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Date: September 11, 2007 12:41:43 AM PDT
Subject: Bush Admin Using "Extraordinary Rendition" on Foreign Political Leaders Too

 November 4, 2006
Kamal Siddiqi and Agencies
Hindustan Times
Islamabad, September 11, 2007
Sharif comes, Sharif goes
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was arrested and thrown out of the country hours after returning home from exile on Monday morning. Sharif, who flew in from London, was in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia in the evening.

Sharif’s four hours of homecoming were spent at the airport, the first 90 minutes in the aircraft and the rest in the airport lounge. He was then whisked away in a helicopter, which left for an unknown destination.

Soon he was headed for Jeddah [Saudi Arabia]. The government had bundled him out of the country. “He has been deported... he has been sent to Jeddah,” said a security official.

In London, Sharif’s wife Kulsuma alleged that her husband had been misled. “He was told he was being arrested in connection with a corruption case in Karachi many years ago,” she said. “He was under the impression he was being flown to Karachi where he would be lodged in jail, and produced before a court the next day.” It was only in the air that Sharif was informed he was being taken to Jeddah, she added.

Sharif’s lawyer said he would be moving the Supreme Court against the deportation as it contravened the court’s earlier order allowing the the brothers to return home.

Former Pakistan chief justice Sajjad Ali Shah said the deportation made a mockery of the Supreme Court decision.

Experts are saying President Pervez Musharraf may have made things more difficult for himself.

The former Prime Minister, his brother Shahbaz, and other members of the Sharif clan went into exile in December 2000, after Nawaz chose exile in Saudi Arabia over imprisonment following his conviction on charges of hijacking a plane carrying General Musharraf in 1999.

Sharif told reporters in London, “I am going back to my country with the resolve to rid my motherland of problems and lawlessness caused by the policies of one man — General Pervez Musharraf.”

At the last moment he decided to leave his younger brother Shahbaz behind. He said, “If anything were to happen to me, Shahbaz would be there to do the needful.”

Travelling club class on a PIA flight – number 786, Sharif joined his party workers in the economy section five minutes before landing. The flight touched down at 8:48 am, Pakistan time. Sharif and his entourage stayed on board while other passengers disembarked.

http://www.hindustantimes.com/StoryPage/Print.aspx? Id=f3126501-72ea-4923-b568-ea76f680f1a3
© Copyright 2007 Hindustan Times


September 10, 2007
http://newssophisticate.blogspot.com/2007/09/all-hell-has-broken- loose-in-pakistan.html
All Hell has broken loose in Pakistan:

Sharif just got 'Bushwhacked'

All hell is breaking loose in Pakistan.

President Pervez Musharraf is about to face his demons. Which in turn means the entire 'war of terror network' is in panic mode. On Thursday, exiled former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif stated that he would be returning to Pakistan to bring the country back to the people. "I and my brother Shahbaz are going back to Pakistan on September 10 and that will be the day of people's victory" stated Sharif His statement led to a wild frenzy of US, Saudi Arabian, and UK high ranking officials who had flown in and cooped themselves up trying to save Musharraf and prevent Sharif from returning. Both Negroponte ( MUST READ LINK ) and Boucher flew in. Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah sent his two most important advisers - intelligence boss Prince Muqrin bin Abdul Aziz and Saad Hariri the [Musharraf]President awaited the arrival of US deputy secretary of state John Negroponte and South Asian under-secretary of State Richard Boucher Diplomatic sources in Islamabad said yesterday the two officials would tell General Musharraf that he must do all that's required to reach agreement with Ms Bhutto.

"They're absolutely determined on this agreement, seeing it as the only way to stop the rot and halt the Talibanisation of the country," a senior diplomat said yesterday. Bruce Loudon 9/8/07

an official said last night "There are crisis meetings going on around the clock. No final decision has been made. It probably won't be made until the last minute... "Let's see first whether Sharif gets on the plane. We've then got eight hours to decide." Bruce Loudon 9/10/07 Musharraf and his cronies started to game plan. Saudi Arabia even offered asylum if Sharif wouldn't return. First, on Friday, they sent out a message that they had prepared a VIP prison cell for Sharif and then the anti terrorism unit issued an arrest warrant for his brother on supposed murder charges. The whole thing is a disaster and they know it. In a last ditch effort, Musharraf had even sealed off the airport awaiting his arrival. They even had plans to stop his plane from refueling in Dubai. They've tried everything. The government banned political rallies, arrested hundreds of opposition officials and declared an airport "terror alert" in an effort to scotch plans by Sharif supporters for a rousing welcome. Guardian

Meetings of more than five people have been banned and security heightened at the international airport where Mr Sharif, accompanied by a huge entourage, is expected to land aboard a commercial Gulf Airways flight at 5pm (AEST) today.
So how has it all ended. Breaking from the Guardian...
The former Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif was today deported from the country shortly after he arrived in Islamabad They nabbed him the second he landed. Police commandos entered the aircraft and surrounded the moving staircase after Mr Sharif landed on a Pakistan International Airlines flight from London. A civilian helicopter was waiting 100 metres away, its rotors spinning.

Ninety minutes after the flight landed there was no sign of Mr Sharif or any other passengers.

The war on terror continues....the neocon subversion persists. Sharif just got 'bushwhacked'. The US and Pakistan knew that Sharif, who has the support of millions, would be the biggest blow to the war OF terror. Even more so than the expected failure of the 'Petraeus ASSESSMENT' on ESCALATION. BushCO needs Musharraf..and now its proven that he needs them too.

This event can be seen as ANOTHER coup on Sharif! They did it to the same guy twice!

Ridiculous. I wonder how the US press is going to play this one out...if at all. This is classic Bush family subversion at its finest/lowest. All to keep the profits rolling...the oil flowing...and the Carlyle/Haliburton military industrial complex churning. Welcome to the Homeland. IMPEACH.

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