-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   "vikki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Thu, 6 May 1999 20:45:47 -0700
Subject:                SNET: [piml] Chemtrails Bulletin #3
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Subject: Chemtrails Bulletin #3

CHEMTRAILS OVER AMERICA Issue #3 April 22, 1999

Dear Friends and concerned sky-watchers,

        It is time to act. Time to take our demands for answers and
        accountability to the elected officials we employ to represent our

        Health Freedom fighter John Hammell has used mass-emailings
        and faxing to successfully defend our rights to purchase
        vitamin and herbal supplements at reasonable costs and
        effective dosages against the efforts of powerful
        pharmaceutical corporations closely allied with the FDA and
        Canada's misnamed Health Protection Branch.

        Late last month, after receiving over 250,000 letters, e-mail
        messages, the FDIC backed away from passing Draconian banking
        disclosure regulations that would have subjected all bank
        customers to invasive "profiles" of our activities unrelated to
        our accounts. The success of this cyber-campaign has been noted in
        articles in Wired, World Net Daily, and the New York Times.

        Our campaign to spur a Congressional investigation into the
        spraying over American towns and cities can be just as

1.      Please write a short letter detailing your concerns, and
calling for an end to         the spraying and an official
investigation into the chemtrails.

2.      Have family members, neighbors and friends do the same.

3.      Fax or email your letter to your Senator(s) and
Representative(s). cc a copy           to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        To get the names and correct email addresses of your reps,
        call the Free       Congressional switchboard at

        Feel free to quote any of the information presented in my info kit
        below, and direct official inquiries to me at:

        Please DO NOT SPAM dozens of congress people. This will damage

3.      Take your letter and re-address it to your municipal and state
officials. We         are more likely to get a response from local
authorities - and their pressure         on the federal agencies (FAA,
EPA) can be very effective in prompting action.

4.      Check my website for a petition to sign, to be posted soon.

This Chemtrails Information kit has been prepared for legislators and
media representatives interested in the latest documented findings. Please
contact me for further details. I am an award-winning independent Canadian
journalist with 30 years' investigative experience.   -William Thomas

---------- William Thomas Author, Independent Journalist

April 22, 1999    1 of 7 pages

To whom it may concern:

        Good day. As an award-winning investigative journalist with 30

 professional experience, I am currently reporting
        large-scale aerial spraying of pathogens across North America by
        unmarked tanker-type refueling aircraft. While researching this
        story for the past 14 weeks, I have produced five articles
        detailing my findings for the Environment News Service - a
        US-based environmental wire service with editorial standards and a

reach similar to the Associated Press.

        As an expert on
open air testing of biowarfare simulants
        (see my book, SCORCHED EARTH); and the biowar that took place in
        the Gulf (see my book BRINGING THE WAR HOME) - I am now seeing
        disturbing similarities between epidemics across the USA and Gulf
        War Illness.

        Weather modification experiments also appear to be involved in
        concerted aerial
spraying that has been or is now taking place
        over 48 states. The activities now being observed over American
        towns and cities fit the Pentagon

s own published experiments in

Aerial Obscuration and Owning The Weather using tanker-type
        spray aircraft to lay down
cloud screens to obscure clear skies
        and alter weather systems.

        To date, I have obtained more than 500 interviews and detailed
        written reports from every corner of the USA describing an aerial
        phenomenon underway for the past several years - with a

quickening in activity over the past four months.

        Military personnel, police officers, pilots, flight attendants and
        defense specialists - as well as hundreds of everyday Americans
        quite used to seeing aircraft contrails and normal flight
        operations near airports or over long-established air routes -
        independently confirm the presence of multiple
lines in the sky
        being purposefully laid by large jet tankers over US cities and
        rural areas. White or silver in color, these KC-135 aircraft are
        without identifying markings.

        Witnesses describe as many as 20, 30 or more
contrails woven
        over hours into lattice-like grid patterns.
Tic-tac-toe in the
        sky or
furrowing a farm field are expressions commonly used to
        describe these multiple-aircraft maneuvers, in which white
        contrail-like emissions linger for hours, gradually spreading into
        a hazy overcast that completely obscures clear blue skies.

Xs in the sky are also often formed to
mark the
 for satellite tracking.

        In a recent interview, the Western Regional head of the FAA,
        Charles Lieber, informed me that all flight activities and
        contrails over the United States are
normal at this time.

        Normal contrails form when ice-crystals are disturbed by the
        passage of an airplane at high (cold) altitudes. Streaming
        from engines and wingtips, pencil-thin contrails almost always
        disappear within 45 seconds, fading quickly like the wake behind a
        boat. Four years ago I wrote one of the first articles (published
        in Eco Decision magazine) describing how atmosphere-altering
        contrails in high-traffic routes such as the Atlantic corridor
        between the USA and Europe can occasionally persist for hours,
        forming cirrus-type clouds that drift over a large area.

        Yet, photographs and videotapes deluging my office clearly
        show unmarked, all-white KC-135 tanker aircraft laying thick

trails over American communities at altitudes below
        9,000 feet - where short-lived, ice-crystal
condensation trails
        cannot form.

        In fact, the possibility that normal contrails are being laid down
        by the KC-135 tankers has been shot down by Major General Gregory
        Barlow of the Office the Adjutant General, Camp Murray. Barlow
        writes that
Our KC-135 jet aircraft operate at altitude below
        33,000 feet which is typically the altitude where jet contrails

chemtrails I and so many others are personally
        observing, always linger for hours, forming an overcast from
        which veils of wispy fallout are often observed. Commercial
        jetliners have repeatedly been observed trailing no contrails

        alongside the billowing plumes emitted by tanker-type aircraft at
        the same or higher altitude.

        Large jets layering these deliberate
chemtrails have also
        been observed switching their emissions off as they approach
        mountains or other geographically delineating features, only
        to turn their spray back on after making their turns back over the
        area being gridded.

        In almost all cases, people reporting descending vertical
        curtains of spray have become violently ill within 48 hours.
        Formerly healthy patients suffering sudden acute respiratory
        illness - including bronchitis, repeated pneumonia and
        first-time asthma attacks - have been filling hospital
        emergency rooms to overflowing in the USA, Great Britain and
        the former Soviet Union since last January. According to
        doctors, hospitals and labs, these epidemics are not the flu.

        Positive links between these severe illnesses the aerial
        spraying have inadvertently been provided by people who have
        gathered or tested samples of gel-like material falling from
        the chemtrails - and immediately become ill, even hospitalized by
        pathogens in the samples capable of causing their
        upper-respiratory symptoms.

        My co-researcher, American journalist Erminia Cassani, became
        extremely ill recently after handling a year-old gel sample later
        found to be swarming with bacteria and toxic molds. The
        mold found by doctors on Cassani

s left lung matches the
        Niger mold
 found in that Pennsylvania sample.

        Despite these risks, our joint-investigation has just
        completed the first scientific lab analysis of two
        fully-documented goo samples taken from uncontaminated
        aluminum-sided structures in the USA one year and more than a
        thousand miles apart.

        The biologist at the EPA-licensed lab now wants to know where we
        got this
biohazard material. Normally taking three or four days
        to grow in a Petri dish, our first bacteria-laden sample

flowered less than 48 hours into the culture mix. The biologist
        said the lab staff had never seen anything grow this quickly -
        was all over the plate

        Among other nasty pathogens - and an exotic fluorescent

marker derived from a distant ocean reef - three bacteria
        were found in this first gel sample dropped on the approach
        path to an airport used for military flight activities:

1. Pseudomonas fluorescens causes bad blood infections in humans.
Often genetically modified by researchers, this petroleum-loving
organism is named in 161 Pentagon patents for biowarfare and
bioremediation - and airborne
aerosol inoculations.

2. The presence of streptomyces fungus in our first sample is very
unusual. Unlike the Flourescens, this toxic fungus is almost
nonexistent in outdoor samples.

3. A third bacillus contained a restriction enzyme used by clinical
research labs to transfer parts of DNA from one cell to another.

        Sample #2 obtained one year ago and tested several weeks ago
        by the same licensed lab was found to be teeming with this
        same bacillus and streptomyces. It also contained several
        extremely toxic molds.

        Meningitis outbreaks are currently being reported in
        California, North Carolina, Florida and many other states
        across the USA. The Psuedomonas Aeruginosa found in some
        chemtrail test samples causes meningitis. Another organism
        found in our airborne goo sample causes pneumonia.

Typical comments from observers across the USA:

7 This was like nothing I have ever seen before. The contrails are
different from
normal everyday passenger aircraft contrails.

7 I cannot recall ever seeing contrails remain so long after the
aircraft passed by!

7 I

ve lived here for 26 years never seeing this number of contrails
at once.

7 Many times I have seen the day start out with clear skies and look
cloudy by mid-afternoon.

7 They were X

ing, probably 50, 100 of them, as far as I could see.

7 I just happened to glance up to the sky and there they were: a
gigantic X directly overhead and multiple X

s in the sky. I almost
crapped my pants. They covered the whole sky!

7 They look like they

re playing tic-tac-toe up there. You know darn
well it

s not passenger planes.

7 We

re getting sprayed real heavily with the contrails. It

s just
total saturation.

7 As I stood there, one of the planes passed directly over my home.
This time I could see something coming out of the plane!

7 Cobweb-like strands falling from the sky.

7 People are getting sick.

7 Boy am I sick!

7 All the hospitals were full and no one can seem to shake it

7 Antibiotics do not help!!

7 I have never been so sick in my life.

7 What on earth is going on?

7 What do we do now????

*    *    *

        Biowarfare experimentation on the American public has been
        taking place for the past 50 years. United States Code TITLE
        BIOLOGICAL  WARFARE PROGRAM Sec. 1520 states that the
        Secretary of Defense may not conduct any test or experiment
        involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a
        civilian population...except for research.

        This law also requires that all test subjects must give their

informed consent. Ask the more than 460,000 American GIs forced
        to take PB in the Gulf if they gave their consent after not being
        told that this nerve agent actually amplifies the effects of the
        sarin nerve agent raining over them. Ask them if they had a choice
        to refuse mycoplasma-contaminated anthrax vaccines.

        Two US Senate investigations in 1977 and 1994 document decades

Open Air biowarfare testing over the American and Canadian
        public. Similar germ warfare experiments on more than one-million
        British citizens were also conducted using a Royal Navy warship
        and Canberra jet bomber converted with spray tanks to deliver E.
        Coli, enterobacteria and other pathogens to an unsuspecting

        A few examples among hundreds of US cities hit: In 1950, the
        U.S. Navy sprayed a cloud of Serratia marcescens bacteria over San
        Francisco. Monitoring devices tested the extent of infection as
        many residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms.

        In 1966 the U.S. Army dispensed Bacillus subtilis variant
        Niger throughout the New York City subway system. More than a
        million New Yorkers were exposed. Minneapolis was hit again in

        Please note that normal aircraft contrails do not drape
angel hair over porches, powerlines and police
        cruisers. Nor do normal contrails spatter clear or brown
goop over houses and car windshields that require
        high-pressure spray to remove.

        My hunch is that aircraft spray nozzles sometimes malfunction or
        are set incorrectly, resulting in occasional
oops of goop and

angel hair - a sample of which I have just obtained from the
        wing of a US-registered lightplane photographing the X-trails.

        Among many other locales, this hard-to-remove goop fell in
        London after
Xes were observed over London and Birmingham
        last December. The BBC subsequently reported that 8,100 people -
        mostly the elderly - died from sudden, severe upper respiratory
        ailments during the last week of December and the first two weeks
        of January, 1999. Refrigerated semi-trailers were used to haul the
        corpses away. (BBC photos.)

        Meanwhile, in Oakville, Washington (population 665),
        extensively televised sky-goop covered a 20 square mile area
        on at least three occasions within a six-week period in the
        fall of 1994. Washington State Dept. Public Health
        microbiologist Michael McDowell found the bacteria Pseudonmona
        Flourescens and an Enterobacteria in a sample scraped from a porch
        whose resident was hospitalized with severe coughing, weakness and

        Another goo sample taken in Fairfield, California on
        Thanksgiving of that year was found to contain Pseudomonas
        Aeruginosa. An opportunistic pathogen that can infect the
        respiratory tract, resulting in a thick mucous, this
        particular pseudomonas is associated with pneumonia, Staph and
        bronchitis. Its primary focus of infection is the lungs. PA can
        lead to ear infections, muscle and joint pain, upper respiratory
        problems, gastrointestinal symptoms, eye infections and meningitis
        - the exact symptoms being reported by eye-witnesses to the

        Supposedly banned as a biowarfare simulant, Serratia
        marscesens was found in a sample of sky-gel that fell in Idaho in
        March, 1999.

        Meanwhile, toll-free
flu-tracking numbers across the USA
        have been asking people to come forward for tests and
        treatment - if they qualify with specific symptoms incurred
        within a specific time period within a specific radius of
        exposure. What does this sound like to you?

        Extreme, even record-setting weather events such as violent
        windstorms, winter tornadoes, desert snowfalls and 50-degree
        temperature oscillations have also followed prolonged

        After this disturbing litany, you will be relieved to learn
        that the Federal Aviation Administration has finally come up
        with an answer to explain all this unusual aerial activity.
        After his girlfriend became sick three times in the last month and
        a half, and he started his own
second go-round with serious
        illness, a resident of Lansing, Michigan called the Capital City
        airport last week and demanded an explanation.


t worry, the FAA told him. All those planes are part of

delayed Christmas traffic.

        Thank you for your time and attention to this urgent matter.

Sincerely, William Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.islandnet.com/wilco


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Steve Wingate

California Director


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