The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

NOTE FROM TiM EDITOR: Back in Phoenix, again, and starting to dig out from
a huge backlog of e-mails which have accumulated while we were traveling.
So please be patient with us, especially with regard to any requests for
e-mail address changes, removals or additions.  They are our first priority
in dealing with the e-mail avalanche. We'll get to all of them eventually,
but it will take us some time.  Thanks for your understanding.

Issue S99-67, Day 44, Update 1
May 6, 1999; 0:30AM EDT


Macedonia         1. Two Charred Bodies of NATO Pilots Dangling from Trees

Florida               2. A U.S. Reservist: "I'd Lock and Load on First KLA

Washington       3. KLA Linked to Heroin Trade, Osama bin Laden

Washington       4. U.S. Senate Kills McCain's Kosovo Ground Troops Bill

Phoenix             5. American POW to Serb Guards: "Thank You for Your
                               Kindness and Respect"

Belgrade            6. Serb Art Blossoms Under NATO's Bombs

Washington (state) 7. Thumbs Up for "Drop Clinton, Not Bombs" Sign

1. Two Charred Bodies of NATO Pilots Dangling from Trees

MACEDOINA, May 5 - So NATO's "lie and deny" news spinners are telling us we
have suffered there no casualties, save for the two American Apache
helicopter pilots who were killed today in Albania, allegedly only during
"training exercises?"

Oh, please... What sorts of morons do the NATO leaders take the rest of the
western public for?  You've already seen some first-hand reports from the
American officers, in the Balkans war theater, also TiM correspondents,
confirming death and injuries of the men under their command.

And you have seen photos of various NATO aircraft downed over Serbia
(besides the F-117A, the only Serb "kill" to which NATO confesses -
including those at the TiM Web site - see

So can any sane, level-headed American buy the NATO line that they have
suffered no other losses, except for these two pilots "accidentally" killed
today, in 43 days of flying over hostile AAA fire?  Especially considering
that several U.S. Air Force F-16s from the Luke Air Force base in Arizona
alone crashed during the same time frame - for no other reason than
mechanical problems, we are told.

Now, if you are still prepared to believe in NATO's fairy tales, while
hundreds (by our estimates) of American and other servicemen have already
died in Clinton's needless war on Serbia, check out the following message
which we received from Macedonia:

"After a 15-minute air battle above the Vodna-Skopje area, in the vicinity
of Krusevo, the village of Ostrilci; and after a devastating explosion, the
villagers found two charred bodies of NATO pilots, still attached to their
parachutes, hanging from the trees.  The NATO 'clean-up' squad arrived soon
afterward and 'packaged' the pilots into body bags."

This above story was also carried by the Macedonian Makfaks news agency on
April 30.
TiM Ed.: Now, how many other American bodies, charred or dangling from
Balkan trees, have you failed to report to us, Mr. Draftdodger-President
and your partners in crime?  How many American families are you keeping in
the dark about the losses of their loved ones?  As many as the Russian
families whom Leonid Brezhnev had kept in the dark during the Soviet
intervention in Afghanistan?  Try hundreds, or more?

2. A U.S. Reservist: "I'd Lock and Load on First KLA Terrorist"

FLORIDA, May 3 - We received the following letter from a U.S. reservist in
Florida.  No editorial comment is necessary, we think:

"Thank you! I am in the USAR and I have many Serb American friends,
including a priest who taught me about God, and how to be a decent person.
I have read about the criminal, terrorist KLA.

If the USAR sends me over there to kill Serbs defending 'Old Serbia,' then
I will 'lock and load' on the first KLA terrorist I see.

There is nothing that the UCMJ or the U.S. Army can do to force me to
define any Yugoslavian defending his homeland as 'the enemy.'  The real
enemy is NATO and the KLA!"

Name withheld (but known to TiM).

3. KLA Linked to Heroin Trade, Osama bin Laden

WASHINGTON, May 4 - Speaking of the KLA, the Washington Times has been
reporting for two days in a row -  on May 3 and 4 - about the ties of the
KLA terrorists and the heroin drug trade which has been being used to
finance its activities in Kosovo.  With the support and acquiescence of the
Clinton administration, as it turns out.  And including KLA's ties to Osama
bin Laden, a notorious Saudi on whom Clinton has already wasted several
dozen U.S. cruise missiles (in Sudan and in Afghanistan), killing innocent
civilians in those countries, as he is now doing in Serbia.

Here's an excerpt from the Washington Times May 4 report:

"Some members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, which has financed its war
effort through the sale of heroin, were trained in terrorist camps run by
international fugitive Osama bin Laden -- who is wanted in the 1998 bombing
of two U.S. embassies in Africa that killed 224 persons, including 12

The KLA members, embraced by the Clinton administration in NATO's 41-day
bombing campaign to bring Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to the
bargaining table, were trained in secret camps in Afghanistan,
Bosnia-Herzegovina and elsewhere, according to newly obtained intelligence

The reports also show that the KLA has enlisted Islamic terrorists --
members of the Mujahideen -- as soldiers in its ongoing conflict against
Serbia, and that many already have been smuggled into Kosovo to join the fight.

 Known to its countrymen as the Ushtria Clirimatare e Kosoves (UCK), the
KLA has as many as 30,000 members, a number reportedly on the rise as a
result of NATO's continuing bombing campaign. The group's leadership,
including Agim Ceku, a former Croatian army brigadier general, has rapidly
become a political and military force in the Balkans."

4. U.S. Senate Kills Kosovo Ground Troops Bill

WASHINGTON, May 4 - The U.S. Senate voted 78-22 last night to shelve the
resolution which would have authorized the president to use ground troops
or other means to accomplish the NATO objectives in Yugoslavia.  The vote
was a resounding rebuff to the Republican Senator, John McCain of Arizona,
a "fraud hero," as the TiM editor labeled him in his Washington speech on
May 1.  And it follows a similar vote last week by the House of
Representatives which denied Bill Clinton the right to use ground troops in
the Balkans without congressional approval - which Clinton clearly does NOT
TiM Ed.: So if you're worried about appearing "un-American" in your
opposition to an illegal, undeclared and unconstitutional war, which
Clinton is waging on Serbia, think again.  Crooked as they are, both the
Congressmen and the Senators have now overwhelmingly DENIED President
Clinton the right to do wage such a war.  So the only people acting
illegally and unconstitutionally are the members of the Clinton
administration - NOT the ordinary American citizens who are exercising
their rights by objecting to an unlawful use of White House's executive

5. American POW to Serb Guards: "Thank You for Your Kindness and Respect"

PHOENIX, May 5 - We've received a copy of the note which the former
American POW, one of the three U.S. soldiers released during this weekend
Jesse Jackson mission to Belgrade, sent to his former captors following his
release.  Here's what Sgt. Chris Stone wrote in his own handwriting (which
can be seen at our Web site - the spelling and other grammatical errors
included).  We've left such errors as they were written for the sake of

"To all Serbian guards at this prison.  Thank you for your kindness and
respect.  I have much liking for Serbian people after this, and I will
continue to pray to God and for peace and an end to this war.

Thank you mostly for the cigarettes you gave me! Bog Bomogo! (God bless!)"

                                       Chris Stone "Slobodan"

Hvala lepo.  ("Thank you very much.")
Vrslo ste ljubanzi. ("You're very kind.").

6. Serb Art Blossoms Under NATO's Bombs

BELGRADE, May 5 - What follows below (at our Web site - is a selection of art
from an exhibit which opened May 5 at Beoizlog, a Cultural Center in Knez
Mihajlova Street in Belgrade. Creators-exhibitors are students of the
Belgrade Art Academy. Unable to go to classes, and inspired by the everyday
tomahawk and cruise missile reality of NATO's terror, they decided to
channel their creative energies into making statements of their own. And to
do it in English, too. (How many western artists are capable of doing
something like this in Serbian or Russian, for example?)

Some posters are full of spunk.  Like the first one, depicting a human
skeleton as the "Oscar" award, whose caption reads: "And the Oscar goes to
Serbia in the Category of Disobedience." Others are just full of everyday
terror which NATO sows among the Serb civilians.  Those who saw the exhibit
live say that the posters are even more powerful when seen in person.
Especially if accompanied with Belgrade's everyday "sound effects," we
suppose.  And now, voila!  Enjoy...

7. Thumbs Up for "Drop Clinton, Not Bombs" Sign

WASHINGTON (state), May 5 - A TiM reader from the Washington state area
sent us the following comment:

"I was driving my wife's van down the I-5 through Seattle yesterday when
people passing me (started) honking their horns.  Some were giving me a
thumbs-up sign.  I couldn't figure it out until I remembered that we had a
giant target sign 'DROP CLINTON, NOT BOMBS' taped to the back of the van."
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Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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