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Date: July 6, 2007 2:47:56 PM PDT
Subject: When You Hear "Freedom Fries," Remember, It's BUSH Who's Frying It

Christine Boutin rattrapée par ses propos

controversés sur le 11-Septembre

LEMONDE.FR | 05.07.07 | 15h26  •  Mis à jour le 05.07.07 | 18h33
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hristine Boutin rendant George Bush responsable des attentats du 11- Septembre ? Pour le collectif ReOpen911, pas de doute. Sur son site Internet, qui exhume une vidéo de novembre 2006, les tenants de la théorie "conspirationniste" des attentats de New York et Washington vont plus loin, affirmant : "Le gouvernement français, représenté par Christine Boutin, envisage la responsabilité de G. W. Bush dans les attentats du 11 septembre 2001." http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2ghbc_la-ministre-boutin-et-le-11- septemb
La ministre Boutin et le 11-Septembre - Version courte
envoyé par ReOpen911

En novembre de l'année dernière, donc, alors qu'elle n'est pas encore ministre de la ville et du logement, Mme Boutin accepte une invitation de Karl Zéro, qui la reçoit pour une interview en compagnie de deux blogueurs, Natasha Quester-Semeon et Atmoh, représentant de ReOpen 911 et membre du collectif Jeudi Noir. Ce dernier attaque rapidement sur son sujet de prédilection : "Est-ce que tu penses que Bush peut être à l'origine de ces attentats (les attentats du 11-Septembre) ?" Réponse de Christine Boutin : "Je pense que c'est possible." Et d'argumenter : "Je sais que les sites qui parlent de ce problème sont des sites qui ont les plus gros taux de visites. (...) Et donc je me dis, moi qui suis très sensibilisée au problème des nouvelles techniques de l'information et de la communication, que cette expression de la masse et du peuple ne peut pas être sans aucune vérité."


De nombreux sites d'information se sont fait le relais de la vidéo de ReOpen 911, ou plutôt de l'extrait de la vidéo. Car dans la version intégrale, disponible sur le site de Karl Zéro, on peut écouter la suite :"Je ne te dis pas que j'adhère à cette posture, mais disons que je m'interroge quand même un petit peu sur cette question." Plus loin, la ministre explique aussi que "c'est la responsabilité de chaque blogueur de se faire son idée".

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9XmlG0yTUU&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww% 2Elemonde%2Efr%2Fweb%2Farticle%2F0%2C1%2D0%402%2D3224%2C36%2D931861% 4051%2D932119%2C0%2Ehtml Présent à l'époque sur le plateau de Karl Zéro, Christian Dupont, le conseiller à la presse de la ministre, tempère. Selon lui, "tout dépend de la façon dont on présente les images". Les extraits de l'interview diffusés sur la plupart des sites sont "incomplets", ils présentent une version "à charge" des propos de Mme Boutin avec pour seul but de "créer une polémique". Pour M. Dupont, la vidéo est présentée de façon "tronquée". "On se contente d'une phrase et on fait monter la sauce." Pour le conseiller de la ministre, le "je ne dis pas que j'adhère..." de Mme Boutin suffit à la dédouaner de toute accusation de "conspirationnisme". La ministre, elle, ne souhaite pas s'exprimer sur la question.

Autre argument avancé : la ministre s'est adaptée à son public. Interrogée lors d'une émission du Web, s'adressant à un public d'internautes, "Christine Boutin ne pouvait pas purement et simplement rembarrer ces gens". En quelque sorte, une réédition de l'explication avancée dans l'interview même par Mme Boutin : "Les sites qui parlent de ces problèmes sont des sites qui ont les plus forts taux de visite."

Karl Zéro, lui, pense que "Boutin était un peu larguée", elle a voulu être "de l'avis des deux" intervenants à la fois. Quoi qu'il en soit, l'affaire n'a pas l'air de gêner plus que ça le cabinet de Mme Boutin. "Elle n'est pas ministre des affaires étrangères !", lâche Christian Dupont.

Oriane Raffin et Benoît Vitkine


French cabinet member in Sarkozy government: Bush behind 9/11 !

VIDEO (translation in the transcript ^ | 07 05 2007 | drzz
Posted on 07/05/2007 4:56:57 AM PDT by drzz

Christine Boutin, French minister of "social housing" in Sarkozy's government since May 18, 2007, is in the middle of a scandal after bloggers found an interview with her, dated November 2006, in which she supports conspiracy theorists calling 9/11 "an inside job".

Here is the transcript :

Young French idiot -- "I wish to talk about the Bush government and its threat for democracy. Do you think Bush could be behind 9/11?"

Minister Christine Boutin: "I think it is possible. I know the websites which run these stories are getting more and more visitors. As a person deeply concerned with new communications technologies, I think that something being expressed by [so many] people couldn't exist without an element of truth ... I'm not saying I agree with the assertion ... but I am wondering [whether 9/11 was an inside job]."


http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/sfgate/detail?blogid=15archive/ &entry_id=18296

In France, a senior pol dares to question the 9/11 tale

Today, nearly six years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, does anyone doubt the Bush administration and the mass media's grand narrative about just who was responsible for those shocking, sudden, well-coordinated and super-destructive events?


France's Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs, Christine Boutin (left), with her boss, President Nicolas Sarkozy

Well, yes.

For starters, on the strength of irrefutable evidence, the whole world has rejected George W. Bush, Jr. and Dick Cheney's repeated insinuations - which they used as a excuse to start the U.S.-led Iraq war - that the government of former dictator Saddam Hussein was somehow behind the attacks. That claim didn't square with the evidence that Al-Qaeda was responsible, since the terrorist organization led by Osama bin Laden was not operating in Iraq at the time. In any case, today, still, there are some observers who doubt the established, now-familiar media story about the historic attacks that Team Bush seized upon to launch an aimless "war on terror." Apparently, one of them has landed a high-ranking government job in the cabinet of France's new president, Nicolas Sarkozy.

That Doubting Thomas is Christine Boutin, France's new minister of housing and urban affairs.

ReOpen911, a France-based Web site devoted to investigating what took place in New York, Washington, D.C., and a field in Pennsylvania on that fateful day in 2001, and whatever events might have led up to it, is now featuring a video clip shot in November of last year in which Boutin - at that time still not a cabinet minister - is asked: "Do you think that Bush could [have been] behind these attacks?"

KarlZéroTV Web site

French TV presenter/personality Karl Zéro

Boutin responds: "I think that it's possible."

Two 9/11-questioning bloggers and Karl Zéro, a French TV presenter/ personality, take part in the interview/conversation recorded in the video clip. In it, however, Boutin goes on to clearly explain why she might hold this view. It's because, she says, of the numerous Web sites on which "masses" of ordinary citizens, in a serious manner, have been asking and continue to ask questions and to present evidence related to 9/11 that may lead one to doubt the established, media account of the events. Boutin says: "I know that the sites that speak of this problem are the sites that have the greatest numbers of visits....And so, I tell myself, I who am extremely sensitive...to the new techniques of information and communication, that this expression of the mass of the people cannot be without any truth." (From ReOpen911, quoted by Le Monde)

Le Monde reports that the complete version of this same video, from which the brief extract that appears on the ReOpen911 Web site was taken, can be found on Karl Zéro's Web site. In the longer version of the interview, the newspaper reports, one hears Boutin go on to say: "I'm not saying that I agree with that position" -- that the Bush administration could have or did have anything to do with the planning or execution of the 9/11 attacks -- "but let's say that, nevertheless, I have to ask that question myself."

Stephen Chernin/AP

Workers searched for victims in the rubble of the World Trade Center, New York, two months after the September 11, 2001 attacks

A spokesman for Boutin has criticized ReOpen911's presentation on its Web site of a "truncated" version of Karl Zéro and the two bloggers' now months-old interview/conversation with her, which, the spokesman said, only serves to stir up "a polemic." Boutin's statement in the complete interview - when she says, "I'm not telling you that I adhere to that position" -- makes it clear that she is not buying into any sort of conspiracy theory about the September 11, 2001 events, the spokesman pointed out. His boss's months-old remarks aren't worth whipping up into a scandal, he added. After all, as a cabinet-level member of Sarkozy's government, Boutin deals with housing and domestic concerns in France's cities. Her spokesman noted: "She isn't the minister of foreign affairs!"

Posted By: Edward M. Gomez (Email) | July 06 2007 at 06:50 AM

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