida. The government of Guatemala however was getting worried about some many armed foreigners in its country and asked for the Cubans to be removed by the end of April.

The story also leaked to the New York Times which reported on April 7, 1961 that 5,000 to 6,000 men were recruited to liberate Cuba and that their training was done in Florida (JM TRAX), Louisiana and Guatemala was almost complete.

CIA liaison officer L. Fletcher Prouty delivered three ships to a CIA agent named George H.W. Bush. The boats used in the invasion were named Río Escondido, Houston and Barbara. The operation was code-named "Operation Zapata".

On April 17, 1961, the invasion was carried by 1500 Cuban exiles known as Brigade 2506. The intent of the attack was to take a beachhead at Bahia de Cochinos (Bay of Pigs), establish a government, and gain U.S. recognition. As the invaders began to leave their boats, the Cuban air force attacked. They sunk the Houston and the Río Escondido, cutting off supplies for the invaders. Kennedy was asked for permission to use the U.S. Air Force to destroy the Cuban army's planes. Kennedy only permitted them to give cover to planes flown by exiles, which arrived before the U.S. navy planes, and were consequently shot down. Exact details on the number of dead and captured differ. According to the Museum of Playa Girón, 1,197 exiles were captured.

Operation Zapata was a failure and became known as the "Bay of Pigs" invasion.

In a memorandum written in June 1961, Bobby Kennedy concluded that the mission broke down from the “incompetency” of the CIA and a “complete lack of communication.” He also noticed that the disaster weighed heavily on his brother, who was concerned about how it would reflect upon his leadership and the nation’s credibility. In an oral history interview, Bobby Kennedy recounted that he and his brother had “been through a lot of things together, and he was more upset [by the Bay of Pigs failure] than any other.”

A former special assistant to JFK, Arthur Schlesinger, recorded Bobby Kennedy’s recollections of the Bay of Pigs invasion. The recollections are included in the Robert Kennedy Oral History CD available here.

In Closing

We would like to acknowledge the generousity of the member of the JFK Lancer forum who offered prayers and financial support to Gwyn Willis, a 14 year old cancer vicitm.

Here is her mother, Nona's last post:
Hi everyone!...Bless all of you for your prayers and help! We just got back from Anchorage last night through ferocious winds that prevented us from landing on our first try home...3 flights cancelled before we finally made it and it was frightening!!! Gwyn is doing fantastic, mentally as well as physically...I know having the family there for her surgery gave her so much strength! We still don't know if we will be getting the radiation treatments in Anchorage or Seattle, but either way it will be hard financially as well as emotionally...I can thank you all enough!!!! I'll stay in touch!!! Nona

You can read more about Gwynn and learn how to donate money towards her recovery on the forum.


Debra Conway and Sherry Gutierrez
JFK Lancer Productions & Publications

web: http://www.jfklancer.com

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