In a message dated 5/4/99 10:04:49 AM Central Daylight Time,

<< Subj:         [FTC] Bipartisan team, sue Clinton over Kosovo
 Date:  5/4/99 10:04:49 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Linda Muller)
 Sender:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear Friends,  will your congressman sign on to this?


 From:          "Larry Becraft" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject:               Paul, bipartisan team, sue Clinton over Kosovo
 Date sent:             Mon, 3 May 1999 15:27:25 -0700

 May 1, 1999

 Lawsuit filed Friday, April 30, 1999
 Paul, bipartisan team, sue Clinton over Kosovo
 Members say President has violated Constitution, War Powers Resolution

 WASHINGTON, DC -- A bipartisan group of 17 Members of Congress,
 US Rep. Ron Paul (R-Surfside, Texas), filed a lawsuit on Friday, April 30,
 1999, in federal court against President Bill Clinton for violating both
 the US Constitution and the 1973 War Powers Resolution with regard to

 Rep. Paul has led Congress in the opposing the unconstitutional military
 action, introducing the first legislation to stop the measure early in
 this Congress, and speaking against it last year.

 "This president has violated the law and he must be taken to task," said
 Rep. Paul. "It is a shame that Congress has not done more to stop the
 president from this destructive course. So it is therefore incumbent upon
 us to resort to the courts to force Mr. Clinton to follow his Oath of
 Office to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States."

 The lawsuit specifically states that the president violated Section 1,
 Article 8, Clause 11, of the US Constitution by engaging in war without
 the declaration of such from Congress. The suit also notes that the
 president violated the 1973 War Powers Resolution for failing to
 officially report to Congress on his aggressive actions against Yugoslavia
 within the mandated forty-eight hours.

 The suit seeks a declaratory judgment from the court, stating that the
 president has violated both the US Constitution and the War Powers
 Resolution. The plaintiffs ask the court to order the president to end
 hostilities by May 25, 1999, and withdrawn troops no later than June 24,

 "For more than 50 years, presidents have engaged in foreign adventurism at
 the cost of American lives without regard for the Constitution. But for
 the first time we have a president who not only refuses to acknowledge the
 Constitution, but also the War Powers Resolution which -- in my opinion --
 improperly transferred constitutionally non-delegable powers from the
 legislative to executive branch," said Rep. Paul. "Apparently this
 president thinks he is king, for in our representative democracy no man is
 given the power to unilaterally commit troops to battle without the
 express authorization of the people's representatives in Congress."

 Joining Rep. Paul in the lawsuit are: Tom Campbell (R, CA), Dennis
 Kucinich (D, OH), Marcy Kaptur (D, OH), Roscoe Bartlett (R, MD), Bob Barr
 (R, GA), Dan Burton (R, IN), Philip Crane (R, IL), John Cooksey (R, LA),
 Walter Jones (R, NC), Donald Manzullo (R, IL), Charlie Norwood (R, GA),
 Thomas Petri (R, WI), Marshall Sanford (R, SC), Joe Scarborough (R, FL),
 Bob Schaffer (R, CO), and Thomas Tancredo (R, CO). The Members have
 standing in the suit because the president's actions usurped Congress'
 constitutional and legal rights to declare war and provide oversight.

 "This president is putting American soldiers, and indeed all Americans, in
 danger by engaging in this reckless action," said Rep. Paul. "We must not
 allow this or any president to declare themselves above the law."

 Congress voted this week 427 to 2 against a declaration of war with
 Yugoslavia, voted to prohibit funding for ground elements, and finally,
 denied support for the ongoing air campaign.

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Dear Friends,  will your congressman sign on to this?


From:           "Larry Becraft" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Paul, bipartisan team, sue Clinton over Kosovo
Date sent:              Mon, 3 May 1999 15:27:25 -0700

May 1, 1999

Lawsuit filed Friday, April 30, 1999
Paul, bipartisan team, sue Clinton over Kosovo
Members say President has violated Constitution, War Powers Resolution

WASHINGTON, DC -- A bipartisan group of 17 Members of Congress,
US Rep. Ron Paul (R-Surfside, Texas), filed a lawsuit on Friday, April 30,
1999, in federal court against President Bill Clinton for violating both
the US Constitution and the 1973 War Powers Resolution with regard to

Rep. Paul has led Congress in the opposing the unconstitutional military
action, introducing the first legislation to stop the measure early in
this Congress, and speaking against it last year.

"This president has violated the law and he must be taken to task," said
Rep. Paul. "It is a shame that Congress has not done more to stop the
president from this destructive course. So it is therefore incumbent upon
us to resort to the courts to force Mr. Clinton to follow his Oath of
Office to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States."

The lawsuit specifically states that the president violated Section 1,
Article 8, Clause 11, of the US Constitution by engaging in war without
the declaration of such from Congress. The suit also notes that the
president violated the 1973 War Powers Resolution for failing to
officially report to Congress on his aggressive actions against Yugoslavia
within the mandated forty-eight hours.

The suit seeks a declaratory judgment from the court, stating that the
president has violated both the US Constitution and the War Powers
Resolution. The plaintiffs ask the court to order the president to end
hostilities by May 25, 1999, and withdrawn troops no later than June 24,

"For more than 50 years, presidents have engaged in foreign adventurism at
the cost of American lives without regard for the Constitution. But for
the first time we have a president who not only refuses to acknowledge the
Constitution, but also the War Powers Resolution which -- in my opinion --
improperly transferred constitutionally non-delegable powers from the
legislative to executive branch," said Rep. Paul. "Apparently this
president thinks he is king, for in our representative democracy no man is
given the power to unilaterally commit troops to battle without the
express authorization of the people's representatives in Congress."

Joining Rep. Paul in the lawsuit are: Tom Campbell (R, CA), Dennis
Kucinich (D, OH), Marcy Kaptur (D, OH), Roscoe Bartlett (R, MD), Bob Barr
(R, GA), Dan Burton (R, IN), Philip Crane (R, IL), John Cooksey (R, LA),
Walter Jones (R, NC), Donald Manzullo (R, IL), Charlie Norwood (R, GA),
Thomas Petri (R, WI), Marshall Sanford (R, SC), Joe Scarborough (R, FL),
Bob Schaffer (R, CO), and Thomas Tancredo (R, CO). The Members have
standing in the suit because the president's actions usurped Congress'
constitutional and legal rights to declare war and provide oversight.

"This president is putting American soldiers, and indeed all Americans, in
danger by engaging in this reckless action," said Rep. Paul. "We must not
allow this or any president to declare themselves above the law."

Congress voted this week 427 to 2 against a declaration of war with
Yugoslavia, voted to prohibit funding for ground elements, and finally,
denied support for the ongoing air campaign.

Please feel free to forward this email across the USA!
Join our free "FTC" - FOR THE CAUSE - List!!!
Go to:
*** ISSUES ***   *** ISSUES ***   *** ISSUES ***
The American Cause Internet Headquarters
*** ACTION ***   *** ACTION ***   *** ACTION ***
Coalition for The American Cause Network
WebMaster - Linda Muller - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Smail: 6862 Elm Street, Suite 210, McLean, Virginia 22101
c NOTICE In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any
copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without
profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref.]

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