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Date: August 21, 2007 1:30:46 PM PDT
Subject: Cheney: Congress "Not Allowed" To Issue Subpoenas

Cheney Told GOP-Led Congress

It Was ‘Not Allowed' To Issue Subpoenas

Today in a press briefing, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) revealed that the White House had missed its 2:30 PM deadline to turn over documents to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding legal justifications for the National Security Agency’s eavesdropping program. The Committee had already pushed back the original July 18 deadline twice after the White House requested more time.

Leahy said that the administration’s stonewalling amounted to “contempt of the valid order of the Congress,” and pointed out that these subpoenas were passed by broad bipartisan votes. In fact, the Senate Judiciary Committee in the conservative-led 109th Congress, chaired by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) also attempted to ask questions about the program’s legal justifications.

But Vice President Cheney personally barred Spector from issuing subpoenas:

In fact, we were about to issue subpoenas then and one of the senators came to our meeting and said that the vice president had met with the Republican senators and told them they were not allowed to issue subpoenas.

Not quite sure that’s my understanding of the separation of powers, but it seemed to work at that time.

Leahy also said that while he didn’t receive the requested documents, he did receive “a letter this morning from the Office of the Vice President identifying some documents that would be responsive to the committee’s subpoena.” In the letter, the administration claims the Office of the Vice President is not part of the Executive Office of the President.

Leahy responds, “Well, that’s wrong. … [O]h, incidentally, at least this morning, as I left Vermont, I checked the White House Web site. And even their own Web site, this morning, at least, says that the Executive Office — that the vice president is part of the Executive Office of the President.”


LEAHY: The administration’s failure to comply with the Judiciary Committee’s subpoena for its legal analysis gives me as chairman very, very little comfort.

I received a letter this morning from the Office of the Vice President identifying some documents that would be responsive to the committee’s subpoena.

Now, the acknowledgement of these documents is a good first step. I don’t know why it’s taken so long, but it’s a good first step. And it should be followed by the administration turning them over which, of course, is what we requested in the subpoena.

I’ve worked in good faith with this administration. I first sought this information voluntarily. I accommodated a request for time.

But when the request for more time was simply followed by delay upon delay, we issued subpoenas in a bipartisan vote. And even then, when the subpoenas weren’t followed through, we gave them more time.

The time is up. The time is up. We’ve waited long enough.

Incidentally, in the administration’s response today, they claimed the Office of the Vice President is not part of the Executive Office of the President. So it’s some kind of fourth branch of government.

Well, that’s wrong. Both the United States Code says it is part of the president — oh, incidentally, at least this morning, as I left Vermont, I checked the White House Web site. And even their own Web site, this morning, at least, says that the Executive Office — that the vice president is part of the Executive Office of the President.


QUESTION: What is your next step to ensure this? What’s your next step?

LEAHY: Well, I had hoped that by now they would have answered. They haven’t. When the Senate comes back in the session, I’ll bring it up before the committee. I prefer cooperation to contempt. Right now, there’s no question that they are in contempt of the valid order of the Congress.

QUESTION: Is your impression they’re dragging their feet?

LEAHY: Well, you know, a lot of these questions were asked by the former chairman a couple years ago, and we haven’t gotten an answer.

In fact, we were about to issue subpoenas then and one of the senators came to our meeting and said that the vice president had met with the Republican senators and told them they were not allowed to issue subpoenas.

Not quite sure that’s my understanding of the separation of powers, but it seemed to work at that time. Now have an issue. And interestingly enough, I pointed out that every single one of these subpoenas, they have been issued by a bipartisan vote. There have been no close votes on them.

So I would hope they’d do it. And, if not, the full Judiciary Committee will have to sit down and determine whether to seek contempt from the full Senate.


Comments »

Cut off their funding… recall their security details…

…Mobilize the militia…and if they won’t comply…

…attack the Executive Branch…

Comment by big papa — August 20, 2007 @ 4:03 pm

Talk is cheap charge and arrest them if necessary.

Comment by Krazny — August 20, 2007 @ 4:06 pm

Ok Leahy, it’s time to issue Inherent Contempt citations and have the Sargent at Arms arrest the people resisting the subpoena and hold them in the jail cell in the basement until such time as they comply with the subpoena. Inherent Contempt is your only weapon against the Bush Administration’s stonewalling and if you don’t use it, you may as well just give up and go home.

Comment by bilbobaggins — August 20, 2007 @ 4:17 pm

They forget. They were not elected to win a popularity contest, they were elected to PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION!

Comment by raynman — August 20, 2007 @ 4:08 pm

No doubt my friend. The Dems act like doing there damn job is “rocking the boat” or “being too partisan”. I think every member of Congress should lose their job in 08. Pelosi/Reid/Leahy by their own inaction are as bad as the Bush bootlickers.

Comment by buzzbomb — August 20, 2007 @ 4:18 pm

Write Leahy and tell him what you think:

Burlington, VT 05401

Comment by bilbobaggins — August 20, 2007 @ 4:26 pm

This is beyond tiresome.
I’m becoming so irritated at the state of the union, that I am lashing out at anything, and anybody, who drops the ball these days. I feel powerless, and frustrated, and it’s seeping into my daily life. I can no longer have a conversation with anyone who voted for bush because I get pissed off at trying to explain their blunder to them. The only thing that is going to shake this country awake again is reinstating the draft. That would send all the soccer moms SCREAMING to their congress people to throw these bums out of office even if it means IMPEACHMENT. When are the elected officials of congress gonna grow some balls and hold these miscreants accountable ?

Comment by gallery — August 20, 2007 @ 4:27 pm

Screw the subpeona. Would someone please just kick Cheney in the balls.

Comment by dim wit — August 20, 2007 @ 4:30 pm

Oh for the love of…

What is it going to take?

The VP is claiming dictatorial powers over CONGRESS. Congress who represents the American people!!

For sh*t’s sake, Dems, DO SOMETHING!!



Comment by Cobalt 90 — August 20, 2007 @ 4:34 pm

I’d like to see a list of Republicans on this committee. The one’s Leahy is referring to.

Comment by hellinabucket — August 20, 2007 @ 4:13 pm

Here’s the list.

109th Judiciary Committee Members


Arlen Specter (Pa.), Chairman
Orrin Hatch (Utah)
Charles Grassley (Iowa)
Jon Kyl (Ariz.)
Mike DeWine (Ohio)
Jeff Sessions (Ala.)
Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
John Cornyn (Texas)
Sam Brownback (Kan.)
Tom Coburn (Okla.)


Patrick Leahy (Vt.), Ranking Member
Ted Kennedy (Mass.)
Joe Biden (Del.)
Herb Kohl (Wis.)
Dianne Feinstein (Calif.)
Russ Feingold (Wis.)
Chuck Schumer (N.Y.)
Richard Durbin (Ill.)

Comment by beachcomber — August 20, 2007 @ 4:35 pm

nothing will happen because democracy is dead in america. this is all just for show…

Comment by Freakaloin — August 20, 2007 @ 4:37 pm

If democracy is dead I have the ammunition available to bring it back to life…

Comment by BOBH — August 20, 2007 @ 4:38 pm

Come on, this is stupid. No wonder why the Democrats cannot convinced the public that they have the balls to lead this country. These are infantile tactics. If he is not part of the executive branch, then he is part of the Congress and subject to its rules. Go after both at the same time. When he refuses to immediately comply, file contempt of congress charges as well as impeachment. Make the fuc–g Republicans defend his double tracking. Hit the talk shows, produce commercials ridiculing these tactics. FOR GOD’S SAKE, DEMOCRATS DO NOT DESERVE TO LEAD IF THEY TOTALLY LACK BACKBONE. YOU LOOK LIKE IDIOTS.

Comment by JMOHR — August 20, 2007 @ 4:39 pm

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