-Caveat Lector-

illuminatist mind control, satanism, nwo - Part III

Con'd from Part II

CKLN-FM Mind Control Series

Brice Taylor Interview

CKLN 88.1 FM Ryerson Polytechnical University Toronto, Ontario

Mind Control Series

Producer/Interviewer Wayne Morris:

Good morning. You are tuned in again to The International Connection, and we
are in Part 42 of the ongoing interview series on mind control. Today we are
bringing you part one of an interview I conducted with Brice Taylor, a
former Whitehouse-level mind control victim. She has been used as a sex
slave for a number of U.S. presidents, foreign officials, and other
power-brokers while under the influence of mind control. She has been
subjected to horrific torture and abuse, beginning in her childhood, at the
hands of her family, and has been programmed at various military bases in
the U.S., and at NASA. She is the author of a fictionalized account of her
life, "Starshine: One woman's valiant escape from mind control", and since
breaking free and recovering, has been in touch with hundreds of mind
control survivors across the U.S. Here now is that interview:

Wayne Morris:

I am speaking to Brice Taylor, a survivor of mind control. Welcome to the
show, Brice. I wonder if you could start off by just giving a short
description of who you are, and your background.

Brice Taylor:

Actually, "Brice Taylor" is a pseudonym that I chose to protect myself and
my children when I first started writing my book and putting it out. I am a
ritual abuse, government mind control survivor, and I have spent since 1985
working to heal from that and documenting what I was involved with at the
highest levels within our government and internationally as the people's
leaders are invested in bringing in the New World Order.

Wayne Morris:

Who was responsible initially for your programming and conditioning?

Brice Taylor:

Initially, up close, my father primarily was, at home on a daily basis, and
my mother was also programmed to abuse and program me. My whole family was
actually involved in my programming, including my grandparents on both
sides, aunts, uncles and my brothers. As I grew older, by the time I was
five, I was being taken to military bases in and out of California and
officials there were programming me, and later, doctors at UCLA
Neuropsychiatric Institute in California, and places where there were NASA
installations - I was also programmed.

Wayne Morris:

Do you remember when it started - the conditioning?

Brice Taylor:

I had actually some very early memories of being traumatized as an infant,
so it started when I was very, very young.

Wayne Morris:

What is your family's background, your father and grandfather in particular

Brice Taylor:

My background is intergenerational ritual satanic abuse, and I know that
because my father flew me back to Iowa where my grandfather lived and they
involved me in satanic ritual there, and it was then that I realized that my
grandfather who was a millionaire and politician, was involved and was also
intergenerationally connected. It has gone back in the family for
generations as far as I know.

Wayne Morris:

Did your family learn in terms of the mind control programming or was it
strictly in terms of being traumatized by the satanic rituals?

Brice Taylor:

I have no way of knowing what my parents' duties or jobs were during their
early lifetimes, but I believe that my father was made into a multiple
through the severe satanic ritual that happened to him, so I don't believe
that he was consciously operating with the programming of me, where all
parts of him knew what was going on, because I know he was a multiple. I
watched him switch into child personalities and all sorts of different
entities that he became during the years.

Wayne Morris:

Was that caused by his father's conditioning of him?

Brice Taylor:

Yes. My Dad was severely tortured his whole life, had a very abusive
childhood, and as I was healing and able to look back, he even had several
near-death experiences due to accidents that I think were perhaps his
programming kicking up as mine did later on.

Wayne Morris:

Were there government or military connections in your family?

Brice Taylor:

Not to the public, but certainly I was shuffled and taken into the
government and military bases, but as far as being publicly connected, no.

Wayne Morris:

Do you know how they had made that connection with the military in terms of
turning you over to them?

Brice Taylor:

I believe that whole connection came with my grandfather who was a
politician, and it seemed like once I met him (I had never met him until I
was nearly ten years old and my father flew me to Iowa to meet him) - it was
shortly after that I started being connected to all sorts of famous
politicians and entertainers, and a lot of different people. So I believe it
was through my grandfather.

Wayne Morris:

Was your grandfather himself conditioned, or was he knowledgeable about the
techniques of conditioning for the purpose of mind control?

Brice Taylor:

I have no way of knowing ... all I know is that he tortured me and my father
was there, and there were usually a lot of other men. I have only my own
experience and what I believe to be the truth for my father is that although
they created these heinous things, and did all of this, that he was
programmed also. I can't answer that for my grandfather. I wasn't around him

Wayne Morris:

Can you describe for our listeners what kinds of things were done to you
that you remember as a child?

Brice Taylor:

It is always hard for me to go back into this, it seems that no matter how
many years go by, it is still very painful. There was trauma done in the
form of being stuck with pins and needles, being burned, hung by my feet -
sometimes to crosses, spun, dropped off a table as an infant, near drowning,
sexual abuse and orgies, being drugged, food and sleep deprivation, and then
adding to that when I was around five, was all of the military mind control
that was done with very sophisticated instrumentation and chairs and
electroshock ... That was all done to create a shattered psyche that I
believe was used later for all these different personalities that were
created for the mind control purpose.

Wayne Morris:

Were you used by the military at the bases as a child, or was that later in
your life?

Brice Taylor:

I was taken to bases in Long Beach, California as a child where they used
very sophisticated means of light, sound combined with electroshock and
drugs and all sorts of torture and hypnosis.

Wayne Morris:

Do you feel that your family had kind of laid in the base conditioning in
terms of creating dissociation within you, and then more sophisticated mind
control later, or were they programming you as well?

Brice Taylor:

My father was absolutely programming me as well, he did the base programming
and a lot of the trauma-based conditioning, and then these other layers of
more sophisticated programming were put in on top of that.

Wayne Morris:

In terms of your father's public life, what was his public image?

Brice Taylor:

My father was a welder, he was certainly everything any father was supposed
to be. He provided well for his family, and was seen as a very charming man.
No one had any idea, including his own physician, and I am not sure I
understand that either because this man was creating so much torture and
trauma in his children.

Wayne Morris:

Was your mother a co-perpetrator, did she have knowledge of what was going

Brice Taylor:

My mother also abused me in a lot of different ways, and I thought at the
time when I was recovering my memory and going through all of this that my
mother had done this on purpose. It wasn't until I healed to the level to be
able to go back and confront her with all the different traumas, and
tortures and abuses - that I saw her cry and she said to me "it's not that I
don't believe you, it's just that I can't remember." I felt very strongly
that my mother actually may at a subconscious level have known that she had
participated, however she couldn't remember. However, she wasn't discounting
what I said which was very unusual for most survivors. Usually their parents
say, "this never happened" - my mother did not do this. In fact she went on
to help fund financially my book when I was running for my life and had no
source of income. She has helped me even today, although she still only
cries and has not any of her own memories.

Wayne Morris:

Do you have memories of your mother being involved in the cult activity as

Brice Taylor:

Yes. I have memories of my mother being tortured and traumatized in satanic
rituals that were done at some churches that we went to at night. My mother
was a battered wife, she doesn't remember a lot of it but my father battered
her and some of the personalities he had were abusive and others weren't. So
my mother was absolutely tortured, and I know that she was programmed in a
sophisticated way in order to deliver me off in time to the airport late at
night or early in the morning when I was being used internationally, and
with high level leaders in our government, and with entertainers and she
doesn't remember any of that. However to this day she has trouble driving to
the airport and doesn't understand why it is so frightening for her. Those
are the kind of indications to me that she really knows but she can't
remember, because of programming.

Wayne Morris:

Has she attempted to get help for herself?

Brice Taylor:

My Mom did, and my Mom is nearly 80 years old. She said to me "I am afraid I
will come apart and I won't be able to function", because she watched me
become severely dysfunctional to where I couldn't even take care of myself
or anybody else in order to heal. She said she felt her greatest help would
be able to help me financially and to be able to be there with my children,
who I am not able to have much contact with at this point. My Mother is a
victim, and now that I have done my complete healing and realized that my
life with my children was very similar to the one that she led with me, I
have some very deep compassion for her and wish that in her time it would
have been for her to heal, but I understand. I know what it took for me to
go through the healing process. It was years, and it was over $250,000 worth
of therapy and bodywork, and all sorts of healing modalities ... so I
understand what it has taken in the past to heal and what it would take for
her as an older person. I was in therapy daily. My Mother is an incredibly
strong person, even in her late 70's, she is working in the capacity that
she can, and it's pretty miraculous actually.

Wayne Morris:

When you were a child, did you attempt to tell anybody about the abuses, or
were you even somewhat aware?

Brice Taylor:

It's interesting that you ask that Wayne, because when I was deprogramming
and reintegrating, I had a lot of memories, and one of the specific ones
that I had explains this. I had a personality in elementary school that was
programmed to do child pornography and the way it was done was that I was
taken out of my classroom at school in order to go to be taken to what they
called "choir practice". My church was very close locally, so they would
take me out of class to be taken to the choir director's home to practice
"choir" during schooltime. What ended up happening was that once we got
there, and put on our choir robes, the whole thing turned and changed, and
we stopped singing. And we went downstairs in the basement to be filmed in
pornography and all sorts of heinous ritualistic pornographic, everything
filmed with all sorts of equipment. This one day by the time I was taken
back to school with the other children, I had for some reason not switched
out of that personality. I went to the school principal's office and I told
her that this had happened and I was talking in all these terms with sexual
language and things that she found very distasteful, and I remember her
shaking her finger at me and saying, "stop talking like this, this is
disgusting, children shouldn't be speaking like this". I got punished for
that like I did lots of different subsequent times when I attempted to tell
what was going on - I always ended up getting punished. Yes, I did attempt
to tell and whether this woman, the principal, was herself programmed ... I
have since learned from my own experience that oftentimes there will be a
whole web of people in a community - the professionals, the educational
system, the church system - and everyone in that community will be
programmed and have been ritually abused and they attend rituals at night
without even knowing it in an attempt to keep the whole community
traumatized and programmed. So, yes I did try to tell. It took until very
late on in my life for people to start listening.

Wayne Morris:

Did this principal inform your parents of what you were saying?

Brice Taylor:


Wayne Morris:

Where did you grow up?

Brice Taylor:

I grew up in California in Woodland Hills - it was southern California -
about 20 minutes inland from Malibu.

Wayne Morris:

Do you know if as a child you were displaying signs of abuse that teachers
could have picked up on?

Brice Taylor:

Thinking back now, just even that example that I described to you where I
had knowledge of sexual behaviour and language that was well beyond the
understanding of a child - I was always labelled as mischievous, getting in
trouble in school, acting out. I was always the class clown. I think I did
have even physical signs that teachers today would possibly pick up, and
probably even the difference in my personalities had to have shown. I had
obvious switches, where I was switching in and out of different
personalities. I know that because when I reintegrated there were a lot of
different school personalities that had been created to handle school. I am
sure that when teachers and other adults begin to have more information
about dissociative identity disorder and all of this abuse that they will
have the eyes to see.

Wayne Morris:

When did you first realize that you were subjected to mind control?

Brice Taylor:

The memory of the actual mind control involvement started to come to light
in 1988 after several years of thinking I was crazy, having the accident,
and all of that. In 1988 I realized there was more than I was just "crazy,
nuts, confused".

Wayne Morris:

You had memories of the ritual abuse before that?

Brice Taylor:

In 1985 I had a head injury. I had a head-on collision where my head went
through the windshield of the car. What that did was it allowed me to access
both sides of my brain for the first time in my life, and I began having
memories - very frequent memories of all sorts of abuse that came in such a
way that it was difficult for me to continue to process it all. There was
just so much of it. There were years of memories that came flooding in. As
my programming dictated, when those memories initially in 1985 started
coming in, I just thought I was crazy. I was programmed to believe that if
anything came up, I would just think I was crazy. In 1987 I had another
accident on the same date as the head-on collision where I broke my back and
smashed my head again riding a horse. It was on April 12 at 9:15 in the
morning which was the same time as my 1985 head-on collision. The result of
that accident was more very vivid flashback memories that came in the form
of visual flashes, body memories where I felt agony, my body felt drugged.
Very specific places in my body had pain. Once I learned through my daily
therapy to begin to process that, I learned what it all meant. I would like
to explain that during this time I was in school working towards my Master's
Degree in Clinical Psychology to be a psychologist - when all of this memory
started breaking through. This made me have to quit school before I
graduated, but it gave me a lot of information about the psychological
process and what I would need to go through to heal.

Wayne Morris:

It seems really unusual that you would have the two accidents on the same
day at the same time. Do you feel that they were arranged - or at least the
second one?

Brice Taylor:

I believe that it was definitely arranged, and I believe that because what
happened in 1991 on April 10th which was 2 days before the anniversary of
the accident date - I received a dollar bill in my wallet that had
programming numbers and the date April 12th written across it. When I showed
it to my therapist they realized this was intentional. Every time they sent
things like this in to me, it was just another validation of reality for me.

Wayne Morris:

Do you think they would have programmed you to ride into that tree the
second time?

Brice Taylor:

I think I was programmed to have an accident if I became dangerously close
to remembering, and I think that once I had the first accident that they may
have tied the second one to it in an attempt to kill me. I really don't know
that. I know I was still being used. I continued to be used even when I
thought I was free in 1991 and 1992, and even into 1993. I believe they were
attempts to injure me to the point where I could function. I don't know. I
don't have all the answers.

Wayne Morris:

>From what you know from other survivors' experiences, do you feel that's a
common technique for killing people if they do come too close to

Brice Taylor:

Yes, I do. I think that as people are educated and become more aware, they
will be able to see more clearly what has happened. I received letters from
survivors, it began nationally, and now I receive letters from all over the
world from survivors who have had all kinds of head injuries, strokes, all
kinds of programmed accidents. Fortunately for all of us, and unfortunately
for our controllers, what it has done is that it has actually made the brain
barriers easier to access and to remove some of the amnesic barriers so that
people who are having these accidents are beginning to remember more and

Wayne Morris:

Just in the news recently - the fatal accidents that Michael Kennedy and
Sonny Bono had - skiing into a tree - sound very familiar. That's
immediately what came to my mind. How did you manage to break free of their
control, at what point did that happen?

Brice Taylor:

I was in daily therapy from 1987 on, and sometimes twice a day. So I was
writing memories at home, in therapy. I was drawing. I was having bodywork.
I was doing just about everything to heal. So I had healed and had begun to
integrate a lot of my personalities so when in 1991 I received that dollar
bill with my accident date written on it ... At that point I had connected
with Dr. Catherine Gould who is a therapist in California who has worked for
years with children who had DID and have been ritually abused. I met her
actually when I was in school along my venture to be a therapist, and so she
started giving me information as I was asking her questions about
programming. She was able to give me a little information. No one who was
around me - neither of my therapists had ever heard of ritual abuse or had
worked with anyone at all with MPD - no one who was working with me really
understood what I was talking about. Once I realized there was such a thing
as mind control, the programming just started unfolding. Parts of me that
knew about the programming that had been done started filling up journals
listing my specific programming and how it worked; drawing pictures that I
share in workshops that I do. I began to understand that there was a lot
more to this than I could ever imagine, and I was afraid for my life and for
my children's lives. I didn't know what to do. My therapist helped relocate
me to an island on Hawaii and I went there and I was only going to spend a
week trying to get clear on what I should do. I started realizing that my
ex-husband was also a victim of this, and that there was a lot more going
on. I went to this island, thinking I would only spend a week, and I ended
up there for five weeks and returned in an attempt to rescue my children.
During the time I was there, I had a lot of the higher level memories of my
government and entertainer involvement. Being on the island, I had no money
and very little support. I had a couple who helped me. I got a word
processor and lived very frugally and just wrote and continued bringing back
the memories and writing every day and re-integrating. With all of that, I
realized that I had been used at very high levels within our own government.
To help combat the programming that said I was crazy, I began to be strong
enough of my own mind and body to be able to recognize when people were sent
in on me to access me. I would be programmed to call back into a number and
I was advised to keep doing that until I was healthy enough to really break
free. I would call in, and these men would be on the phone, and they
validated my reality of what I was remembering in a way that I am grateful
to them now. I had no way of understanding before why men in suits would be
following me in cars around L.A. and all over the place. It started making
sense to me and I was able to put it together. In 1991 I was healing at a
rampant rate, but I was still being accessed and used on the island. I was
still being prostituted along with my daughter on the island. It was pretty
devastating when I healed and realized it, but I was still healing and
that's how I realized what was really going on.

Wayne Morris:

Do you know up to what point your perpetrators were still using you?

Brice Taylor:

I am not sure if I have the date right, but I believe it was actually until
just before our current president was inaugurated was one of the last times
I was used.

Wayne Morris:

When you were dealing with your first therapist you said they weren't really
aware of mind control techniques. What kind of work were you doing with
them? Were you doing memory work at that point?

Brice Taylor:

I started out just doing psychotherapy and analysis - it's absolutely insane
to be doing that with someone under mind control - but they had no way of
knowing. I was just doing straight psychotherapy and the memories started
flooding in from the accidents, the trauma, and as I began to feel safer -
that there was someone who, even if they didn't understand ... My therapist
looked at me all the time like I was nuts. I was just coming up with all
this abuse. The childhood abuse came up first, and then the ritual abuse
memories came on the heels of the sexual abuse, and then the government mind
control stuff came.

Wayne Morris:

So working with those initial therapists - you started remembering the
government mind control ... At the point where they had stopped using you,
or you were able to avoid being used, was there something you had done to
prevent that? What was the situation?

Brice Taylor:

Actually I worked with a renegade member of the intelligence community who I
lived with for a year and a half, and he was able to help me through
identifying my codes, keys and triggers, what my programming was. We
actually spent a year and a half in the house where he would trigger me and
I would just go into my room and write and write and write, volumes of
memory work where I would just go right back in ... I had been programmed to
have a photographic memory and traumatic memory is laid down differently
than normal memory is stored. I was able to not only see and hear, but use
all my senses to go back into these memories and document it all. Over time
there was no way I had any information or could have known about any of this
top secret, still classified projects or the level of political
sophistication and the interconnection of politicians and world leaders that
I was used with.

Wayne Morris:

Are you aware, or do you know how they programmed you to have photographic

Brice Taylor:

It was a hypnotic command done under hypnosis with drugs and specific

Wayne Morris:

You have written a book about your account. "Starshine: One woman's valiant
escape from mind control", and within that book you mentioned some
electronic, harmonics equipment to help with your memory retrieval and
deprogramming. Could you describe that and other forms of technology that
were helpful?

Brice Taylor:

The harmonic equipment that I spoke about in the book was actually explained
to me by this member of the intelligence community - that was some of the
specific programming equipment that had been used to program people. It
could be used to deprogram people. However, since then I have not been able
to get anybody within the government obviously to bring this equipment out
publicly. But I do have some very good hope for people that have been
through this to heal, and the closest that I know of help for people ... In
fact, I am now in the process of beginning to open a business for EEG
biofeedback. There is a company in California that is one of many around the
country called "EEG Spectrum" and basically it is a way of a person working
through with a computer game that is monitoring your own brain waves, where
a survivor or anyone is able to begin to realize what brainwave state they
are in. Survivors are usually heavy Theta accessed - they are in Theta a
lot. Basically what this does is to help people stay more into the Beta
which is their conscious, alert awareness and learn that way. One of the
beauties of EEG biofeedback is that however a person has been traumatized,
and most people born into these generations on the earth now have been
traumatized in whatever way -- the trauma begins to be encoded physically
and therapy alone over time doesn't affect the body/mind connection in the
way that this EEG biofeedback reintegrates brain function so the body/mind
can begin to be dealt with. I bought the equipment and began working with my
daughter at home during a few months when I was able to have her, and it
borders on being miraculous. Of course she was very afraid it was like mind
control, but it brought her out of catatonic states and made her be able to
function in ways that she wasn't able to. I would say that the EEG
biofeedback equipment and technology is the closest I know to help victims
with memory retrieval and deprogramming - it is gentler, kinder and without
so much body pain memory. It's EEG Spectrum and there are affiliates all
over the nation and it is 1-800-789-3456. [http://www.eegspectrum.com/
(Found via AltaVista)]

Wayne Morris:

With this kind of equipment - was it that you were able to see your
brainwave activity and then adjust your own thinking to deal with it? How
did that work?

Brice Taylor:

Basically you are fed back a "reward" so it's like - it's operant
conditioning - just like a rate in a maze. You are rewarded when pacman goes
and you hear the sound accompanied with a reward. It's a reward that rewards
your central nervous system, so it's not like someone has to be an
intellectual or figure it out - the healing happens. I have been working
with children with ADD and ADHD and often within two or three sessions, kids
that are 10 or 11 years old who have never been able to read are reading ...
they are saying, "I can read", and children who are on Ritalin are coming
off Ritalin because they are able to manage their brainwave state. So
children can do it, adults can do it, because it works with the central
nervous system. It's very powerful and I think it is very hopeful for the

Wayne Morris:

I would like to talk now about some of the techniques they used to condition
and program you. Do you remember how hypnosis was used to control and

Brice Taylor:

It was used in just about all of my earlier programming, whether it was my
father or programmers - I was taken a lot to Disneyland or different places
where fantasy was intentionally mixed with reality. Hypnosis was always used
in conjunction with drugs, and often when I was at military bases or NASA
installations, it was used in conjunction with a very sophisticated chair
and instruments that went over my head - I was given electroshock and
hypnotic commands with drugs that they know are very useful in allowing that
hypnotic command to go deeper than the subconscious mind.

Wayne Morris:

What was the purpose of the drugs? Was that to make you more open to

Brice Taylor:

I think the drugs are used in a lot of different ways, certainly I am not a
physician or a brain surgeon to know how that all works. But I believe the
drugs were used a lot to keep the conscious mind out of the way in order to
be able to take the programming to very deep levels.

Wayne Morris:

Just to open the subconscious ... And specifically, what was the purpose of
electricity? What factor did that play in mind control?

Brice Taylor:

As a child I was 'shocked' at home by bare electric cords, and as I began
getting a little older - with a cattle prod, and then stun guns as I was
older still. And then later the hi-tech electronic equipment at the bases.
And I believe that's done for dissociation - as a person is shocked and
traumatized it affects your whole energy field and the trauma creates
dissociation which allows people to be programmed at very deep levels when
your conscious mind is out of the way.

Wayne Morris:

Later on, with the more sophisticated programming, what was the role of

Brice Taylor:

I believe it is still the same thing. There are members of the intelligence
community; there are ex-military people who, it may take ten years, but they
begin remembering being set in chairs with electroshock, and drugs and
hypnosis while they are being given the commands for their jobs or
assignments. I believe there is a lot more to be understood and learned
about this as more and more survivors are taken as credible sources of
information and what they describe having seen in the classified projects is
brought to light in that way.

Wayne Morris:

Do you feel they also used electricity to make you forget?

Brice Taylor:

In fact a member of the intelligence community who helped me out told me
that a stun gun is used, and was used, because they believed it would erase
memory twenty minutes on each side of the memory. When an event happened,
they would use a stun gun 20 minutes into it in order to erase 20 minutes
before the event had happened, and 20 minutes after. They felt confident
that would erase the memory; however, I was able to access memory because I
became a medicator [meditator?], and I was able to access memory throughout
all of it - throughout the electroshock, through the drug barriers - there
really was nothing that erased my memory in ways they thought they did. None
of their techniques to erase memory was satisfactory. Their techniques have
fallen short, and I think that's why there are so many survivors who are

Wayne Morris:

When you were remembering this, particularly the electricity, was it
conscious memory, or did it come back as more body memories, how did the
memories appear?

Brice Taylor:

It came back in all ways in every day of my waking hour. I really had
probably ten years of my life (once I began healing) that was not my own
either because I was so busy remembering, and documenting through writing
what I was remembering. The memories came through - things in the
environment would trigger me. I would see something and it would remind me
subconsciously and I would have a feeling, and I would follow that feeling
and that memory back into my own mind. The memory would just be there. I had
flashbacks - where, during the flashback state - information and experiences
are very clear, and very vivid, and seem as if they are happening even that
moment - things that have happened 10, 20 years ago. I recovered memory a
lot through the flashback state and basically I kept a journal with me at
all times. Anything that reminded me or triggered me or made me feel funny,
I wrote about it. Over time all these bits and pieces of information that I
wrote about all fell into line, even the ages I was versus the ages
presidents were when they were in office. Everything all fit together in a
puzzle, a perfect picture, that I couldn't have created if I had tried to.

Wayne Morris:

You mentioned the more sophisticated technology, particularly at NASA, and
some of the military bases. Can you describe that, and what effect they were
trying to have on you?

Brice Taylor:

A lot of that was being sat in a chair that looked like the NASA space
chairs, where I would be strapped in. A lot of the equipment that I imagine
was used by the astronauts was used on me. A lot of the spinning, the
weightlessness, being put into sensory deprivation tanks. Being subjected to
a lot of the light and sound along with electroshock. A lot of that where I
was being delivered information like, I would have on headphones and in one
ear I would be hearing one sound and in the other I would be hearing other
sounds. I was programmed with tones, so a tone on a phone would have a
specific meaning that would be subliminally and subconsciously connected
with a command. When I was initially healing, when I would try and dial the
phone, I would hit the numbers and hear the tones in my ear, it would
scramble me and I couldn't think straight. I couldn't function. It was a
matter of going back and consciously realizing that these tones were
connected to commands that I no longer needed to follow and it took several
years for that not to affect me. It still affects me; however, the equipment
they used oftentimes in the auditory was using one sound in one ear, and one
sound in the other which confuses the conscious mind and sends a message
straight into the unconscious which is a very powerful way of controlling a

Wayne Morris:

Do you know what kinds of things they deliberately did to prevent you from

Brice Taylor:

I don't have my diagram with me right now, but off the top of my memory,
they gave me programmed commands that should I begin remembering, I would
become confused. Should I begin remembering, I would feel tired and fall
asleep. Should I begin remembering, I would have migraine headaches. I would
have accidents. I would want to kill myself and there were very specific
ways to self-injure that I was taught which I had to fight, literally, for a
couple of years in order to stay alive to get to the deeper levels of
memory. There were endless, endless internal landmines of boobytraps and
programming that was intended to kill me or make me feel like I was crazy or
insane. Then when you add to that all the people outside - my family that
was programmed, the people who I was being perpetrated by, with all of that,
it is nearly impossible to begin remembering unless you have a head injury
or something happens that really shakes a person up. I also think that the
continued trauma to myself, to my husband, to my children was one of the
biggest forms of attempting to keep me under control, because the innate
mother instinct is very strong and has been one that I have had to logically
overcome in order to speak out, knowing that my children will be safer if I
spoke out than if I kept silent. There were also phone accesses to codes
that would be called, people would say either programmed phrases or set
certain numbers on the phone where the phone would then play in my ear. It
is endless. A web.

Wayne Morris:

In terms of the actual programming that was done to you, was mainstream
culture in any way? You mentioned that you were taken to Disneyland ...

Brice Taylor:

I was programmed with all the regular fantasy that children go through. I
saw the Disney films and was heavily programmed to all of them - The Parent
Trap, with the twin sisters - that was my base programming for my twin
sister programming which was the high level programming that was used in the
government to keep me from knowing what my internal twin sister who was
actually involved with the elite families and the government was doing. I
was shown lots of movies that had very profound programming - not that the
movies were programs - but the way they were used was. The film, Lost
Horizons, I was programmed to be ageless unless I left. That's the theme of
the film - when you leave you start aging. I had a lot of programs where
they won't age as long as they stay in. The books and films, it was one tool
of programming after another - and they were all mainstream.

Wayne Morris:

Do you feel that films that are currently coming out are still being used
for programming?

Brice Taylor:

Yes I do, and at a higher level. I think if people continue to ignore the
profound and deep effect of what children receive as visual and auditory
images in childhood - the effect it has on their entire psyche and the
framework for which they set up belief systems. Even if they are not
programming, for the rest of their lives we need to be mindful of what
children are seeing and I think people have yet to look at how serious the
havoc that is being wreaked on children really is. If people look with the
eyes of a child to the Disney films and to a lot of the things children are
watching on television and in movies, it is horrific.

Wayne Morris:

Was music used at all in your experience?

Brice Taylor:

I was even programmed with music to fall in love with my husband. The songs
were linked with my emotions in order to initiate a state of feeling that I
was in love. I watched as years went by that the music was played to me at
very important times when I was to be used for something. I also was used
within the entertainment industry and saw how some of the current and very
famous and powerful musicians were programmed, and their music and certain
phrases were encoded. Oftentimes, I even delivered programmed phrases from
the elite to these entertainers, and delivered the words or the phrases they
were to say during their performances when they were live and on stage. I
believe that a lot of people were programmed to want to be with these
people, or to revere them, or get hysterical, see them all the time, idolize
them so that they would continue to return to these mass performances for
their own programming. It was a way of keeping groups intact that were
already programmed so they could be controlled.

Wayne Morris:

About your book. What motivated you initially to write about your
experiences, and why did you choose to write it as a fictional work?

Brice Taylor:

I was trying to stay alive. I was running from place to place, from state to
state, all by myself. Dr. Catherine Gould recommended that I stay in contact
with her and Ted Gunderson, who is a retired FBI agent who has been helping
survivors and basically I was trying to stay alive and to be able to explain
to people what was going on in order to keep myself and my children safe.
And I was trying to help other survivors so they could see and perhaps it
would ease their feeling of being alone and feeling crazy, much in the same
way that Lauren Stratford's, Satan's Underground, after I had a bunch of my
memories, had been something that helped me realize that I wasn't alone and
I wasn't crazy.

Wayne Morris:

Did you feel that the book served as a kind of insurance policy for you as

Brice Taylor:

Absolutely. It continues to ... in ways that ... a member of the
intelligence community told me ... I explained I had written the book and
gotten it out all over along with my actual memories, naming the names,
dates and places in a letter stating that if anything happened to me or my
children, that this information was to be made bigger and that the people
that had my information who were public already with this issue were to take
it out wider and then ... what ended up happening was it created a huge
safety-net for myself and my children.

Wayne Morris:

I was going to ask why you chose not to name the names, but I think you just
answered that.

Brice Taylor:

Initially I made it under Catherine Gould's recommendation in order to stay
alive. Also to make the problem understood in a more simple fashion by the
general public. People really had a hard time back in those days hearing the
names that I was naming who they thought as their national icons or heroes
as doing this horrific torture to myself and my children. I felt it was a
way, in a very simple way, to help people to understand what was going on.

Wayne Morris:

Can you tell us just in a general sense what kind of entertainers were
involved, and politicians?

Brice Taylor:

World class, internationally known comedian, actually my owner was an
internationally renowned comedian. World leaders, Presidents, Judges,
lawyers, politicians at all levels, famous entertainers and musicians,
ministers, dentists, doctors - I mean, the list goes on and on and on. It
was my experience that there are world leaders and entertainers in Hollywood
and all over who are themselves programmed, and are in need of healing.

Con'd in illuminatist mind control, satanism, nwo - Part IV

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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