Title: The LightHouse Press; Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins and other food additives

The LightHouse Press The LightHouse Press

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Click Here to Check Out Our New Book On Finding and Eliminating Hidden Sources of Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins and other food additives from your diet!

Toxin to be funded for mass distribution
and use on our crops!
Please see this email from a MSG sufferer just like you!
Protect yourself by contacting NSF Today! Links follow text.


Dear Annie:

We really need your help!

National Science Foundation has awarded a grant to Auxein Corporation to help them promote spraying MSG on crops.  A friend found the following while searching the Web for Auxein Corporation.

Please, please, please call
Program Contact Kesh Narayanan
and protest!

The Internet address where the announcement can be found is  Here's the content of the press release and some other information (following) on Auxein Corp and their dangerous product, AuxiGro which is made up of over 30% free glutamic acid or MSG! Check out the label that states the ingredients - it says its highly toxic and to keep away from animals and children! It's appalling! How can they get away with this!?

NSF PR 98-42    (National Science Foundation:  Press Release 9842

Media contact: Gregory Lester (703) 306-1070
Program contact: Kesh Narayanan (703) 306-1390

National Science Foundation is
Taking Small Business Into a
New Phase of Innovation

The National Science Foundation (NSF) will award four grants in a new pilot
program intended to bridge the gap between technology research and
commercialization by providing incentives for Small Business Innovation
Research (SBIR) grantees to seek partnerships with investors. The new SBIR
Phase IIB Pilot Program supplements the already successful SBIR effort at NSF.

"SBIR has always been a catalyst for the growth of small high-tech
businesses," said Kesh Narayanan, NSF director of industrial innovation.
found that the top 50 successful small business grantees (representing about
10 percent of all Phase II grantees) have accounted for $2.2 billion in direct
sales and created 10,000 jobs. The pilot program will help give other small
high-tech companies the opportunity to make this sort of impact."
[and give at least one of these "pilot programs" the "right" to poison our food supply and, though, creating jobs and "abundance", cause a huge increase in disease and the occurance of chronic illness; putting millions of American AT RISK!]

NSF selected four small businesses to participate in the pilot program based
on the intellectual merit and potential impact of their research: Polatomic
Corporation, for a miniaturized device to measure the properties of planetary
magnetic fields; Pericle Communications Company, for their work to develop a
method to double the signal capacity of cellular radio networks; New Light
Industries, for the design and application of a holographic printer; and
Auxein Corporation, for the development of a metabolic primer to enhance plant

SBIR is a congressionally mandated program initiated at the NSF in 1977 to
promote the development of innovative technologies by small science and
technology-based businesses. SBIR grants are awarded in two phases. Projects
under Phase I are funded for a six-month feasibility study. If the projects
are determined eligible, they may receive funding for the principal research
effort under Phase II. After Phase II, grant recipients are expected to pursue
commercial applications of their research without the support of government

The Phase IIB Pilot Program allows small businesses to continue their research
while securing the support of third-party investors. This financial support,
in fact, is the main requirement for receiving Phase IIB grants.
To be
eligible, the third-party investor must commit a minimum of $100,000. NSF will
then match up to 50 percent of funds received, but no more than $100,000.

Grant recipients can use the third-party money to tailor their technologies to
the specific needs of the investors.
However, they can only use the NSF funds
to continue research related to the ongoing Phase II work.

"Not all projects in Phase II necessarily need Phase IIB funding," said
"We see the new pilot program as a way to encourage SBIR grantees
to bring their high-tech products to the marketplace by forming partnerships
with investors."

Attachment: SBIR Phase IIB Projects


A Metabolic Primer To Increase Plant Growth and Productivity
Auxein Corporation Lansing, Michigan

The Auxein Corporation will use the Phase IIB grant to commercialize its
AuxiGroTM Wp Plant Metabolic Primer. AuxigroTM enhances plant growth and
productivity by improving how well a plant uses nutrients. The active

ingredients of AuxigroTM occur naturally in all plants and therefore do not
pose a threat to the environment as do some fertilizers, pesticides and plant
growth regulators.

(click here to go to article describing ingredients of AuxiGroTM Wp and also a copy of the actual label used on the product and see if you think it is so non-threatening!)

Auxein has already demonstrated the effectiveness [not safety]of AuxigroTM in the
laboratory, greenhouse and field. Currently, AuxigroTM is labeled for use only
on a limited variety of crops, so Auxein will conduct further field trials to
demonstrate the product's ability to enhance production of other crops such as
grapes, citrus and nuts. Researchers also seek to establish the value of
applying their product to row crops, such as corn, and for bedding and garden
plants. {Contact: Alan Kinnersley,

Scroll here for MORE Information about MSG!
Hidden sources of.Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins and other food additives in our food and cosmetic products may actually be causing more harm than good.
The Feel Good Handbook details how Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins and other food additives can either enhance your symptoms, causing more problems, or masquerade as serious illnesses, causing misdiagnosis and probable harm, or just plain make your life miserable.

What ever your challenge, if you feel that Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins and other food additives are causing you a problem and you'd like to eliminate them from your life style, check this book out! The first thing you have to do to eliminate Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins and other food additives from your diet is to FIND them.

The Feel Good Handbook has the most up to date list of hidden sources of
Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins, as well as, other substances
that could be affecting your health! It will also help you to discover how you could be
"manufacturing" Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins, as well as,
other substances in your own kitchen! It helps you to identify over 50 products on store
store shelves today that say that they contain "NO MSG", yet actually do contain potentially
harmful quantities of Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins, as well as, other substances that can put your health at risk.

The Feel Good Handbook also covers the importance of knowing what you are feeding your children and seniors in your care, especially if they are "chronically ill" with heart, digestive, ear, nose, throat or lung problems. Parents of children with behavior disorders such as ADD, ADHD, Autism, chronic asthma, depression or telling signs such as bed-wetting, ear infections, flu-like symptoms, unexplained rashes, mood shifts - Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins, as well as, other substances can affect various neurological systems in the body and cause dis-function and eventually, or immediately, dis-ease. It has been proven that Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins, can bypass the blood brain barrier and cause a great deal of trauma to anyone, at any age, however, again, the most vunerable are the young, elderly and chronically ill.

Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins, as well as, other substances can be considered "natural" products - so items in health food stores, even USDA choice meats and fish can be covered with substances that can cause you to react and you might never suspect they were there!

Learn more about how Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins, as well as, other substances could be affecting you or your loved ones! Order a copy, or two, today!

You can order it online from AMAZON.COM or now!

Use the text links above and search for
ISBN# 0-9662169-9-7 or use the keywords of Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins or food additives.

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Last modified - Jan 99- All Rights Reserved © The LightHouse Press 1998, 1999
* MSG Free is a "service mark" of The LightHouse Press. 1998, 1999

The Feel Good Handbook is copyright property of The LightHouse Press. 1998, 1999
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