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Date: June 20, 2007 10:44:36 PM PDT
Subject: Snapshots: World Zionist Congress, 30 Years Ago and Today (Nixon and Bush)


As of 2006, the WZO is still holding a semiregular World Zionist Congress, based on the same structure it has had for a century. However, support for the [organization] is waning. Below is a quote from a speech given that year by Ismar Schorsch, then chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary.

"This week I will leave for Israel to attend the World Zionist Congress along with 37 other delegates from MERCAZ, the official Zionist party of [conservative Jews] in the United States ... Zionism is alive and well, but the World Zionist Organization died a long time ago. In Jewish life we simply can't muster the political will to dismantle organizational structures designed for a specific purpose after they have been crowned with success. "The recent elections in America for the World Zionist Congress prove my point incontrovertibly. Only 150,000 Jews registered to vote and no more than 110,000 of them actually saw fit to vote. Surely more than 2% of American Jewry is devoted to the cause of Zionism! [Yes, but] the existing organizational structure, a relic of the heyday of the pre-state Zionist movement, is no longer adequate to give expression to the nature and expanse of Zionist sentiment in America ..." The 35th World Zionist Congress was held in June, 2006. The largest faction in the World Zionist Congress at present is a coalition consisting of Kadima, Labour-Meretz, Mercaz (representing Conservative Judaism) and ARZA (Representing Reform Judaism).

Zeev Bielski** of Kadima was re-elected WZO Chairman. The next Congress is scheduled for 2010.


Bielski’s election followed a tense showdown last week at the World Zionist Organization. The unusually heated election was between Bielski, the prime minister’s candidate, and former Cabinet minister Natan Sharansky, the World Likud candidate.

The Jewish Agency and the government are supposed to work hand in hand, and the prime minister in past years has selected a candidate approved by his party. This year, however, Ariel Sharon was accused of undermining the democratic process by choosing Bielski without the party’s consent.

Observers say the real issue was political: Bielski is a supporter of the government’s plan to evacuate settlements in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, while Sharansky is a vocal opponent of it.



"Zeev Bielski is the chairman of the Jewish Agency. Meaning he's the guy in charge of spending hundreds of millions of dollars that gets raised for Israel each year in the United States. Meaning one might think he would have some gratitude for all American Jews give to Israel. Indeed, when he was appointed to his job not that long ago, American Jewish leaders were ecstatic precisely because they believed he was one Israeli official who understood and respected American Jewry.

"Well, guess again. For what our good friend Zeev Bielski had to say recently was that Jews have no future in America and should all move to Israel. 'One day American Jews will realize they have no future as Jews in the U.S. due to assimilation and intermarriage [with gentiles].'"

The scary thing is if even someone like Bielski, whose job it is to connect with Diaspora Jewry, is so contemptuous of us, imagine the ignorance of Israeli leaders who have no contact with us.

Especially since they don't even try. We know that, thanks to Daniel Ayalon, who is about to go back home after serving as Israel ambassador to the United States the last four years.

Here's what Israel's man in this country had to say in a farewell interview. "We take the Jewish community for granted."

Nice, really nice. He did add, as he's walking out the door, "which is a mistake."

Indeed, it is. But the reality is as he said it is. Israel takes us for granted. Assumes we will always support it, send it dough, do what it asks us.

And the truth is we will. Which is why it is so hurtful, considering how much we do for it, how much we care for it, how much we give to it, that Zeev Bielski says what he says. On the one hand, we are so good to Israel they don't feel the need to even try with us, says Ayalon. On the other hand, we have no future, says Bielski.

This is important stuff because the fact is that young American Jews, the next generation of American Jewish leaders do not feel about Israel like my generation does or my father's generation did.

For my father's generation, born before 1948, Israel is a miracle, beyond words. For my generation, born after 1948 but not that much after, Israel is a dream. But for today's generation, Israel is another country.

Meaning Israel very soon will have to start earning the support of American Jews, won't be able to just take it for granted. Won't be able to keep getting from us even when it insults and demeans us.

What Ayalon had to say, what Bielski had to say shows that even Israel's top guys, even the ones whose job it is to know us best, have no understanding of that and are doing nothing about that.

Scary because Israel needs us, more than ever. As Jerusalem Post editor David Horovitz put it, Israel needs us to "champion Israel's cause among opinion shapers and decision makers in the world's sole superpower; to win over politicians and to more widely explain the challenges and concerns Israel has proved strategically incapable of effectively articulating; as well as to directly bolster our tourism industry, provide the philanthropy that ameliorates some of our social inequities and much, much more." Which, he adds, is why it is so foolish for Israeli leaders to attack "the one robust Diaspora Jewry with the desire and the capacity not only to steadfastly stand with Israel but to substantively advance its interests."

Indeed, Horovitz notes that instead of dumping all over American Jewry, Israel would do well to focus on what's going on in its own country.

The exact thought I've been having lately, considering that, at this very moment, we have the president of Israel about to be brought up on rape charges. And the prime minister of Israel being investigated for financial improprities in getting his home as a bribe. We have one chief rabbi of Israel accused of sexual harrassment and the other chief rabbi excusing his son's physical assault of his sister's boyfriend. We have an army chief of staff who, having been told that two Israeli soldiers had been kidnapped in a cross border raid by Hezbollah, got on the phone to his stockbroker telling him to sell before the market went down on news of war. We have a justice minister who had to quit for forcibly sticking his tongue down a woman's throat and we have the new deputy prime minister calling for apartheid in Israel.

What? I thought Israel was supposed to be a light unto the nations, the place G-d gave His Chosen People, the holiest place on earth. It ain't American Jewry that has lost its way.

Then there's the fact that the Israeli school system ranks among the worst in the developed world, according to a new study.

What? I thought we were the people of the book, that education is vital to us and that teaching our children is one of our most sacred missions. It ain't American Jewry that has lost its way.

Then there's the fact that Israel decided against using a safe variety of cluster bombs during the Hezbollah war for cost reasons. Israel chose not to use more reliable Israeli made bombs but rather US made ones, even though the U.S. ones had a high "dud" rate, because they could be paid for out of U.S. defense grants and not have to come out of the Israel's budget. A higher "dud" rate meant the bombs posed more of a threat to civilians. And, in fact, leftover U.S. cluster bombs dropped by Israel in Lebanon have killed 14 people in Lebanon since hostilities ended and wounded dozens more.

What? I thought the first mission of a government is to protect its people and to put their safety above all else, especially in time of war. And I thought that Judaism puts saving human lives above all else, even budget considerations. It ain't American Jewry that has lost its way.

And so, Zeev, yes, American Jewry may have problems and challenges, but we're strong, proud, creative and we're here to stay. Meanwhile, you might want to work on fixing some things in Israel. Focus your efforts on making Israel a place we want to make aliyah to, instead of trying to spook us into feeling America is a place we have to run away from.


Simcha Dinitz (1929 – 2003), one of Israel's greatest diplomats and statesmen, was the Ambassador of Israel to the United States from 1973 to 1979. He also served as Director-General of the Prime Minister's office and political advisor to Prime Minister Golda Meir from 1969-1973.

Dinitz played a major role in coordinating the weapons shipments to Israel received from the U.S. during the Yom Kippur War airlift in 1973, and was a member of the Israeli delegation during the Camp David peace talks with Egypt. Dinitz is viewed as a national hero for the nation saving relief he obtained for Israel during the 1973 crisis.

From 1987-1994, Dinitz served as Chairman of the Executive of the World Zionist Organization and Jewish Agency for Israel. During his time in office, almost 1 million Jews (about 7% of the entire Jewish population in the world) emigrated to Israel from the Soviet Union ...

Dinitz received his diplomatic training at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in the United States where he obtained both bachelors and masters degrees.


Interview: Simcha Dinitz, Israeli ambassador to U.S.A.

"In the Cold War contest between Russia and America in the Middle East, Israel was an automatic ally of the West. After the Six Day War, this automatic ally also became a strategic asset."

America became Israel's principal source of arms. In the occupied territories, a million Arabs fell under Israeli rule. It was a devastating blow to Arab morale. The Soviets counted the cost.

"Nixon said when the option was brought to him to send two or three American planes, said 'Let's send a lot, because we are going to be criticized anyhow and we will be criticized for whatever we do, for one plane or two planes, as for 40 planes, so let's do it in an effective way.'"

The airlift put the world's largest power publicly alongside Israel. Now, it was Moscow's allies that faced defeat. Now the Israelis crossed the Suez Canal into Egypt. Soon, most of the Egyptian army would be stranded in the Sinai.


[Dinitz] told me that the United States is the only country from which Israel can expect assistance when the chips are down. It was as true then as it is today. He knew this not only in theory but also in reality, as he served in one of the darkest times in Israel's history during the 1973 Yom Kippur war.

The results of this war, the thin line between destruction and victory, painful as it was, rested on the shoulders of Simcha Dinitz. It was he who made the difference with his firm grasp of the situation, his tenacity, his wisdom, and his warm relationship with Dr. [Henry] Kissinger.

As Dr. Kissinger can attest, their relationship went beyond fellow diplomats in a professional and formal sense. And it's a good thing that the two were friends, given that Simcha had the task of waking Dr. Kissinger up in the middle of the night so many times in crisis situations. It is amazing though that this friendship withstood all these wake up calls in the middle of the night.

During Simcha's time here as ambassador, our relationship with the United States became one of the pillars of Israel's national security. This special relationship is not only one of Simcha Dinitz's accomplishments; it is also part of his legacy.

Friends Forever
Henry Kissinger
Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Winter, 1977), pp. 177-179

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