-Caveat Lector-

Jim Norman wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> "M.A. Johnson" wrote:
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > nurev wrote:
> >     Ah, here is the crux of the problem. This person, and
> >     and capitalists in general would like everyone to take on
> >     their belief system.
> And like....You don't?  Why are you trying to make everybody think as you do?

About 30% of the people writing to this list are in my observation
or Libertarian leaning. About another 20% are conservative. And I
can't tell about
how many Liberals. The one thing they all have in common, is that they
are doing
well in this kind of economy and would complain or criticize every
other Red
Herring, and emotional distraction available. This is a narrow group
which can
afford the equipment and the time, and has the education to appreciate
the Net.
Few have the guts to admit that at the bottom of the real conspiracies
lies the
acquisition of huge amounts of money. Capitalism is the system of
choice because
it is the system devised and incrementally perfected by the rich over
hundreds of years to transfer wealth from the masses to the elites. By
making it
available to the middle class, they have coopted the very people whose
they are rerouting. The middle class is so happy to emulate their
elites in
morals and life style, that they would rather avoid looking at the
honestly. The elites give them every opportunity and tool with which
to delude
themselves. Luxuries and self stupefaction through drugs and media at
all levels.
These people are 1 month's pay away from seeing the economy in an
entirely different
should they loose their job or profits.

The only honest utterance from the Clinton Experience is " it's the

I'm not trying to make anyone think like me. I don't know you and I
don't give
a shit what you think. But there are people who are trying to figure
out what is happening to their world and the bullshit flies thick and
heavy around here. I
put out my observations for anyone to compare to reality. If I fail to
match the
real world I'm full of shit. If your view fails to match the real
world, you are
full of shit.

Isn't that fair?

> > Individualism, individual rights, and
> >     the ever so lovely PROPERTY IS PRIOR TO LAW.
> this is what our country was built on!

That's my point exactly! We are agreed upon the root ( rad ) of the
that plague us. Very astute of you.

> > These twisted
> >     apostles of greed and arrogant stupidity are just simply
> >     selfish bastards inventing justifications for their sorry
> >     assed selves.
> Sounds like you're mad because you don't have any.

I have enough. More than many. I am solidly middle class. I hate being
cash cow for the rich.

> >     Who in their right mind would claim that " property is prior
> >     to law?" Not only isn't this factual in all of human evolution,
> >     but it's a pathetic indication of a warped and sick personality.
> Who in their right, or left, mind would claim that "property is NOT prior
> to law?"  Not only isn't this factual in all of human evolution,
> but it's a pathetic indication of a warped and sick personality.
> JN

Property is a legal creation. That concept could only come into being
agricultural surpluses. That came about 12000 years ago as evidenced
by cities
like Jericho and some in India. Cities needed laws for regulating
do to the complexity of a dense population.

Nomadic societies were generally communal.
Those societies developed communalism as the economic tool of
survival. Prior
to that the issues were territory and possessions. The only " right "
to territory and possessions was the right of might.

When you strip away the superficial legalisms, it still comes down to
Contracts, deeds, promissory notes, etc. only work as long as ALL of
agrees to play the game. When circumstances change we revert back to
the natural
laws of might makes right, and quantity ( of non property owners )
is mightier than property rights. That's the REAL bottom lime.

When enough wealth is monopolized by the most aggressive thieves in
the society,
they must monopolize the govt in order to get the govt to protect
their property.
Hence, property laws which protect property. ( Russia, USA, are
obvious examples.)

I find it funny that the same people who scoff at human rights take
rights so much more seriously. They positively pee in their pants when
questions the validity of property rights or does not assign the same
to the concept as they do. There is no reason to honor property rights
if you
don't own property. And everyone can't own property if it keeps
in the hands of the rich.

There are thousands of homeless, millions of renters, and after the
next economic downturn, millions of ex-property owners. What kind of
rights do you think they
will be pushing ?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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