-Caveat Lector-

>From Slate.CoM

> browser
> I Have Read the Future: At dinner. In a taxi. On the
> john. With my electronic book.
> By Jacob Weisberg
> Since the launch of Slate nearly three years ago, we've
> joked about how you'd know when online magazines were
> ready for mass consumption. It would be when you could
> take them, like print magazines, to the bathroom. Well,
> I'm here to tell you: I've read Slate on the john.
> Among the other places I have been reading Slate,
> Salon, an electronic version of the Wall Street
> Journal, and the e-texts of various novels and short
> stories, in last couple of weeks:
> Aloud to my wife in a car at night
> In a taxi, again at night
> While brushing my teeth
> On a plane without an overhead light
> Standing on the subway
> In bed
> While eating Chinese food with chopsticks
> These are situations in which reading is ordinarily
> either awkward or impossible. They present no
> challenge, however, to my new favorite gizmo, the
> Rocket eBook. I'm not what you would call an early
> adopter when it comes to consumer electronics. I don't
> have a DVD player, an MP3 player, or a Palm Pilot. But
> I'm ready to blow $499 on a Rocket as soon as I have to
> send my demo model back. This chunky little device,
> which weighs just under a pound and a half, actually
> deserves that overused epithet "revolutionary," because
> it has the power to change something as basic to human
> civilization as the way people read.
> A lot has happened since I wrote about e-books and
> libraries last fall. You can now actually buy two
> different models. One is the Softbook, which at $299
> appears less expensive than the Rocket but actually
> costs more because you must commit to spending $479 on
> books over two years as part of the package. The
> Softbook is a writing-tablet-size screen with a leather
> cover that gives off what someone must have imagined to
> be the musty scent of an old book (but is actually the
> smell of a new shoe). The Softbook's one big advantage
> is that you don't need a PC to use it. You buy books
> directly from Softbook and download them into the
> reader via a phone line. But the Softbook has two big
> disadvantages. The first is that it's poorly designed.
> The screen is hard to read, navigating text is clumsy,
> and the whole device has an unbalanced feel. The second
> drawback is it doesn't work. After reading a bit of
> preloaded text--The Sea Wolf, by Jack London--I
> couldn't download anything else, and my Softbook soon
> purged its preloaded content as well. The only other
> person I know who has a Softbook reports a similar
> failure.
> By contrast, the Rocket, which is made by a Silicon
> Valley start-up called NuvoMedia, is ergonomically
> sound, with the pleasing heft of a folded-over
> paperback. The screen is superb, and you get a choice
> of large or small print as well as a variety of
> lighting settings. You can orient the text horizontally
> or vertically and position the grip for left- or
> right-handed use. And because it doesn't need to be
> held open, you can read the Rocket one-handed. In fact,
> you can even prop it up and read no-handed if you're
> eating something greasy or shaving. All you need is one
> clean finger to click the "forward" and "back" buttons
> that move the text a page at a time. The battery lasts
> for some 30 hours before needing to be recharged. And
> while the process of getting stuff to read on the
> Rocket is a bit involved, it actually works remarkably
> well. First, you load the Rocket software onto your PC.
> Second, you register your eBook and get an ID and a
> password. Third, you go to the Barnes & Noble Web site,
> which is (but won't be for long) the exclusive
> distributor of Rocket-formatted content, and make your
> e-purchase. Fourth, Barnes & Noble sends you an e-mail
> message with a Web link that allows you to download
> what you've purchased into the "Rocket Library" on your
> PC. Fifth, you transfer your book from your PC's Rocket
> Library to your Rocket, which has 4 mb of memory
> (enough to hold 20 medium-length novels). The only
> hitch I encountered in this procedure was that Barnes &
> Noble took a few hours to e-mail the link I needed to
> download books I bought. (I understand that this is not
> an uncommon problem.) Instant gratification is an
> important part of the appeal of e-books, and I found
> this delay slightly maddening.
> There are other drawbacks of the sort you would expect
> from any infant technology. Barnes & Noble stocks only
> 524 eBook titles at present, an unfortunately large
> number of them in the business and self-help
> categories. You can buy Endless Referrals: Network Your
> Everyday Contacts Into Sales and Life Without Stress:
> The Far Eastern Antidote to Tension and Anxiety (which
> would seem to cancel each other out) but not Uncovering
> Clinton or The Ground Beneath Her Feet. Recent
> publications are gratuitously overpriced. The discount
> price of Angela's Ashes is $10.40 in paperback, $17.50
> in hardcover, and $20 for the eBook edition.
> This makes no sense when you consider that the
> publisher has eliminated such expenses as paper,
> printing, binding, warehousing, distribution, and
> "returns." Another advantage for publishers is that
> because a book is encrypted for a single user, it can't
> be copied, forwarded, or resold. So, why are publishers
> setting e-book list prices so high? Because they fear
> e-books, even as bookstores, including a sizable group
> of independent shops, embrace them. When you think
> about it, though, their positions might well be
> reversed.
> If e-books become a real alternative to p-books,
> publishers stand to gain by eliminating most of their
> fixed costs and by being able to keep everything in
> print forever. They might even envision cutting out the
> middleman, namely the bookstore. If I retailed books,
> I'd be worried. This, however, is only one scenario.
> Martin Eberhard, the CEO of NuvoMedia, thinks
> booksellers will remain part of the process. "When's
> the last time you went shopping for a Simon & Schuster
> book?" he asks. And it might be established authors who
> would try to do an end run around publishers. "It's not
> clear who gets disintermediated," he says.
> The really good news is that readers can
> disintermediate both publishers and booksellers and get
> thousands of books and magazines free. Just last week,
> Rocket released a beta version of software that lets
> anyone upload texts to its site, creating a kind of
> open-source library. The site offers Hamlet, the Art of
> War, and Aesop's Fables, among other titles. But more
> significantly, the Rocket eBook lets you download any
> text-based content from the Web or your hard drive.
> With the Rocket software, I downloaded Daisy Miller,
> Our Mutual Friend, and some other fiction in the public
> domain from the Project Gutenberg Web site before a
> transcontinental flight. Another feature I love is that
> you can find remembered passages by word-searching
> these texts. You can also highlight words and look them
> up in the pre-installed Random House Dictionary, though
> it didn't have "arras," which James Wood used in last
> week's discussion of Vladimir Nabokov in Slate's "Book
> Club" (it means "tapestry"). And I figured out how to
> download the full weekly text of Slate in one go by
> converting the Slate on Paper Microsoft Word file to
> the HTML format. (Late-model word processors allow you
> to use the "Save As" function to save documents in
> HTML.)
> E-books are going to evolve. They will get lighter,
> their screens will get more legible, and their
> batteries will last longer. Soon, they may do what a
> related device called the Audible can do, and actually
> read to you, either via sound files or text-to-voice
> software. E-books may converge with other handheld
> devices. You can use the newest palm-sized organizers
> as talking books or readers--though you wouldn't want
> to read a novel on one, at least not yet. Most
> important, e-books will get cheaper. They may even be
> given away, or sold at a token price with content
> purchase agreements or subscriptions, on the model of
> cell phones. But I have no doubt that they're coming.
> And when they truly arrive, I predict that the Rocket
> will be remembered as a landmark: The first
> demonstration that reading a "book" didn't require
> paper, ink, or even an overhead light.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
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                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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