-Caveat Lector-

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Date: June 11, 2007 9:50:53 PM PDT
Subject: "Boy George" Bush, the Paris Hilton of Statecraft

America's Lords and Masters:

The Trust-Fund Babies

A. Alexander, June 9th, 2007

Anybody that has spent anytime at this site knows Paris Hilton has NEVER been mentioned on any page or link --- ever! The reason is simple: Paris Hilton wasn't ever worthy of consideration. I live in the healthiest state in the country, literally, and most of the people have ancestors from Sweden. If I wanted to see "hot young blondes" parading around half-naked ... Well, okay, there are a lot of blondes here to be certain, most, thankfully, raised with some manners and dignity. Most blondes, brunettes, red-head and raven- haired girls from around here, are raised by parents who would probably consider themselves parenting failures if their daughters grew up behaving like Paris Hilton.

The point is, unlike America's corporate-owned media; blonde hair, an exposed bellybutton, overindulged, self-absorbed, and grotesquely uneducated doesn't qualify a person -- trust-fund heiress or not -- as being worthy of discussion. At least that is, until Paris Hilton's courtroom meltdown.

So, why does a spoiled brat's public unraveling warrant mentioning? It doesn't necessarily. I actually feel something resembling pity for the likes of Lindsay Lohan. I mean, how badly did her parents screw with her head that life could hand her EVERYTHING and it wouldn't be enough to fill the gaping black hole that spans the breadth of her young soul? Lindsay Lohan has real life addictive issues. Alcoholism and drug abuse have killed or led to the suicide of bigger, smarter, stronger, and more intelligent people than Lindsay Lohan and if she doesn't figure out that she is fighting a losing battle; she'll be gracing the inside of a silk-lined box and being converted into worm droppings. Addiction is an equal opportunity killer and it has no conscience - and it can't be bribed by all the money in the world.

For me, the media obsession with Lindsay Lohan's disease isn't any more acceptable than if they were following around cancer patients with cameras and waiting for them to drop dead.

Paris Hilton's courtroom temper tantrum, however, does say a lot about America.

Today, this nation is being ruled by a whole bunch of self- centered, selfish, overindulged, 'I'm above the law,' 'the rules don't apply to me', spoiled brat trust-fund babies who've never had to work a day in their lives.

All his life, George W. Bush was able to get by simply by being "George H.W. Bush's boy." Like Paris Hilton, George didn't need to study in school. Why bother? Success isn't something a person works for -- not in their world, anyway. Success is a birthright. "They're special" by virtue of breeding and breathing --- no talent, no skill, no ability required. The George and Paris class are taught from a very early age that they are not bound by any of the rules applicable to the "common people." And, they live their lives letting everybody else know that they know it.

Neither Paris Hilton nor George W. Bush has any clue whatsoever what life is like for the average person. And don't think for a moment these mollycoddled brats give a damn either.

They grew up in gated communities where the grass is always green, the lawn forever perfectly manicured, nannies are the norm; someone else does the cleaning, cooking, driving, bed-making, and garbage removal ... George and Paris did the taking and Mommy and Daddy did the paying.

Mommy and Daddy paid for everything from the private preparatory school where the teachers came to heel quickly and knew better than to expect much of anything out of their overindulged charges, and Mommy and Daddy did the paying in order to keep the transgressions, legal and otherwise, out of the local papers and off the police blotters.

Yet, these are the people who would "lead" America. People whose entire life experience can be contained within the walls of Mommy and Daddy's gated estate and paid for with a credit card. These are a people who've come to believe that every issue and any problem can either be bought off or made to go away, if only someone can figure out whose palms to grease.

Also, these are the people who get to play dress-up military in the National Guard and when they get bored with it, just walk away knowing Daddy's friends will take care of it.

And, yes, the Paris Hilton and George W. Bush's really do think it is someone else's job to clean up their messes or to fight, bleed and die for their ideas and ideals.

Is it really any wonder America has come so completely undone, so quickly?

The very first time someone actually dared to hold Paris Hilton to account and she dissolved into a tearful, bed-wetting temper tantrum.

And, George W. Bush is no better. Whenever Congress or a reporter makes an attempt at holding him to account for his many failures, the man's demeanor changes completely ... and he pitches a temper tantrum like a two-year-old.

Everyday and in every way, every working-class American stares down more pressure and trouble than Paris Hilton could ever dream of facing for one second in her meaningless, filled-to-the-brim with everything and yet completely empty life.

How proud she and George have made America's trust-fund families. With such "character" and "dignity" they've represented America's ruling-class-by-birthright.

The American aristocracy: the parasites living within the intestines of America's democracy, sucking it dry of all its vital life forces. They are America's would-be-rulers-by-birthright --- the trust-fund Lords and Masters.

Paris's parents are too obtuse to realize that their daughters have become nothing more than masturbatory fodder for blue-collar adolescent boys. And, they're too damned unlearned to know that nobody is laughing WITH their daughter --- everyone is laughing at her.

So, yes, Paris Hilton has finally earned her right to appear on the Progressive Daily Beacon. She is the perfect example of what has gone so terribly wrong in the United States of America. The least among America's people, the trust-fund babies, have taken over. And, precious Paris's courtroom meltdown makes one thing very obvious --- it is time for the "common people" to return to power...while there is still time to save the nation.

posted by hourglass
on June 9th, 2007 at 4:09PM
"There are only two kinds of people, son -- us and the help."
--George H.W. Bush (reportedly overheard by the help at a private Florida county club).
True or not, sounds about right.

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