The government, from William Jefferson Clinton to Madeline Albright to
Cohen, to the Governor of Oklahoma know the weather modification program
was responsible for the most devastating tornado in the history of in Ohio, we are now virtually in tornado
alley....Xenia, Governor John J. Gilligan knew the bible belt at that
time was the experimental station....

These people...oh so secret....they are so stupid, but when they know
this program is in full force, and the people are not adequately areas where they are not prepared or homes built for htis
type of a disaster....they are accomplices to murder.....give all of the
money they want to Oklahoma to rebuild....some are told in flood areas,
get out if you do not like it.....FEMA stands in line, and I imagine
Mrs. Dole will be there too with tears in her hand guns, but
it is okay to send out weather war upon an unsuspecting public.

Your news media knows about this program and remain silent; in Viet Nam
they brought on monsoons 6 months early using weather for a
weapon......Congressmen are elected every two years......that is where
you get good representation....

Only on the internet have I been able to pick up this weather
stuff....yet back in 1986, people who know play their little games and
suppress the truth - why, because his program has been classified..that
is why - and cui bono - well, not the USA - but remember, the United
Nations has a Resolution, where we are to "share" our weather with the
poor underdeveloped countries .... only they willl not hve to pay for
any portion of this program, the USA will...


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