-Caveat Lector-

Interesting, and he makes some good points. What I definitely do not agree
with is Hoffmans anti-abortion proselitizing. What is Hoffmans answer then to
woman who want to have an abortion. Would he force them to have the baby and
then give it up for adoption? What about crack babies and woman who are
raped, do they have to gve birth too? It seems Hoffman has become
indoctrinated himself with all the hype about abortion issues. In England and
most other European countries there is no where near the kind of hatred and
divisiveness on the abortion issue as there is in America. I wonder why?
(kind of ironic really;anti-abortionists killing doctors who perform
abortions)One other point which somebody on the list might be able to help me
with is what my wife was telling me the other day. That more woman (and
embryo's) died getting illegal abortions in 50' s and 60's America than the
1.5 approx million abortions that there are today. This could be media
manipulating stats. Gavin.

<< A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date--Addendum

 Hoffman's website: http://www.hoffman-info.com

 THE HOFFMAN WIRE, April 22, 1999

 Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

 The Mirror World of Columbine

 Media Bypass Talk-show host Pat Shannan recently had Michael A. Hoffman II
 as a guest on his radio program, discussing Hoffman's new work, "Profiling
 the FBI's Unabom Charade." With regard to the Littleton, Colorado high
 school massacre, Mr. Shannan posed the following question-via e-mail:

 Dear Michael

 I understand that you predicted this Colorado tragedy. I may want to do a
 story with the Satanic tie-in with these Sodomites and several previous
 school shootings. What evidence exists of a CIA and MK-Ultra influence?

 Thanks, Pat


 There is no evidence of a CIA or MK-Ultra influence. Most programming cues
 are now in our mass media culture itself. Watch Wesley Snipes in the
 gruesome and despicable 1998 film, "Blade" and Keanu Reeves in the current
 "Matrix," both blazing away in their trench coats.  The Trench Coat Mafia
 was made in Hollywood, in spite of these films' do-gooder facades, which
 only fool adults who want to be fooled. The dark and bloody symbolism is
 paramount. The medium is the message.

 The best and brightest kids will not take New World Order bureaucratic
 regulation. Our centralized mega-schools have become immense factories not
 only of anti-white indoctrination, but of micro-management of young people's
 lives, preparing them for more of the same in the adult world.

 Public school students have little if any understanding of their hereditary,
 Common Law and Constitutional rights. They are increasingly herded like
 assembly-line automatons. The elite among them intuitively revolt. Once our
 people as a whole would have rebelled. It was a common pastime of the
 English people to hurl rocks at the royal carriage during the reign of
 George I (1714-1727). Bill Clinton would have been routinely stoned and spat
 upon by our ancestors.

 Unfortunately, disaffected youth today turn toward the Hegelian fake
 alternative: System-certified "rebels," the System's manufactured image of
 Hitler, System-distributed videos and films--most of which have implanted
 behavior cues for these elite kids to emulate and create the kind of mayhem,
 murder and suicide the System needs to build its police state.

 American forces are presently terror-bombing the Serbian people for "peace,"
 and Americans have butchered 37 million unborn babies on the altar of
 convenience, in abortions. President Clinton rapes and abuses women like
 cattle, perjures himself and remains the beloved leader of the soft-spoken
 liberal humanists and feminists. America has become a pathological culture
 of violence against the innocent while a jaded populace of movie-goers and
 TV spectators are mesmerized by ever more deadening hyper-violence on the

 The message of Oliver Stone's much maligned movie, "Natural Born Killers"
 (NBK), one of the few Hollywood films to critique and lampoon the culture of
 death, was that, in the face of killings like those in Colorado, the
 suposedly "shocked and saddened" TV networks gleefully market and sell the
 violence at a profit,  just like they sell tampons and toilet paper. I
 discuss this phenomenon at length in my book, "Secret Societies and
 Psychological Warfare."

 Stone's NBK pointed out that the source of the violence is America's culture
 and the media that drives it. NBK concludes with a song by Leonard Cohen
 attacking perverted sex and abortion. I am not an Oliver Stone fan, but in
 this rare instance, he hit the media where it hurts. For this reason his
 film is deliberately stigmatized and falsified as the evil paradigm for
 future killers.

 The racist/Hitler angle: one of the members of the Colorado Trench Coat
 Mafia was a Hispanic girl named Alejandra who the media have now nicknamed
 Alex in order to conceal her ethnicity.  As one of the Littleton killers'
 friends noted, these boys were equal-opportunity haters--they hated everyone
 and mostly they hated their fellow white students who comprised the majority
 of their victims. The killers even spared a Jewish student, Aaron Cohn.

 Hitler's birthday was April 20 but these kids--if indeed they were seeking
 to pay perverse tribute to Hitler with their carnage--had no idea who Hitler
 was. They are simply taking the Jewish media image of Hitler which is
 obsessively broadcast and published on a weekly basis, and embracing it as
 their Hitler. In other words, Hitler for them is a symbol of Nietzschean
 power and defiance, beyond good and evil, beyond compromise and it is to
 that image that they may have attached themselves.

 The "racism" angle is largely manufactured by the media, who would like to
 pass restrictive gun laws as well as "hate" laws on the backs of these
 student cadavers. There are Hitler cults among Mexicans, among Arabs,
 Africans and American Blacks and many other diverse people who identify
 Hitler largely with anti-Judaism but not anti-black or anti-Mestizo racism.
 Hitler certainly was less racist than many British leaders and he was not
 principally driven by hatred for other races, other than so-called "Jews."
 If the System doesn't want to witness any more violent Hitler admirers
 perhaps they should stop manufacturing them.

 This writer's March 29 HOFFMAN WIRE warning of a schoolhouse massacre was
 predicated on my reading of the symbolic language of violence being conveyed
 by NATO in Yugoslavia. This, together with the horrible brutalization
 administered by the highly profitable video-game and Hollywood splatter-film
 industry, creates mass murderers more effectively than any CIA training.

 As I note in "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare," the process is
 now out in the open. We have had certain open-air masonic rituals in America
 almost since its inception, but in this Revelation of the Method era, these
 rituals have emerged in full view; sometimes under the rubric of "serial
 killings" (like the JFK assassination and Unabom) but increasingly in our

 Couple this with gigantic schools like Columbine, the size of a small city,
 and one creates the faceless anonymity of the Brave New World, flush with
 cash but ultimately soulless. Young people are always attuned to hypocrisy.
 Their antenna for  detecting it is acute. They know that if they become
 pregnant they are urged by their "caring" teachers and parents not to become
 a teenage mother, but rather to kill their child with abortion. They can
 procure these bloody abortions but they can't smoke cigarettes.

 No Judeo-Churchian priest or minister, no Al Gore or Bill Clinton, no
 talking-head from CBS or CNN is going to cure the society that created
 Columbine's carnage.

 Had the boys who did the killing at Columbine survived, they would have
 deserved the death penalty and the public execution of such perpetrators
 would go far toward deterring similar crimes. But our therapeutic state will
 have nothing to do with Biblical punishment.  The psychiatric state
 manufactures and feeds on madness. Where would the multi-billion dollar
 prison industry be without it?

 But having said that, I acknowledge that the two boys who did the killing
 were potentially America's best and brightest. They were unwilling to play
 the corrupt game, to be politically correct. Unfortunately they grew to
 manhood in an era when there are almost no genuine alternative movements
 capable of channeling their rage into something positive and truly

 Paul Weyrich was onto " the vision thing" recently when he condemned
 mainstream American society and advocated that we build our own separatist
 schools and communities. There has a been a failure of vision and not only
 in refusing to be separate. White racialists are hopelessly compromised by
 their inability to factor Freemasonic subversion into the history of how
 whites became the enemy in America; people like the well-meaning
 conservative Joseph Farah, an avowed culture-critic, praise the film
 "Matrix" without even being conscious of the Trench Coat Mafia programming
 embedded in the film.

 We need a cleansing. We can't get better until we get a radically new
 perspective. For many this may not entail anything more dramatic than
 turning off the video, the computer and the TV for a few months and reading
 the great books of the West, beginning with Homer and perhaps concluding
 with Dickens. Such reading sharpens the mind in ways electronic media
 cannot. For others it may require a lengthier sojourn, Amish-style, in rural
 America. As Y2K begins to emerge as something far less than the "end of
 civilization as we know it," let us retain the back-to-the-land and
 self-reliance instincts that propelled the Y2Kers, while jettisoning the
 false prophets who made a bundle fueling their panic and hysteria.

 Moreover, the cities too are fertile areas for another kind of renewal:
 intense community action and cooperation and the revival of classical

 America is sick, both right and left, conservative and liberal. But she can
 be healed. It requires separating ourselves as far as possible from the
 occult infection which has assailed our country from its founding.

 The occult name for America is Columbia. A bine, as anyone who has worked on
 a haying crew on a farm knows, is a cutting tool. Columbine literally
 signifies the cutting of America. It's a Jack the Ripper mutilation process
 and it will take more than being angry or upset to stop this madness.

 In "Secret Societies and P >>

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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