-Caveat Lector-

>At the risk of being massively flamed, I am compelled by a sense of
>intellectual honesty to propose that the time has come to repeal the Second
>Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

risk of being massively flamed? don't you mean an ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY?

i'm sure there's a lot of people on this list that equate the idea of
giving up their guns with asking the government to shoot them in the head
or something.

this is almost like saying to america and russia in the cold war "hey guys,
relax, throw away your nukes, and everything will be ok, dude"

firearms are a problem, yes, but taking them away will achieve Sweet Fanny
Adams, maybe you should attempt to tackle the PROBLEM, and not the symptom,
when you cure a disease the symptoms will go away.

i'm sure you can understand why people want to keep guns, it makes them
feel secure, people are scared, of criminals, the government, loonies,
whatever. hardly surprising considering the massive panic over drug crime
and gangs and the like and the general image of the US (well, the one i've
always had) as an incredibly bad place to live unless you're ridiculously
rich or something

that and incidents like Waco and general US government shittyness
throughout it's entire history to anyone it doesn't agree with (ie. most
people who stop to think)

>What is at issue is not some supposed innate right to keep and bear arms. What
>is at issue is the culture of violence that puts firearms on a pedestal and
>worships them. What is at issue is the culture of violence that insists on
>"getting even" instead of resolving conflicts. Two hundred years ago, it might
>have been possible to defend yourself against an oppressive government by
>shooting the excise agent. But that just isn't possible today--nor is it
>desirable. The world is too complex a place today, and the weapons at the
>government's disposal too powerful, for so simplistic a solution to work.
>You have no more right to keep and bear arms than you have to own and operate
>an automobile. All property "rights" are contingent on the permission of the
>state; the state grants such rights, and the state can take away those rights
>if circumstances warrant. I submit that the time has come when we, as a
>society, can no longer afford to permit individuals to own and use firearms.
>Further, I submit that firearms manufacturers are primarily responsible for
>the *illegal* sale of firearms, and should therefore be subjected to stringent
>governmental regulation and limited to production of firearms for the armed
>services of the United States.

aye aye, so the chemist sells me some sleeping tablets and i overdose and
kill myself, is this the chemists fault? those who use the guns to hurt
people are responsible, not the manufacturers.

btw, i'm not defending the manufacturers, i personally hate anyone who will
happily make money out of manufacturing murder, that includes the WTO and
most major corporate-capitalist institutions

>If the gun lobby insists on labeling this proposal as a conspiracy to
>undermine citizens' "rights," I will respond by suggesting that the gun lobby
>itself is part of an elaborate conspiracy to undermine the lawful authority of
>the United States government, substituting the rule of force for the rule of
>law. Surely, if a secret supranational organization such as the Illuminati

the rule of law IS the rule of force. he who has the force, makes the laws.

>really exists, whose objective is to submerge all national identities in a
>global culture, eliminating national governments in favor of a strengthened
>United Nations, then they would choose to work *not* through the Federal
>government...but through organizations and individuals who want to weaken the
>U.S. government to the point where it effectively no longer exists. Such a
>conspiracy would be much more likely to use a group like the NRA or the
>Libertarian Party than the FBI or the BATF as its instrument.

the libertarian party being used by evil-conspiracy-people?
surely not, aren't liberals, like, nice and stuff?
i suppose the politicians have managed to mutilate the meaning of that word
as well then.

>Let me repeat my proposal: the time has come to repeal the Second Amendment to
>the United States Constitution. Doing so would demonstrate more clearly than
>any other possible action that the people of the United States have genuinely
>grown up, that we are now mature enough that we do not need the crutch of
>firearms to maintain our self-esteem.

and we'll do it with cars and mobile phones instead like everyone else. and
people get killed on the road, but that's ok, because that's only idiots

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