-Caveat Lector-

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Date: July 18, 2007 12:31:40 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: The "Orange Revolution" Begins in 6 Days [Resend]

July 17, 2007

The Orange Revolution Begins in Six Days. Will You Be A Part of It?

On July 23, 2002, the head of British intelligence reported that Bush and Cheney were intent on invading Iraq and planned to "fix the intelligence and facts around the policy" -- i.e., lie to do so. Five years later a million people have died as a direct result of these lies and there's no end in sight. Meanwhile, torture has been institutionalized, habeaus corpus eviscerated, and illegal spying made routine. New Orleans lies devastated -- along with our Constitution and the rule of law. And Bush and Cheney are making a mockery of the Democrats'
feeble gestures towads accountability.

[Blocked image]

Enough is enough and this July 23rd a new phase in the movement for peace and justice will be launched. We call it the Orange Revolution because starting that day will wearing orange will signify that you want Congress to START IMPEACHMENT and STOP THE WAR. The majority of Americans want to see Bush and Cheney impeached and want an immediate end to this war. But they are rendered largely invisible by a complicit corporate media. Wearing or displaying orange will be our signal to one another -- and to the world -- about where we stand. Anything orange will do: a t-shirt, a wristband, a ribbon -- get creative and post your images and ideas on ImpeachSpace.com. Here are a couple of items to get you started:

Orange "Drive out the Bush Regime" bandanas
[Blocked image]

Available at:

Orange "Impeach Bush and Cheney" t-shirts
[Blocked image]

Available at:

The Orange Revolution will be launched with acts of civil disobedience in
Washington and elsewhere to show Congress that we are serious.

In D.C., Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern, Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Col. Ann Wright, Debra Sweet, Dave Lindorff, David Swanson, Jodie Evans, Medea Benjamin, Kevin Zeese, Tina Richards, and others will march from Arlington National Cemetary to the office of Congressman John Conyers. They will sit in Conyers' office reciting the U.S. Constitution until they are either arrested or he agrees to
start impeachment.  All are welcome to join them.  See:P
http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/sit for time and location.

Similar actions will take place at the offices of Rep. Howard Berman in California, Rep. Pete Visclosky in Indiana, and Rep. Conyers' district offices in Detroit. If you are willing to risk going to jail for justice you are encouraged to go to Washington or to stage a sit-in at your own Representative's district
office.  See:     http://www.democrats.com/sit for more information
and tools to help you organize this.

If you cannot participate in civil disobedience, please wear orange in solidarity with those that are and please call Congressman Conyers that day and ask him to
move on impeachment: (202) 225-5126.

The march in D.C. is also part of Cindy Sheehan's Journey for Humanity from Crawford, Texas to New York City. Participants in this Journey for Humanity share the goals of ending the occupation of Iraq, impeaching Cheney and Bush,
restoring New Orleans, and funding human needs at home and in Iraq and
Afghanistan. The march will include stops at the district offices of House Judiciary Committee Members Mel Watt, Howard Coble, and Bobby Scott along the way, before arriving in Washington, D.C., on July 23rd. For more information and
to get involved visit     http://www.thecampcaseypeaceinstitute.org.

Essential Viewing: "Bill Moyers on Impeachment"

On Friday, P.B.S. aired a one-hour special on impeachment featuring Bruce Fein, Deputy Attorney General under Ronald Reagan and well-known Republican, and John Nichols, author of "The Genius of Impeachment" and well-known Democrat, both
arguing for impeachment.

[Blocked image]

If there's one video to share with your friends and family who are still skeptical about impeachment, this is it. Fein and Nichols argue with passion and eloquence that the necessity of impeaching both Bush and Cheney is not about
politics, but about salvaging our Constitutional form of government.

Watch the video at: http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/ 07132007/profile.html
and pass it along!

How to Get Impeachment into the Next Democratic Presidential Debate

Also on July 23rd, the Democratic presidential candidates will take part in an evening debate run by CNN, Google, and Youtube. You can submit your own questions on video to the candidates through Youtube -- and everybody can vote for which questions they most want to see asked. Right now a question about impeachment is the second most popular video out of more than a thousand submitted.

Please go to:
and help vote that video up to number one. And please use the search feature on the site to look for other videos on impeachment and vote those up too!

And let's flood the site with more questions about impeachment! All you need is to video yourself for thirty seconds and put it up on YouTube. No fancy equipment necessary -- a webcam or video shot on your camera is just fine. Be sure to include the word "impeachment" in your video's title so everybody can
find it.

In solidarity,

Jacob Park

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