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Date: June 23, 2007 7:50:23 PM PDT
Subject: Big Bucks in the "Antiterrorism" Military-Industrial Complex / Becoming USrael

Political chaos means Israel's economy is booming like it's 1999 -- and the boom is in defence exports, field-tested on Palestinians

by Naomi Klein; The Guardian

Gaza in the hands of Hamas, with masked militants sitting in the president's chair; the West Bank on the edge; Israeli army camps hastily assembled in the Golan Heights; a spy satellite over Iran and Syria; war with Hizbullah a hair trigger away; a scandal-plagued political class facing a total loss of public faith. At a glance,
things aren't going well for Israel.

But here's a puzzle: why, in the midst of such chaos and carnage, is the Israeli economy booming like it's 1999, with a roaring stock market and growth rates nearing China's?

Thomas Friedman recently offered his theory in the New York Times. Israel "nurtures and rewards individual imagination", and so its people are constantly spawning ingenious hi-tech start-ups, no matter what messes their politicians are making. After perusing class projects by students in engineering and computer science at Ben-Gurion University, Friedman made one of his famous fake- sense pronouncements. Israel "had discovered oil". This oil, apparently, is located in the minds of Israel's "young innovators and venture capitalists", who are too busy making
megadeals with Google to be held back by politics.

Here's another theory. Israel's economy isn't booming despite the political chaos that devours the headlines but because of it. This phase of development dates back to the mid-90s, when the country was in the vanguard of the information revolution - the most tech-dependent economy in the world. After the dotcom bubble burst in 2000,
Israel's economy was devastated, facing its worst year since 1953.

Then came 9/11, and suddenly new profit vistas opened up for any company that claimed it could spot terrorists in crowds, seal borders from attack, and extract confessions
from closed-mouthed prisoners.

Within three years, large parts of Israel's tech economy had been radically repurposed. Put in Friedmanesque terms, Israel went from inventing the networking tools of the "flat world" to selling fences to an apartheid planet. Many of the country's most successful entrepreneurs are using Israel's status as a fortressed state, surrounded by furious enemies, as a kind of 24-hour-a-day showroom, a living example of how to enjoy relative safety amid constant war. And the reason Israel is now enjoying supergrowth is that those companies are busily exporting that model to the world.

Discussions of Israel's military trade usually focus on the flow of weapons into the country -- US-made Caterpillar bulldozers used to destroy homes in the West Bank, and British companies supplying parts for F-16s. Overlooked is Israel's huge and expanding EXPORT business. Israel now sends $1.2bn in "defence" products to the United States -- up dramatically from $270m in 1999. In 2006, Israel exported $3.4bn in defence products -- a billion more than it received in American military aid.

That makes Israel the fourth largest arms dealer in the world, overtaking Britain.

Much of this growth has been in the so-called "homeland security" sector. Before 9/11 homeland security barely existed as an industry. By the end of this year, Israeli exports in the sector will reach $1.2bn, an increase of 20%. The key products and services are hi-tech fences, unmanned drones, biometric IDs, video and audio surveillance gear, air passenger profiling and prisoner interrogation systems -- precisely the tools and technologies Israel has used to lock in the occupied territories.

And that is why the chaos in Gaza and the rest of the region doesn't threaten the bottom line in Tel Aviv -- it will boost it. Israel has learned to turn endless war into a brand asset, pitching its uprooting, occupation and containment of the Palestinian people as a half-century head start in the "global war on terror".

It's no coincidence that the class projects at Ben-Gurion that so impressed Friedman have names like Innovative Covariance Matrix for Point Target Detection in Hyperspectral Images, and Algorithms for Obstacle Detection and Avoidance. Thirty homeland security companies have been launched in Israel during the past six months alone, thanks in large part to lavish government subsidies that have transformed the Israeli army and the country's universities into incubators for security and weapons start-ups -
something to keep in mind in the debates about the academic boycott.

Next week, the most established of these companies will travel to Europe for the Paris Air Show, the arms industry's equivalent of Fashion Week. One of the Israeli companies exhibiting is Suspect Detection Systems (SDS), which will be showcasing its Cogito1002, a white, sci-fi-looking security kiosk that asks air travellers to answer a series of computer-generated questions, tailored to their country of origin, while they hold their hand on a "biofeedback" sensor. The device reads the body's reactions to the questions, and certain responses flag the passenger as "suspect".

Like hundreds of other Israeli security start-ups, SDS boasts that it was founded by veterans of Israel's secret police and that its products were road-tested on Palestinians. Not only has the company tried out the biofeedback terminals at a West Bank checkpoint, it claims the "concept is supported and enhanced by knowledge acquired and assimilated from the analysis of thousands of case studies related
to suicide bombers in Israel".

Another star of the Paris Air Show will be Israeli defence giant Elbit, which plans to showcase its Hermes 450 and 900 unmanned air vehicles. As recently as last month, according to press reports, Israel used the drones on bombing missions in Gaza. Once tested in the territories, they are exported abroad: the Hermes has already been used at the Arizona-Mexico border; Cogito1002 terminals are being auditioned at an unnamed American airport; and Elbit -- also one of the companies behind Israel's "security barrier" -- has set up a deal with Boeing to construct the Department of Homeland Security's $2.5bn "virtual" border fence around the US.

Since Israel began its policy of sealing off the occupied territories with checkpoints and walls, human rights activists have often compared Gaza and the West Bank to open-air prisons. But in researching the explosion of Israel's homeland security sector, a topic explored in greater detail in my forthcoming book, it strikes me that they are something else too: laboratories where the terrifying tools of our security states are being field-tested. Palestinians -- whether living in the West Bank or what the Israeli politicians call Hamastan - are no longer just targets. They are guinea pigs.

So in a way Friedman is right, Israel has struck oil. The oil is the war on terror, the state of constant fear that creates a bottomless global demand for "security" devices that watch, listen, contain and target "suspects". And fear, it turns out,
is the ultimate renewable resource.

· Naomi Klein's new book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, will be published later this year by Picador; a version of this article appears in
the Nation, www.thenation.com and www.nologo.org.


Major General Doron Almog,
Founder of Athlone Global Security,
Honoured By Israel for His Work
Investigating Lebanon/Israel Conflict

http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/ story/06-22-2007/0004613591&EDATE=

WASHINGTON, June 22 /PRNewswire/ -- Athlone Global Security Inc., a unique investment group that invests in Israeli homeland security companies
helping them establish new markets for their products in the U.S. and
Europe, announced today that Israel has named its founder and co- chairman -- Major- General Doron Almog (Res.) -- a "Knight of Quality Government 2007." The title, bestowed on General Almog in the military and security
category, is one of Israel's highest honours.

    Major-General Almog received this award for his life of work for
Israel, including recently heading the Israeli investigation committee of the Hezbollah kidnapping of two reserve unit soldiers which ignited the Israeli/ Lebanon conflict last July, 2006. The Lebanese Shiite Muslim group Hezbollah infiltrated the Israeli border in capturing two Israeli soldiers, in what Prime Minister Olmert called an "act of war." Almog's report was highly critical of senior officials including the former military chief of
staff, who resigned in the aftermath of the report.

The Israeli government bestowed the prestigious award to Major General Almog "in recognition and gratitude for his unique contribution, both in his military service and his civil life, to the defense of the weak and the hopeless and to the strength of Israel's quality of government and society" saying he "demonstrated courage, decisiveness and integrity and did not evade tough personal conclusions towards those responsible. He courageously stated his opinions in total honesty, and Israel has graciously valued the General's view." This award is also in acknowledgement of the General's great success in preventing terrorists infiltrating Israel from Gaza during
his command.
Major-General (Res.) Almog served 35 active years (1969-2004) in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). He served in all command roles from platoon
commander to brigade commander in the prestigious Para brigade, and
participated in numerous combat and special clandestine operations. In
1976, he participated in the Entebbe rescue operation as a commander of the
Para-Commander unit. In 1983-1985, General Almog participated in
operations that brought approximately 6,000 Jews from Ethiopia to Israel,
their new home. In 1996, General Almog was appointed head of the IDF's
Doctrine and Training Division, where he pioneered strategy-defining
doctrinal seminars and a simulation system. In 2000-2003, he served as head of the IDF's Southern Command, which succeeded in preventing all attempts to breach the security barrier surrounding the Gaza Strip, and was also
honoured by the International Organization for Standardization for
exceptional management.

General Almog founded Athlone Global Security in Israel in 2005, and
has assembled a world renowned team of security technology experts. He
played an integral role in bringing Athlone to the U.S. market. He was
instrumental in the development of a strategic partnership with the
Chesapeake Innovation Center, a Washington, D.C. area homeland security company incubator co- sponsored by the National Security Association and
some large U.S. security technology integrators.

Since Athlone's inception, General Almog and his team have successfully secured Athlone's first six portfolio investments in unique, promising Israeli HLS technology-product companies including market leading names such as
DefenSoft Planning Systems, EMZA Visual Systems, Icaros, and PerSay
Voice Biometrics.

    Besides General Almog, Athlone's Israel based team includes:

-- Arik Nir, also served in the Israeli military and Israeli security agency then in upper management of private sector security and defence
       businesses in Israel;
-- Moshe Horev, who headed the Israel Ministry of Defense R&D Division, headed the Avionics and Armament Division and the Guided Weapon system program office of the Israeli Air force. He is currently the CEO of
       Oracle Systems Israel Ltd.
-- Ephraim Halevy, former director of Mossad and Chairman of the National Security Council of Israel and special advisor to the Prime Minister on
       National security.
-- Yaron Rosenboim, former Managing Partner of Concord Funds, a leading
       Israel based Venture Capital firm.


A pioneer in the homeland security venture marketplace, Athlone Global Security Inc. (Athlone) invests in emerging growth companies specializing in imperative homeland security solutions. The company seeks early stage homeland security companies, currently located in Israel, because of the
breadth and sophistication of the homeland security expertise in that
country. Athlone has a team and infrastructure established in Tel Aviv. It also is located at the Chesapeake Innovation Centre in Annapolis, MD and
Toronto, Canada.

For more information, http://www.athloneglobalsecurity.com
    For more information, please contact:
    Gordon Hawke
    Athlone Global Security, Inc.



By Steve Lieberman
The Journal News, June 23, 2007)
http://www.nynews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070623/ NEWS03/706230367

NEW CITY - Five Rockland police officers flew off to Israel yesterday to learn
about anti-terrorism planning.

When it comes to fighting terrorism, the officers figured they were about
to learn from the best.

"This is an outstanding opportunity to train with people who have a lot more concern about terrorism on a daily basis than we do," South Nyack- Grand View
Police Officer Brent Newbury said.

"Israelis live 24/7 under high security."

And the Rockland officers will share what they learn during the next two weeks with about two dozen other members of the county's anti- terrorism response team. Chosen for the training in Israel with Newbury, 39, were Sheriff's Officer John Murphy, 33; Haverstraw Officer John Smith, 49; Orangetown Officer Chris Strattner, 37; and Sheriff's Lt. Andrew Esposito, 42, a unit commander. Yesterday morning in front of the county office building, the officers got
a send-off from more than a dozen elected and police officials.

The officers are members of the Regional Entry and Counter- Terrorism team, a SWAT team of 31 officers from seven departments - Orangetown, the Sheriff's Department, Haverstraw town, Stony Point, Suffern, Piermont and South Nyack-Grand View. The Rockland Police Chiefs Association created the unit in 2003 so those
departments could share a response team.

The Clarkstown and Spring Valley Police departments have their own units.

REACT also came in response to the growing concern about terrorism striking the New York City suburbs after the attacks on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Rockland is considered a secondary target for terrorism, giving the county's proximity to New York City, its diverse population,
power plants and the Tappan Zee Bridge.

Training and vigilance remain important, police and elected officials said yesterday. A REACT team went to Israel in 2003, said Orangetown Police Chief Kevin Nulty,
who advocated the countywide unit.

"When it comes to securing malls and other places, they take nothing for granted," Nulty said of the Israelis. "We're far more vulnerable. We're always hearing people give doomsday scenarios, but we have to become a little more proactive."

Esposito said the REACT team received a historical lecture on Israel's perspective on life in the Middle East from Shimon Pepper of the Rockland Jewish Federation.

Israeli police, military and security forces have been involved in anti-terrorism efforts for nearly six decades. Part of the Rockland officers' training will involve visiting sites hit by suicide bombers and viewing security at malls,
historic sites and government buildings.

"We're looking for training on how to deter terrorism," Esposito said. "They deal with terrorists every day. We can learn a lot and fit what we learn into our needs."

The cost of the trip, which ends July 1, totals $18,500, said county Legislator David Fried, D-Spring Valley. Fried is going with the team but is paying his own way. The officers were chosen based on their roles as unit team leaders and other skills. Strattner, 37, is a paramedic as well as a police officer. He has been with Orangetown for six years after five years with the Westchester County police.

"There is no better teacher than experience," he said. "We're going to see how Israel handles homeland security. My mission is to be able to provide high level
of medical care in a hostile area."

And the officers also will see how Israeli citizens respond to the strict
security measures.

Several years ago, an Israeli security official visiting Rockland outlined security devices and armed guards at malls and how other businesses also employed armed
security officers.

"I am interested in seeing the cultural differences with respect to how people
react to the security measures there, compared to here," Newbury said.

Esposito said the REACT goal is to be prepared.

"We will learn a lot and hopefully never have to use any of it here," Esposito said.

Another advantage of sending officers to Israel for anti-terrorism training is
that the issue will be ingrained in them, Nulty said.

"A lot of our REACT guys are our young leaders for tomorrow," Nulty said. "They will be sergeants and lieutenants and higher. And it will be good to have them thinking along these lines. Terrorism wasn't my focus when I was a sergeant
and lieutenant. Times have changed."

Pepper, who gave the officers the briefing on Israel's history, said he gave
each officer a dollar bill as part of a tradition for safe travel.

"You shall go in peace, and you should return in peace," Pepper told the officers.

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