-Caveat Lector-

 Dear Congress:

  As the mother of a murdered child, and as an intelligent person I find the
  President's exploiting of the school shootings highly offensive.  My child
  was murdered with a fence post by a recidivist juvenile on probation.  I
  no one calling for a ban on fence posts.  Eight year old Cary Medlin, of
  Greenfield, TN after being raped and sodomized was murdered with a knife,
  eight year old Niki Read of Millington, TN after being raped was murdered
  with her own shoelace.  I see no one calling for a ban on those items, yet
  they were used to murder  small children.

  On my desk sit eleven petitions of convicted killers seeking early parole.
  Five of those Loved Ones were murdered with weapons other than guns.

  Following the President's logic then we need a three day waiting period, a
  background check and a license to rent violent movies, video games, watch a
  violent show on TV, purchase a kitchen knife, screwdriver, hammer, pipe
  wrench, pool cues, etc.  We need to force every one thinking about becoming
  parent to take parenting classes and obtain a license before they can have

  We have more gun laws on the books than Carter has liver pills, yet people
  all ages continue to murder others.  First Degree murderers serve on
  5.6 years in prison.  It takes 15-20 years to get a convicted killer
  executed.  The courts excuse  the accused felon because they say 'I had a
  childhood' and give them lighter sentences for murder because they had
  supposed bad childhood's. Many people have bad childhood's yet they don't
  out and kill. For Juveniles who get into trouble there are two choices;
  probation or a juvenile facility. There is no in between.  Probation cost a
  couple of bucks a day, a juvenile facility cost three times what it does to
  house an adult inmate.  So we incarcerate very few juveniles.  We simply
  until they commit their first adult offense to incarcerate them.  Then we
  incarcerate the felons in "country club resorts."  And send our children
  un-airconditioned crumbling down city schools.  Why not reverse this
  and give the children country club schools and the criminals
  un-airconditioned and stark prisons?  Schools are our children's' "work
  place" yet many are unfit to house a criminal in.

  Then you have the child shrinks who keep telling us we will damage our
  children if we tell them no, or dare to impose restraints on them.  The
  government then backs the shrinks up by tying the hands of the parents
  their backs.  If we dare to spank, or impose restrictions on a child we are
  considered child abusers.

  Mrs. Clinton said recently: "The constant exposure to violence on TV, in
  movies, on video games, in music--there's much to much evidence that
  get desensitized...There's so much of it.  We're awash in it..We can no
  longer shut our eyes to the impact the media is having on all our children,
  and the potentially violent impact it is having on some of them."  I agree
  with her on that statement are children are bombarded with violent images
  from the entertainment industry from the moment they turn on the TV to the
  time they turn it off.  Then she goes on to say in the same speech. We need
  to stand up and say what need to be said about guns and firearms."  UH? she
  said it is the entertainment industries fault for all those violent images
  our children are watching, yet we should have to have more gun control?
  is illogical.

  I see no one calling for restrictions on the First Amendment rights of
  Hollywood.  I see no one besides myself calling for a return of the
  1940s standards on morals and violence on TV between the viewing hours of 7
  AM and 8 PM so impressionable children won't be bombarded with the violence
  and immoral behavior so prevalent on TV today.  The adult cartoons are
  especially offensive in immoral and violent content.  Children are addicted
  to cartoons.  Why are adult cartoons on TV during Prime Time?

  If you look at the school shootings they mirror Hollywood's penchant that
  each new movie must be more spectacular and more violent than the last.
  Columbine High School shooting has elements of all the other school
  and the Oklahoma City Bombing all rolled into one event.

  More gun control will not change the hearts of those set to do evil.  Even
  all guns in America were destroyed, those who have their hearts set on
  evil will do it anyway.  More gun control will not deter one murder.  Less
  violence produced by the entertainment industry would help as movies, TV
  video games are a form of brain washing.  Are you going to impose VIOLENCE
  CONTROL on the entertainment industry too?

  Written reply requested.

  Gail Keasling
  Please visit this mothers web site.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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