-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  05/09/99) -- Special correspondent "Ru Mills" (pseudonym)
reports on the recent NATO  missile attack on the Chinese embassy
in Belgrade:

NATO Purposely Targeted Chinese Embassy
By "Ru Mills"

05.08.99 RMNews -- "NATO purposely targeted the Chinese Embassy",
says a usually reliable Rumor Mill News Source.  "It was done  to
derail the peace initiative being put forward by the Russians and
the Chinese."

The  Source  went on to say that the Big Three socialist leaders,
United States, President Clinton, Britain's Prime Minister Blair,
and  Germany's  Chancellor  Gerhard  Schroder,  need  to  win  in
Yugoslavia no matter what the  costs.  The precedent being set by
this action will forever put an end to national  sovereignty  and
will usher in the One World Government.

Countries  will  no  longer  be  in charge of what happens inside
their borders.  An  international  watch  dog  group will oversee
everything from farming to religion.  If  a  country  refuses  to
comply  with  international  treaties  put  forth  by  the United
Nations, it will face the Serbian Solution.

Jesse Jackson threw a  monkey  wrench  in  the Big Three's bid to
bring Milosevic to his knees.  Not only did  Jackson  go  against
his  old  friend, Bill Clinton and travel to Belgrade, but he did
it under the threat of  death  from  NATO bombs.  The mission was
successful.  So successful, in fact, that  Jesse  Jackson  became
the  senior  statesman  and  diplomat  who  suggested a course of
action which would end the killing.

Russian leaders agreed to  broker  a peace agreement between NATO
and Milosevic.  When it appeared that the Russian  agreement  was
going  to  be  successful  in  stopping the "ethnic cleansing" of
Kosovo, the Big  Three  had  to  act  and  act fast.  The Russian
agreement had Kosovo staying part of Serbia,  with  no  autonomy.
If  this  were let to stand it would mean that Milosevic had won.
He had successfully  cleansed  part  of  Kosovo  of Muslims.  The
Muslims would not be able to turn Kosovo  into  a  Muslim  nation
with  its  own  language,  alphabet,  schools, religion, army and
police force.

The solution proposed  by  Russia  would  mean that all countries
would be able to control what went on within their  own  borders.
It  would  mean  that  California  would  be able to call out the
National Guard or the Army if the Atzlan Liberation Army demanded
autonomy for southern California.

This  solution  did  not  fit  into  the  plan  for  a  one world
government  with  no  borders  and   no   national   sovereignty.
Therefore  the  plan  had  to  be derailed immediately.  With the
tensions rising  between  the  United  States  and  China, it was
decided that by striking the Chinese Embassy, the  already  rocky
relationship between the two countries would be further inflamed.
The more Chinese killed, the better.

The second reason behind the choice of the Chinese Embassy was to
push  China  into  attacking  Taiwan and reclaiming the island of
Formosa and making it part of China once again.  RMNews will soon
be reissuing an article written in 1996 about the coming war with

The Kosovo autonomy plan being  put  forth  by the Big Three does
not sit well with either China or Russia.  China  still  believes
Taiwan  belongs  to  them.   Russia is still having problems with
provinces like Chechnya that want  to break away and become their
own country.  If  NATO's  Serbian  Solution  is  successful,  all
groups of ethnic people, no matter where they are living, will be
able  to  break  away  from  their  countries  and form their own
autonomous and independent nations.

Imagine what New York  City  will  look  like  if the Big Three's
Serbian Solution is successful.  The Puerto Ricans  will  declare
themselves  an  autonomous  nation,  as  will  the  Haitians, the
Russians, the Italians, the  Chinese.   Each new nation will draw
its own borders and if  there  are  border  disputes,  wars  will

What is the  purpose for such planned chaos?

Tribal war, the destabilization and  depopulation of the world.

After   several   years  of  chaos,  confusion  and  mass  ethnic
cleansing, the United Nations will be asked.... begged to come in
and bring stability and order to the world.

The Hegelian dialectic  theory  of  an  evolving history is being
played out here with a New World Order slant.  The  Thesis  is  a
world full of sovereign nations.  The Antithesis is ethnic tribes
wanting  to  breakaway and form their own nations.  The Synthesis
becomes  worldwide  wars  which  cause  famine,  pestilence,  and
massive death.

After a period of time, the survivors  will beg for an end to the
wars.  Out of the chaos brought about by the Synthesis of the old
Thesis and Antithesis comes the new Thesis.  The new Thesis  will
be  a  world with no borders, no sovereign nations, and no ethnic
tribes of people.  The New World  Order will finally have the One
World Government they have been trying to achieve for  millennia.
It  will be one based on their needs and it will have very little
to do with the desires or needs of the common people.  The coming
world will seem more like the company towns or feudal kingdoms of
past ages.

The Big Three cannot allow  Russia  and  China to find a solution
which ends their war.  For the Big Three to achieve their goal of
a One World Government, their war must spread  until  it  engulfs
the world.

War  will  also  keep the economy from crashing.  This means that
people who have  their  retirement  funds  invested  in the stock
market  will  have  to  learn  how  to   compartmentalize   their
humanitarian  feelings.   Because  if  they choose to protest the
war, as we did with the  Viet  Nam war, the market may crash, and
they may lose their comfy retirement.

Is the World safer now than it was in 1992?

I think not.

The only way to end the Kosovo crisis is for the  United  States,
Britain  and  Germany  to  toss  out  their socialist leaders and
replace them with men  or  women  who  will put national concerns
ahead of creating a One World Government.

 # # #

The long awaited Rumor Mill News web page is finally up!
<A HREF="http://www.rumormillnews.com/">Rumor Mill News</A>

The  web page is under construction.  There are still many things
that need to be done by  the  web master.  The archives will soon
be reformatted into a more readable form and new things are still
being added.

In  the  meantime,  please  sign  up  for  the  Onelist  Updates.
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Until I am able  to  post my stories the moment
they are finished, the  only  way  you  will  stay  updated  with
breaking information is to be on the Rumor Mill News list server.

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