-Caveat Lector-


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-Caveat Lector-

So far, no sign that Obama is related to Hillary
September 9, 2007
BY _SCOTT FORNEK_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  Political Editor
It sure would be an awkward family reunion. But, believe it or not, Barack 
Obama is related to both President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.  
OK, distantly related: Obama and Bush are 11th cousins.  
That's because they share the same 
great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents -- 
Samuel Hinckley and Sarah Soole Hinckley of 
17th century Massachusetts.  
That means Obama and former President George Herbert Walker Bush are 10th 
cousins once removed.  
Obama is related to Cheney through Mareen Duvall, a 17th century immigrant 
from France.  
Mareen and Susannah Duvall were Obama's 
great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents and Cheney's 
great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents.  
That makes Obama and Cheney ninth cousins once removed.  
Cheney and Bush are related to one another by a completely different common 
We leave it to you to figure out their relationship.  
from "The Illuminoids," by Neil Wilgus, 1978, Sun Publishing (Pocket Books 
In his expose of the Great Seal, [William Guy] Carr [in
"Pawns of the Game"] implies that there is something suspicious
about the fact that [John] Adams, who supposedly helped design
the [Great Seal of the United States], and [Franklin D.]
Roosevelt, who put it on the dollar bill, were related.
If this is evidence of an Illuminati conspiracy, as Carr
would have it, then a glance at the _Yipster Times_, Fall/Winter
1975, should provide enough evidence to cinch the case: "How to
Become President Without Really Trying," by Michael P. is an eye-
opening report on the genealogical research done by Michael P.
Merlie at the University of Wisconsin. 
<"The First Family: Presidential Kinship and Its Theoretical                  
                              Implications," Michael P. Merlie and Edward T. 
Of the 37 presidents before Jimmy Carter (39th because
Grover Cleveland is counted twice) 21 were close relatives,
Merlie shows.  And this doesn't include the related-by-marriage
link between Richard Nixon and the Eisenhower family, or, through
Nixon's other daughter, linkage to the Cox and Livingston clans
and President James Monroe, Zachary Taylor and Taylor's third
cousin, James Madison.  The same family tree can also claim the
president of the Confederacy, Merlie reports, because Jefferson
Davis was Zachary Taylor's son-in-law.
Following Carr's implied line of reasoning, this would link
Nixon with the Illuminati since Monroe, Merlie says, is related
to the Adamses and the Roosevelts through a minister named Thomas
Shephard.  And there are other families which also produced
multiple presidents, including the three cousins, Franklin
Pierce, James Garfield and Grover Cleveland.  In the 224
ancestors and descendants needed to connect he 21 presidents,
Merlie found 13 Roosevelts, 14 Tylers and 16 Coolidges as well as
numerous Clevelands and other upper-crust families.
Perhaps the most impressive family tree, however, is the one
which includes Thomas Jefferson (Carr's other Illuminati) and
William Henry Harrison, whom Merlie says were very near cousins. 
Jefferson and Harrison, along with Andrew Jackson and John Tyler,
were descended from the same man -- William Armistead, a large
Virginia landholder of the 1600s.  In addition to Harrison's
grandson Benjamin, who was 23rd pesident, the same families have
supplied Calvin Coolidge, who was related to Jackson through
Jefferson's grandchildren; Harry Truman, who claimed to be a
descendant of Tyler; and Lyndon Johnson, a descendant of Benjamin
Harrison IV, grandfather of William Henry Harrison.
Perhaps due to editing, the _Yipster Times_ article shows
only 18 related presidents rather than the 21 Merlie claims, but
another article on the subject, Mike Fellner's "Begat" in
_Takeover_, November 2-23, 1976, supplies some surprising missing
links.  Tying everything together, Fellner shows the Harrison
line related through the Ludwell and Lee families to Zachary
Taylor and Jefferson Davis on one hand and through the Symmes and
Livingston families to the Roosevelts and Delanos on the other,
with an additional link through the Delano clan to Ulysses S.
Grant, making him FDR's ninth cousin and a distant relative of
Robert E. Lee.  Fellner also notes that FDR's "extensive kin"
included George Washington, Martin Van Buren and William Howard
Taft, as well as Grant, thus bringing the total to 22 related
presidents rather than Merlie's 21.  For good measure Fellner
throws in additional links between presidents through the
Allerton and Astor families and, through a Robert Carter and the
Cabell sisters, to James Buchanan's vice-president, John Cabell
Complicated as this sounds, the conclusion is quite simple:
that almost 60 percent of the presidents were related*.
To Merlie this is a strong bit of evidence to support
psychologist G. William Domhoff's theory that America's upper
class is at least partially integrated through marriage.  Merlie
and Fellner, of course, are trying to document the existence of a
Power Elite which holds such tremendous power in modern America.
But in doing so they add prime fuel to the fire of suspicion
which rages in the minds of the followers of Carr.
For if Washington, Adams, [Franklin] and Jefferson were
Illuminati, can Nixon, Ford and Carter be far behind? 
[As I post this, I have on my desk a copy of a genealogical graph
resembling the ones described above --but limited to only 12
presidents (including Jefferson Davis) and emphasizing both
Washington's and Roosevelt's descent from British royalty--
obtained from booklet written by John Coleman entitled (if memory
serves me) "A Generation of Tyrants," on the "royal" Roosevelts.
If anyone has complete, detailed genealogical tables such as
mentioned above, I'd appreciate obtaining copies of those too.] 
*The 60% figure is even greater when we break down the figure
into specific time periods.  For the first ten presidents, up
to the year 1844, 100% were related.  That number drops
afterwards, during a period marked by strong anti-Masonic and
"populist" sentiments, leading up to the Civil War.  For the next
10 presidents, up to the year 1881, 40% (as far as we know) were
related -- a figure which remains the same up to the presideny of
Franklin D. Roosevelt.  Genealogical information on more recent
presidents is too scanty to be able to offer any percentage. 
Strange factoid: Billionaire banker JP Morgan just happened to be
a descendant of Alexander Hamilton, founder of the first US bank.
(And Hamilton's lineage leads back to old British aristocracy.)  

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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