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Date: June 30, 2007 3:58:46 PM PDT
Subject: Another "Terrorist Threat" to Keep the UK "On Board," Now That Tony's Gone

Car bombs come to London

· 'Iraqi-style' device defused outside club
· Second explosive found nearby
· Massive hunt for culprits

Vikram Dodd Richard Norton-Taylor
The Guardian (UK), June 30, 2007

Police were last night hunting a suspected al-Qaida-inspired terrorist cell after the discovery of two "Iraqi style" car bombs, which UK officials said were designed to cause mass murder. One was outside a London nightclub, and a second nearby. Only luck and probable faults in the bombs' construction meant that the first device, inside a metallic green Mercedes, could be disarmed, while the second, in a blue Mercedes 280E, failed to explode. Police say both were capable of causing severe casualties and were intended to have been detonated remotely, most likely by a mobile phone.

Counter-terrorism officials said the first device -- made up of 60 litres of petrol, several propane gas cylinders, nails and a detonation mechanism -- was similar to those used by al-Qaida in Iraq.


London Police Foil Major <sic> Terror Plot

Saturday June 30, 2007 12:46 AM



Associated Press Writer

LONDON (AP) - Police thwarted a devastating terrorist plot on Friday, discovering two Mercedes loaded with nails packed around canisters of propane and gasoline set to detonate and kill possibly hundreds in London's crowded theater and nightclub district.

The plot, coming only two days after Gordon Brown took over as prime minister, raised the specter of the attacks in July 2005 when the London Underground and an iconic double-decker bus were targeted by a group of homegrown terrorists who killed 52 people.

As police searched for car bombs and terrorists in the city of 7.5 million, roads were closed and police sirens echoed. Authorities stepped up security across Britain, from central London streets to the Wimbledon tennis tournament.

But Londoners - with long experience in dealing with bombs and terrorism - were not in hiding and the West End was bustling again by nightfall Friday.

``I know you can't live your life being scared,'' Natalie Huntley, 28, a tourist from Adelaide, Australia, said outside St. Paul's Cathedral even as police investigated another suspicious vehicle parked on nearby Fleet Street. ``You've just got to keep going, don't you?''

Authorities said the bombs in both cars were similar and that each Mercedes had been abandoned in the same area near Piccadilly Circus. Had they exploded, at least hundreds of people would have been killed.

The discovery of the car bombs before they exploded was a bonus for police, who checked for fingerprints and DNA clues, as well as other trace evidence. They also had the benefit of footage from closed-circuit TV cameras, hoping the surveillance network that covers much of central London will help them track down the driver of the Mercedes.

The CCTV footage would be compared with license plate recognition software, British anti-terror police chief Peter Clarke said. There are 160 security cameras in the Westminster Council, the district encompassing Piccadilly Circus and the Haymarket area, alone.

Nobody claimed responsibility for the plot, and government security officials said late Friday that no suspects have been identified.

But the discovery of the second bomb, about 20 hours after the first, suggested a coordinated and more sophisticated plot than was initially thought -- similar to the July 7, 2005 suicide bombings where four bombs exploded within an hour of one another on London's busy transit system.

Some analysts said the bombers could be trying to send a message to Britain's new leader.

``It's a way of testing Gordon Brown,'' said Bob Ayers, a security expert at the Chatham House think tank. ``It's not too far-fetched to assume it was designed to expedite the decision on withdrawal (from Iraq).''

Professor Paul Wilkinson, chairman of the Center for the Study of Terrorism and political violence at St. Andrews University, said a number of factors could have come together to prompt the thwarted attacks.

``With the change in prime minister this could be the work of al- Qaida,'' he said. ``They have a track record of trying to influence political change through violent means such as in the Madrid train attacks.

After the first bomb was announced, a sober Brown said ``we face a serious and continuous security threat in our country.''

"We are currently facing the most serious threat to our security from international terrorism," Britain's new home secretary, Jacqui Smith, said after an emergency meeting of top officials.


John O'Connor of Scotland Yard, retired, spoke on CNN this afternoon. He stated that the first car bomb was so clumsily made, it wouldn't have caused any serious injuries even if it had exploded as intended, and that any damage (from the car going up in flames) would have been limited to yards of its location.


London's Crude Incendiary Device
June 29, 2007 16 28  GMT

http://www.stratfor.com/products/premium/read_article.php? id=291389&selected=Analyses

British security forces deactivated what appeared to be a crude firebomb in a vehicle that crashed into a trash bin in central London's Haymarket district early June 29. If the device was intended to cause casualties as part of a militant plot, however, its amateur construction and the way it was placed suggest the plotter or plotters have no connection to a major militant organization.

The incident began shortly before 2 a.m. local time when an ambulance crew, responding to a call about an injury at a nearby nightclub, noticed a Mercedes E-190 with what appeared to be smoke pouring out of it. Bouncers working the doors of nightclubs in the area reported that the vehicle was being driven erratically before it crashed it into the trash bin. Afterward, the driver and several other people reportedly fled the scene.

Police called to the site cordoned off the area, while explosives experts examined the vehicle, finding what a police spokesman described as "a potentially viable" explosive device. Police manually disabled the device and later were seen removing gas canisters from the vehicle.

The Mercedes reportedly contained several canisters of propane gas, a large amount of gasoline, nails -- presumably to act as shrapnel -- and a means to detonate the device. The amount of gasoline was so great that the fumes it emitted looked like smoke rising from the car.

After the device was rendered safe, the vehicle was removed intact from the scene for a forensic investigation. It is unclear how much explosive material, if any, was recovered from the device.

Although London Metropolitan Police counterterrorism chief Peter Clarke said early on in the investigation that the device could have caused "significant" loss of life had it detonated, several factors make this improbable.

The device possibly was meant to be an explosive-actuated incendiary device. Such devices -- more commonly called firebombs -- work by using a relatively small low-intensity explosive charge to ignite a more volatile flammable material. This results in an intense, rapidly spreading fire that can quickly engulf a confined space such as a building, rail car, subway car or airplane. A firebomb would not be as dangerous in an open outdoor space like the one in this case.

Furthermore, powerful explosive-actuated incendiary devices are extremely difficult to make, and getting the explosive charge to ignite the fuel is challenging. In many cases, the initial explosion merely hurls the tanks or otherwise fails to puncture the containers or ignite the gas -- or it damages the tanks to the point that the gas leaks out harmlessly. The amount of flammable gas apparently recovered in this incident would have been sufficient to create a massive fireball, though in order for the device to reach its full explosive potential, it would have to have been carefully designed with a precise mixture of fuel and air.

The bombmaker and the car's driver (assuming they are two people) erred in deploying the device. By crashing into the trash bin, the driver brought attention to himself and the vehicle, while the escaping gas fumes also called attention to the Mercedes. In any case, with so much forensic evidence remaining intact, British authorities have a good chance of identifying the culprit or culprits soon. Furthermore, the heavy closed-circuit TV coverage in London should allow authorities to obtain video and still photos of the would-be attackers.

Initial reports of the discovery of a "massive" car bomb indicate the level of tension in London regarding potential militant plots. Coming on the heels of several high-profile terrorism convictions and arrests of suspected militants in the United Kingdom, this incident will serve to increase tensions -- and vigilance -- in London. Following the Haymarket incident, British police cordoned off another area in central London, Park Lane, to investigate reports of a "suspicious vehicle" believed to be connected to the Mercedes.

Remarking on the incident, new Prime Minister Gordon Brown confirmed that the United Kingdom faces a "serious threat" from terrorism. Vigilance will likely increase in the rest of Europe as well. Before this, German authorities already were reporting elevated threats of militant attacks after receiving intelligence from U.S. authorities.

London Bomb--What a Crock of Crap!!

Larry C Johnson

http://noquarter.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/06/london-bomb-- wh.html#more

So I turn on the telly this morning and find breathless CNN anchors hyperventilating over the nuclear suicide car weapon of mass destruction discovered smoldering outside of a London nightclub. One report from the scene notes that:

London police were contacted when witnesses saw a Mercedes being driven erratically near London West End night club Tiger Tiger, and the driver jumped out of the automobile and ran away. The car was reported to have two gasoline canisters and be full of nails.

CNN adds:

Explosives officers discovered the fuel and nails attached to a "potential means of detonation," inside the vehicle. Officers "courageously" disabled the trigger by hand, he said. Security sources told CNN that the "relatively crude device" in the first car contained at least 200 liters, or about 50 gallons, of fuel in canisters.

You know what you call a vehicle with 50 gallons of gas? A Cadillac Escalade. The media meltdown over this incident is simply shameful.

For starters, gasoline is not a high explosive. If we were talking 50 pounds of Semtex or the Al Qaeda standby, TATP, I would be impressed. Those are real high explosives with a detonation rate in excess of 20,000 feet per second. Gasoline can explode (just ask former owners of a Ford Pinto) but it is first and foremost an incendiary. If the initial reports are true, the clown driving the Mercedes was a rank amateur when it comes to constructing an Improvised Explosive Device aka IED. Unlike a Hollywood flick the 50 gallons of gas would not have shredded the Mercedes into lethal chunks of flying shrapnel.

The fact that "officers courageously disabled the trigger by hand" coupled with the report of the smoke in the car leads me to believe that the mad London "bomber" tried to construct a Molotov cocktail of sorts and lit a cloth fuze. Fortunately he left the windows in the car up and there was not enough oxygen to really get the fire going. Looks like the brave British police reached in and snuffed the flame.

Judging from the overreaction to this non-incident I think we can safely conclude that Osama Bin Laden will remain holed up in Pakistan and let the fear mongers at CNN, MSNBC, and FOX do the dirty business of scaring the shit out of people.

UPDATE: Ahh, the panic continues. Yuppie terrorists are on the loose. Now we're being told there are two cars (both Mercedes I might add) with a Rube Goldberg contraption consisting of propane tanks, some petrol, a light bulb (or maybe light bulb filaments), etc. A propane tank explosion makes a hell of a noise but does not create widespread shrapnel dispersion. Busted eardrums and broken glass are more likely. Getting these tanks to explode is difficult. The ones I have witnessed occurred when a house under construction caught on fire. But there is nothing in two 25lb propane tanks inside a Mercedes that will detonate with sufficient force to shred the automobile and send hundreds to meet their Allah, God, Buddha, or whatever. Still a crock of hype and over- reaction. Let the police do their job. Investigate the culprits and get these nitwits out of circulation before they harm themselves.


London Car Bomb

By Cernig


So a "potentially viable" explosive device was discovered in a car in London's Haymarket last night, as I'm sure everyone is aware by now. The British and American media and every blogger in America are all over this, but to be honest there's a hell of a lot of re- treading of a very few facts going on. At this point, it seems to me, there are three questions to be asked and a clear answer to only one of them.

1)Was the bomb-plot a serious threat?

Well, the bomb wouldn't have been discovered if the car's driver hadn't crashed it into a bunch of trash-cans and then ran for it. That means the plot was off the radar as far as UK intelligence was concerned. Still, there's any number of possible reasons why the driver crashed and ran. If his running off was the plan all along, indicating that the explosion should have followed close on his departure, then the bomb failed to detonate properly. If he was a suicide bomber, he didn't have the courage of his convictions or was confused by petrol fumes. If it was meant to be a remotely detonated device, his clumsy actions blew the plot instead of the bomb. None of the possibilities point to experts or even efficient amateurs.

Likewise, the use of gasoline and propane point to an attempt at a fuel-air explosion -- but if so, the presence of nails shows the folks responsible don't really get the dynamics of such explosions. As expert David Hambling points out, either the fuel-air explosion works or the nail-bomb element works -- not both. That indicates they're amateurs with knowledge gleaned second-hand rather than trained experts who understand the physics of explosives.

And David, not being a Brit insurance underwriter, may have missed one important fact. UK propane and other gas canisters don't explode in all directions. They're manufactured with a deliberate weakness in the base so that any explosion is channelled as the base gives way. The canister will shoot out like an underpowered rocket, but the explosive force of the detonation is far smaller and more directional (backwards) than if the whole canister failed all at once. That's why the famous "Gas limos" scheme wasn't quite all it was hyped to be.

There's too much unknowns to be sure, but my assumption is that the device, while a "viable" one, was an amateur job and the threat wasn't as serious as it's being painted. I wouldn't want to be standing next to it if it went off, but the folks in the club were safe.

2) Who is responsible for the failed attack?

Who the f**k knows? If I were a betting man I'd say the odds are on some homemade Islamist group of ad hoc terrorists. But there's no description of the guy seen running away and as yet no news on if the local cameras caught his face. London's a big and open city and is home to just about every group with a grudge on the planet. London gangsters conducting a nightclub feud (yes, Virginia, the bad boys still do that kind of thing in Britain - I could tell you stories from my fire insurance days...), some IRA splinter group, an Islamist group either homegrown or foreign - there's a possible list as long as your arm. The close-by aniversarry of the 7/7 attacks, Brown's recent accession to power and other circumstantial evidence for blaming islamists is exactly that - circumstantial. It could all be a coincidence and we'll just have to wait and see.

3) How will Londoners (and Brits in general) react?

Londoners have survived the Blitz, gangland wars, bloody riots, the IRA and any number of small-time nutters who wnated to use nailbombs on gay folks, blow up black folks, or just generally attack anyone who wasn't in their self-defined list of those who deserved to live. This one didn't even explode.

The answer is simple - Londoners will, overwhelmingly, shrug and carry on.

Update The UK's Telegraph is reporting that another car bomb has been found in the Park Lane area, which also failed to explode even after being loaded onto a trailer for illegal parking and taken to the police pound. It also says the original device failed to go off after four attempts were made to explode it by mobile phone signal. That speaks to incompetent wannabes.

In the US, ABC's The Blotter has an exclusive report that the local CCTV system has a "crystal clear" picture of the man seen running away from the crashed car - and the suspect is indeed a Muslim, who bears "a close resemblance" to a man police had previously arrested and released on suspicion of involvement in the "gas limo" case.

These are, however, both anonymously sourced stories and so shouldn't be taken as gospel until an official spokesman is willing to put his or her name to them.

Meanwhile, the Telegraph's pet neocon shill in Washinton, Con Coughlin, is sure we're looking at an Al Qaeda message to Gordon Brown, despite having no evidence for such an opinion.

If the car bomb, which was placed outside one of London’s most popular nightclubs, had successfully detonated it would have caused widespread devastation and loss of life, and would have forced Mr Brown to demonstrate whether he has the strength of character and leadership qualities that are required when the country suffers a major terrorist attack. The implication being that Brown doesn't have such strength, even if he does certainly have the strength of character to cock a snook at Coughlin's neocon pals in the U.S. by appointing Malloch Brown to a foreign office post.

Update 2 That second car bomb has now been confirmed by the UK's anti-terror police chief, Peter Clarke, in a statement. His statement also confirms that someone attempted to trigger the bombs but they failed to detonate. I think we're looking at ambitious homegrown amateurs, still.

Update 3 The London Times has found an expert willing to deny logic and causation to make the bombs seem scarier. He says the explosion would have " generated a fireball the size of a house and a shock wave spreading out over a diameter of at least 400 yards". However, it's clear from his explanation that for this to be true, the cloud of gas from the propane cylinders would have to expand to its fullest possible extent before igniting -- something that would be impossible in the presence of burning petroleum -- and that the original explosive charge would have to be big enough to fragment, not just pierce, the gas cylinders. Given the lack of evidence of such a large conventional explosive charge so far, he's pushing the boundaries of possibility to their maximum. Professor Hans Michels was also a prominent expert consulted by both the media and the prosecution during the "liquid bomb" plot furore and subsequent trial in 2005.

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