-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 23, 2007 8:44:09 PM PDT
Subject: (2) Big Bucks in the "Antiterrorism" Military-Industrial Complex

Think of it as the Far Right's mindfucking equivalent of the "New Age" industry.

"FEAR is all you need." (Besides, frightened folks part with their money faster.)

The Homeland Security Management Institute will be

Hosting Security Solutions International Educational Program

on Threat of Islamic Jihadists to World


Rochester, New York PRWEB) June 23, 2007 -- The Homeland Security Management Institute will host a Security Solutions International program designed to teach law enforcement about the threat that the radical Islamic mindset poses to the USA. Recent events around the country, including the terror plot against Fort Dix once again emphasizes this importance. The question of domestic terror must be given a hard look as we know that we have terrorists living amongst us and within our own borders.

"Bringing this very special program to Monroe Community College and HSMI is another step towards HSMI's mission that all public and private employees and officials in the region are prepared to prevent, respond to, and manage the impact and consequences of any incident stemming from a terrorist attack or other such catastrophic emergency" - Henry Morgenstern - SSI

As a leader in counter terrorism training, SSI's clients list reads like a who's who in Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement. Private sector clients include numerous Fortune 100 companies.

"Our training is all based on real life experience and methods learned over decades of fighting terrorism. Our training programs range lectures, to full blown tactical Counter Terrorism training for SWAT and special operation teams. We also take law enforcement professionals to Israel where they get an inside look and are able to learn from Israel's years of experience against the terror threat. Director Perrone is a past participant of one of our Israel missions." Sol Bradman, CEO of SSI.

In addition participants will have the opportunity to interact with one of the world's experts on the subject. The presenter is an Iranian Muslim who escaped during the Iran revolution and is now a law enforcement officer assigned to Homeland Security for a large US Police Department.

"This training program shows HSMI's ongoing commitment to Homeland Security and the War on Terror. It is a great opportunity for law enforcement and security professionals from across the country to visit this great city and learn more about fighting terror and share information critical to the safety of the Nation". Henry Morgenstern - President SSI

The training program will take place November 1st and 2nd, 2007.


"The US Department of Homeland Security has given funding to the SSI, to the best of our knowledge the only private company to qualify."

--SSI website



Arrive in Israel
Orientation by Internationally known speaker Leah Guren explaining the different cultural landscape the group will meet in Israel and Welcome Lunch is usually at the Hotel and Dinner may be at one of Tel Aviv's top restaurants

Day 1 of Training

Recommended Attire: Jeans or workout pants and sneakers for active Krav Maga training

Breakfast from 7am

8:00 AM - Leave the Hotel
9:30 AM - Arrive at the Port of Ashdod - Israel's largest port and the scene of a terror incident 9:30-12 AM - Tour the Port and view the security arrangements with Port's Security Chief 12:30-1:30 PM- Lunch at the beautiful old Port of Jaffa mentioned in the Bible 1:30 PM - Demonstration of Krav Maga - Israeli Martial Art and Close Combat Discipline including watching how to take down an armed Suicide Bomber
4:00 - 6:00 break
6:00 PM - Dinner at Nearby restaurant
8:00 to 10:00 pm - Visit to an Israeli Police Station and lecture from one of Tel Aviv's highest ranking Police Officers

Day 2

Comfortable all day

Breakfast from 7 am
8:00 AM Leave the Hotel
9:30 AM Arrive at the Ashdod Power Plant and get a complete tour, a lecture on cooperation between the plant and the Navy, a presentation on defenses against Kasam Missiles that are being constantly being fired from Gaza a few miles away. Witness the destruction that Kassem missiles have been causing on Israeli towns near the Gaza strip. 12:00-1:00 PM Lunch at "Meat Me in Ashquelon or at the Electric Power Plant's employee restaurant
1:00-2:30 PM Return to Tel Aviv
4:00-5:30 PM - First Half Presentation Suicide Terror
6:00-7:30 PM - Second half of Suicide Terror Presentation
8:00 pm Dinner - Nearby

Day 3

Recommended attire: Casual
Breakfast at 7am
8:00 AM Leave the Hotel
9:00 AM Visit the headquarters of Israel's Olympic Village and learn about one of most complex security operations in the world
11:00 AM - 12:00 AM - Lunch
1:00pm - Return to Hotel
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM - Lecture - VBIED's  Part 1
5:30-7:30 PM - Lecture VBIED - including demonstration of booby traps
8:00pm - Dinner

Day 4

Recommended Attire: Slacks and a shirt Note: Tours of holy sites require modest dress (covered shoulders) for woman and respectful clothing for men. No Shorts (slacks and a shirt or polo shirt)
8:00am - leave for Jerusalem
9:30-11:00 Visit the scene of one of Israel's most deadly attacks at the Hebrew University and learn how the Security Department there controls the exits and entrances of more than 30,000 a day while being situated between two Arab villages. 11:30-12:30 - visit Israel's legislature "The Knesset" with tour of the security facilities by the Head of Security of the Knesset

1:00-2:00 PM - Lunch and visit at the Ministry of Tourism

2:00-3:00 PM - Visit Moked 2000, the Police Command and Control Center for the Old City of Jerusalem 3: 00-5:00 PM- Guided and guarded walk through the Old City, view the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Steps of the Cross, The Wailing Wall and see the Al Aksa Mosque.
6 PM - Dinner at a Jerusalem Restaurant
7:30 PM - Return to Tel Aviv

Day 5

Recommended attire: Casual
Breakfast at 7am
8AM - Leave the Hotel
9AM - Airport Security - a full lecture on Israeli Airport Security - The tightest in the world
12:AM - Leave the Hotel
1:PM - Arrive at Azriely Center, Israel's Triple Towers and near Israel Defense Forces "Pentagon". Find out about security measures for malls and learn about building safety.
1:PM - Lunch
2:00 PM- Tour of Azriely Security
3:30 PM- Leave for Hotel
5- PM - Lecture - The Rabin Assasination. The assasination of the Israeli Prime Minister (and former Chief of the General Staff during the legandary 6 day war) in 1995 by a Jewish Terrorist was one of the low points of Israel's Security Establishment. Learn about the assasination and what should be done to protect VIP's. Visit the site of the assasination after the lecture.
7 PM - Dinner

Day 6

Optional Rest Day. Those deciding to remain in Tel Aviv will receive a Lunch and Dinner allowance. Those that wish to join an optional tour may do so. We will be traveling with our own bus and guide. The tour will leave at 7:30 am and be gone all day and is accompanied by the publisher of Middle East Today and noted historian, guide and participant in Israel's deadliest war - Yom Kippur and many others. See and learn about the Separation fence as we make our way to Israel's most beautiful views.

The tour will visit some of Christianity's holiest sites and will be guided by a professional local guide all day. Lunch will be at the Sea of Gallilee and dinner will be near Mt. Tabor Drive to Nazareth for a visit to the Church of the Annunciation and the Church of St. Joseph and see where Jesus grew up. Continue to the Sea of Galilee via Canna - where water was turned into wine and visit the ruins at Capernaum where St. Peter lived around the beautiful Sea of Galilee. Then stop at Tabgha and visit the Church to the Multiplication of the Loaves and the Fish. Via Tiberias to the baptismal site on the Jordan river outlet "Yardenit" Lunch and Dinner on the road.

There will also be a special visit to the summit of Mt. Tabor by special taxi's. You will see some of Israel's most beautiful countryside and enjoy learning about the History of Christianity .

Price = $85.00 - Minimum 10 people. Please contact any of the SSI representatives ASAP if you decide to do this tour with us.

Note: Tours of holy sites require modest dress (covered shoulders) for women and respectful (slacks and a shirt) clothes for men - No Shorts -Comfortable shoes recommended.

Day 7

Leave early for the Airport for flight home.


For further information:
Security Solutions International, Kendall Tamiami Executive Airport,
14005 SW 127th St. Bldg. 120, Miami, Fl. 33186
786-573-3999 Office, 786-573-2090 Fax

Profiles of SSI Directors

Henry Morgenstern
President of SSI

Henry Morgenstern is a US and Israeli citizen who has had business experience in the USA, South America, Europe and Israel. He was educated in the United Kingdom and took an honors degree from the University of Cambridge in 1974.

While in Israel from 1984 to May 2003, Morgenstern built a tiny start-up company into Israel’s leading provider of high tech services (including training) to such world- class clients as Microsoft, IBM, Intel, and Philips Medical Technologies. Today, WORDS also trains the Nigerian Government in security and non- security related subjects. (www.wordsisrael.com) In May 2003, Morgenstern gave up his role as the CEO of WORDS and Biblio Books to go back to the USA to co-found SSI.

He is a widely published author on security-related subjects : IACSP Counter-Terror magazine, The Journal, Fire Chief, Law Enforcement Technology, Law Enforcement Executive Journal, Frontline First Responder, Executive Flyer, The Forum and many others.

Mr. Morgenstern has also provided commentary for ABC Radio, National Public Radio and has appeared on numerous newscasts commenting on security issues for NBC, CBS and ABC.

While in Israel from 1984 to May 2003, Morgenstern developed excellent high level contacts with the Security Establishment, making SSI the premiere training company for counter-terror related subjects. The company relies on these experts for training in the USA and also takes qualified personnel to Israel for training. He resides in Miami, Florida while in the USA and in Israel. He is a dual US/Israeli citizen.

Solomon Bradman

Solomon Bradman was born and raised in Miami. He now resides in Islamorada Florida . He managed (1993-2004) Diplomat Trading, a multi-million dollar exporter of Electronic Equipment specializing in Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

He has a Bachelor's degree from Thomas Edison State College in Aviation. His management and administrative training and experience began while running the fixed base operation at Marathon Airport back in 1984 where he eventually ended up manager, chief pilot, and head flight instructor until moving to Denver to pursue a pilot position with Rocky Mountain Airways.

To complete his impressive business background is his equally impressive experience in the field of aviation; with more than 6000 hours of total flight time, with 1700 hours as an instructor, and more recently 350 hours as a rotorcraft pilot. Formerly with Continental Airlines as a pilot (1991-1993) and Rocky Mountain Airways (1990-91), he holds the highest licenses including Airline Transport Pilot, Certified Flight Instructor Instrument and Multi Engine (Gold Seal), Commercial Land/Sea, Commercial Rotorcraft, Instrument Helicopter, Certified Flight Instructor Helicopter, Basic and Advanced Ground Instructor and FAA repairman certification. He also speaks Spanish and English fluently.

Over the last three years his responsibilities as CEO of SSI have required his experience and full attention to Administration, Marketing, Sales, Product Development and Public Relations, including being a spokesperson for SSI and appearing on news casts on NBC, CBS, and ABC commenting on SSI programs and security issues. He also provides articles on Aviation-related security issues to top publications such as Business Aviation, Helicopter Monthly and others.

Advisory Board Security Solutions International is proud of its Advisory Board comprised of dedicated, men and women, committed citizens and First Responders with a common goal - preventing terror attacks against our country. The Board is advised of new courses and important SSI events. We honor its members and thank them for their invaluable contribution to our enterprise.

Board Members:

Tom Dempsey
Tom Dempsey is the Director of the Police Training Institute, a unit of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He has published two textbooks in law enforcement operations and training, a chapter in another text and numerous edited articles. Mr. Dempsey has more than 30 years experience in law enforcement and law enforcement training. He is retired from the Torrance, California Police Department. His practical training experience is largely in use of force, officer safety and control tactics. Mr. Dempsey has managed U.S. Department of Justice Byrne grants totaling more than $750,000. He has masters’ degrees in public administration and criminal justice administration.

Christopher Schneider
Christopher Schneider has been with the Anaheim Police Department for 20 years as an Officer, SWAT Team Member, Assistant Team Leader and Sniper and has extensive experience as a tactics & firearms instructor. Chris served 5 years with the U.S. Army Military Police. Investigator Schneider is currently assigned to the Homeland Security Bureau where he coordinates the Anaheim Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI). He is also an Advisor and Member of the Board of Directors for the California Association of Tactical Officers (CATO). Chris is the Vice President and Senior Instructor for National Training Concepts, a Law Enforcement training company specializing in special weapons and tactics training and ICS/NIMS.

Major Tim Carney
Major Tim Carney oversees the Emergency Operations Center. During times of activation, he coordinates all training including high- liability topics such as pursuit driving, defensive tactics and firearms. Major Carney is also in charge of administration for Information Technology, Public Safety Communications, support services and the Training Bureau for the Sheriff of Sarasota, Florida.

John Donald Rose, M.A.
John Donald Rose is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Walters State Community College, and the Specialized Law Enforcement Training Coordinator. His primary duties are curriculum development and instruction at the Walters State Regional Law Enforcement Academy and In-Service Program. This position provides an opportunity for John to stay at the cutting edge of developments in law enforcement while helping to train future and current law enforcement officers. John specializes in the development of Counter Terrorism Techniques for the patrol curriculum and the delivery of that training. He is also a guest lecturer at East Tennessee State University on the topic of Terrorism. His Law Enforcement career spans SWAT Operator, Canine Handler, Canine Trainer, Firearms Instructor, Defensive Tactics Instructor, and supervisory positions culminating as a Division Major.

Chief Mark Deluca
Chief Mark Deluca - Police Chief of Duxbury, Massachusetts - was a member of Metro Dade County Florida’s Special Response Team, Boston Police S.W.A.T. and is currently the Duxbury, Massachusetts Chief of Police.

Doug DeLeaver
Doug DeLeaver is a 37-year Law Enforcement Officer from the State of Maryland. Doug spent 22 years with the Maryland State Police, retiring on July 1, 1992 with the rank of Lieutenant. On July 1, 1992, the Governor of Maryland appointed Doug to the rank of Captain to the Maryland Natural Resources Police. On July 1, 1993, Doug was appointed Major and the executive assistant to the Superintendent of that Department. On December 2, 1998, Doug was appointed to the Maryland Transportation Authority as Director of Strategic Planning, at the request of the Chief of that Agency. On July 1, 2000, Doug was appointed to the rank of Colonel as the Chief of Police for the Maryland Transit Administration Police Force.

Sergeant Al Doane
Sergeant Al Doane is currently assigned as an Acting Lieutenant in the Strategic Services Bureau of the Sarasota Sheriff's Office. January 1, 2004 he was assigned as the sergeant of the Homeland Security Unit within the Strategic Services Bureau. He continues to serve as a Task Force Agent (TFA) with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Regional Domestic Security Task Force, Region VI and TFA assigned to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and is sworn as a Special Deputy U.S. Marshal.

Captain John Cost
Captain John Cost is an original member of the Regional Domestic Security Task Force that was developed in October of 2001 by FDLE, and is a member of the Sarasota Sheriffs Office.

Quinn Mackin
Quinn Mackin has more than 13 years event management experience at one venue with successfully coordinating and managing major concert, sporting, family show, religious and private events, on behalf of a 19,000 seat multi-purpose, city-owned and privately managed facility. Major events he has been responsible for include NCAA Men's Regional Basketball Finals in 1998, 2001 and 2003, NHL Stanley Cup Finals with tenant Anaheim Ducks, NHL regular season games, NBA pre-season and regular season games, World Gymnastics Championships, Rolling Stones, Streisand, Neil Diamond, Boston Pops, Eagles, CSN&Y, U2, Paul McCartney, Madonna, and Jimmy Buffet, Ringling Circus, and Disney on Ice to name just a few, religious events, private events and special events. (2,100 events and 21 million fans in the 13 years at the Arrowhead Pond)

Lt. Scott Lucia
Lt. Scott Lucia is a commander and trainer in the Special Operations Division of a Southwest Florida Sheriff's Office. During his 23 years in law enforcement, his duties have included Special Operations Unit Team Leader, entry member, road patrol and road patrol supervisor, FTO and FTO supervisor, Training Division supervisor, and Academy instructor. Lt. Lucia is a former Secretary and Vice President of the Florida SWAT Association. He is also a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve. He has seen deployments to Cuba and the Middle East in support of both Operation Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, among others, and is qualified as a tactical boat operator. He is an instructor in the following specialties including, but not limited to, small arms, CQB, waterborne operations, dignitary protection, less lethal and chemical munitions, and physical fitness.


Participants Atlanta Police Department

Fort Bend ISD Police Dept

Dept of Veteran Affairs
British Petroleum
Southbridge Mass. Police Dept.
Santa Ana Police Dept.
Orange Co. Sheriff's Dept.
Anaheim Police Department
Plymouth County Sheriff's Dept.
Orange County Sheriff's Dept.
Plymouth County Sheriff's Dept.
Anaheim Police Dept.
Vail Police Department

Albuquerque P.D.
Dupage Sheriff's Office
Rochester Fire Dept.
Socom Co.
Maryland Transit Police

Norfolk Police Department
Anaheim Police Dept.
Albuquerque P.D.
Algonquin Police Dept
Santa Ana Police Department
Clarendon County Sheriffs Office
Oakland County Sheriff
Naperville Police Department
Terrant County Sheriff
Lake in the Hills Police Dept.
Denton County Sheriff
Anaheim Fire Department
Answers in Genesis
Oracle Corporation
ACC Capital Holdings Corp.
Sarasota Sheriff's Office
Maryland Emergency Services
Walters State Law Enf. Acad.
Monroe County Community College
MI Dept. of Corrections
Norfolk Police Department
Clarendon County Sheriff
Maryland Transit Police
Bermuda Police Service
Anaheim Angels
Disneyland Anaheim
US Department of State
Algonquin PD

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