-Caveat Lector-

I agree with much of what you say. It has become a virtual one-party system with big money the moving force in both "named" parties. But I don't get it about the president for life threat that so many people are discussing lately. Why would Bush need to stay in office? It makes very little difference who gets elected president any more than it did who got elected to congress last time. The same things happen for the same reasons.

There is surely some way we can take back our power from these hooligans, but it's not by killing people. Not by violence. Look at history. Things always end up the same, with corrupted leaders out for whatever they can get. Certainly many places are much worse in that regard than USA. Look at Zimbabwe.

On Jul 16, 2007, at 5:50 PM, RoadsEnd wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 16, 2007 5:24:08 PM PDT
Subject: "We the People," Mad as Hell and *SOON* Not Going to Take It Anymore

[Written as an exasperated gut-level response to lame-ass posts in an "impeachment, pro or con?" forum]

You folks just don't get it, do you? Conducting a lawyerly discussion of impeachment at this point, with the participants still dewy-eyed with high school civics naivete, is like trading platitudes about the need for an annual medical checkup in the coroner's office during an autopsy, the corpse on the table already reeking. Wake up and smell the formaldehyde: Our system of government, defined by these theoretical protocols and legal technicalities, is already dead. The corruption of the Republicans is the simply the putrefaction of the body politic. The inaction of the Democrats is predictable under the circumstances -- it's rigor mortis. The two-party system we invoke in our references to nice-on-paper but pragmatically unattainable "checks and balances" lies in state. We are governed by a de facto ONE-party system whose infrastructure was already in its final stages of construction long before we even began a debate about whether it could be done, and if it could, whether it would "really," or just "potentially," pose a threat to the democratic process. And now that we have begun to open our eyes, stil timidly, to survey only a fraction of the damage already done, that one-party system we seem to have overlooked is racing at breakneck speed to consolidate its power as a NO-party system dictated by a "president for life" during a national "state of emergency." So, NOW, you're discussing whether impeachment is PRACTICAL, even debating if it's DESIRABLE?

Talk about being "behind the curve"! Wake up and smell the burning flesh, folks -- it's FAR TOO LATE.

There is NO "democratic process" by which, through "representatives" whom we have "fairly elected," the American people can have ANY IMPACT WHATSOEVER on the nation's "free fall" toward totalitarianism. You're gassing up for nothing if you're hoping to drive your BMW across the raging waves of the Atlantic. There is no Constitution anymore; Bush & Co has shredded it, and now they're just burning the shards. There is no Supreme Court you can appeal to; Bush & Co (through the Federalists) has succeeded in "stacking the courts," and the entire legal system --the so-called "independent judiciary branch" of our "Constitutional" system of government-- is populated by legal nazis who seig-heil our glorious Fuehrer. Congress exists in name only -- it's just "political theatre," ideological bread & circuses for the yokels. No one you can trust will ever succeed in getting elected -- or if they somehow miraculously do, they will not survive in the toxic atmosphere of Capitol Hill without being bribed or threatened into towing the line. In our bogus "two-party" system, both parties are self-serving, and a "third party" will not be permitted. (Besides which, our "unitary executive" knows the legislative and judiciary branches are superfluous -- he and he alone has the authority to decide what legislation will be implemented and what laws enforced.) So, my naive friends, when you don't have a legitimate federal government (or a state government, more often than not) to turn to, when the Blackstone SS is "securing" Main Street USA, who ya gonna call? You don't like that? You're scared? Try "working within the system" THEN to IMPEACH Der Fuehrer.

To sum up, impeachment is a joke. It's no longer a realistic option -- it won't happen because it CAN'T, it's impossible in practical terms. The nuts and bolts of WHY it's impossible reveals how seriously, irrevocably damaged our system of government is, and how few REAL options are left for us in defense of our liberty. Putting your hopes on a majority Democratic Congress and a Democratic president being elected in 2008 is likewise a joke -- one in even worse taste, because that proves you're even FURTHER behind the curve. In the next 18 months, we've been warned, "something" will happen that, like 9/11, will "change everything." It doesn't matter WHAT that event, as portrayed by our mass-media, will be. All that matters is that it will be USED to "justify" consolidation of extra-Constitutional executive power in a de facto dictatorship. The Constitution, in practice, is already null and void; its guardians, by default, have allowed it to lapse. Habeas Corpus has been suspended, not just in specific instances but, as the need arises, generally. Posse Comitatus is virtually of no effect, likewise by applying "the letter of the law" of radical NEW laws which, despite being unconstitutional, were allowed to stand, unchallenged, by judicial co-conspirators. Nothing in the Constitution and Bill of Rights has been AFFIRMED that could present any OBSTACLE to an assertion by our "unitary executive" of ABSOLUTE POWER, particularly (cited for its emotional effect on the gullible American public) "during a state of war" (against ill-defined enemies, and IN PERPETUITY).

As the cinematic Mafia used to say, "We can do this the easy way -- or the HARD WAY." The time for solving our political problems the "easy" way is long gone -- a fact that only madmen or fools will dispute. The only thing left for us is the HARD way. It won't be very "rational." It's not going to bloodless, and it's very likely that innocent lives will be lost. Worse yet, there no guarantee that it will have a happy ending. No one will shout optimistically, "but our freedoms will survive!" Our "freedom" is already dead, folks -- it died six years ago, after a terminal illness that lingered on for several decades, leaving it incapacitated (like Congress). Rigor mortis set in two or three years ago. It didn't make headlines and it wasn't televised, so those of you still nursing at the "glass teat" (which, alas, includes the internet) might not have noticed. The revolution won't be televised either -- unless it's from the point of view of the State "restoring order."

Eighty percent of Americans don't trust their president -- but somehow he's still in office and increasing his power. Eighty percent of Americans don't have any faith in the ability --or willingness-- of members of Congress to represent them, and the number is as bad for the very same people THEY voted into office -- yet somehow "the system" just keeps on moving, "business as usual," with diminished expectations. Thus far, no poll has dared ask Americans how many believe their government is working AGAINST them, to such a degree that it might even be concluded that the government of the United States is AT WAR WITH its own people, relating only in adversarial fashion, as if "we the people" were its REAL ENEMY. We should assume that the percentage of Americans who privately hold such a belief must be high too. Eighty percent of Americans didn't want to openly defy King George with a declaration of independence, knowing that could be very inconvenient, risky in terms of jobs and possessions, and life- threatening. Beyond a certain point, one isn't offered a CHOICE. There's never been a revolution "by invitation only."

"We can do this the easy way -- or the HARD WAY."

Thanks to our "democratically elected" representatives' failure to cure the potentially deadly illness afflicting this nation, while there was still time and the medicine was readily at hand, it's too late now -- the patient died for want of treatment. Fade out on the operating room; fade in on the morgue. The "exploratory surgery" of impeachment, back then, was the EASY way. Now, in post-mortem retrospect, we should realize the virus responsible for the death of our body politic had already by then spread and infected every cell, so even impeaching the president and/or vice president would have only amounted to "symptom suppression," not a real cure. When the corpse is finally cremated --some time between tomorrow and November 2008-- there will be a panic about how far the contagion has spread -- who else is a "carrier"?

The SAFEST thing to do is what was done during the plague -- kill every suspect, burn every house down. The EASY way was the American Revolution (we blew it) -- the HARD way was the FRENCH Revolution. Roll out the guillotines, line up the usual suspects -- politicians, bankers, lawyers, accountants, corporate executives, media apologists, anybody in a suit and tie -- you'll be lucky to find anyone who's NOT guilty. A bloodbath IS coming. Your only choice is who'll be behind the executioner's mask, YOU -- or THEM.

--Bastille Day 2007

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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