The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

NOTE FROM TiM EDITOR: Back in Phoenix, again, as you can see.  And starting
to dig out from a huge backlog of e-mails which have accumulated while we
were traveling.  So please be patient with us, especially with regard to
any requests for e-mail address changes, removals or additions.  They are
our first priority in dealing with the e-mail avalanche. We'll get to all
of them eventually, but it will take us some time.  Thanks for your

Issue S99-64, Day 42, Update 1
May 4, 1999; 0:30AM EDT


Phoenix             1. New Photos from Washington Rally, Sound of
                             Bombs in Belgrade, TiM Target Buttons, Pamphlets

Washington      2. Washington-supported KLA Finances Kosovo
                              War with Heroin Sales

Cambridge        3. British International Lawyer Drafts Articles of
                              Indictment for War Crimes by NATO Leaders

The Hague        4. World Court To Hear Belgrade vs. NATO Case In May

Arlington           5. NATO's Losses Detailed by ISSA Parallel Earlier TiM Data

Nebraska          6. Nebraska Cattle Ranchers Support TiM

Washington (state)  7. Wondrous Embers of Freedom


1. New Photos from Washington Rally, Sound of Bombs in Belgrade, TiM Target
Buttons, Pamphlets

PHOENIX, May 3 - As promised, new photos from the "March on Washington '99"
rally at the White House Ellipse are now available at our Web site (see ).

In addition, we have now also added to our Web site another real life
recording of NATO bombs pounding downtown Belgrade on Apr. 30, an event
referenced in the TiM editor's speech in Washington on May 1.  Check out
the S99-61, Day 29, Update 1, May 1, and click on the sound of bombs in the
text (

Ever since we published our Phoenix barbershop story (see "Barbershop Small
Talk Turns Ugly," S99-58, Day 36, Update 1, Item 6, Apr. 28), we have been
receiving requests from TiM readers around the world for the TiM target
buttons which this writer handed out to his German-American lady-barber on
Apr. 27 (the actual design of the badges can be seen at our Web site).
We're grateful and gratified by the support of the TiM readers who have
already ordered various quantities of the TiM target buttons.

As a lady-protestor at the Washington, DC, May 1 rally put it, listening to
the praises which a friend had been singing to the TiM editor, "That's
nice, (name withheld).  Now put your money where your mouth is," the lady
said, contributing a $20-bill to TiM's efforts.  Embarrassed, the man who
was heaping mountains of praise upon your editor ran back to his car to get
his wallet and make his own contribution.

Anyway, for those TiM readers who may like to have some TiM target buttons
for their personal use, or for distribution to friends and relatives, we
wish to point out that these badges are a part of a fund-raising effort by
the Truth in Media, a non-profit organization, as you know.  We suggest
that a $2-donation per TiM button you may wish to order.  If you want to
support our work for God's truth, please let us have your snail mail
address, along with request for how many buttons you wish to order.  Thank you.

By the way, we will also include the TiM color pamphlets about NATO's
destruction of the civilian targets in Serbia, referenced in my speech at
the White House Ellipse, to all TiM supporters, on a first-come-first-serve

2. Washington-supported KLA Finances Kosovo War with Heroin Sales

WASHINGTON, May 3 - The Kosovo Liberation Army, which the Clinton
administration has embraced and some members of Congress want to arm as
part of the NATO bombing campaign, is a terrorist organization that has
financed much of its war effort with profits from the sale of heroin, the
Washington Times reported today.

Recently obtained intelligence documents show that drug agents in five
countries, including the United States, believe the KLA has aligned itself
with an extensive organized crime network centered in Albania that smuggles
heroin and some cocaine to buyers throughout Western Europe and, to a
lesser extent, the United States.

The documents tie members of the Albanian Mafia to a drug smuggling cartel
based in Kosovo's provincial capital, Pristina. The cartel is manned by
ethic Albanians who are members of the Kosovo National Front, whose armed
wing is the KLA. The documents show it is one of the most powerful heroin
smuggling organizations in the world, with much of its profits being
diverted to the KLA to buy weapons.

The clandestine movement of drugs over a collection of land and sea routes
from Turkey through Bulgaria, Greece and Yugoslavia to Western Europe and
elsewhere is so frequent and massive that intelligence officials have
dubbed the circuit the "Balkan Route."

For a full WT story, check out

3. A British International Law Expert Drafts Articles of Indictment for War
Crimes by NATO Leaders

CAMBRIDGE, May 3 - A British international law expert from the faculty of
social and political sciences at the Cambridge University, has drafted
articles of indictment against some of the NATO leaders for waging war on
Serbia.  Glen Rangwala, whose coordinates are enclosed below, is soliciting
input from all parties who can help him embellish his case for criminal
prosecution of NATO leaders who are prosecuting this illegal war against

So far, Mr. Rangwala has drafted the following submission to the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, requesting the
indictment of Prime Minister, Tony Blair, Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook,
and Defense Secretary, George Robertson, of the United Kingdom:

To Part I of the submission: Background, The Accused, General Allegations,
and General Legal Issues

To Part II of the submission: Counts 1-3

To Part III of the submission: Counts 4-6

Please note that this submission is still at the draft stage. More
information about NATO atrocities is required before a viable brief can be
submitted. For specific requests for information see this page

This submission is in accordance with Article 18(1) of the Statute of the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia:

Any TiM readers who have FIRST-HAND, EYEWITNESS-type information which can
help bring the NATO war criminals to justice are encouraged to contact:

Glen Rangwala, International Lawyer
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Cambridge University
Free School Lane
Cambridge CB2 3RQ, ENGLAND
Tel: 44 (0)1223 334535
Fax (shared): 44 (0)1223 334550
Home Tel: 44 (0)1223 462187

4. World Court To Hear Belgrade vs. NATO Case In May

THE HAGUE, May 1 - The United Nations' top court said on Thursday it would
hear on May 10 and 11 an unprecedented Yugoslav suit against 10 NATO
states, including the United States and Britain, aimed at halting the
allied bombing of its territory.

The International Court of Justice will consider separate complaints
against the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the
Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Portugal and Spain in a first round of legal

"At a meeting held today, the court decided that hearings on provisional
measures would open on Monday 10 May 1999 at 10 a.m. (0800 GMT). They are
expected to last two days," the court said.

Yugoslavia is accusing the 10 of bombing its territory in breach of their
obligations under international law not to use force against another state.
It also charges they have meddled in Yugoslav internal affairs and violated
its national sovereignty.

Belgrade is basing its case on a string of international treaties including
the 1949 Geneva Convention, the 1948 Convention on Free Navigation of the
Danube and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of

The World Court's decisions are binding and without appeal.

"Yugoslavia maintains that if the proposed measures are not adopted, there
will be new losses of human life, further physical and mental harm, further
destruction of civilian targets, heavy environmental pollution and further
physical destruction of the people of Yugoslavia," the court said. Its
statement followed a day of hectic meetings among the world court's 15
international judges, legal sources said.

The Yugoslav embassy in The Hague had filed its complaint on Thursday
morning. The application also asks the court to declare the 10 named states
liable to pay compensation. "Yugoslavia asserts that both military and
civilian targets have come under attack during the bombings," the court said.

4. NATO's Losses Detailed by ISSA, Parallel Earlier TiM Data

ARLINGTON, May 3 - The NATO losses stood at approximately 38 fixed-wing
aircraft, six helicopters, seven unmanned aerial vehicles, and "many"
cruise missiles shot down by the YU Army's AAA or SAM missile fire as of
April 20, 1999, said the Arlington, VA-based, ISSA, closely approximating
TiM's other sources about the NATO losses during the first four weeks of
its air campaign against Serbia.

"Several other NATO aircraft were reported down after that date, including
at least one of which there was Serbian television coverage. The aircraft
reportedly include three F-117A Stealth strike aircraft, including the one
already known. One of the remaining two was shot down in an air-to-air
engagement with a Yugoslav Air Force MiG-29 fighter; the other was lost to
AAA (anti-aircraft artillery) or SAM (surface-to-air missile) fire. Given
the recovery by the Yugoslavs of F-117A technology, and the fact that the
type has proven less than invincible, the mystique of the aircraft  a
valuable deterrent tool until now for the US -  has been lost.

At least one USAF F-15 Eagle fighter has been lost, with the pilot,
reportedly an African-American major, alive and in custody as a POW.

At least one German pilot (some sources say two men, implying perhaps a
Luftwaffe crew from a Tornado) has been captured.

There is also a report that at least one US female pilot has been killed.

In one instance in the first week of the fighting, an aircraft was downed
near Podgorica. A NATO helicopter then picked up the downed pilot, but the
helicopter itself was then shot down, according to a number of reports.

Losses of US and other NATO ground force personnel, inside Serbia, have
also been extensive.  A Yugoslav Army unit ambushed a squad climbing a
ravine south of Pristina, killing 20 men. When the black tape was taken
from their dog-tags it was found that 12 were US Green Berets; eight were
British special forces (presumably Special Air Service/SAS). This incident
apparently occurred within a week or so of the bombing campaign launch.

It is known that other US and other NATO casualties have, on some
occasions, been retrieved by NATO forces after being hit inside Yugoslavia.
At least 30 bodies of US servicemen have been processed through Athens,
after being transported from the combat zone. At least two of the
helicopters downed by the Yugoslavs were carrying troops, and in these two
a total of 50 men were believed to have been killed, most of them (but not
all) of US origin."

For a full ISSA report on the situation in the Balkans, check out:

6. Nebraska Cattle Ranchers Support TiM

NEBRASKA, May 3 - We received the following message from a cattle rancher
family in Nebraska:

"Just wanted you to know that you are right about NATO and everything else.
 We are cattle ranchers from western Nebraska.  Free trade and
globalization is wiping out what is left of us.  Soon we, as a nation, are
not going to be able to produce our own food. Agriculture is losing the
small, independent producer in large numbers every day.  Buchanan is the
only candidate that seems to care about the physical economy. Keep on
telling the truth!"

Janelle Skinner, Nebraska

7. Wondrous Embers of Freedom

WASHINGTON (state), May 3 - We've received the following letter from a TiM
reader in Washington (state), who has also contributed his comments in the
past (do a search by his name):

"Keep up the fight.  We live in a land of fraud.  We are governed by
demons.  Our once proud republic, which not long ago was the brightest
beacon on the globe for Liberty, has grown dim by corruption, greed, ego
and self-interest.  Recent events, most especially those involving
Yugoslavia, have made me very ashamed to be a U.S. citizen, but the fire
for Freedom instilled by Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Richard Henry Lee
et. al. flames my heart with a tremendous quest for Liberty.  Lest any
think I unequivocally back the Serbs as they fight against the beast of
NATO because of bloodlines, my southern most ancestors came from
Baden-Baden, Germany.

So wondrous are the embers of Freedom, that all the fraud and vicious
murder of my country cannot extinguish my fire for Liberty, Liberty for me
and all who seek it throughout the world."

Steffan Bertsch
NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just reply REMOVE or
UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by your e-mail address.
Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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